Configuring the Queue Limit for Fabric Extenders
policy-map type queuing default-in-policy
policy-map type queuing default-out-policy
Type network-qos policy-maps
policy-map type network-qos default-nq-policy
Configuring the Queue Limit for Fabric Extenders
At the system level, you can enable or disable tail drop for Fabric Extenders for egress direction (from the
network to the host).
By default, the tail drop threshold applies to each Fabric Extender port to limit the amount of buffer allocated
to each port. To restore the default queue limit, use the fex queue-limit command. To disable the tail drop
threshold and to allow Fabric Extender ports to use all available buffer space, use the no form of this command.
You can also set the queue limit for a specified Fabric Extender by using the hardware fex-card-type
queue-limit command. Configuring specific Fabric Extenders overrides the queue limit configuration set
at the global system level for that Fabric Extender.
1. switch# configure terminal
2. switch(config)# system qos
3. switch(config-sys-qos)# fex queue-limit
4. switch(config-sys-qos)# no fex queue-limit
Command or Action
Step 1
switch# configure terminal
Step 2
switch(config)# system qos
Step 3
switch(config-sys-qos)# fex queue-limit
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Quality of Service Configuration Guide
class type queuing class-fcoe
bandwidth percent 50
class type queuing class-default
bandwidth percent 50
class type queuing class-fcoe
bandwidth percent 50
class type queuing class-default
bandwidth percent 50
class type network-qos class-fcoe
pause no-drop
mtu 2240
class type network-qos class-default
mtu 1538
Enters configuration mode.
Enters system class configuration mode.
Limits the amount of input buffer space allocated to each
Fabric Extender port.
Configuring QoS