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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction...............7 This manual..................7 Intended audience................7 Product documentation...............8 Product documentation set............8 Document revision history............. 9 Related documents..............10 Document symbols and conventions..........10 Symbols..................10 Document conventions..............11 IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping...........12 Section 2 Safety information............
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Table of contents Section 5 Configuring the IED and changing settings....41 Overview...................41 Configuring analog CT inputs............42 Supervision of input/output modules..........42 Section 6 Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication............... 45 Entering settings................45 Entering SPA settings..............45 Entering IEC settings..............45 Verifying the communication............
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Table of contents How to undo forcing changes and return the IED to normal operation..................65 Undo forcing by using TESTMODE component.....65 Undo forcing by using LHMI........... 65 Undo forcing by using PCM600..........65 Section 9 Testing functionality by secondary injection....67 Testing disturbance report..............67 Introduction..................67 Disturbance report settings............67...
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Table of contents Apparatus control APC..............83 Single command, 16 signals SINGLECMD......... 84 Interlocking.................. 84 Logic....................84 Tripping logic, common 3-phase output SMPPTRC ....84 3 phase operating mode............84 1ph/3ph operating mode............85 1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode..........86 Circuit breaker lockout............87 Completing the test..............87 Monitoring..................88 Gas medium supervision SSIMG..........
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Table of contents Completing the test..............98 Exit test mode...................98 Section 10 Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system.............. 99 Commissioning tests................ 99 Periodic maintenance tests.............. 99 Visual inspection................100 Maintenance tests..............100 Preparation................100 Recording................101 Secondary injection.............. 101 Alarm test................101 Self supervision check............101 Trip circuit check..............
Section 1 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v18 The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for the checking of external circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying settings by secondary injection.
Section 1 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set GUID-3AA69EA6-F1D8-47C6-A8E6-562F29C67172 v15 Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual Cyber security deployment guideline IEC07000220-4-en.vsd IEC07000220 V4 EN-US Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
Section 1 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Introduction describes the process of testing an IED in a station which is not in service. The chapters are organized in the chronological order in which the IED should be commissioned. The relevant procedures may be followed also during the service and maintenance activities.
Section 1 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Introduction The caution hot surface icon indicates important information or warning about the temperature of product surfaces. Class 1 Laser product. Take adequate measures to protect the eyes and do not view directly with optical instruments. The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text.
Section 1 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Introduction • the character ^ in front of an input/output signal name indicates that the signal name may be customized using the PCM600 software. • the character * after an input signal name indicates that the signal must be connected to another function block in the application configuration to achieve a valid application configuration.
Section 2 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Safety information Section 2 Safety information Symbols on the product GUID-E48F2EC3-6AB8-4ECF-A77E-F16CE45CA5FD v2 All warnings must be observed. Read the entire manual before doing installation or any maintenance work on the product. All warnings must be observed. Class 1 Laser product.
Section 2 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Safety information M2364-2 v1 Always use suitable isolated test pins when measuring signals in open circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present. M2370-2 v1 Never connect or disconnect a wire and/or a connector to or from a IED during normal operation.
Section 2 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Safety information Caution signs IP1503-1 v1 GUID-5D1412B8-8F9D-4D39-B6D1-60FB35797FD0 v1 Whenever changes are made in the IED, measures should be taken to avoid inadvertent tripping. GUID-F2A7BD77-80FB-48F0-AAE5-BE73DE520CC2 v1 The IED contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions Section 3 Available functions GUID-F5776DD1-BD04-4872-BB89-A0412B4B5CC3 v1 The following tables list all the functions available in the IED. Those functions that are not exposed to the user or do not need to be configured are not described in this manual. Back-up protection functions GUID-A8D0852F-807F-4442-8730-E44808E194F0 v13 IEC 61850 or...
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Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Bay control function name REC650 (A02) SINGLECMD Single command, 16 signals I103CMD Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103GENCMD Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103 I103POSCMD IED commands with position and select for IEC 60870-5-103 I103POSCMDV IED direct commands with position for IEC 60870-5-503 I103IEDCMD...
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Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions Table 2: Number of function instances in APC10 Function name Function description Total number of instances SCILO Interlocking BB_ES A1A2_BS A1A2_DC ABC_BC BH_CONN BH_LINE_A BH_LINE_B DB_BUS_A DB_BUS_B DB_LINE ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO SCSWI Switch controller SXSWI Circuit switch QCRSV...
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Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions Table 4: Total number of instances for configurable logic blocks Q/T Configurable logic blocks Q/T Total number of instances ANDQT INDCOMBSPQT INDEXTSPQT INVALIDQT INVERTERQT ORQT PULSETIMERQT RSMEMORYQT SRMEMORYQT TIMERSETQT XORQT IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Bay control...
Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Bay control function name REC650 (A02) I103AR Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 I103EF Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 I103FLTPROT Function status fault protection for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103SUPERV...
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Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Bay control function name REC650 (A02) GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive GOOSEDPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a double point value GOOSEINTRCV GOOSE function block to receive an integer value GOOSEMVRCV GOOSE function block to receive a measurand value GOOSESPRCV...
Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v12 Table 5: Basic IED functions IEC 61850 or function Description name INTERRSIG Self supervision with internal event list TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization module BININPUT, Time synchronization SYNCHCAN, SYNCHGPS, SYNCHCMPPS, SYNCHLON, SYNCHPPH,...
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Section 3 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Available functions IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description name FNKEYTY1–FNKEYTY5 Parameter setting function for HMI in PCM600 FNKEYMD1– FNKEYMD5 LEDGEN General LED indication part for LHMI OPENCLOSE_LED LHMI LEDs for open and close keys GRP1_LED1–...
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up Section 4 Starting up Factory and site acceptance testing GUID-38C2B5FA-9210-4D85-BA21-39CE98A1A84A v2 Testing the proper IED operation is carried out at different occasions, for example: • Acceptance testing • Commissioning testing • Maintenance testing This manual describes the workflow and the steps to carry out the commissioning testing.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up • Three-phase test kit or other test equipment depending on the complexity of the configuration and functions to be tested. • PC with PCM600 installed along with the connectivity packages corresponding to the IEDs to be tested. •...
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up To ensure that the IED is according to the delivery and ordering specifications documents delivered together with each IED, the user should also after start-up use the built in HMI to check the IED's: •...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up To connect PCM600 to the IED, two basic variants must be considered. • Direct point-to-point link between PCM600 and the IED front port. The front port can be seen as a service port. •...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up IEC13000057-1-en.vsd IEC13000057 V1 EN-US Figure 3: Select: Search programs and files Type View network connections and click on the View network connections icon. Bay control REC650 2.2 IEC Commissioning manual...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up IEC13000058-1-en.vsd IEC13000058 V1 EN-US Figure 4: Click View network connections Right-click and select Properties. IEC13000059-1-en.vsd IEC13000059 V1 EN-US Figure 5: Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties Select the TCP/IPv4 protocol from the list of configured components using this connection and click Properties.
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Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up IEC13000060-1-en.vsd IEC13000060 V1 EN-US Figure 6: Select the TCP/IPv4 protocol and open Properties Select Use the following IP address and define IP address and Subnet mask if the front port is used and if the IP address is not set to be obtained automatically by the IED, see Figure 7.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up IEC13000062-1-en.vsd IEC13000062 V1 EN-US Figure 7: Select: Use the following IP address Use the ping command to verify connectivity with the IED. Close all open windows and start PCM600. The PC and IED must belong to the same subnetwork for this set- up to work.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up When the configuration is written and completed, the IED is automatically set into normal mode. For further instructions please refer to the users manuals for PCM600. Checking CT circuits M12182-2 v15 Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection diagram.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up If the CT secondary circuit earth connection is removed without the current transformer primary being de-energized, dangerous voltages may result in the secondary CT circuits. Checking VT circuits M11724-2 v10 Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection diagram. Correct possible errors before continuing to test the circuitry.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up Not until the test handle is completely removed, the trip and alarm circuits are restored for operation. Verify that the contact sockets have been crimped correctly and that they are fully inserted by tugging on the wires. Never do this with current circuits in service.
Section 4 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Starting up 4.11 Checking optical connections M16022-2 v7 Check that the Tx and Rx optical connections are correct. An IED equipped with optical connections has an minimum space requirement of 180 mm for plastic fiber cables and 275 mm for glass fiber cables.
Section 5 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Configuring the IED and changing settings Section 5 Configuring the IED and changing settings Overview M11730-2 v6 The customer specific values for each setting parameter and a configuration file have to be available before the IED can be set and configured, if the IED is not delivered with a configuration.
Section 5 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Configuring the IED and changing settings Configuring analog CT inputs M12312-6 v8 The analog input channels must be configured to get correct measurement results as well as correct protection functionality. Because all protection algorithms in the IED utilize the primary system quantities, it is extremely important to make sure that connected current transformer settings are done properly.
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Section 5 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Configuring the IED and changing settings Each logical I/O module has an error flag that indicates signal or module failure. The error flag is also set when the physical I/O module of the correct type is not detected in the connected slot.
Section 6 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication Section 6 Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication Entering settings M11735-2 v2 If the IED is connected to a monitoring or control system via the rear SPA/IEC103 port, the SPA/IEC103 port has to be set either for SPA or IEC103 use.
Section 6 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication Set the port for IEC use on the local HMI under Main menu / Configuration /Communication /Station communication/Port configuration/SLM optical serial port/PROTOCOL:1. When the communication protocol is selected, the IED is automatically restarted, and the port then operates as an IEC port.
Section 6 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that the events and indications in the IEC master system are as expected. Fibre optic loop M11905-3 v6 The SPA communication is mainly used for SMS.
Section 7 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication Section 7 Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication Communication via the rear ports M12196-2 v1 7.1.1 LON communication M12196-4 v5 LON communication is normally used in station automation systems. Optical fiber is used within the substation as the physical communication link.
Section 7 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication The fibre optic LON bus is implemented using either glass core or plastic core fibre optic cables. Table 10: Specification of the fibre optic connectors Glass fibre Plastic fibre Cable connector ST-connector...
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Section 7 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication • The node addresses of the other connected IEDs. • The network variable selectors to be used. This is organized by LNT. The node address is transferred to LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter ServicePinMsg = Yes.
Section 7 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication Table 13: ADE Non group settings (basic) Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description Operation Operation TimerClass Slow Slow Timer class Normal Fast LON commands are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/ Communication/Station communication/Port configuration/SLM optical LON pot/Service Pin Messae/Generate service pin message Table 14:...
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation Section 8 Testing IED operation Preparing for test IP336-1 v1 8.1.1 Requirements M11740-2 v9 IED test requirements: • Calculated settings • Application configuration diagram • Signal matrix (SMT) configuration • Terminal connection diagram •...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation Prepare the IED for test before testing a particular function. Consider the logic diagram of the tested protection function when performing the test. All included functions in the IED are tested according to the corresponding test instructions in this chapter.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation 8.1.2 Preparing the IED to verify settings M11741-2 v11 If a test switch is included, start preparation by making the necessary connections to the test switch. This means connecting the test equipment according to a specific and designated IED terminal diagram.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation Activating the test mode M11412-2 v14 Put the IED into the test mode before testing. The test mode blocks all protection functions and some of the control functions in the IED, and the individual functions to be tested can be unblocked to prevent unwanted operation caused by other functions.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation are given a chance to decay before the trip circuits are restored. When the latches are released, the handle can be completely withdrawn from the test switch, restoring the trip circuits to the protection IED. If a test switch is not used, perform measurement according to the provided circuit diagrams.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation IN (I4,I5) UN (U4,U5) TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 IEC 61850 IEC09000652-1-en.vsd IEC09000652 V1 EN-US Figure 9: Connection example of the test equipment to the IED when test equipment is connected to the transformer input module Releasing the function to be tested M11413-2 v7 Release or unblock the function to be tested.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation active. All functions that were blocked or released in a previous test mode session, that is, the parameter Test mode is set to On, are reset when a new test mode session is started. Procedure Click the Function test modes menu.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation Testing the protection functionality GUID-125B6F28-D3E5-4535-9CD6-6C056B79F496 v2 Each protection function must be tested individually by secondary injection. • Verify operating levels (trip) and timers. • Verify alarm and blocking signals. • Use the disturbance handling tool in PCM600 to evaluate that the protection function has received the correct data and responded correctly (signaling and timing).
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation IEC15000029 V1 EN-US Exit back to the root menu. Select Yes in the save dialogue box. Once the IED is in test mode the yellow Start LED starts to blink. Enable forcing using TESTMODE function block GUID-DD17B7D6-516F-4561-9D30-906B968EAFE0 v1 •...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation IEC15000021 V1 EN-US Figure 10: Value line of the desired signal Use the up/down arrows on the LHMI to change the signal value or the appropriate menu in PCM600. The status of the signal changes automatically to Forced (i.e. there is no need to set the status to Forced manually).
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation appear “frozen” at the value selected by the user, even if the IED is switched off and back on again. Freezing a signal value without changing it GUID-FD76AAC1-7098-47D3-A3A1-6ACDF509ED91 v1 • Set the status of a signal to Forced, in the forcing menu that corresponds to the I/O card in question.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation IEC15000023 V1 EN-US Click Start editing signal value for forcing on the tool bar. IEC15000024 V1 EN-US The Signal Monitoring menu changes and indicates the forcing values that can be edited. IEC15000025 V1 EN-US Select and edit the values.
Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation IEC15000032 V1 EN-US Regardless if the forcing changes are commited or canceled, the forcing is still active. To force more signals, click the button Start editing signal value for forcing again. 8.8.4 How to undo forcing changes and return the IED to normal operation...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing IED operation Uncheck Forcing Session under the menu IED. IEC15000031 V1 EN-US Click Yes in the confirmation dialogue box. PCM600 will revert all forced signals back to unforced and the real signal values will immediately take effect again. This may change both binary input values and output relay states and will undo any forcing done by using the LHMI.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Section 9 Testing functionality by secondary injection Testing disturbance report 9.1.1 Introduction M17101-2 v6 The following sub-functions are included in the disturbance report function: • Disturbance recorder • Event list •...
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection A new recording begins. The view is updated if you leave the menu and return. 1.2. Navigate to General information or to Trip values to obtain more detailed information. Open the Disturbance handling tool for the IED in the plant structure in PCM600.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection When the IED is brought into normal service it is recommended to delete all events resulting from commissioning tests to avoid confusion in future fault analysis. All events in the IED can be cleared in the local HMI under Main Menu//Clear/Clear internal event list or Main menu/Clear/Clear process event list.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Go to Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Multipurpose protection/ GeneralCurrentVoltage(GAPC)/CVGAPC:x and make sure that CVGAPC to be tested is unblocked and other functions that might disturb the evaluation of the test are blocked. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents to the appropriate current terminals of the IED.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three-phase voltages to the appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to setting parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) currents and voltages are created from the test set.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Over/Undervoltage feature SEMOD56488-83 v2 Procedure Connect the test set for injection three-phase voltages to the appropriate voltage terminals of the IED. Inject voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to setting parameter VoltageInput) voltages are created from the test set.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test M12917-43 v4 Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TESTMODE setting to Off. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection • Signal 3PH after about 25ms • Signal BLKU after about 50ms • Signal BLKZ after about 200ms Measuring the operate value for the negative sequence function M1405-46 v12 Measure the operate value for the negative sequence function, if included in the IED.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection p × = × 0, 5 IECEQUATION00022 V2 EN-US Compare the result with the set value of the negative-sequence operating current. Consider that the set value 3I2< is in percentage of the base current IBase.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Measuring the operate value for the dead line detection function GUID-4ABF1FD4-F6D3-4109-AFE5-552875E558A0 v4 Apply three-phase voltages with their rated value and zero currents. Decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the DLD1PH signal appears.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Change the magnitude of the voltage and current for phase 1 to a value higher than the set value DU> and DI<. Check that the start output signals STDUL1 and STDIL1 and the general start signals STDU or STDI are activated.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection phase to phase. Use the set voltages instead of what is indicated below. Figure shows the general test connection principle, which can be used during testing. This description describes the test of the version intended for one bay. UMeasure Test U-Bus...
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection tBreaker = 0.080 s Apply voltages 1.1. U-Line = 100% UBaseLine and f-Line = 50.0 Hz 1.2. U-Bus = 100% UBaseBus and f-Bus = 50.15Hz Check that a closing pulse is submitted at a closing angle equal to calculated phase angle value from the formula below.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Apply voltages U-Line (for example) = 80% GblBaseSelLine and U-Bus = 80% GblBaseSelBusGblBaseSelBus with the same phase-angle and frequency. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated. The test can be repeated with different voltage values to verify that the function operates within the set UDiffSC.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Testing the frequency difference M2377-232 v9 The frequency difference test should verify that operation is achieved when the FreqDiffA and FreqDiffM frequency difference is lower than the set value for manual and auto synchronizing check, FreqDiffA and FreqDiffM respectively and that operation is blocked when the frequency difference is greater.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection The test shall be performed according to the settings for the station. Test the alternatives below that are applicable. Testing the dead line live bus (DLLB) M2377-276 v7 The test should verify that the energizing check function operates for a low voltage on the U-Line and for a high voltage on the U-Bus.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Verify the local HMI setting AutoEnerg to be Off and ManEnerg to be DBLL. Set the parameter ManEnergDBDL to On. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelBus to the U-Bus and a single-phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelLine to the U-Line.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection 9.5.3 Single command, 16 signals SINGLECMD SEMOD172444-5 v3 For the single command function block, it is necessary to configure the output signal to corresponding binary output of the IED. The operation of the single command function (SINGLECMD) is then checked from the local HMI by applying the commands with Mode = Off, Steady or Pulse, and by observing the logic statuses of the corresponding binary output.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection when trip is initiated by any protection or some other built-in or external function. The following functional output signals must always appear simultaneously: TRIP, TRL1, TRL2, TRL3 and TR3P. 1ph/3ph operating mode SEMOD54375-116 v5...
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Check that the second trip is a three-phase trip and that a three-phase autoreclosing attempt is given after the three-phase dead time. Functional outputs TRIP, TRLn and TR1P should be active during the first fault. No other outputs should be active.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection outputs TRIP, TRLn and TR1P should be active during first fault. No other outputs should be active. Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P should be active during second fault. Initiate a phase-to-phase fault and switch it off immediately when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding two phases.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Monitoring SEMOD53581-1 v1 9.7.1 Gas medium supervision SSIMG GUID-0A83B4D5-51FF-43CB-8DC7-AFCEA2BC7B69 v2 Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in Section "Preparing the IED to verify settings" in this chapter. Values of logical signals for SSIMG protection are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Function status/Monitoring/InsulationGas(63)/ SSIMG(63):x, where x = 1, 2,..21.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Testing the gas medium supervision for temperature alarm and temperature lock out conditions GUID-EC145626-90B0-45A2-AD58-CB8BF203FE16 v1 Consider the analogue temperature input SENTEMP and set SENTEMP to a value higher than TempAlarmLimit, check that outputs TEMPALM and ALARM are activated after a set time delay of tTempAlarm.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Also, reduce the liquid level input below LevelLOLimit or activate the binary input signal SENLVLLO, check that LVLLO signal after a set time delay of tLevelLockOut. Activate BLOCK binary input and check that the outputs LVLALM, LVLLO, ALARM and LOCKOUT disappears.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Verifying the settings GUID-962A344D-5F8D-49A6-B3AC-29C7FEED0A3D v4 Connect the test set for the injection of a three-phase current to the appropriate current terminals of the IED. If current need to be injected for a particular test, it should be done in the phase selected by the PhSel parameter.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection 7.1. Test the actual set values defined by AccSelCal to Aux Contact, ContTrCorr and AlmAccCurrPwr. 7.2. Inject phase current in the selected phase such that its value is greater than set AccStopCurr value.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection 9.7.4 Event function EVENT M11751-2 v5 Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Preparing for test" in this chapter. During testing, the IED can be set when in test mode from PST. The functionality of the event reporting during test mode is set in the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Measuring the operate limit M14955-48 v5 Set the test point (|Z| fault impedance and ZF impedance phase angle ) for a condition that meets the requirements in table 16. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection the function and check that the counter result corresponds to the number of operations. Completing the test GUID-325F040B-BADC-4281-B965-9B7D6BFA3E15 v1 Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the Test mode setting to Off.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Similarly check after each 1 minute whether the calculated integrated energy value and EAFACC and ERFACC outputs are matching. After some time (multiple of minute) remove the current and voltage input from CVMMXN function block.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test M13906-301 v5 Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TESTMODE setting to Off. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Section 9 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Testing functionality by secondary injection Operating procedures for the PC aided methods of changing the active setting groups are described in the corresponding PCM600 documents and instructions for the operators within the SCS are included in the SCS documentation.
The periodicity of all tests depends on several factors, for example the importance of the installation, environmental conditions, simple or complex equipment, static or electromechanical IEDs, and so on. The normal maintenance praxis of the user should be followed. However, ABB's recommendation is as follows: Every second to third year •...
IED at a time on live circuits where redundant protection is installed and de-energization of the primary circuit is not allowed. ABB protection IEDs are preferably tested by aid of components from the COMBITEST testing system described in information B03-9510 E. Main...
Section 10 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system • Test instructions for protection IEDs to be tested • Test records from previous commissioning and maintenance tests • List of valid settings • Blank test records to fill in measured values Recording SEMOD56528-14 v2...
Section 10 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system to check that circuit is really closed when the test-plug handle has been removed by using a high-ohmic voltmeter and measuring between the plus and the trip output on the panel.
Section 10 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system Restoring SEMOD56528-36 v2 Maintenance is very important to improve the availability of the protection system by detecting failures before the protection is required to operate. There is however little point in testing healthy equipment and then putting it back into service with an open terminal, with a removed fuse or open miniature circuit breaker with an open connection, wrong setting, and so on.
No problem detected. None. Time synch Fail No time synchronization. Check the synchronization source for problems. If the problem persists, contact your ABB representative for service. Real time clock Ready No problem detected. None. Real time clock Fail The real time clock has Set the clock.
Ready (I/O module name) Fail I/O modules has failed. Check that the I/O module has been configured and connected to the IOP1- block. If the problem persists, contact your ABB representative for service. 11.2 Fault tracing IP8765-1 v1 11.2.1 Internal fault indications...
Section 11 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Troubleshooting HMI Signal Name: Status Description Time Sync READY / FAIL This signal will be active when the source of the time synchronization is lost, or when the time system has to make a time reset. Application READY / FAIL This signal will be active if one or more...
Section 11 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Troubleshooting The internal events in this list not only refer to faults in the IED, but also to other activities, such as change of settings, clearing of disturbance reports, and loss of external time synchronization. The information can only be retrieved from the Parameter Setting software package.
Section 11 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Troubleshooting For example, if there is a configuration to use IEC 61850 9–2 analog data, but no data arrives on the access point, then the IED will use substituted data and most protection functions will be blocked. This condition will be indicated with a sub- menu under Hints, where details about this condition are shown.
M11764-10 v1 An alternative is to open the IED and send only the faulty circuit board to ABB for repair. When a printed circuit board is sent to ABB, it must always be placed in a metallic, ESD-proof, protection bag.
Repair support M11768-3 v3 If an IED needs to be repaired, the whole IED must be removed and sent to an ABB Logistic Center. Before returning the material, an inquiry must be sent to the ABB Logistic Center. e-mail: 11.5...
Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary Section 12 Glossary M14893-1 v16 Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer...
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephony. A United Nations-sponsored standards body within the International Telecommunications Union. CAN carrier module CCVT Capacitive Coupled Voltage Transformer Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI CMPPS Combined megapulses per second Communication Management tool in PCM600...
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DIP-switch Small switch mounted on a printed circuit board Digital input DLLB Dead line live bus Distributed Network Protocol as per IEEE Std 1815-2012 Disturbance recorder DRAM Dynamic random access memory Disturbance report handler Digital signal processor Direct transfer trip scheme...
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary Graphical display editor within PCM600 General interrogation command Gas-insulated switchgear GOOSE Generic object-oriented substation event Global positioning system GSAL Generic security application Generic substation event HDLC protocol High-level data link control, protocol based on the HDLC standard HFBR connector type Plastic fiber connector Human-machine interface...
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear Binary input/output module Instance When several occurrences of the same function are available in the IED, they are referred to as instances of that function. One instance of a function is identical to another of the same kind but has a different number in the IED user interfaces.
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary Number of grid faults Numerical module OCO cycle Open-close-open cycle Overcurrent protection OLTC On-load tap changer OTEV Disturbance data recording initiated by other event than start/pick-up Overvoltage Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition.
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary Remote terminal unit Substation Automation Select-before-operate Switch or push button to close Short circuit location Station control system SCADA Supervision, control and data acquisition System configuration tool according to standard IEC 61850 Service data unit Small form-factor pluggable (abbreviation) Optical Ethernet port (explanation) Serial communication module.
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary transport layer protocols. While TCP and IP specify two protocols at specific protocol layers, TCP/IP is often used to refer to the entire US Department of Defense protocol suite based upon these, including Telnet, FTP, UDP and RDP.
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Section 12 1MRK 511 425-UEN A Glossary Three times zero-sequence current.Often referred to as the residual or the earth-fault current Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the residual voltage or the neutral point voltage Bay control REC650 2.2 IEC Commissioning manual...