23cc/1.4 cu.in. 2-cycle 17 inch cutting path / 0.065 in. line gasoline weedwacker (27 pages)
Summary of Contents for Craftsman WEEDWACKER 358.795511
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Instruction Manual I CRRFTSMRN°I 25cc/1.5 cu.in. 2-Cycle 17 Inch Cutting Path / 0.080 In. Line GASOLINE WEEDWACKER ® Model No. 358.795511 • Safety • Assembly • Operation • Maintenance • Parts List • Espahol For Occasional Use Only WARNING: Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product.
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Back FULL ONE YEAI_ WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN ® GAS POWERED WEEDWACKER _ LINE TRIMMER For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Gas Powered Weedwacker Line Trimmer is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up according to the operating and maintenance instructions in this manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in materials or workmanship.
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TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE line at proper length. • Use only 0.080" (2 mm) diameter • Allow engine to cool; secure unit be- Craftsman@ brand line. Never use fore storing or transporting in ve- hicle. wire, rope, string, etc. • Install required shield properly before •...
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• Store unit and fuel in area where ers who operate power tools on a con- fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or tinual and regular basis must monitor open flames from water heaters, closely their physical condition and the condition of this tool. electric motors or switches, fur- naces, etc.
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(called gasohol or using quality synthetic 2-cycle air-cooled ethanol or methanol) can attract mois- engine oil, We recommend Craftsman ture which leads to separation brand synthetic oil. Mix gasoline and formation of acids during storage. oil at a ratio of 40:1, A 40:1 ratio is Acidic gas can damage the fuel sys- obtained by mixing 3.2 ounces of oil...
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To avoid engine problems, empty the 5. Pull starter rope handle sharply until fuel system before storage for 30 days engine sounds as it if is trying to or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the start, but do not pull rope more than 6 times.
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OPERATING POSITION • Tap the bottom of the trimmer head lightly on the ground one time, Ap- proximately 2 inches (5 cm) of line will be advanced with each tap, Toadvance line, tap bottom of trimmer head on ground one time. _lrnp/i_egt_Uts Iine to_, / Cut from your right to your left.
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• For trimming or scalping, use less Scalping ..than full throttle to increase line life and decrease head wear, especially: • During light duty cutting. • Near objects around which the line can wrap such as small posts, MOWING - Your trimmer is ideal for trees or fence wire.
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4. Clean entire surface of hub and spool. 5. Replace with pre-wound spool, or cut a length of 20 feet of 0.080" (2 mm) diameter Craftsman® brand line. _WARNING: Never use wire, rope, string, etc., which can break off Line exit hole and become a dangerous missile.
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Run engine at least 5 min- lated area where fuel vapors cannot utes after adding stabilizer. reach sparks or open flames from Craftsman 40:1, 2-cycle engine oil (air water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc. cooled) is already blended with fuel stabilizer.
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TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE _IkWARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before perform- ing all of the recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not 1. Engine flooded. 1. See "Starting a Flooded Engine" in start.
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solely f orthelack ofreceipts orforyour of time up to the first scheduled replace- failure t oensure t heperformance ofall ment point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: scheduled maintenance. Asthe small The owner shall net be charged for off-road e ngine owner, youshould b e diagnostic labor which leads to the de- aware t hatSears m ay deny y ou war- termination that a warranted part is de-...
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90 dias a partir de la fecha de com- pra. Si se usa esta Cortandor de linea Weedwacker de Craftsman para fines de alquiler, esta garantia tendr& validez pot s61a 30 dias a partir de la fecha de com- pra.
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Evite la linea girante. • Use exclusivamente los accesorios y • Mantenga el cabello pot encima de repuestos Craftsman recomendados. los hombros, at&ndolo para tal efecto • Todo servicio y mantenimiento si es necesario. No use ropa suelta...
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• Pare el motor y permita que se enfrie • Guarde el aparato de modo que el el aparato antes de retirar la tapa del limitador de linea no pueda causar tanque, heridas accidentales, Se puede col- • Almac6ne siempre combustible en gar el aparato por la caja el eje de un recipiente aprobado para los propulsi6n,...
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INSTALACION DE LA PROTECTOR CONTENICO DE LA CAJA Use la siguiente lista para verificar que todas la piezas hayan sido incluidas: _ADVERTENClA: El protector Modelo 358.795511 deber& ser instalado correctamente. • Cortadora protector provee protecci6n parcial • Protector contra el riesgo de los objetos arroja* •...
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MOTOR de 2 tiempos enfriados a aire. Recomendamos el aceite de sint6tico ,_1_ADVERTENCIA: de la marca Craftsman. Mezcle la atentamente la informaci6n sobre el gasolina con el aceite en la proporci6n 40:1. Se obtiene una proporci6n de combustible en laas reglas de 40:1 mezclando 3.2 onzas de aceite...
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mezclado. Siempre leaysiga las PAPA ARRANCAR CON MOTOR instrucciones deseguridad que tienen FRIO (o motor caliente despu_s de que verconelcombustible antes d e quedar sin combustible) abastecer elaparato. IMPORTANTE La experiencia indica que los combus- tible mezclados con alcohol (los llama- dos gasohol o los que contienen eta- nolo metanol) pueden atraer la humedad, Io que puede causar la se-...
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cha por 30 segundos con la palan- _!$ ADVERTENCIA: Use siempre ca del cebador en la posici6n OFF protecci6n para los ojos, Nunca se in- CHOKE antes de soltar el gatillo acelerador, AVISO: Si el motor se cline pot encima del cabezaL La linea puede arrojar o hacer rebotar piedras apaga con la palanca del cebador o desechos hacia los ojos y la cara,...
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Para que la linea avance toque el flores; pero tambi6n es capaz de cor- cabezal de corte contra el suelo una vez tar la corteza tierna de &rboles y ar- bustos y de marcar las cercas, Para El limitador de linea _ evitar dafios, especialmente a la vege- taci6n delicada o a los arboles con C_caJadiionea...
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lela al suelo directamente encima de Para Cortar c. d las superficies que se quiera barrer y meuva el aparato de un lado al otro rapidamente, Para Barrer PARA BARRER - Se puede usar la acci6n ventiladora de la linea girante para barrer rapida y f_cilmente un _rea determinada.
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6 metros (20 pies) de lar- go de linea de 2 mm (0,080 de 8. Introduzca la linea dentro de la pulgada) de la marca Craftsman _). muesca, dejando de 7 a 12 cm (3 a 5 pulgadas) sin enrollar.
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5 minutes despu6s tectores en su lugar y coloquelo de de haberle puesto estabilizador. modo que las piezas cortantes no El aceite Craftsman 40:1 para motores puedan causar heridas por acci- a 2 tiempos (enfriados a aire) viene dente,...
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OTROS • Examine todo elaparato p ara verifi- carque nohaya tornillos, tuercas ni • Noguarde l agasolina deuna tempo- pernos s ueltos. Cambie todas lapie- rada a lapr6xima, zasdaSadas, quebradas o gasta* • Cambie elrecipiente degasolina si das. seempieza a oxidar. •...
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SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES si su m_quina de motor pcquefio para DE GARANTIA: La Agencia de Pro- uso fuera de carrctera o alguna pieza tecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Uni- de la misma ha dejado de funcionar dos y Scars, Roebuck and Co., debido al abuso, negligencia, manten- U.S.A., se complacen en explicar la imiento inapropiado,...
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plazo programado para dicha pieza. trar en contacto con su distribuidor DIAGNOSTICO: Nosedeber& c obrar autorizado del servicio Sears mgs cer- alduefio ningt]n t ipodecargos p orla cano o Ilamar a Sears al labor d ediagn6stico lacual d etermine 1-800-469-4663. DONDE OBTEN- queunapieza g arantizada seencuem ER SERVIClO DE GARANTIA:...