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Sony NWZ-A815BLK - 2gb Digital Music Player Instructions Manual

Sony NWZ-A815BLK - 2gb Digital Music Player Instructions Manual

Media manager instructions
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Copy right © 2007. Sony Creativ e Softw are Inc.
All Rights Reserv ed
Rev ised December 6, 2007
You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN software to find photos, music, videos, and RSS media feeds on
your computer and transfer them to your WALKMAN.
Go Pro
WA LKM A N s upports the us e of .mp4 video files that are Q V GA s ize (3 2 0 x2 4 0 ) and c onform to thes e
profiles : M P E G4 -Simple P rofile, A V C Bas eline P rofile v1 .2 , v1 .3 .
V ideo enc oding of
other formats
N otic e: T his c omputer program is protec ted by c opyright laws and international treaties . U nauthorized reproduc tion or
dis tribution of this program, or any portion of it, may res ult in s evere c ivil and c riminal penalties , and will be pros ec uted to the
maximum extent pos s ible under the law.
http://www.s onyc reatives oftware.c om
Sony C reative Software I nc . may have patents , patent applic ations , trademarks , c opyrights , or other intellec tual property
rights c overing s ubjec t matter in this doc ument. E xc ept as expres s ly provided in any written lic ens e agreement from Sony
C reative Software I nc . the furnis hing of this doc ument does not give you any lic ens e to thes e patents , trademarks , c opyrights ,
or other intellec tual property.
Walkman, WA LKM A N , and WA LKM A N logo are regis tered trademarks of Sony C orporation.
M us ic rec ognition tec hnology and related data are provided by Grac enote®. Grac enote is the indus try s tandard in mus ic
rec ognition tec hnology and related c ontent delivery. For more information vis it
is available only in M edia M anager P RO for WA LKM A N .
www.grac enote.c
Page 1


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Sony NWZ-A815BLK - 2gb Digital Music Player

  • Page 1 Sony C reative Software I nc . may have patents , patent applic ations , trademarks , c opyrights , or other intellec tual property rights c overing s ubjec t matter in this doc ument. E xc ept as expres s ly provided in any written lic ens e agreement from Sony C reative Software I nc .
  • Page 2: Using The Online Help

    Symbol Meaning Drop-down text: c lic k to dis play more information. C lic k again to hide the drop-down text. Note: provides additional information. Tip: provides a s hortc ut or an alternate means of performing a tas k. Warning: important information that you need to know before performing a tas k.
  • Page 3: Legal Notices

    Sony C reative Software I nc . may have patents , patent applic ations , trademarks , c opyrights , or other intellec tual property rights c overing s ubjec t matter in this doc ument. E xc ept as expres s ly provided in any written lic ens e agreement from Sony C reative Software I nc ., the furnis hing of this doc ument does not give you any lic ens e to thes e patents , trademarks ,...
  • Page 4 H T T P ://M P E GLA .C O M WALKMAN Walkman, WA LKM A N , and WA LKM A N logo are regis tered trademarks of Sony C orporation. Microsof t Windows Media P ortions utilize M ic ros oft Windows M edia® T ec hnologies . C opyright © 1 9 9 9 – 2 0 0 7 M ic ros oft C orporation. A ll rights res erved.
  • Page 5 The Media Manager for WALKMAN Window The Media Manager for WALKMAN window is divided into two main areas: the PC pane on the top and the WALKMAN pane on the bottom. Each pane is divided into two views: the tree view on the left and the list view on the right.
  • Page 6: Mode Buttons

    Mode Buttons The mode buttons are displayed above the PC pane and allow you to choose which type of media you want to browse and transfer to your WALKMAN. Each mode has one or more action buttons — located above the PC pane — that are used to perform a specific action.
  • Page 7 The PC Pane The top half of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window allows you to select the source media—music, photos, videos, and RSS media feeds—that you want to transfer from your computer to your WALKMAN. C lick one of the mode buttons to choose the type of media you want to transfer.
  • Page 8 The WALKMAN Pane The bottom half of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window displays the contents of your WALKMAN. You can perform any of the following tasks using this pane:  Browse the contents of your WALKMAN.  View information about each file. ...
  • Page 9 Getting Started with Media Manager for WALKMAN Software You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN to transfer photos, music, video, and RSS media feeds between your computer and WALKMAN. The software also has the ability to rip audio tracks from C Ds and transfer them to your WALKMAN.
  • Page 10: What You'll Need

    What You'll Need To use Media Manager for WALKMAN software with your WALKMAN, you'll need the following items:  A USB cable for connecting your WALKMAN to your computer. For more information about the specific cable required for your WALKMAN, please refer to your WALKMAN's documentation. ...
  • Page 11 Connecting Your WALKMAN Media Manager for WALKMAN works with a USB-connected WALKMAN. Perform the following steps to start using Media Manager for WALKMAN. C onnect a USB cable to your WALKMAN. Start Media Manager for WALKMAN. The status bar between the PC and WALKMAN panes displays the space available on the selected WALKMAN.
  • Page 12: Music Mode

    Music Mode This mode allows you to copy music and other audio files between your computer and WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN helps you find music on your computer, preview it, and transfer it to your WALKMAN. What do you want to learn more about? Browsing your computer for music Searching your computer for music Previewing...
  • Page 13 Browsing Your Computer for Music In Music mode, the left side of the PC pane displays the folders where you tell the software to look for music. You can navigate folders and subfolders in the tree view. The right side of the window displays the contents of the selected folder.
  • Page 14 Searching Your Computer for Music If you have a large music collection, finding a specific song can be a challenge. You can easily find songs in your music library using the box at the top of the Music Mode tab. Search You can search using any text that appears in a song's metadata (title, album, artist, genre, etc).
  • Page 15 Page 15...
  • Page 16 Previewing Your Music Using Media Manager for WALKMAN, you can preview any audio tracks on your computer before you transfer them to your WALKMAN. C lick the Music Mode button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window. On the right side of the PC pane, select the song you would like to preview.
  • Page 17: Viewing File Properties

    Viewing File Properties When you select a media file, information is displayed at the top of the PC pane. Right-click a selected file in the PC or WALKMAN pane and choose from the shortcut menu to display Properties the Properties window, where you can view additional information about the selected file. Notes: ...
  • Page 18 Updating Cover Art When you select an audio file in the PC pane, information about the selected track is displayed at the top of the PC pane: If album art is not available, a is displayed. You can click the icon to open your Web browser and perform an image search.
  • Page 19 Transferring Music to Your WALKMAN After adding folders previewing your music, you are ready to transfer the files to your WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN software supports the use of the following formats:  .mp3  .wma  .wav  .pc a ...
  • Page 20 The original audio track on your hard drive will be unaffected by the re-encoding process. Prior to transferring tracks from an audio C D, the files are saved to your hard drive in your computer's folder. You can choose a \My Documents\My Music\<Artist Name>\<Album Name>...
  • Page 21 Shuffle Tracks to Fill Your WALKMAN You can choose to have Media Manager for WALKMAN select a random collection of tracks from your music library, shuffle their order, and display them in a Shuffle Results folder. You can then edit the contents of the Shuffle Results folder before transferring the tracks to your WALKMAN.
  • Page 22: Deleting Music

    Deleting Music You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN to delete music from your computer or WALKMAN. If you want to remove a folder from the PC pane without removing the files from your computer, select a folder in the PC pane and click the button Remove Shortcut What do you want to do?
  • Page 23 Audio CD Rip Mode This mode allows you to rip audio tracks from C Ds and transfer them to your WALKMAN. What do you want to learn more about? Ripping audio from CD and transferring it to your WALKMAN Obtaining or editing CD information Updating cov er art Page 23...
  • Page 24 CD Ripping Media Manager for WALKMAN allows you to rip tracks from your audio C Ds and transfer them to your WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN software is not intended and should not be used for illegal or infringing purposes, such as the illegal copying or sharing of copyrighted materials. Using Media Manager for WALKMAN software for such purposes is, among other things, against United States and international copyright laws and contrary to the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement.
  • Page 25 the top of the C D Audio tab. column displays the track's progress while the selected files are being ripped and Size transferred. To stop the transfer at any time, click the button. Cancel If there is not enough free space available on your WALKMAN for the selected tracks, a warning message is displayed indicating that not all files may be transferred.
  • Page 26 Obtaining or Editing CD Information If Media Manager for WALKMAN can access information about a track or C D (either from the file or C D itself, or from a local cache), it automatically reads and displays this information when you insert a C D or browse your computer.
  • Page 27 Updating Cover Art When you select an audio file in the PC pane, information about the selected track is displayed at the top of the PC pane: If album art is not available, a is displayed. You can click the icon to open your Web browser and perform an image search.
  • Page 28: Photo Mode

    Photo Mode This mode allows you to copy photos between your computer and WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN helps you find photos on your computer, preview them, and transfer them to your WALKMAN. What do you want to learn more about? Browsing your computer for photos Previewing your photos Viewing file properties...
  • Page 29 Browsing Your Computer for Photos In Photo mode, the left side of the PC pane displays the folders where you tell the software to look for photos. You can navigate folders and subfolders in this tree view. The right side of the window displays the contents of the selected folder.
  • Page 30 Previewing Your Photos Using Media Manager for WALKMAN, you can preview any photos on your computer before you transfer them to your WALKMAN. C lick the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window. Photo Mode On the left side of the PC pane, select the folder that contains the photos you would like to preview. The contents of the selected folder are displayed on the right side of the PC pane.
  • Page 31: Viewing File Properties

    Viewing File Properties When you select a media file, information is displayed at the top of the PC pane. Right-click a selected file in the PC or WALKMAN pane and choose from the shortcut menu to display Properties the Properties window, where you can view additional information about the selected file. Notes: ...
  • Page 32 Transferring Photos to Your WALKMAN After adding folders previewing your photos, you are ready to transfer them to your WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN software supports the following image formats:  .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif  .png  .gif  .bmp ...
  • Page 33: Deleting Photos

    Deleting Photos You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN to delete photos from your computer or WALKMAN. If you want to remove a folder from the PC pane without removing the files from your computer, select a folder in the PC pane and click the button Remove Shortcut What do you want to do?
  • Page 34: Video Mode

    Video Mode This mode allows you to copy video files between your computer and WALKMAN. Media Manager for WALKMAN helps you find videos on your computer, preview them, and transfer them to your WALKMAN. What do you want to learn more about? Browsing your computer for video Previewing your v ideo Viewing file properties...
  • Page 35 Browsing Your Computer for Video In Video mode, the left side of the PC pane displays the folders where you tell the software to look for video files. You can navigate folders and subfolders in the tree view. The right side of the window displays the contents of the selected folder.
  • Page 36: Previewing Your Video

    Previewing Your Video Using Media Manager for WALKMAN, you can preview any videos on your computer before you transfer them to your WALKMAN. C lick the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window. Video Mode On the right side of the PC pane, select the video you would like to preview. C lick the button to display your video thumbnails in grid format, or click the button to display...
  • Page 37 Viewing File Properties When you select a media file, information is displayed at the top of the PC pane. Right-click a selected file in the PC or WALKMAN pane and choose from the shortcut menu to display Properties the Properties window, where you can view additional information about the selected file. Notes: ...
  • Page 38 V ideo enc oding of the following formats is available only in M edia M anager P RO for WA LKM A N :  .mp4 (Sony A V C /A A C ), .mp4 (M P E G4 part 2 ) * ...
  • Page 39 C lick the button to begin transferring the videos. Transf er to WALKMAN To add files to your WALKMAN quickly, drag files from the Windows Explorer to the WALKMAN pane in the Media Manager for WALKMAN window. The transfer will begin when you drop the files. To stop the transfer at any time, click the button.
  • Page 40: Deleting Videos

    Deleting Videos You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN to delete videos from your computer or WALKMAN. If you want to remove a folder from the PC pane without removing the files from your computer, select a folder in the PC pane and click the Remove Shortcut button What do you want to do?
  • Page 41 Sony C reative Software Inc. Furthermore, the inclusion of these feeds is not intended to reflect any endorsement or support by Sony C reative Software Inc. If you have a concern, please...
  • Page 42 Sony C reative Software Inc. Furthermore, the inclusion of these feeds is not intended to reflect any endorsement or support by Sony C reative Software Inc. If you have a concern, please...
  • Page 43 Exporting Feeds If you want to create a backup of your subscribed feeds or create a feed list that you can share with another person, you can export feeds as an OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) file. You can also use an OPML file to create a group of related feeds: first, remove all subscribed feeds; next, subscribe to the feeds you want to save together;...
  • Page 44 Sony C reative Software Inc. Furthermore, the inclusion of these feeds is not intended to reflect any endorsement or support by Sony C reative Software Inc. If you have a concern, please...
  • Page 45 Viewing File Properties When you select a media file, information is displayed at the top of the PC pane. Right-click a selected file in the PC or WALKMAN pane and choose from the shortcut menu to display Properties the Properties window, where you can view additional information about the selected file. Notes: ...
  • Page 46 Sony C reative Software Inc. Furthermore, the inclusion of these feeds is not intended to reflect any endorsement or support by Sony C reative Software Inc. If you have a concern, please...
  • Page 47 Using Media Manager for WALKMAN to Manage Subscriptions If a feed is set up for one-click subscription, you can subscribe by clicking an RSS link in your Web browser. If a feed does not support one-click subscription (such as a link to an . xml file), you can subscribe using the methods described in Subscribing to RSS Media Feeds or by dragging a link from a browser window to...
  • Page 48 Modifying Feed Options The Feed Options dialog allows you to edit a feed's title, URL, and download options. C lick the RSS Media Feed Mode button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window. In the list, select the feed you would like to update. My Feeds C lick the button...
  • Page 49 Deleting RSS Media Feeds To delete RSS media feeds or episodes from your computer or WALKMAN, perform the following procedure. Use the button to delete individual episodes from your computer or WALKMAN, or use the Delete button to unsubscribe from a feed (you can choose whether or not you want to delete the feed's Remove episodes).
  • Page 50 Settings This mode contains various options you can use to customize Media Manager for WALKMAN software. To display the Settings mode, click the Settings button Which page do you want to learn more about? General Settings Video Settings Music Settings Photo Settings Audio CD Rip Settings...
  • Page 51: General Settings

    General Settings To edit general application settings, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for Settings WALKMAN window, and then click the General button on the left side of the window. Item Description Restore all settings to def aults C lic k to res tore all applic ation s ettings to their default values .
  • Page 52: Video Settings

    Video Settings To edit video-encoding settings, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN Settings window, and then click the Video button on the left side of the window. Go Pro T his page is available only in M e Item Video target Always encode video as MP4...
  • Page 53: Music Settings

    Music Settings To edit music-encoding settings, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN Settings window, and then click the Music button on the left side of the window. Item Description File Type C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to c hoos e whether you want to enc ode mus ic in M P 3 or A A C format.
  • Page 54: Photo Settings

    Photo Settings To edit settings for Photo mode, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN Settings window, and then click the Photo button on the left side of the window. Item Description Slide show C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to adjus t the rate at whic h images c hange when you preview speed multiple images .
  • Page 55 Audio CD Rip Settings To edit Audio C D rip settings, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN Settings window, and then click the Audio CD Rip button on the left side of the window. Item Description File Type...
  • Page 56 RSS Media Feed Settings To edit feed settings, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window, and Settings then click the RSS Media Feed button on the left side of the window. Item Description Automatically ref resh f eeds C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to indic ate how often you want the s oftware to every look for updated...
  • Page 57: Support Settings

    Support Settings To access online support, click the button at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window, Settings and then click the appropriate link for your country and language. Support Item Description Update User Inf ormation C lic k to s tart the Regis tration Wizard, where you c an update your regis tered us er information.
  • Page 58 About Media Manager for WALKMAN To view information about the installed version of Media Manager for WALKMAN, click the button Settings at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window, and then click the button on the left side of the About window.

Table of Contents