In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf ipc pkt-info chassis chassis-number
slot slot-number interface-type interface-number command on each IRF physical interface. This
command displays statistics about IPC packets sent and received by an interface.
If the command does not display any packet statistics, verify that the irf-port-configuration
active command has been executed.
If the command displays packet loss statistics, contact HP Support to identify the cause.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf topoinfo chassis chassis-number slot
slot-number command to check the status of each card that provides IRF physical interfaces. Make
sure a minimum of one card is active. If no card is active, contact HP Support to identify the cause.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf portinfo chassis chassis-number slot
slot-number command to collect the IRF physical interface status and outgoing interface
information. If any abnormalities occur, contact HP Support to identify the cause.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf stm debugging chassis
chassis-number slot slot-number all on command. Use this command to collect the STM packet
debugging information on each card that provides IRF physical interfaces. Send the collected
information to HP Support to verify that the packet format and contents are correct.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf stm pkt-info chassis chassis-number
slot slot-number command to display STM packet statistics for an MPU. Use this command to verify
that STM packets can be forwarded from the active MPU on a device to the active MPU on the
other device.
If the problem persists, contact HP Support.
Cross-chassis traffic forwarding failure
Traffic cannot be forwarded across chassis in an IRF fabric.
To resolve the problem:
Verify that the device configuration is correct and the IRF ports are up.
Execute the display ip statistics chassis chassis-number slot slot-number command to verify that the
source card has sent out the traffic successfully.
If the traffic forwarding fails, contact HP Support to identify the cause.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal ibd pkt-info chassis chassis-number slot
slot-number verbose command for the cards through which the traffic is forwarded. Verify that
traffic from the source card can be forwarded to the cards that have IRF physical interfaces in the
local chassis. If traffic forwarding fails, contact HP Support to identify the cause.
In probe view, execute the display hardware internal wanirf ibd pkt-info chassis chassis-number
slot slot-number interface-type interface-number command for each IRF physical interface of the
member devices. Use this command to verify that an IRF physical interface can send and receive
IBD packets. If a physical interface cannot send or receive packets, contact HP Support to identify
the cause.