Hp integrated vmware esxi 3.5 update 5 getting started guide (8 pages)
Summary of Contents for HP StorageWorks MSA 2/8 - SAN Switch
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reference guide hp StorageWorks fabric OS version 3.1.x/4.1.x Product Version: 3.1.x and 4.1.x Third Edition (June 2003) Part Number: AA–RS24C–TE This reference guide provides a detailed description of the Fabric OS commands. Although this guide is primarily about 4.1.x, it also covers 3.1.x that runs on the StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/16, 2/16 power pak, 2/8-EL, and 2/8 power pack switches.
about this guide About this Guide This reference guide provides information to help you: Understand and use Fabric OS commands About this Guide Manage a switch or fabric Contact technical support for additional assistance “About this Guide” topics include: Overview, page 16 Conventions, page 17 Getting Help, page 19...
About this Guide Overview This section covers the following topics: Intended Audience Related Documentation Intended Audience This book is intended for use by administrators who are experienced with the following: StorageWorks Fibre Channel SAN switches Fabric Operating System V3.1.x or later Related Documentation For a list of related documents included with this product, see the Related Documents section of the Release Notes that came with your switch.
About this Guide Conventions Conventions consist of the following: Document Conventions Text Symbols Document Conventions The document conventions included in Table 1 apply in most cases. Table 1: Document Conventions Element Convention Cross-reference links Blue text: Figure 1 Key and field names, menu items, Bold buttons, and dialog box titles Italics...
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About this Guide Note: Text set off in this manner presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of information. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
About this Guide Getting Help If you still have a question after reading this guide, contact an HP authorized service provider or access our website: http://www.hp.com. HP Technical Support Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the following HP website: http://www.hp.com/support/.
About this Guide HP Authorized Reseller For the name of your nearest HP authorized reseller: In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518 In Canada, call 1-800-263-5868 Elsewhere, see the HP website for locations and telephone numbers: http://www.hp.com. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands This chapter lists the Fabric OS commands. It also shows their syntax and operands, and provides examples of their usage. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands agtcfgDefault Reset the SNMP agent configuration to default values. Synopsis agtcfgDefault Availability AdminAdmin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset the configuration of the SNMP agent to default values. Note: In the StorageWorks Core switch, there is one SNMP agent per logical switch. This command is specific to the logical switch you are logged into.
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agtcfgDefault swEventTrapLevel The event trap level in conjunction with the event's severity level. When an event occurs and if its severity level is at or below the set value, the SNMP trap, swEventTrap, is sent to configured trap recipients. By default, this value is set at 0, implying that no swEventTrap is sent.
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Fabric OS Commands There are six Access Control Lists (ACLs) to restrict SNMP get/set/trap operations to hosts under a host-subnet-area. Host-subnet-area is defined by comparing non-zero IP octets. For example, an ACL of “192.168.64.x” enables access for any hosts that start with the specified octets. The connecting host is enabled as “192.168.64.xx,”...
agtcfgDefault SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration: Community 1: Secret C0de (rw) Trap recipient: Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw) No trap recipient configured yet Community 3: private (rw) No trap recipient configured yet Community 4: public (ro) No trap recipient configured yet Community 5: common (ro) No trap recipient configured yet Community 6: FibreChannel (ro)
Fabric OS Commands agtcfgSet Modify the SNMP agent configuration. Synopsis agtcfgSet Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to modify the configuration of the SNMP agent in the switch. Note: In the StorageWorks Core switch, there is one SNMP agent per logical switch. This command is specific to the logical switch you are logged into.
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agtcfgSet swEventTrapLevel The event trap level in conjunction with the event's severity level. When an event occurs and if its severity level is at or below the set value, the SNMP trap, swEventTrap, is sent to configured trap recipients. By default, this value is set at 0, implying that no swEventTrap is sent.
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Fabric OS Commands ACL entries also have a flag to set each host-subnet-area to be read-write or read-only. Highest privilege matched out of six entries is given to the access. An ACL check is turned off when all six entries contain “” Note: When secure mode is enabled, the Access Control List feature is incorporated into the WSNMP and RSNMP security policies.
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agtcfgSet Example To modify the SNMP configuration values in V3.1.x: switch:admin> agtcfgSet Customizing MIB-II system variables ... At each prompt, do one of the following: o <Return> to accept current value, o enter the appropriate new value, o <Control-D> to skip the rest of configuration, or o <Control-C>...
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Fabric OS Commands To modify the SNMP configuration values in V4.1.x: switch:admin> agtcfgSet Customizing MIB-II system variables ... At each prompt, do one of the following: o <Return> to accept current value, o enter the appropriate new value, o <Control-D> to skip the rest of configuration, or o <Control-C>...
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agtcfgSet authTraps = 0 (OFF) SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration: Community 1: Secret C0de (rw) Trap recipient: Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw) No trap recipient configured yet Community 3: private (rw) No trap recipient configured yet Community 4: public (ro) No trap recipient configured yet Community 5: common (ro) No trap recipient configured yet...
Fabric OS Commands agtcfgShow Displays the SNMP agent configuration. Synopsis agtcfgShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the configuration of the SNMP agent in the switch. Note: In the StorageWorks Core switch, there is one SNMP agent per logical switch. This command is specific to the logical switch you are logged into.
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agtcfgShow swEventTrapLevel The event trap level in conjunction with the event's severity level. When an event occurs and if its severity level is at or below the set value, the SNMP trap, swEventTrap, is sent to configured trap recipients. By default, this value is set at 0, implying that no swEventTrap is sent.
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Fabric OS Commands There are six ACL (Access Control List) to restrict SNMP get/set operations to hosts under a host-subnet-area. Host-subnet-area is defined by comparing non-zero IP octets. For example, an ACL of “192.168.64.x” enables access for any hosts that start with the specified octets. The connecting host is enabled as “192.168.64.xx,”...
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agtcfgShow Example To display SNMP agent configuration information: switch:admin> agtcfgShow Current SNMP Agent Configuration Customizable MIB-II system variables: sysDescr = FC Switch sysLocation = End User Premise sysContact = Field Support. swEventTrapLevel = 3 authTraps = 1 (ON) SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration: Community 1: Secret C0de (rw) Trap recipient: Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw)
Fabric OS Commands aliasDelete Delete a port from all local groups. Synopsis aliasDelete portID Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a local port from all local alias groups. A group is automatically deleted if it becomes empty after deleting the local port. Use the aliasShow command to show the existing groups with their corresponding N_Ports.
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aliasDelete Exit Status Indicates successful operation. Non Zero Indicates that the operation has failed. See Also aliasJoin aliasShow fabricShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands aliasJoin Create or add a member to a group of N_Ports. Synopsis aliasJoin Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to create an alias group of N_Ports or to add N_Ports to an existing group. Any online N_Port defined in the fabric can be part of a group. An N_Port can be added from any switch that is part of the fabric.
aliasJoin Example To create an alias group of N_Ports or to add N_Ports to an existing group enter the following command. switch:admin> aliasJoin aliasJoin: To add ports to an existing or new multicast group Number of ports in the group: (1..64) [1] To set an authorization password? (yes, y, no, n): [no] no password Setting the authorization control...
Fabric OS Commands aliasPurge Remove an alias group. Synopsis aliasPurge groupID Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove an alias group. The alias group must be identified by its hexadecimal value. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify in hexadecimal the alias group to be removed.
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aliasPurge See Also aliasJoin aliasShow fabricShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands aliasShow Displays local alias server information. Synopsis aliasShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display local alias server information. If there is no local alias group, the following message is displayed: There is no entry in the Local Alias Server If there are multiple entries in the local alias group, they are displayed.
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aliasShow Operands None. Example The following example is for V3.1.x: switch:admin> aliasShow The Local Alias Server has 1 entry Alias ID Creator Token [rb, type, grptype, qlfr] Member List fffb01 fffffd [40, 05, 10, 60000010 12000069] {021200 020800} The following example is for V4.1.x: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands aliAdd Add a member to a zone alias. Synopsis aliAdd “aliName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add one or more members to an existing zone alias. The alias member list cannot contain another zone alias. This command changes the Defined Configuration.
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aliAdd Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of a zone alias in quotation marks. This aliName operand is required. Specify a member or list of members to be added to the member alias, in quotation marks, separated by semicolons. An alias member can be specified by one or more of the following methods: For V3.1.x, a switch domain and physical port...
Fabric OS Commands aliCreate Create a zone alias. Synopsis aliCreate “aliName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to create a new zone alias. The zone alias member list must have at least one member (empty lists are not allowed).
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aliCreate Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a name for the zone alias in quotation marks. This aliName operand is required. A zone alias name must begin with a letter and can be followed by any number of letters, digits, and underscore characters (up to a maximum of 64 characters).
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Fabric OS Commands See Also aliAdd aliDelete aliRemove aliShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
aliDelete aliDelete Delete a zone alias. Synopsis aliDelete “aliName” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a zone alias. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to be preserved across switch reboots, it must be saved to non-volatile memory using the cfgSave command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To delete the zone alias array2: switch:admin> aliDelete “array2"“ See Also aliAdd aliCreate aliRemove aliShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
aliRemove aliRemove Remove a member from a zone alias. Synopsis aliRemove “aliName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove one or more members from an existing zone alias. If all members are removed, the zone alias is deleted. This command changes the Defined Configuration.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of the zone alias to have members aliName removed in quotation marks. This operand is required. Specify a member or list of members to be removed member from the alias, in quotation marks, separated by semicolons.
aliShow aliShow Displays zone alias information. Synopsis aliShow “pattern” Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display zone configuration information. If a parameter is specified, it is used as a pattern to match zone alias names; those that match in the defined configuration are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: A POSIX style regular expression used to match zone alias pattern names. This operand must be enclosed in quotation marks. Patterns may contain: Question mark (?) that matches any single character Asterisk (*) that matches any string of characters Ranges that match any character within the range.
backplanetest backplanetest Backplane connection test for multiple blade configured system. Synopsis backplanetest [-slot number][-passcnt count][-payload value][-pat type][-ports list][-verbose mode] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify the function of the backplane connection of the blades through the backend external ports. This command is for the StorageWorks Core switch only.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify the byte size of the test frame payload. The -payload value payload size must be in multiples of 4 and the minimum size is 16. The default value is 512 bytes. This operand is optional. Specify the test pattern type used in the test frame -pat type payload.
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backplanetest Examples Test backplane connections on a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> backplanetest -ports 1/16, 18, 20 -payload 2048 -verbose 1 Running Backplane Conn Test ..Checking for ports segmented Test frame info for Backplane Connection Test: # of frames: sid data: 0xfffffd did data: 0xfffffd...
Fabric OS Commands backPort Test for back-end miniswitch to miniswitch links. Synopsis backport [-nframes num][-ports list][-lb_mode mode] [-fr_type type][-extonly enable] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to test the backplane routing and VC allocation. This test applies to single blade as well as multi-blade systems. The following items are tested: Proper back-end port domain routing setup such that every user port has a valid path to every other user port.
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backPort ASIC errors along each path. The test will check for CRC and ENC errors for each port used between the source and destination ports to help isolate failures. It will also check that each member of every trunk group along the path has sent or received at least one frame.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify 1 to enable external test only mode. The -extonly enable default value is 0. This command normally sends bursts of frames from each port under test to every extonly other port in the list. In mode, backPort will send only one burst of frames to each port from each miniswitch to miniswitch link.
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backPort See Also crossporttest portloopbacktest spinsilk spinfab Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands backSpace Set an alternate backspace character. Synopsis backSpace [mode] Availability All users (display). Admin (modify). Release V3.1.x Description This command changes the backspace character used by the shell between the default value of BACKSPACE (hex 08) and an alternate value of DEL (hex 7F). Operands This command has the following operand: Specify 0 to use the standard backspace character...
bannerset bannerset Set the banner on the local switch. Synopsis bannerset [banner] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the banner on the local switch. The banner is a string of alphanumeric characters. It is displayed whenever a user tries to log into a switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Examples To set a new banner for a switch: switch:admin> bannerset “my banner” Please input context of security banner (press “.” RETURN at the beginning of a newline to finish input): Do not log into this switch if you are not an authorized administrator.
bannershow bannershow Displays the banner text. Synopsis bannershow Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the contents of the banner. Operands None. Examples To display the banner for a switch: switch:admin> bannershow Banner: Do not log into this switch if you are not an authorized administrator. switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands bcastShow Displays broadcast routing information. Synopsis bcastShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the broadcast routing information for all ports in the switch. The broadcast routing information indicates all ports that are members of the broadcast distribution tree, that is, ports that are able to send and receive broadcast frames.
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bcastShow Note: The output from this command varies depending on switch type. Operands None. Examples To display the broadcast routing information for all ports in the switch: switch:admin> bcastShow Group Member Ports Member ISL Ports Static ISL Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0x00012083 0x00002080 0x00000000 0x00000000...
Fabric OS Commands bladeBeacon Set blade beaconing mode on or off. Synopsis bladeBeacon [slotnumber] mode Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the blade beaconing mode on or off. Specify mode 1 to enable beaconing mode or specify mode 0 to disable beaconing. Note: This command is only available on the StorageWorks Core switch.
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bladeBeacon Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number on which to enable slotnumber bladeBeacon. Specify a value of 1 to set beaconing mode ON. Specify a mode value of 0 to set beaconing mode OFF. This operand is required.
Fabric OS Commands bladeDiag Run diagnostics on a switch blade. Synopsis bladediag [[--slot] slotno][-log logfile] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to run a suite of diagnostics tests on the specified switch blade. To run this command, you must install loopback plugs on every port. The tests executed are: portregtest centralmemorytest...
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bladeDiag Note: To run this command, you must disable the entire switch with the switchdisable command. Compared to bladediagshort, this is a comprehensive test for blade functionality which also involves backplane connections. Options This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core [--slot] slotno switch.
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Fabric OS Commands To run a suite of diagnostics: switch:admin> bladediag --slot 1 Testing slot: 1, user ports: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ..PortRegTest Running Port Register Test ..passed. Test Complete: "portregtest" Pass 1 of 1 Duration 0 hr, 2 min &...
bladeDiagShort bladeDiagShort Run diagnostics on a switch blade. Synopsis bladediagshort [[--slot] slotno][-log logfile] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to run a suite of diagnostics tests on the specified switch blade. To run this command you must install loopback plugs on every port. The tests executed are: portregtest centralmemorytest...
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Fabric OS Commands Note: To run this command, you must disable the entire switch with the switchdisable command. Compared to bladediag, this is a limited test for single blade functionality, which does not involve backplane connections. Options This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch.
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bladeDiagShort Example To run a suite of diagnostics on blade 1: switch:admin> bladediagshort --slot 1 Testing slot: 1, user ports: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ..PortRegTest Running Port Register Test ..passed. Test Complete: "portregtest" Pass 1 of 1 Duration 0 hr, 2 min &...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also backport bladediag camtest centralmemorytest cmitest crossporttest diagshow filtertest portloopbacktest portregtest spinsilk statstest txdpath Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
bladedisable bladedisable Disable a blade. Synopsis bladedisable [slotnumber] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable a blade. All Fibre Channel ports are taken offline. If the switch was connected to a Fabric through this blade, the remaining switches reconfigure, and this switch will configure based on the other blade ports.
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Fabric OS Commands Example Disable a blade in slot 2: switch:admin> bladedisable 2 See Also switchshow bladeenable portdisable protenable Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
bladeenable bladeenable Enable a blade. Synopsis bladeenable [slotnumber] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable a blade. All Fibre Channel ports within the blade which did not fail POST are enabled. These ports may come online if connected to a device, or remain offline if disconnected.
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Fabric OS Commands Example Enable a blade in slot switch:admin> bladeenable 2 fabric Principal switch See Also switchshow bladedisable portdisable portenable Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
bladePropShow bladePropShow Displays blade property. Synopsis bladePropShow [-slot slot] Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the properties of a blade. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number of the blade you want to run -slot slot diagnostics on.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also chippropshow ptpropshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Displays the serial number. Synopsis Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display the serial number. Note: To display the serial number for a component in V4.1.x, use the chassisshow command. Operands None. Examples To display the serial number: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands camTest Functional test of the CAM memory. Verify QuickLoop's Content Addressable Memory (CAM) SID translation. Synopsis: V3.1.x camtest [passcnt] Synopsis: V4.1.x camtest [--slot number][-passcnt count][-txport itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify that the Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is functionally OK by performing hit and miss tests.
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camTest domain and area fields of the SID zeroed. If a miss is expected (when the walking 1 or walking 0 pattern is used) the original SID in the frame transmitted is received unchanged. This command may not be executed on an enabled switch. You must first disable Note: the switch using the switchDisable command.
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Fabric OS Commands Errors When failures are detected, the subtest may report one or more of the following error messages: For V3.1.x DIAG-CAMINIT DIAG-XMIT DIAG-CAMSID For V4.1.x DIAG-CAMFLTR DIAG-CAMINIT DIAG-CAMSID DIAG-CAMSTAT DIAG-CAMXMIT See Also centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest itemlist portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest spinsilk...
centralMemoryTest centralMemoryTest Test ASIC central memory operation. Synopsis: V3.1.x centralMemoryTest [passcount, datatype, dataseed] Synopsis: V4.1.x centralmemorytest [--slot number][-passcnt count][-datatype type][-ports itemlist][-seed value] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to execute an address and data bus verification of the ASIC SRAMs which serve as the Central Memory.
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Fabric OS Commands The test consists of 6 subtests: Subtest 1 The BISR subtest executes the Built-In-Self-Repair (BISR) circuitry in each ASIC. The BISR executes its own BIST, and cells found bad are replaced by redundant rows provided in each SRAM in the ASIC. Once replaced, the BIST is executed again.
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centralMemoryTest ASIC #3: 0xfff9d389, 0xfff9d388, 0xfff9d387, ... ASIC #4: 0xfff8c609, 0xfff8c608, 0xfff8c607, ... For V4.1.x, the default pattern used (by POST also) is a QUAD_RAMP with a seed value of 0. Subtest 3 The ASIC-to-ASIC connection subtest verifies that any port can read the data from any of the ASICs in the switch;...
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Fabric OS Commands Subtest 4 The forced bad parity error subtest verifies that a bad parity can be detected, and that its error flag and interrupt bits are set. The test method is as follows: 1. Clear the error and interrupt bits of all ASICs. 2.
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centralMemoryTest Subtest 6 The forced bad chip number error subtest verifies that the bad buffer number in the data packet can be detected, its error flag and interrupt bits are set. The test method is as follows: 1. Clear the error and interrupt bits of all ASICs. 2.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify a set of ports to test. The data patterns are -ports ports written into the ports specified and verified by reading (V3.1.x only) from the ports. Specify the data pattern seed to be used. The default dataseed seed value is 0.
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centralMemoryTest To test the ASIC central memory in V4.1.x: switch:admin> centralmemorytest -ports 1/0-1/15 Running centralmemorytest .... passed. Test Complete: "centralmemorytest" Pass 1 of 1 Duration 0 hr, 0 min & 5 sec (0:0:5:412). passed. Errors When this command detects failures, each subtest may report one or more of the following error messages: For V3.1.x: Subtest 1...
cfgactvshow cfgactvshow Displays Effective zone configuration information. Synopsis cfgactvshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the Effective zone configuration information. The Effective configuration is a single zone configuration that is currently in effect. The devices that an initiator sees are based on this configuration. The Effective configuration is built when a specified zone configuration is enabled.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To show the Effective zone configuration information: switch:admin> cfgactvshow Effective configuration: cfg: zone: 33:07:06:05:04:03:02:01 zone: 44:01:23:45:67:89:a0:bc switch:admin> See Also cfgclear cfgcreate cfgdelete cfgremove cfgsave cfgshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cfgAdd cfgAdd Add a member to a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgAdd “cfgName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add one or more members to an existing zone. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to be preserved across switch reboots, it must be saved to non-volatile memory using the cfgSave command.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a name for the zone configuration in cfgName quotation marks. This operand is required. Specify a zone member or a list of zone members to member be added to the configuration, in quotation marks, separated by semicolons.
cfgClear cfgClear Clear all zone configurations. Synopsis cfgClear Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear all zone information in the transaction buffer. All defined zone objects in the transaction buffer are deleted. If an attempt is made to commit the empty transaction buffer while a zone configuration is enabled, a warning is displayed, to first disable the enabled zone configuration or to provide a valid configuration with the same name.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To clear all zones, and then clear non-volatile memory: switch:admin> cfgClear Do you really want to clear all configurations? (Yes, y, no, n): [no] yes switch:admin> cfgdisable See Also cfgAdd cfgCreate cfgDelete cfgDisable cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgSave cfgShow cfgTransAbort cfgtransshow...
cfgCreate cfgCreate Create a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgCreate “cfgName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to create a new zone configuration. A zone configuration name must begin with a letter and can be followed by any number of letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a name for the zone configuration in quotation cfgName marks. This operand is required. Specify a member or list of members to be added to zone member configuration, in quotation marks, separated by semicolons.
cfgDelete cfgDelete Delete a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgDelete “cfgName” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a zone configuration. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to become effective, an appropriate zone configuration must be enabled using the cfgEnable command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To delete a zone configuration: switch:admin> cfgDelete “Test_cfg” See Also cfgAdd cfgClear cfgCreate cfgDisable cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgSave cfgShow cfgTransAbort cfgtransshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cfgDisable cfgDisable Disable a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgDisable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable the current zone configuration. The fabric returns to non-zoning mode where all devices see each other. It also commits the zone configuration in the transaction buffer to volatile and non-volatile memory.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To disable the current zone configuration: switch:admin> cfgDisable Updating flash... switch:admin> See Also cfgAdd cfgClear cfgCreate cfgDelete cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgSave cfgShow cfgTransAbort cfgtransshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cfgEnable cfgEnable Enable a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgEnable “cfgName” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to commit any zone configuration in the transaction buffer to the volatile and non-volatile memory and enable the specified zone configuration. This command ends the current zoning transaction.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: This command requires an Advanced Zoning license. When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch. See “Security Commands” on page 941. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the name of a zone configuration to enable in cfgName quotation marks.
cfgRemove cfgRemove Remove a member from a zone configuration. Synopsis cfgRemove “cfgName”,”member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove one or more members from an existing zone configuration. The member list is located by an exact string match, therefore, it is important to maintain the order when removing multiple members.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Specify a name of a zone configuration, in quotation cfgName marks. Specify one or more members to be deleted from the member zone configuration, in quotation marks, separated by semicolons. Members can be specified in one or more of the following methods: Zone names QuickLoop names...
cfgSave cfgSave Save zone configuration to non-volatile memory. Synopsis cfgSave Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to save the current zone configuration. The defined configuration and the name of the enabled configuration are written to non-volatile memory in all switches in the fabric. The saved configuration is automatically reloaded by the switch on power up and, if a configuration was in effect at the time it was saved, the same configuration is reinstalled with an automatic cfgEnable command.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands None. Example To enable a zone configuration, then save it: switch:admin> cfgEnable “Test_cfg” zone config “Test_cfg” is in effect switch:admin> cfgSave Updating flash... See Also cfgAdd cfgClear cfgCreate cfgDelete cfgDisable cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgShow cfgTransAbort cfgtransshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cfgShow cfgShow Displays zone configuration information. Synopsis: V3.1.x cfgShow [“pattern”] Synopsis: V4.1.x cfgShow [“pattern”][, mode] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display zone configuration information. If no operand is specified, all zone configuration information (both Defined and Effective) is displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: This command requires an Advanced Zoning license. When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch. See “Security Commands” on page 941. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify a string of characters enclosed in quotation (V3.1.x only) pattern marks used to match zone configuration names.
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cfgShow To show all zone configuration information: switch:admin> cfgShow Defined configuration: cfg: USA1 Blue_zone cfg: USA_cfg Red_zone; Blue_zone zone: Blue_zone 1,1; array1; 1,2; array2 zone: Red_zone 1,0; loop1 alias: array1 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:8c; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:02 alias: array2 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:22; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:28 alias: loop1 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:85; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:df Effective configuration: cfg: USA_cfg...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also cfgAdd cfgClear cfgCreate cfgDelete cfgDisable cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgSave cfgTransAbort cfgtransshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cfgsize cfgsize Displays size details of the zone database. Synopsis cfgsize [integer] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the size details of the zone database. The size details include the Zone DB max size, the committed size, and the transaction size.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operand: If a non-zero integer is specified as the parameter, the size of integer the flash memory allocated for the zone database is displayed. The zone database includes both the Defined and Effective configurations.
cfgTransAbort cfgTransAbort Abort the current zoning transaction. Synopsis cfgTransAbort Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to abort the current zoning transaction without committing it. All changes made since the transaction was started will be removed and the zone configuration database restored to the state before the transaction was started.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To abort the current transaction: switch:admin> cfgtransshow Current transaction token is 271010736 It is abortable switch:admin> cfgtransabort Warning: Current Zoning Transaction was aborted. Reason code = User Command switch:admin> See Also cfgAdd cfgClear cfgCreate cfgDelete cfgDisable cfgEnable cfgRemove cfgSave...
cfgtransshow cfgtransshow Displays information about current zoning transaction. Synopsis cfgtransshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to show the ID of the current zoning transaction. It will also give the information about whether the transaction can be aborted or not. The transaction can not be aborted if it is an internal zoning transaction.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To show the current transaction: switch:admin> cfgtransshow There is no outstanding zone transactions switch:admin> cfgclear Do you really want to clear all configurations? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y Clearing All zoning configurations... switch:admin> cfgtransshow Current transaction token is 271010736 It is abortable switch:admin>...
chassisName chassisName Displays or sets the chassis name for a StorageWorks Core switch. Synopsis chassisName [name] Availability All users (display). Admin (set). Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to change the name associated with the chassis of a StorageWorks Core switch. In the StorageWorks Core switch there are two logical switches associated with a single chassis.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following command changes the chassis's name to “SW12K”: switch:admin> chassisname Silkworm12000 switch:admin> chassisname SW12K switch:admin> chassisname SW12K switch:admin> See Also switchName Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
chassisShow chassisShow Displays all Field Replaceable Units (FRUs). Synopsis chassisShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to inventory and display the field replaceable unit (FRU) header content for each object in the chassis. On some platforms for certain FRU types, a few items may not be available.
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Fabric OS Commands 3. This line displays the value used to calculate the object's power consumption, positive for power supplies, negative for consumers: Power Consume Factor: <-xxx> 4. This line displays the part number (up to 14 characters): Part Num: <xx-yyyyyyy-zz>...
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chassisShow Example To displays all Field Replaceable Units for a switch: switch12k:admin> chassisshow SW BLADE Slot: 3 Header Version: Power Consume Factor: -180 Brocade Part Num: 60-0001532-03 Brocade Serial Num: 1013456800 Manufacture: Day: 12 Month: Year: 2001 Update: Day: 15 Month: Year: 2001 Time Alive:...
Fabric OS Commands chippropshow Displays ASIC chip property contents. Synopsis chippropshow [slotnumber/]chip | [slotnumber] [all] Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the ASIC chip property contents for the specified chip on the specified blade slot. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch.
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chippropshow Example To view the chip properties on blade 2: switch:admin> chippropshow 2 -all switch:admin> chippropshow 7 -all Looking for chip 0 in path: /proc/fabos/blade/7 Slot: 2 minis: 0 chip: 0 slot: 7, minis: 0, chip: 0 [1657/0001,0104,2/8] [1657/0001,0104,2/8] slot: 7, minis: 0, chip: 1 Slot: 2 minis: 0 chip: 1 [1657/0001,0104,2/8] [1657/0001,0104,2/8]...
Fabric OS Commands chipregshow Displays port registers of a given chip number. Synopsis chipregshow [slotnumber/]chip [filter] Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the ASIC register contents for the specified chip on the specified blade slot. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number of the chip you want to test.
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chipregshow Example To display the port registers of chip 1 on blade 2: switch:admin> chipregshow 2/1 Port Registers for Slot: 2 port: 8 0xca6ed000: chip_id 0104 0xca6ed002: port_config 0a38 0xca6ed004: did_vc_map 0800 0xca6ed008: int_mask 064f 0xca6ed00a: int_status 1020 0xca6ed00c: err_status 0002 0xca6ed00e: vc_config 00c0...
Fabric OS Commands cmemRetentionTest Test the data retention of the central memory SRAMs. Synopsis: V3.1.x cmemRetentionTest [passcount] Synopsis: V4.1.x cmemretentiontest [--slot number][-passcnt count][-datatype type][-ports itemlist][-seed value] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify data retention in the central memory SRAMs in the ASIC.
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cmemRetentionTest Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the number of times to execute this test. The default passcount (V3.1.x only) value is 1. This operand is optional. Specify the slot number that the diagnostic will operate --slot number on.
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Fabric OS Commands Errors Listed below are possible error messages if failures are detected: For V3.1.x: DIAG-LCMRS DIAG-LCMTO DIAG-LCMEM For V4.1.x: LCMEM_ERR LCMRS_ERR LCMTO_ERR See Also camTest centralMemoryTest cmiTest crossPortTest datatypeshow itemlist portLoopbackTest ramTest spinSilk sramRetentionTest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
cmiTest cmiTest Verify the Control Message Interface (CMI) bus between ASICs. Synopsis V3.1.x cmitest [passcnt] Synopsis V4.1.x cmitest [--slot number][-passcnt count][-txports list][-rxports list][-skip mask] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify that the multiplexed 4-bit CMI point-to-point connection between two ASICs is OK.
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Fabric OS Commands If a good checksum test, check that: — CMI error bit is not set. — CMI error interrupt status bit is not set. if a bad checksum test, check that: — CMI error bit is set. — CMI error interrupt status bit is set. 5.
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cmiTest Example To run a CMI test between two ASICs in V3.1.x: switch:admin> cmiTest Running CMI Test ....passed. To run a CMI test between two ASICs in V4.1.x: switch:admin> cmitest -txports 1/0-1/7 -rxports 1/8-1/15 Running CMI Test ....Test Complete: “cmitest” Pass 1 of 1 Duration 0 hr, 0 min &...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest crossporttest itemlist portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest spinsilk sramretentiontest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
configDefault configDefault Reset a subset of configuration settings to the default values. Synopsis configDefault Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset certain configuration settings to the default values. All configuration parameters, with the following exceptions, are reset to default values: Ethernet MAC address, IP address, and subnetmask IP gateway address...
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Fabric OS Commands Some configuration parameters are cached by the system. To avoid unexpected switch behavior, reboot the system after executing this command. Operands None. Example To restore the system configuration to default values: switch:admin> configDefault Committing Configuration ...done. See Also agtcfgDefault configure switchDisable...
configDownload configDownload Download the switch configuration file from a host system. Synopsis configDownload [“host”,”user”,”file”,”passwd”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to load the switch configuration file from a host system. The configuration file is ASCII text and may have been generated using configUpload, or it may have been created by a user to download specific configuration changes.
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Fabric OS Commands remain unchanged. This is particularly important when downloading a zoning configuration. Since the new zoning information is added to the current configuration, there may not be any conflicts. Typically this command is used to add a consistent change to the current zoning configuration, or to replace the current zoning configuration, in which case cfgClear must be invoked before configDownload.
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configDownload To load a backup configuration file from a host system in V4.1.x: switch:admin> configdownload "","jdoe","config.txt", “password1” Committing configuration...done. download complete If you enter the command with no operands, you are prompted for the appropriate valuesin V4.1.x: switch:admin> configdownload Server Name or IP Address [host]: User Name [None]: user21 File Name [config.txt]: config-switch.txt Password: xxxxxxxxx...
Fabric OS Commands configShow Displays system configuration settings. Synopsis configShow [“filter”] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to view the system configuration settings set by the configure command. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify a text string in quotation marks that limits the output of filter the command to only those entries that contain the text string.
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configShow Example To display system configuration settings: switch:admin> configshow Ethernet addresses: 0:60:69:c0:e:88 Nvram datadata: fei(0,0)host:/usr/switch/firmware e= fffff000 g=10. 32.224.1 u=user tn=switch Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop: diag.postDisable: fabric.domain: fabric.ops.BBCredit: fabric.ops.E_D_TOV: 2000 fabric.ops.R_A_TOV: 10000 fabric.ops.dataFieldSize: 2112 fabric.ops.max_hops: fabric.ops.mode.SeqSwitching: fabric.ops.mode.fcpProbeDisable: fabric.ops.mode.isolate: fabric.ops.mode.longDistance: fabric.ops.mode.noClassF:...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also agtcfgShow configure diagDisablePost diagEnablePost ipAddrShow licenseShow syslogdIpShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
configUpload configUpload Create a backup file of switch configuration information on a host workstation. Synopsis configUpload [“host”,”user”,”file”[,”passwd”]] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to upload the switch configuration to a host file. The upload process uses FTP or RSHD. If the command is entered without operands, it becomes interactive and prompts the user for input.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a host name or IP address in quotation marks; for host example, “citadel” or “” The configuration file is downloaded from this host system. This operand is optional. Specify a user name in quotation marks; for example, “jdoe.” user This user name is used to gain access to the host.
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configUpload The user does not have permission on the host The user runs a script that prints something at login The FTP server is not running on the host See Also configDefault configDownload configShow configure Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands configure Modify system configuration settings. Synopsis configure Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to change the following system configuration settings: Fabric parameters Virtual channel settings Zoning operation parameters RSCN transmission mode NS pre-zoning mode Arbitrated Loop parameters System services Portlog events enable...
configure The configure command is navigated using a series of menus. Top level menus and associated submenus consist of a text prompt, a list of acceptable values, and a default value (in brackets). Use the following options to control input: Return When entered at a prompt with no preceding input, accepts the default value (if applicable) and moves to the next...
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Fabric OS Commands Table 2: Configure Command Fabric Parameters (Continued) Field Default Range VC Encoded Address Mode 0 or 1 Core Switch PID Format 0 or 1 (V3.1.x only) Per-frame Route Priority 0 or 1 Long Distance Fabric 0 or 1 Descriptions of the switch fabric setting fields are as follows: Domain The domain number uniquely identifies the switch in a...
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configure Sequence Level When Sequence Level Switching is set to 1, frames of the Switching same sequence from a particular source are transmitted together as a group. When this feature is set to 0, frames are transmitted interleaved among multiple sequences. Under normal conditions, Sequence Level Switching should be disabled for better performance.
Fabric OS Commands Core Switch PID This is used to set the 256 port PID format that is used for Format (V3.1.x only) core switches. This option enables single Domain port density higher than 16. VC Encoded Address Mode and Core Switch PID Format are mutually exclusive.
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configure VC Priority Specifies the class of frame traffic given priority for a Virtual Channel. Zoning Operation Parameters The Zoning Operation Parameter field is as follows: Disable NodeName Specify 1 to disable using Node WWN when specifying Zone Checking nodes in the zone database, or specify 0 to enable using Node WWN when specifying nodes in the zone data.
Fabric OS Commands RSCN Transmission Mode The RSCN Transmission Mode field is as follows: End-device RSCN Specify 0 for RSCN with single PID, 1 for RSCN with Transmission Mode multiple PIDs, or 2 fabric RSCN. The default value is 0. NS Operation Parameters The NS Pre-zoning Mode field is as follows: Pre-zoned Responses...
configure Always send RSCN? Following the completion of loop initialization, a remote state change notification (RSCN) is issued when FL_Ports detect the presence of new devices or the absence of pre-existing devices. When set, a RSCN is issued upon completion of loop initialization, regardless of the presence or absence of new or preexisting devices.
Fabric OS Commands rusersd Dynamically enables or disables a server that returns information about the user logged into the system through remote procedure calls (RPC). The information returned includes user login name, the system name, login protocol or type, login time, idle time, and remote login location (if applicable).
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configure Table 6: Configure Command Portlog Events Parameters (Continued) Field Default Range Rx: a frame is received On/Off Rx1: a frame is received, class 1 On/Off Rx2: a frame is received, class 2 On/Off Rx3: a frame is received, class 3 On/Off stats: port status or statistics On/Off...
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Fabric OS Commands Table 6: Configure Command Portlog Events Parameters (Continued) Field Default Range msRemR: inter-sw MS response On/Off (V4.1.x only) nsRemQ: inter-sw NS query On/Off nsRemR: inter-sw NS response On/Off rscn: RSCN On/Off state: Fibre Channel state (V4.1.x only) On/Off xalloc: alloc an exchange (V4.1.x only) On/Off...
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configure Example To set the configuration parameters for a switch: switch:admin> configure Configure... Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes Domain: (1..239) [1] R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000] E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000] 5000 Data field size: (256..2112) [2112] Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0] Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0] Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0] 1 SYNC IO mode: (0..1) [0]...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also configDefault configShow ifShow ipAddrSet syslogdIp syslogdipshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
crossPortTest crossPortTest Functional test of port external transmit and receive path. Synopsis: V3.1.x crossporttest [passcount, singleportalso] Synopsis: V4.1.x crossporttest [--slot number][-nframes count][-lb_mode mode][-spd_mode mode][-gbic_mode mode] [-norestore mode][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify the functional operation of the switch. This command verifies operation by sending frames from a port M’s transmitter and looping the frames back through an external fiber cable into another port N’s receiver.
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Fabric OS Commands The test method is as follows: 1. Determine which ports are connected to each other. 2. Enable ports for cabled loopback mode. 3. Create a frame F of maximum data size (2112 bytes). 4. Transmit frame F via port M. 5.
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crossPortTest V3.1.x: SwitchEnable and SwitchDisabled Mode / V4.1.x: SwitchOnline and SwitchOffline Mode The crossPortTest command can be executed when the switch is enabled/online or disabled/offline. In SwitchEnabled/SwitchOnline mode (where the switch is enabled prior to executing the crossPortTest command) only ports which are cable loopbacked to ports in the same switch are tested.
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Fabric OS Commands V3.1.x: SFP Mode Use the setgbicmode command (setGBICMode) to activate SFP mode by executing the following command prior to executing the crossPortTest command: switch:admin> setgbicmode 1 When activated, only ports with SFPs present are tested by the crossporttest command.
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crossPortTest Since this test includes the media and the fiber cable in its test path, its results combined with the results of portloopbacktest and spinsilk can be used to determine which components of the switch are faulty. It is also possible to use various loopback modes 3 and 5 to further isolate failures, see to -lb_mode below.
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Fabric OS Commands Select the loopback point for the test. By default, -lb_mode mode crossporttest uses cable loopback as described (V4.1.x only) above. However for debug purposes you can select other loopback modes as follows: Cable Loopback. Port Loopback (loopback plugs). External (series) loopback.
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crossPortTest The gbic_mode parameter may be used to override -gbic_mode mode the global GBIC mode described above for the (V4.1.x only) duration of this test. Specify 1 enable gbic_mode, and the testing is limited to user ports with GBICs or SFPs installed.
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crossPortTest STATS_FTX TIMEOUT XMIT See Also camTest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest emitest portLoopbackTest portRegTest ramTest spinSilk sramRetentionTest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands dataTypeShow Displays sample data stream types used in some diagnostic commands. Synopsis: V3.1.x dataTypeShow Synopsis: V4.1.x dataTypeShow [-seed value] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Displays sample data streams types used in diagnostic commands. There are 19 different sample data types.
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dataTypeShow Example Displays the types of sample data streams you can use with diagnostics: switch:admin> datatypeshow Pattern type example Byte Fill 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Word Fill 0000 0000 0000 0000...
Fabric OS Commands date Displays or sets the switch date and time. Synopsis date [“newDate”] Availability All users (display) . Admin (set). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the date and time for a switch (unless security mode is enabled).
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date It may take up to 64 seconds for the switches in the fabric to be synchronized. The date specified is always the local switch time taking into account daylight saving time and the time zone setup of the switch. Each switch takes care of converting the GMT time distributed fabric-wide to its local time.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also errLogShow portLogShow tsclockserver tstimezone uptime Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
dbgshow dbgshow Displays current values of debug and verbosity levels of the specified module. Synopsis dbgshow module_name Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current values of debug and verbosity levels of the specified module. If no module name is specified, display debug and verbosity levels of all modules.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also setdbg Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagClearError diagClearError Clear the diag software flag to allow for retest. Synopsis: V3.1.x diagclearerror [port] Synopsis: V4.1.x diagclearerror [[-slot] slot][-switch switch] | -all Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear the diagnostic software flag that indicates whether a port is BAD or OK.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the port where you want to clear diagnostic error port messages. This operand is optional. (V3.1.x only) Specify the slot to clear the diagnostic failure status. This -slot slot operand is optional.
diagCommandShow diagCommandShow Displays a list of diagnostic commands. Synopsis diagCommandShow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a list of diagnostic commands. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display a list of diagnostic commands: switch:admin> diagcommandshow diagCommandShow - Display diagnostics command parameter and error info. To show the parameters for a diagnostic test enter: diagCommandShow -name <test_name> LIST OF DIAGNOSTIC COMMANDS WITH DESCRIPTION: diagmodeshow Display diagnostic burnin controls statsclear...
diagDisablePost diagDisablePost Disable POST execution at reboot. Synopsis diagDisablePost Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable Power On Self Test (POST) execution at switch reboot. This mode is saved in non-volatile memory and POST remains disabled until it is enabled using the diagEnablePost command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To disable the POST execution at reboot: switch:admin> diagdisablepost Committing configuration...done. On next reboot, POST will be skipped. switch:admin> See Also diaghelp diagEnablePost Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagEnablePost diagEnablePost Enable POST execution at next reboot. Synopsis diagEnablePost Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable POST execution at the next switch reboot. This mode is saved in non-volatile memory and POST remains enabled until it is disabled using the diagDisablePost command.
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Fabric OS Commands It is recommended that POST always be enabled to ensure the operational status of the switch during the power on stage. The factory default enables POST execution. Operands None. Example To enable the POST during future power ups: switch:admin>...
diagesdports diagesdports Set ESD skip ports list. Synopsis diagesdports [itemlist | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the ESD IDLE PORTS list. The list is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagesdports.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To add ports 1 through 3 to the ESD Idle port list: switch:admin> diagesdports 1-3 ESD Idle Port list is now 1-3. Config update Succeeded switch:admin> diagesdports -show ESD Idle Port list is 1-3. See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagfaillimit diagfaillimit Set diagnostics fail limit to a specified value. Synopsis diagfaillimit [limit | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the diagnostics fail limit to a specified value. The fail limit controls the number of failures before certain diagnostics test methods will abort.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To change the fail limit from 1 to 5: switch:admin> diagfaillimit Fail Limit is 1. switch:admin> diagfaillimit 5 Fail Limit is now 5. Config update Succeeded switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagHelp diagHelp Displays diagnostic command information. Synopsis: V3.1.x diagHelp Synopsis: V4.1.x diagHelp [-name command] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display diagnostic command information. Operands For V3.1.x, none. For V4.1.x, this command has the following operand: Specify a command name to display more detailed -name command information.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display information about diagnostic commands: switch:admin> diagHelp ramTest System DRAM diagnostic portRegTest Port register diagnostic centralMemoryTest Central memory diagnostic cmiTest CMI bus connection diagnostic camTest Quickloop CAM diagnostic statsTest Statistics counter diagnostic filterTest Frame Filtering Test portLoopbackTest Port internal loopback diagnostic sramRetentionTest...
diagloopid diagloopid Set the diagnostics loop ID. Synopsis diagloopid [id | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to select the loop ID to be used by FL mode diagnostics. The value entered will be converted from a loop ID to the corresponding AL_PA and used as the port address for any diagnostics that operate in FL port mode.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To change the loop id from 125 to 120: switch:admin> diagloopid FL mode Loop ID is 125. switch:admin> diagloopid 120 FL mode Loop ID is now 120. Config update Succeeded switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagmodepr diagmodepr Enable or disable mode messages. Synopsis diagmodepr [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable print mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagmodepr. The mode becomes active as soon as this command is executed.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To enable print mode messages: switch:admin> diagmodepr -show Diagnostic Print Mode is currently disabled. switch:admin> diagmodepr 1 Config update Succeeded Diagnostic Print Mode is now enabled. switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagpost diagpost Enable or disable POST testing. Synopsis diagpost [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable POST testing. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagpost.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To enable and then disable the POST test: switch:admin> diagpost 1 Config update Succeeded Post disable is now 0 (Enabled). san95:admin> diagpost 0 Config update Succeeded Post disable is now 1 (Disabled). See Also diagdisablepost diagenablepost Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagretry diagretry Enable or disable retry mode. Synopsis diagretry [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable retry mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagretry.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To view the current retry mode value: switch:admin> diagretry -show Diagnostic Retry Mode is currently disabled. switch:admin> diagretry 1 Config update Succeeded Diagnostic Retry Mode is now enabled. switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
diagsetburnin diagsetburnin Initializes the blade for a burn-in run. Synopsis diagsetburnin [--slot slotnumber][script | -current] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This sets up the blade burnin parameters for the registered burnin script. The name of burnin script can be set with burninname command alternatively. The burnin will start at the next run of POST on the designated blades.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To view the current burn-in settings for a switch: switch:admin> diagsetburnin --slot 1 -current existing script is: /fabos/share/switchess.sh Burnin mode is Enabled. Removing all log files in /var/log for slot 1 Slot 1 burnin name is now /fabos/share/switchess.sh Config update Succeeded switch:admin>...
diagsetcycle diagsetcycle Set diagnostic script parameters. Synopsis diagSetCycle script [-show | -default | [-keyword value]] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This command provides interactive way of updating diagnostic command parameters. With only script specified, it will display all configuration variables used by the specified script and go into an interactive session.
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Fabric OS Commands The script parameters can be updated non-interactively -keyword value using this style of option list. keyword is the keyword to update and the value should be specified manually in this case. Example To view the parameters for a script: switch:admin>...
diagshow diagshow Displays diagnostics status. Synopsis: V3.1.x diagshow [nSeconds] Synopsis: V4.1.x diagshow [--slot slotnumber][-uports itemlist][-bports itemlist][-use_bports value] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description For V3.1.x, use this command to display the diagnostics status for switch was last rebooted. For V4.1.x, use this command to display the diagnostics status for the specified list of blade or user ports.
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Fabric OS Commands The state of the Central Memory based on the results of diagnostic executions since the last reboot. OK is displayed if previous centralmemorytest executions passed. FAULTY is displayed if the switch failed centralmemorytest. The total diagnostic frames transmitted and received since last reboot. The sums represent the cumulative number of frames transmitted and received by the diagnostic functional tests (portloopbacktest, crossporttest, or spinsilk for the transmitted count only) for all...
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diagshow Example V4.1.x example to display diagnostic status on switch blade 7: switch:admin> diagshow Diagnostics Status: Fri Feb 08 15:25:24 2002 Slot: 1 UPORTS Port BPort Diag Active Speed ..2G Auto ..2G Auto ..2G Auto ..2G Auto ..
Fabric OS Commands diagshowtime Enable or disable elapsed time messages. Synopsis diagshowtime [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable show time mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagshowtime.
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diagshowtime Example To enable show time mode: switch:admin> diagshowtime Show Time mode is 0 (Disabled). switch:admin> diagshowtime 1 Config update Succeeded Show Time mode is now 1 (Enabled). switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands diagsilkworm Enable or disable silkworm mode. Synopsis diagsilkworm [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable silkworm mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of diagsilkworm.
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diagsilkworm Operands This command has the following operands: Specify 1 to enable silkworm mode, specify 0 to mode disable silkworm mode. This operand is optional. Specify this operand to display the current mode -show setting. This operand is optional. If no operand is specified the current value is displayed. Example To enable silkworm mode: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands diagskiptests Enable or disable diagnostics skip test flags. Synopsis diagskiptests [value | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable the diagnostics skip test flags. The skip test flags are saved in non-volatile memory and stay set until the next execution of diagskiptests.
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diagskiptests Example The following is an example of the diagskiptests command: switch:admin> diagskiptests -show Skip tests is 0. switch:admin> diagskiptests 1 Config update Succeeded Skip tests is now 1. switch:admin> See Also diaghelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands diagstopburnin Terminate a blade burn-in run. Synopsis diagstopburnin [-slot slot] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to determine which PID is running burn-in on a blade and terminate that activity. It is expected that the burn-in script handles the logging cleanup.
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diagstopburnin Example To stop burn-in mode on a switch: switch:admin> diagstopburnin --slot 1 No burnin script active on slot 1 1 burninErrShow output: 0x1eea (fabos): Dec 19 14:42:18 Switch: 0, Error DIAG-MANUAL1, 1, " 1 Starting switchess ... Err# 0140042 0100:101:000:001:24:37: 0xc84 (fabos): Dec 20 08:57:27 Switch: 0, Error DIAG-MANUAL1, 1, "...
Fabric OS Commands dlsReset Disable Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) option. Synopsis dlsReset Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to turn off Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) when a fabric change occurs. Refer to dlsset for a full description of load sharing. Routing is generally based on the incoming port and the destination domain.
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dlsReset being delivered out of order. No frame loss occurs if IOD is off, but there is still a short period of time when traffic is not forwarded. This period of time is significantly shorter than when IOD is on, and is usually less than 1 second. Use this command only if devices connected to the fabric cannot handle occasional routing changes.
Fabric OS Commands dlsSet Enable Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) option. Synopsis dlsSet Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to turn on DLS when a fabric change occurs. Routing is generally based on the incoming port and the destination domain. This means that all the traffic coming in from a port (either E_Port or Fx_Port) directed to the same remote domain is routed through the same output E_Port.
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dlsSet being delivered out of order. No frame loss occurs if IOD is off, but there is still a short period of time when traffic is not forwarded. This period of time is significantly shorter than when IOD is on, and is usually less than 1 second. Operands None.
Fabric OS Commands dlsShow Displays the setting of the DLS option. Synopsis dlsShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display whether DLS is on or off. There can be two messages displayed: The DLS option is turned on. Load sharing is reconfigured with DLS is set every change in the fabric.
dnsconfig dnsconfig Set or display Domain name service parameters. Synopsis dnsconfig Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display or set the domain name service parameters. The domain name service parameters are namely domain name and the name server IP address for primary and secondary name servers.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also ipaddrset ipaddrshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
errClear errClear Clear the switch error log. Synopsis: V3.1.x errClear Synopsis: V4.1.x errClear [-p] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear the error log for a particular switch instance. If no operand is specified, this command clears the error log in RAM; The persistent error log is not cleared.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following example shows how to clear the error log: switch:admin> errclear 0x102ed690 (tShell): Nov 22 15:09:38 INFO SYS-LOGCLRD, 4, Error log cleared switch:admin> To clear the persistent error log on the Active CP using V4.1.x, use the -p operand.
errDump errDump Displays the error log without page breaks. Synopsis: V3.1.x errDump Syntax: V4.1.x errDump [-a][-p] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the error log; the entries in the log are displayed without any page breaks. It is identical to errshow, except that errshow prompts the user to type return between each log entry.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands For V3.1.x, none. For V4.1.x, this command has the following operands: Displays messages from the active error log. This displays the error log messages generated during the current run time cycle. Displays messages from the persistent error log. Example To display the error log without page breaks: switch:switch:admin>...
errNvLogSizeSet errNvLogSizeSet Resize the persistent error log. Syntax errNvLogSizeSet number_of_entries Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to resize the persistent error log of a switch to a new size specified by the operand number_of_entries. The persistent error log is resized immediately after the successful execution of this command.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also errNvLogSizeShow errSaveLvlShow errShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
errNvLogSizeShow errNvLogSizeShow Displays the current persistent (non-volatile) error log configuration of a switch. Syntax errNvLogSizeShow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to show the current maximum size of the persistent error log. Note: The configuration of the persistent error log on the active CP is independent of the configuration on the standby CP.
Fabric OS Commands errSaveLvlSet Set the error saving level of a switch. Syntax errSaveLvlSet lvl Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to control types of messages that are saved in the persistent error log. Message types are based on the message severity levels. By default, all messages of type Panic and Critical are saved in the persistent log.
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errSaveLvlSet Example The following example shows how to enable saving of Warning, Critical, Error, and Panic messages in the persistent error log. switch:admin> errSaveLvlSet 3 See Also errDump errNvLogSizeSet errSaveLvlSet errSaveLvlShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands errSaveLvlShow Show current error save level setting of a switch. Syntax errSaveLvlShow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to find out the current value of the persistent error log save level for a given switch instance. Operands None.
errShow errShow Displays the error log. Synopsis: V3.1.x errShow Synopsis: V4.1.x errShow [-a][-p] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the error log, prompting the user to type return between each log entry. It is identical to errdump, except that errdump displays all entries without page breaks.
Fabric OS Commands Diagnostic Error Codes Table 7 lists the error code numbers, the POST test that generates this error number, and the type of error. Table 7: Diagnostic Error Codes (Sheet 1 of 4) Error Number Test Error Type 0001 DIAG-CLEAR_ERR 0002...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also errDump errNvLogSizeSet errNvLogSizeShow errSaveLvlSet errSaveLvlShow uptime Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
exit exit Logout from a shell session. Synopsis exit Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to logout from a telnet, rlogin or serial port session. Telnet and rlogin connections are closed, the serial port returns to the “login:” prompt. The commands “exit”...
Fabric OS Commands fabportshow Displays fabric port information. Synopsis fabportshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the contents of a particular port data and also any pending commands (if applicable). The following information is displayed: Port Displays the port number.
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fabportshow Flags Port flags: 0x00000001 slave connection 0x00000002 loop back connection 0x00000004 incompatible connection 0x00000008 overlapping domains 0x00000010 overlapping zones 0x00000020 done PTIO ioctl 0x00000040 sent a RJT to ELP 0x00000080 BF received from the port 0x00000200 segmented by routing code 0x00000800 zoning has completed 0x00001000 segmented by Platform Management 0x00002000 segmented due to no license...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display fabric port information: switch:admin> fabportshow 4/14 Fabric Port Information: ======================== Port: State: List: 0x10068418 List Count: Flags: 0x280120 nbrWWN: 10:00:00:60:69:80:06:cf red_ports: 10 11 62 63 Open commands pending: ====================== No commands pending switch:admin> See Also portshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
fabretryshow fabretryshow Displays the retry count of the fabric commands. Synopsis fabretryshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the retry count of the fabric commands. The first line of display shows: SW_ISL ISL ports Each line below shows the retry count for the following fabric commands: Exchange Link Parameters Exchange Fabric Parameters...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the retry count of Fabric OS commands: switch:user> fabretryshow E_Ports SW_ILS See Also fabstatsshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
fabricprincipal fabricprincipal Set the Principal Switch Selection mode. Synopsis fabricprincipal [-fhq][ 1 | 0 ] Availability All users can display current setting. Admin can modify current setting. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set Principal Switch Selection Mode for the switch. The implementation of the fabricprincipal command is based solely on mechanisms specified in the Fibre Channel standards.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify 1 to enable principal switch mode, or specify 0 to disable 1 | 0 principal switch mode (the mode activates when the fabric rebuilds). This operand is optional. Example To display the current mode setting: switch:admin> fabricprincipal -q Principal Selection Mode: Enable To disable the mode setting: switch:admin>...
fabricShow fabricShow Displays fabric membership information. Synopsis fabricShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information about switches and multicast alias groups in the fabric. If the switch is initializing, or disabled, the message “no fabric” is displayed. If the fabric is reconfiguring, some or all switches may not be shown.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands None. Example The following example shows a fabric of four switches. “sw180” is the principal switch. Three of the switches are configured to run IP over Fibre Channel. There is one multicast alias group. switch:admin> fabricShow Switch ID Worldwide Name Enet IP Addr...
fabstateclear fabstateclear Clears the fabric state information. Synopsis fabstateclear Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear the queue of fabric state information logged by the fabric. Operands None. Example To clear the fabric state information: switch:admin> fabstateclear switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands fabstateshow Displays the fabric state information. Synopsis fabstateshow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the queue of fabric state information logged by the fabric. Operands None. Example To display the fabric state information: switch:admin>...
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fabstateshow See Also fabstateclear fabportshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fabStatsShow Displays the fabric statistics information. Synopsis fabStatsShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the statistics information of fabric. The information displayed is as follows: Number of times a switch domain ID has been forcibly changed Number of E_Port offline transitions Number of fabric reconfigurations Number of fabric segmentations due to:...
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fabStatsShow Example To display the fabric statistics information: switch:admin> fabstatsshow Description Count Port Time --------------------------------------------------------------- Domain ID forcibly changed: E_Port offline transitions: Reconfigurations: Segmentations due to: Loopback: Incompatibility: Overlap: Zoning: Routing: Licensing: Disabling E_Port: Incompatible platform DB: Security violation: Security incompatibility: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands fabswitchshow Displays the fabric switch state structure information. Synopsis fabswitchshow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the fabric switch state structure information. This command is strictly for debugging purpose. It is not intended as a user command. Operands None.
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fabswitchshow Example To display fabric switch state structure: switch:admin> fabswitchshow Fabric Switch State Structure Information ========================================= State: Rdi Receive Timer: 0x10051b48, IDLE STATE Unconfirmed Sw Timer: 0x10051c50, IDLE STATE Principal Domain: Upstream Port: Principal Wwn: 10:00:00:60:69:00:54:e8 Principal Prioritry: Flags: inq_sem count: dbg_sem count: fab_q current count: fab_q high water:...
Fabric OS Commands fanDisable Disable a fan unit. Synopsis fanDisable unit Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable a non-faulty fan unit by setting the RPM speed to 0. Operand This command has the following operand: Specify the fan's unit number. View the fan unit numbers using the unit fanShow command.
fanEnable fanEnable Enable a fan unit. Synopsis fanEnable unit Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the fan unit back to the default RPM speed only if the fan unit has been previously disabled using the fanDisable command. Operand This command has the following operand: Specify the fan's unit number.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also fanShow fanDisable Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
fanShow fanShow Displays fan status. Synopsis fanShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current status of the switch fans.The format of the display varies according to the switch model and number of fans. Some switch models show fan speed measured in RPM (revolutions per minute).
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the status and RPMs for the fans: switch:admin> fanShow Fan #1 is OK, speed is 2721 RPM Fan #2 is OK, speed is 2721 RPM Fan #3 is OK, speed is 2657 RPM switch:admin> See Also fanDisable fanEnable...
fashow fashow Displays Fabric Assist Information. Synopsis fashow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description This command displays information about Fabric Assist host ports. This command will display the port number and PID for each Fabric Assist host port located on this switch. It will also display a listing of each Target that has a Fabric Assist phantom on the host's port.
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Fabric OS Commands Each line of output shows: Fabric Assist Mode: Enabled or Disabled port The port number of the Fabric Assist host The 24-bit Fibre Channel address of the host. Fabric Assist The Online/Offline status of the host. Target The 24-bit Fibre Channel address of a zoned Target that current has a phantom assigned to the host.
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fashow See Also fazonecreate fastatsshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands faStatsShow Displays statistics about Fabric Assist. Synopsis faStatsShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display statistical information about Fabric Assist host ports. This command displays the port number for each Fabric Assist host port located on the switch.
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faStatsShow Example This example shows three Fabric Assist host ports on the switch. sw1:admin> faStatsShow Port Total LIPs Fabric Assist LIPs Last Caused by ------------------------------------------------------ 0x011001 0x0511ef 0x0511ef See Also fazoneCreate faShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fastboot Reboot the switch, bypassing POST. Synopsis fastboot Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reboot the switch, bypassing Power On Self Test (POST). The reboot takes effect immediately as the switch resets and executes normal power-on booting sequence.
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fastboot Example This example is for the StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin>fastboot Warning: This command is being run on a control processor (CP) based system and will cause the active CP to reboot. This will cause disruption to devices attached to both switch 0 and switch 1. To just reboot a logical switch on this system, use command switchreboot(1M) on the logical switch you intend to reboot.
Fabric OS Commands fazoneAdd Add a member to a Fabric Assist zone. Synopsis fazoneAdd “fazoneName”,“member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command adds one or more members to an existing Fabric Assist zone. This command does not change the defined configuration (which you can view using the cfgShow command) until the cfgSave command is issued.
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fazoneAdd Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name for the Fabric Assist zone in quotation fazoneName marks. This operand is required. Specify a list of Fabric Assist Zone members. The list member must be enclosed in quotation marks, and each member must be separated by a semicolon.
Fabric OS Commands fazoneCreate Create a Fabric Assist zone. Synopsis fazoneCreate “fazoneName”,“member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command creates a new Fabric Assist zone (fazone). You must specify a name and member list for a Fabric Assist zone. The FA zone name must be unique from any previously used Fabric Assist zone object.
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fazoneCreate Zone alias names have the same format as Fabric Assist zone names and are created with the alicreate command. The alias must resolve to a list of one or more physical fabric port numbers, WWNs, or a Fabric Assist host. When a Fabric Assist zone member is specified by Node Name, then all ports on that device are in the Fabric Assist zone.
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Fabric OS Commands would contain all devices connected to switch 2, ports 12 and 14, and the device with a WWN of "10:00:00:60:69:00:00:8a" (either Node Name or Port Name) whichever port in the fabric it is connected to. The target connected to switch 2, port 12 would be assigned an ALPA value of 0xE2, and the target connected to port switch 2, port 14 would be assigned an ALPA value of 0xE8.
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fazoneCreate Example To create three Fabric Assist zones using a mixture of port numbers and Fabric Assist zone aliases: “ ” “ ” switch:admin> fazoneCreate fazone1 H{1,0}; loop1 “ 2” “ ” switch:admin> fazoneCreate fazone H{1,1}; array1; 1,2; array2 “ 3”...
Fabric OS Commands fazoneDelete Delete a Fabric Assist mode zone. Synopsis fazoneDelete “fazoneName” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete an existing Fabric Assist mode zone on a fabric. This command does not change the defined configuration (which you can view using the cfgShow command) until the cfgSave command is issued.
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fazoneDelete Example To delete a Fabric Assist zone: switch:admin> fazoneDelete “Blue_fazone” See Also fazoneCreate faShow faStatsShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fazoneRemove Remove members from a Fabric Assist mode zone. Synopsis fazoneRemove “fazoneName”,“member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command removes one or more members from an existing Fabric Assist zone. Each deleted member must be found by an exact string match. Order is important when removing multiple members of a Fabric Assist zone.
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fazoneRemove Operands The following operands are required: Specify a name for the Fabric Assist zone in fazoneName quotation marks. This operand is required. Specify a member or list of members to remove member from a Fabric Assist zone. The list must be enclosed in quotation marks, and each member must be separated by a semicolon.
Fabric OS Commands fazoneShow Displays fazone information. Synopsis fazoneShow ["pattern"[, transflag]] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display fazone information. Specifying this command with no parameters or with the second parameter set to zero displays all fazone configuration information for both Defined and Effective configurations.
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fazoneShow Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a value to search for the name of an fazone. pattern This can be any POSIX style expression. This operand must be in quotation marks for V3.1.x. Patterns can contain: Question mark “?” that matches any single character Asterisk “*”...
Fabric OS Commands fcpprobeshow Displays the FCP probe information. Synopsis: V3.1.x fcpprobeshow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x fcpprobeshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the FCP probing information for a particular device which should be of type F/FL port. If the given port is not either of the above types, then the following message displays: port x is not an FL_Port or an F_Port Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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fcpprobeshow Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands fcprlsshow Displays the fcp rls information. Synopsis: V3.1.x fcprlsshow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x fcprlsshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the fcp rls (read link state) information for a particular device which should be of type F/FL port. If the given port is not either of the above types, then the following is displayed: port x is not an FL_Port or an F_Port Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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fcprlsshow Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands fdmicacheshow Displays abbreviated remote FDMI device information according to remote domain ID. Synopsis fdmicacheshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to displays FDMI cache information for remote domains only. The state of each remote domain, identified by its domain ID is shown to be either UNKNOWN, KNOWN or ERROR.
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fdmicacheshow Example To view the FDMI cache (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> fdmicacheshow state KNOWN v310 HBAs: 10:00:00:00:c9:25:9b:96 Total number of ports: 1 Ports: 10:00:00:00:c9:25:9b:96 Total count of devices on the switch is 1 To display the FDMI cache (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> fdmicacheshow switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands fdmishow Displays detailed FDMI device information. Synopsis fdmishow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display FDMI information for all HBAs and ports. Detailed FDMI information are displayed for local HBAs and ports. These includes HBA and port identifiers, HBA registered port list, and all the detailed attributes for HBA and ports.
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fdmishow Example For a managing master switch: switch:admin> fdmishow FDMI LOCAL_HBA hash contains: Id: 10:00:00:00:c9:25:9b:96 Port List: total 1 port(s) Id: 10:00:00:00:c9:25:9b:96 Port attributes: FC4 Types: 0x000100000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000... Supported Speed: 0x00000001 Port Speed: 0x00000001 Frame Size: 0x00000800 HBA attributes: Node Name: 20:00:00:00:c9:25:9b:96 Manufacturer: Emulex Network Systems Serial Number: 0000c9259b96 Model: LP9000...
Fabric OS Commands filterTest Frame Filter test. Synopsis: V3.1.x filterTest [passcnt] Synopsis: V4.1.x filtertest [-passcnt passcnt][-txports list][-scamoff offset][-dcamoff offset][-fdefoff offset] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify that the ASIC frame level filtering logic includes every type of filter actions: FLTACT_LIST_A - action to handle the subgroup A based filtering FLTACT_LIST_B - action to handle the subgroup B based filtering...
filterTest In this test, the filter definition covers the following different filtering conditions: Table 8: List of Filter Test Numbers, Definitions, and Action Types Number Filter Definition Action Type unconditional match Forward unconditional match List A unconditional match List B unconditional match Frozen unconditional match...
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Fabric OS Commands Specify the program location to write filter test -fdefoff offset (V4.1.x only) definition data in filter definition memory. The default value is 0. The maximum offset number is set if the specified number is larger than limit. Errors: V4.1.x When it detects failures, the subtest may report one or more of the following error messages:...
firmwareCommit firmwareCommit Commit switch firmware update. Synopsis firmwareCommit Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to commit a firmware download to a CP. This command copies an updated firmware image on the primary partition to the secondary partition and commits both partitions of a CP to an updated version of the firmware.
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Fabric OS Commands Run the firmwarerestore command to copy the secondary partition (with the old firmware) to the primary, and back out of the new firmware download. Operands None. Example To commit a new version of the firmware: switch:admin> firmwarecommit Doing firmwarecommit now.
firmwareDownload firmwareDownload Download switch firmware from a remote host or from a local directory. Synopsis: V3.1.x firmwareDownload [host, user, file [,passwd]] Synopsis: V4.1.x firmwareDownload [[-sbni] host,user,pfile [,passwd]] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description: V3.1.x Use this command to download switch firmware from a remote host or from a local directory to the switch's non-volatile storage area.
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Fabric OS Commands For the StorageWorks Core switch, each CP has two partitions of non-volatile storage. The firmwareDownload command will always load the image into the secondary partition and then will swap the secondary to be the new primary. After the system successfully boots up from this partition, run firmwareCommit to replicate the downloaded image in the primary partition to the secondary partition.
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firmwareDownload Note: The default action in V4.1 is a full install instead of an incremental install. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a host server name or IP address; for example, “tower” or host “”. The configuration file or pfile is downloaded from this host system.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify this operand to de-activate auto-commit mode. By default, (V4.1.x only) after running this command and after reboot, the switch will perform a firmwareCommit command automatically. When this mode is disabled, the user needs to issue the firmwareCommit command manually to replicate the downloaded image from the primary partition to the secondary partition of a CP.
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firmwareDownload To download the firmware to a V4.1.x switch: switch:admin> firmwaredownload Server Name or IP Address: User Name: foo File Name: /pub/dist/system.plist Password: xxxxxx Full Install (otherwise only install the difference) [Y]: Do Auto-Commit after Reboot [Y]: Reboot system after download [N]: Start to install packages..
Fabric OS Commands firmwaredownloadstatus Displays the status of a firmware download. Synopsis firmwaredownloadstatus Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display an event log that records the progress and status of the current firmwaredownload command. The event log is created by the current firmwaredownload command and is kept until another firmwaredownload command is issued.
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firmwaredownloadstatus Example To display the status of a firmware download: switch:admin> firmwaredownloadstatus [1]: Mon Jan 24 13:32:07 2005 cp0: FirmwareDownload has completed successfully on Standby CP. [2]: Mon Jan 24 13:32:10 2005 cp0: Standby CP reboots. [3]: Mon Jan 24 13:34:43 2005 cp0: Standby CP boots up.
Fabric OS Commands firmwarerestore Restore old active firmware image. Synopsis firmwarerestore Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to restore the old active firmware image. After a firmwareDownload and a reboot, the downloaded firmware will become active. If you then do not want to commit the firmware, and instead want to restore the old firmware, run firmwareRestore.
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firmwarerestore See Also firmwareCommit firmwareDownload Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands firmwareshow Displays the Fabric OS versions on both partitions of the local and remote CPs. Synopsis firmwareshow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the Fabric OS versions on primary and secondary partitions on the local CP and on the remote CP. This command identifies the status for each CP as Active or Standby, and will also identify the slot number for each CP.
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firmwareshow To display the firmware version of a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> firmwareshow Local CP (Slot 5, CP0): Active Primary partition: v4.1.x Secondary Partition: v4.1.x Remote CP (Slot 6, CP1): Standby Primary partition: v4.1.x Secondary Partition: v4.1.x switch:admin> See Also firmwaredownloadstatus Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fporttest Functional test of F->N, N->F point to point path. Synopsis fporttest [-nframes count][-ports itemlist][-seed payload_pattern][-width pattern_width][-size pattern_size] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify the functional operation of the switch by sending els ECHO frames from switch F_Port's transmitter, and receive els ECHO ACC back from N_Port device into F_Port's receiver.
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fporttest 5. Compare ECHO data transmitted is equal to the ECHO data received. 6. Repeat step 3 through step 5 for all ports present until: a. The number of frames requested is reached, b. All ports are marked bad. You can specify a payload pattern to be used when executing this test. If the pattern is not user specified, then at every 30 pass, a different data type from a palette of seven is used to generate different data pattern to create the frame.
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fporttest Example To run an fporttest: switch:admin> fporttest -ports 1/0-1/15 Running fPortTest ..Test Complete: "fporttest" Pass 10 of 10 Duration 0 hr, 0 min & 1 sec (0:0:0:127). assed. switch:admin> See Also itemlist crossporttest loopporttest spinsilk porttest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fspfShow Displays FSPF protocol information. Synopsis fspfShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the Fibre Channel Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol information, and internal data structures. FSPF is implemented by a single task, called tFspf.
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fspfShow Table 9: Display Fields (Continued) Field Description startTime Start time of tFspf task (milliseconds from boot). fspfQ FSPF input message queue. fabP Pointer to fabric data structure. agingTID Aging timer ID. agingTo Aging time out value, in milliseconds. lsrDlyTID Link State Record delay timer ID.
fwAlarmsFilterSet fwAlarmsFilterSet Enable or disable alarms for Fabric Watch. Synopsis: V3.1.x fwAlarmsFilterSet [alarm-on/off] Synopsis: V4.1.x fwAlarmsFilterSet [mode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to configure alarm filtering for Fabric Watch. By turning off the alarms, all non-environment class alarms are suppressed. By turning on the alarms, all class alarms are generated.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To enable alarms in Fabric Watch (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> fwalarmsfilterset Committing configuration...done. FW: Alarms are disabled switch:admin> fwalarmsfilterset 1 Committing configuration...done. FW: Alarms are enabled switch:admin> To enable alarms in Fabric Watch (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> fwalarmsfilterset FW: Alarms are disabled switch:admin>...
fwAlarmsFilterShow fwAlarmsFilterShow Displays alarm filtering for Fabric Watch. Synopsis fwAlarmsFilterShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display whether alarm filtering is enabled or disabled. Note: This command requires a Fabric Watch License. Operands None. Example To display the status of alarm filtering in Fabric Watch: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands fwClassInit Initialize all classes under Fabric Watch. Synopsis fwClassInit Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to initialize all classes under Fabric Watch. This command should only be used after installing a Fabric Watch license to enable the licensed classes.
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fwClassInit See Also fwConfigReload fwConfigure fwShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fwConfigReload Reload the Fabric Watch configuration. Synopsis fwConfigReload Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reload the Fabric Watch configuration. This command should only be used after downloading a new Fabric Watch configuration file from a host.
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fwConfigReload See Also configUpload configDownload fwClassInit fwConfigure fwShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fwConfigure Displays and modifies the Fabric Watch configuration and status. Synopsis fwConfigure Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display and modify threshold information for the Fabric Watch configuration. Switch elements monitored by Fabric Watch are divided into classes, which are further divided into areas.
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fwConfigure Table 10: fwConfigure Fabric Watch Classes and Areas (Continued) Class Area 3 : Port class 1 : Link loss 2 : Sync loss 3 : Signal loss 4 : Protocol error 5 : Invalid words 6 : Invalid CRCS 7 : RXPerformance 8 : TXPerformance 9 : State Changes...
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Fabric OS Commands Table 10: fwConfigure Fabric Watch Classes and Areas (Continued) Class Area 6 : F/FL Port (Copper) 1 : Link loss class 2 : Sync loss (V3.1.x only) 3 : Signal loss 4 : Protocol error 5 : Invalid words 6 : Invalid CRCS 7 : RXPerformance 8 : TXPerformance...
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fwConfigure Table 10: fwConfigure Fabric Watch Classes and Areas (Continued) Class Area (V3.1.x) 10 : 1 : Customer Define (V4.1.x) 9 : Filter Performance Monitor class (V3.1.x) 11 : 1 : Telnet Violations (V4.1.x) 10 : 2 : HTTP Violations Security class 3 : API Violations 4 : RSNMP Violations...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the Fabric Watch configuration and status: switch:admin> fwConfigure : Environment class : SFP class : Port class : Fabric class : E-Port class : F/FL Port (Copper) class : F/FL Port (Optical) class : Alpa Performance Monitor class : End-to-End Performance Monitor class 10 : Filter Performance Monitor class 11 : Security class...
fwFruCfg fwFruCfg Displays or modifies FRU state alert configuration. Synopsis fwFruCfg Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to configure FRU states and actions. Based on these configuration settings Fabric Watch generates action when FRU state changes. To configure e-mail alerts use fwMailCfg. Note: This command requires a Fabric Watch License.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To change FRU state alert configuration: switch:admin> fwFruCfg : Slot : Power Supply : Fan : WWN : Configure All : Set All to Default 7 : Quit Select an item => : (1..7) [7] 1 Alarm Label Status...
fwHelp fwHelp Displays Fabric Watch command information. Synopsis fwHelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information on commands used to configure Fabric Watch. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display a summary of Fabric Watch telnet commands (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> fwHelp fwAlarmsFilterSet Configure alarms filtering for Fabric Watch fwAlarmsFilterShow Show alarms filtering for Fabric Watch fwClassInit Initialize all Fabric Watch classes fwConfigure Configure Fabric Watch fwConfigReload Reload Fabric Watch configuration fwSetToCustom...
fwMailCfg fwMailCfg Configure e-mail alerts in Fabric Watch. Synopsis fwMailCfg Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display or modify the configuration and status of e-mail alerts in Fabric Watch. Switch elements monitored by Fabric Watch are divided into Classes. You can configure one email address recipient for the alert messages from each class.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands None. Example To configure an e-mail address recipient for the environmental class in Fabric Watch (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> fwMailCfg : Show Mail Configuration Information : Disable Email Alert : Enable Email Alert : Send Test Mail : Set Mail Address for Email Alert : Quit Select an item...
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fwMailCfg See Also fwconfigure fwclassinit fwshow fwconfigreload Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands fwsamshow Displays the switch availability monitor information. Synopsis fwsamshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to displays information about port availability. The information displayed includes: total uptime, total down time, number of faulty occurrences, MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure), and MTTF (Mean Time To Failure) for each port.
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fwsamshow Example The following example shows the summary information for an StorageWorks 2 Gb SAN switch: switch:admin> fwsamshow Total Total Number Of Total Port# Type UpTime DownTime Occurences MTBF MTTF OffTime (Percent) (Percent) (Times) (Hours) (Hours) (Percent) ============================================================================ E_PORT U_PORT U_PORT U_PORT U_PORT...
Fabric OS Commands fwSetToCustom Set boundary and alarm levels to custom values. Synopsis fwSetToCustom Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set boundary and alarm levels to custom for all classes and areas for Fabric Watch. Note: This command requires a Fabric Watch License.
fwSetToDefault fwSetToDefault Set boundary and alarm levels to the default values. Synopsis fwSetToDefault Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set boundary and alarm levels to default for all classes and areas for Fabric Watch. Note: This command requires a Fabric Watch License.
Fabric OS Commands fwShow Displays the thresholds monitored by Fabric Watch. Synopsis fwShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the thresholds monitored by Fabric Watch. In V3.1.x, if no parameters are entered, a summary of all thresholds is displayed and printed.
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fwShow Example The following in a V3.1.x example: Switch:admin> fwshow ========================================================================= Name Label Last value ---------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------- envFan001 Env Fan 1 5880 RPM envFan002 Env Fan 2 5910 RPM envFan003 Env Fan 3 5880 RPM envFan004 Env Fan 4 5970 RPM envFan005 Env Fan 5...
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Fabric OS Commands The following is a V4.1.x example: switch:admin> fwShow : Show class thresholds : Detail threshold information : Quit Select an item => : (1..3) [3] 2 Enter Threshold Name : [envFan001] envFan002 ========================================================================= Name Label Last value -------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------...
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fwShow See Also fwClassInit fwConfigReload fwConfigure Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands gbicShow Displays serial ID GBIC information. Synopsis: V3.1.x gbicShow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x gbicShow [slotnumber][portnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description: V3.1.x Use this command to display information about Serial Identification GBICs (also known as module definition “4” GBICs). These GBICs provide extended information that describes the GBICs capabilities, interfaces, manufacturer, and other information.
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gbicShow Description: V4.1.x Use this command to display information about SFPs. Note: The current technology in the StorageWorks Core switch, and StorageWorks 2 Gb SAN switch use SFPs instead of GBICs. This command is now replaced by the sfpshow command. The command is included in the current Fabric OS for backward compatibility of scripts used by some customers.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following V3.1.x example shows first GBIC summary information: switch:admin> gbicshow port 0: id (sw) Vendor: AGILENT Serial No: A00128928 port 1: id (sw) Vendor: AGILENT Serial No: A00128983 port 2: id (sw) Vendor: AGILENT Serial No: A00128966 port 3: id (sw) Vendor: AGILENT Serial No: A00128929...
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Displays shell history. Synopsis Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to view the shell history. The shell history mechanism is similar to the UNIX Korn shell history facility. It has a built-in line editor similar to UNIX vi that allows previously typed commands to be edited.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands None. Example To display previous shell commands: switch:admin> h 1 version 2 switchShow 3 portDisable 2 4 portEnable 2 5 switchShow See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
haDisable haDisable Disable the High Availability feature in the switch. Synopsis haDisable Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable the High Availability feature in the Switch. If the HA feature is already disabled, this command does nothing. Operands None.
Fabric OS Commands hadump Displays High Availability feature information. Synopsis hadump Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information about the status of the High Availability feature in the Switch. This command displays the following information: Local CP state (slot number and CP id);...
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hadump HA State Not The system is unable to synchronize the two CPs, due to the In Sync Standby CP being faulty or another system error. If a fail-over were to take place at this time, the Standby CP would be rebooted, and the fail-over will be disruptive.
Fabric OS Commands haEnable Enable the High Availability feature in the switch. Synopsis haEnable Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable the High Availability (HA) feature in the switch. If the HA feature is already enabled, this command is ignored. Operands None.
haFailover haFailover Forces the failover mechanism so that the Standby CP becomes the Active CP. Synopsis haFailover Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to force the failover mechanism to occur so that the Standby CP becomes the Active CP. Because haFailover results in CP reboot, a warning message and a confirmation are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To force the failover of the active CP to the standbyCP in the switch: switch:admin> hafailover Local CP (Slot 6, CP1): Active Remote CP (Slot 5, CP0): Standby, Failed HA enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State Not in Sync Warning: This command is being run on a control processor(CP) based system.
haShow haShow Displays control processor (CP) status. Synopsis haShow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the control processor status, which includes: Local CP state (slot number and CP id) Remote CP state (slot number and CP id) High Availability Enabled/Disabled Heartbeat Up/Down Health of Standby CP.
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Fabric OS Commands HA State Not The system is unable to synchronize the two CPs, due to the In Sync Standby CP being faulty or another system error. If a fail-over were to take place at this time, the Standby CP would be rebooted, and the fail-over will be disruptive.
hasyncstart hasyncstart Enable the HA state synchronizing process. Synopsis hasyncstart Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to re-activate the HA State Synchronizing process. Operands None. Example To enable the HA state synchronizing process: switch:admin> hasyncstart HA State synchronization has started switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands hasyncstop Disable the HA state synchronizing process. Synopsis hasyncstop Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to temporarily de-activate the HA Synchronization process.The next fail-over that takes place after may be disruptive as this command will deactivate the synchronization process. Operands None.
help help Displays help information for commands. Synopsis help [command] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command without an operand to display an alphabetical list of commands. At the end of the list are additional commands that display groups of commands;...
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Fabric OS Commands Example The first example provides help information on the login command. The second example provides help information on the configure command. switch:admin> help login switch:admin> help "configure" See Also diagHelp licenseHelp routeHelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
historyLastShow historyLastShow Displays last history log record. Synopsis historyLastShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the contents of the last history log record. A history record contains three lines of information: The first line of each record contains the following data sets: Object type: CHASSIS, FAN, POWER SUPPLY, SW BLADE (switch), CP BLADE (control processor), WWN (World Wide Name), or UNKNOWN.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the last history record: switch12K:admin> historyLastShow POWER SUPPLY Unit 2 Inserted at Tue Aug 14 15:52:10 2001 HP Part Number: 60-0001536-02 HP Serial Number: 1013456800 Records: See Also historyShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
historymode historymode Displays or sets the mode of the history log. Synopsis historymode [mode] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display or set the mode (as rotating or first-in) of the history buffer. The history log buffer can have two modes of accepting new entries after it has reached its maximum size: Rotating mode: new messages overwrite the oldest messages in the log.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following command sequence changes the history mode to first-in from rotating: switch:admin> historymode rot History Mode is: Rotating. See Also historyshow historyLastShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
historyShow historyShow Displays the history log. Synopsis historyShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the history log. Each history record contains three lines of information: 1. The first line of each record contains the following data sets: Object type: CHASSIS, FAN, POWER SUPPLY, SW BLADE (switch), CP BLADE (control processor), WWN (World Wide Name), or UNKNOWN.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the entire contents of the history file: switch:admin> historyShow Unit 3 Removed at Tue Aug 14 10:05:37 1970 HP Part Number: 20-123456-12 HP Serial Number: 1013456800 POWER SUPPLY Unit 1 Inserted at Tue Aug 14 10:52:10 1970 HP Part Number: 60-0001536-02 HP Serial Number:...
Displays task summary. Synopsis i [Process ID] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command displays information of all of the processes or of a specific process if a process ID is supplied. One line is displayed per process. The following table explains the fields displayed with this commands.
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Fabric OS Commands Table 11: Command Field Description (Continued) Field Description Process state codes: D uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) R runnable (on run queue) S sleeping T traced or stopped Z a defunct ("zombie") process The effective user ID number of the process. The process ID of the process.
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Example To display information about process name tSRL: switch:admin> i tSRL NAME ENTRY STATUS ERRNO DELAY -------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- ----- tSRL _nssrl_svr 11f9be20 170 PEND 1088a160 11f9c1b0 switch:admin> See Also diagHelp routeHelp Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands ifModeSet Set the link operating mode for a network interface. Synopsis ifModeSet [“interface”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description: V3.1.x Use this command to set the link operating mode for a network interface. The “interface” argument is of the form <name><physical-unit>, where <name>...
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ifModeSet Description: V4.1.x Use this command to set the link operating mode for a network interface. An operating mode is confirmed with a “y” or “yes” at the prompt. If the operating mode selected differs from the current mode, the change is saved and the command exits.
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Fabric OS Commands To force 10 Mbps Half Duplex, follow this scenario for the ifmodeset command: switch:admin> ifModeSet eth0 Exercise care when using this command. Forcing the link to an operating mode not supported by the network equipment to which it is attached may result in an inability to communicate with the system through its ethernet interface.
ifModeShow ifModeShow Displays the link operating mode for a network interface. Synopsis ifModeShow [“interface”] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the link operating mode for a network interface. The network interfaces available on the system can be listed with the ifshow command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the link operating mode for the “fei0” Ethernet interface: switch:admin> ifModeShow "fei0" fei (unit number 0): Link mode: Auto-negotiate switch:admin> See Also ifModeSet ifShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
ifShow ifShow Displays network interface information. Synopsis ifShow [“ifName”] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display network interface status. If the operand ifName is provided, only that interface is displayed. If ifName is omitted, all interfaces are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the name of an interface, in quotation marks. This ifName operand is optional. Example To display Ethernet interface information for a switch with a 10BaseT connection: switch:admin> ifShow "ei" ei (unit number 0): Flags: (0x63) UP BROADCAST ARP RUNNING Internet address:
interfaceShow interfaceShow Displays FSPF interface information. Synopsis: V3.1.x interfaceShow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x interfaceShow [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display data structures associated with FSPF interfaces (E_Ports) on the switch. There are two data structures that save data associated with FSPF interfaces: The permanently allocated Interface Descriptor Block (IDB).
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Fabric OS Commands masterPort Port number of the trunk master port, if present, of the trunk group this port is a part of. defaultCost The default cost of sending a frame over the ISL connection to this interface. cost Cost of sending a frame over the ISL connected to this interface.
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interfaceShow inactTID Inactivity timer ID. helloTID Hello timer ID. dbRtxTID Database retransmission timer ID. lsrRtxTID LSR retransmission timer ID. inactTo Inactivity time out value, in milliseconds. When this time out expires, the adjacency with the neighbor switch is broken and new paths are computed to all possible destination switches in the fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4 or 7 through 10) and port number (0 through 15).
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interfaceShow See Also portShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands iodReset Turn off the In-order Delivery (IOD) option. Synopsis iodReset Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to turn off the IOD option. The IOD option is turned off by default. If the IOD option was turned on using iodSet, this command can be used to turn it off again.
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iodReset Examples To turn off the IOD option: switch:admin> iodshow IOD is set switch:admin> iodreset done. switch:admin> iodshow IOD is not set switch:admin> See Also iodSet iodShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands iodSet Enable the In Order Delivery (IOD) option. Synopsis iodSet Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enforce in order delivery of frames during a fabric topology change. In a stable fabric, frames are always delivered in order, even when the traffic between switches is shared among multiple paths.
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iodSet Examples To turn on the IOD option: switch:admin> iodSet Committing configuration...done. switch:admin> See Also iodReset iodShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands iodShow Displays the In Order Delivery (IOD) option setting. Synopsis iodShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display whether the IOD option is enabled or disabled. Operands None. Example To display the current setting of the IOD option: switch:admin>...
ipAddrSet ipAddrSet Set the IP Address details for a switch or Control Processor. Synopsis: V3.1.x ipAddrSet Synopsis: V4.1.x ipAddrSet [option] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the Ethernet and Fibre Channel IP addresses on the switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Fibre Channel Set the Fibre Channel subnetmask of the switch. Subnetmask Gateway Address Set the gateway IP address for the switch. Parameters: V4.1.x For a StorageWorks Core switch, you must set values for both logical switches and both CP cards. Use the option operand to select the logical switch or CP where you want to configure an IP address.
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ipAddrSet Press Ctrl-C to cancel changes Press Ctrl-D to accept changes and end input The final prompt allows you to set the new IP addresses immediately. Enter Y to set new addresses immediately; enter N to delay the changes until the next switch reboot.
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Fabric OS Commands To set the IP address details for logical switch number 1 (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> ipaddrset 1 Ethernet IP Address []: Ethernet Subnetmask []: Fibre Channel IP Address []: Fibre Channel Subnetmask []: Gateway IP Address []: IP address being changed...
ipAddrShow ipAddrShow Displays the IP address for a switch or Control Processor. Synopsis: V3.1.x ipAddrShow Synopsis V4.1.x ipAddrShow [option] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the Ethernet and FC IP addresses configured in the system.
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Fabric OS Commands Information: V4.1.x For a switch, this command displays the following details: Ethernet IP Address, Ethernet Subnetmask, Fibre Channel IP Address, and Fibre Channel Subnetmask. For a CP, this command displays the following details: Ethernet IP Address, Ethernet Subnetmask, Hostname and Gateway IP address. In the StorageWorks Core switch the CPs communicate to each other through an Ethernet in the backplane.
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ipAddrShow Example To display the IP configuration details for the switch (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> ipAddrShow Ethernet IP Address: Ethernet Subnetmask: Fibre Channel IP Address: none Fibre Channel Subnetmask: none Gateway Address: switch:admin> To display the IP address for logical switch number 0 (V4.1.x example): switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands islshow Displays ISL information. Synopsis islshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current connections and status of the ISL of each port on this switch. The WWN where the ISL is connected to, the speed of the connection, and whether this ISL is trunked, are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands white space like spaces, and tab stops are skipped. ranges using “-” can be mixed with individual values. Each item may be proceeded by an optional slot number and “/”. for example, “0,3,4-6,1”, “0,1,3,4,5,6”, “0 3 4 - 6 1" will all select items 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Besides the syntax rules, there are also some grammatical restrictions on the slot numbers: Once specified a slot selection will apply to all following items to the right of...
itemlist Table 12: Object Descriptions Type Grouping Description BPORTS Blade Blade ports, internal and external ports. UPORTS Switch User ports, ports with external connections. QUADS Blade Quadrants, group of (normally 4) ports. CHIPS Blade Chips, Asics within a blade. MINIS Blade Mini switches.
Fabric OS Commands killtelnet Terminate an open telnet session. Synopsis killtelnet Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to terminate an open telnet session. The killtelnet command is an interactive menu driven command. Upon invocation, it lists all the current telnet and serial port login sessions.
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killtelnet Example To terminate an open telnet connection: switch:admin> killtelnet Collecting login information..Done List of telnet sessions (3 found) ____________________________________________________________________________ Session No USER IDLE FROM LOGIN@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ root0 ttyS0 1:17m 5:13pm admin0 pts/0 16.00s 6:29pm admin0 pts/1 3.00s 6:31pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter Session Number to terminate (q to quit) 1...
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Fabric OS Commands Note: The list of open sessions displayed with killtelnet includes the user’s current session. Make sure you do not kill your own telnet session. See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
ledtest ledtest Run LED diagnostics on a switch blade and WWN. Synopsis ledtest Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to run a suite of LED tests. Operands None. Example To test the LEDs: switch:admin> ledtest Disabling switch launch ledScript.tmp script in background (PID is 17974) Enter <cr>...
Fabric OS Commands licenseAdd Add license key to switch. Synopsis licenseAdd “license” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add license keys to the system. Some features of the switch and of the fabric to which it is connected are optional licensed products.
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licenseAdd Operands This command has the following operand: Specify a license key in quotation marks. This operand license is required. Example To add a license key to the switch: switch:admin> licenseAdd “bQebzbRdScRfc0iK” adding license key “bQebzbRdScRfc0iK” done. See Also licenseHelp licenseIdShow licenseRemove licenseShow...
Fabric OS Commands licenseHelp Commands used to administer license keys. Synopsis licenseHelp Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a list of the commands used to administer license keys. Operands None. Example To display license commands: switch:admin>...
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licenseHelp See Also licenseAdd licenseIdShow licenseRemove licenseShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands licenseIdShow Displays system license ID. Synopsis licenseIdShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the license ID of StorageWorks 2 Gb SAN switch or a StorageWorks Core switch chassis. Some features of the switch and the fabric are optional, licensed products. Without a license installed for such products, the services provided by these features are not available.
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licenseIdShow Operands None. Example To display the license ID: switch:admin> licenseIdShow a4:f8:69:33:22:00:ea:18 See Also licenseAdd licenseHelp licenseRemove licenseShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands licenseRemove Remove the license key from a switch. Synopsis licenseRemove “license” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove an existing license key from a switch. The existing license key must be entered exactly as shown by licenseShow, including case. When the key has been entered, use the licenseShow command to verify that the key has been removed and the licensed product uninstalled.
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licenseRemove See Also licenseAdd licenseHelp licenseIdShow licenseShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands licenseShow Displays current license keys. Synopsis licenseShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display current license keys along with a list of licensed products enabled by these keys. The message No license installed on this switch is displayed when no licenses are installed.
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licenseShow See Also licenseAdd licenseHelp licenseIdShow licenseRemove Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands linkCost Set or print the FSPF cost of a link. Synopsis: V3.1.x linkCost [portnumber][, cost] Synopsis: V4.1.x linkCost [slotnumber/][portnumber][, cost] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set or display the cost of an Inter-Switch Link (ISL). The cost of a link is a dimensionless positive number.
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linkCost If no operands are specified, the command displays the actual cost of all the ISLs in the (logical) switch. Specify the [slotnumber/]portnumber operand to view the cost of that specific port. Specify [slotnumber/]portnumber and cost operands to set the cost of a specific ISL. Setting the cost to zero removes a static cost from the database and reverts the cost of the link to its default value.
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Fabric OS Commands Examples To display the cost of a link, and reset the cost: switch:admin> linkcost Interface Cost ----------------------------------- (E_PORT) switch:admin> See Also interfaceShow LSDbShow topologyShow uRouteShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
login login Log in as a new user. Synopsis login Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to log in to the switch with another user name and password, without first logging out from the original session. If the user was originally connected using a telnet or rlogin session, that session is left open.
Fabric OS Commands logout Log out from a shell session. Synopsis logout Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to log out from a shell session. Remote login connections are closed, local serial connections return to the login prompt. The command exit is accepted as synonym for logout, as is a Ctrl-D typed at the beginning of a line.
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logout See Also login Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands loopPortTest Tests the L_port M->M path on a loop. Synopsis: V3.1.x loopPortTest [passcount, port_number, payload_pattern, pattern_width] Synopsis: V4.1.x loopporttest [--slot number][-nframes count][-ports itemlist][-seed payload_pattern][-width pattern_width] Availability: Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description: Use this command to verify the functional operation of the switch by sending frames from port M's transmitter, and looping the frames back using an external fiber cable, including all the devices on the loop, into port M's receiver.
Page 413
loopPortTest 3. Create a frame F of data size (1024 bytes). 4. Transmit frame F via port M, with D_ID to the FL port (ALPA = 0). 5. Pick up the frame from port M, the FL port. 6. Check if any of the 8 statistic error counters are non-zero: ENC_in, CRC_err, TruncFrm, FrmTooLong, BadEOF, Enc_out, BadOrdSet, DiscC3.
Page 414
Fabric OS Commands Specify the pattern of the test packets payload. payload_pattern (V3.1.x only) Specify the width of the pattern which user specified. pattern_width Valid values are: (V3.1.x only) 1 = byte 2 = word 4 = quad Specify the slot number in a StorageWorks Core switch. --slot number (V4.1.x only) The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and...
Page 415
loopPortTest Example To run this command 100 times on port 8 (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> loopporttest 100, 8, 0xaa55, 2 Configuring L-port 7 to CableLoopback Port..done. Will use pattern: aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 Running Loop Port Test ..passed. Configuring Loopback L-port(s) back to normal L-port(s)..done.
Fabric OS Commands LSDbShow Displays the FSPF Link State Database. Synopsis LSDbShow [domain] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a link state database record for switches in the fabric. There are two data structures - the permanently allocated Link State Database Entry and the Link State Record (LSR) that are allocated when a switch is connected to the fabric.
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LSDbShow Table 13: LSDbShow Display Fields (Continued) Field Description lastIgnored Last time an LSR was ignored. installTime Time this LSR was installed in the database, in seconds since boot. lseFlags Internal variable. uOutIfs Internal variable uPathCost Internal variable. uOldHopCount Internal variable. uHopsFromRoot Internal variable.
Page 420
Fabric OS Commands Table 13: LSDbShow Display Fields (Continued) Field Description cost Cost of this link. The default cost for a 1 Gb/s link is 1000. costCnt Always 0. type Always 1. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the domain number of the LSR to be displayed. domain This operand is optional.
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LSDbShow Examples To display the Link State Record for the local switch: switch:admin> lsdbshow Domain = 7 (self), Link State Database Entry pointer = 0x103946a0 lsrP = 0x1035bb30 earlyAccLSRs ignoredLSRs lastIgnored = Never installTime = 0x4f20a (324106) lseFlags = 0xa uOutIfs = 0x0 uPathCost...
Fabric OS Commands mcastShow Displays multicast routing information. Synopsis mcastShow [group_ID] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display the multicast routing information, as it is known by the FSPF path selection and routing task, for all ports in the switch. The multicast routing information indicates, for each multicast group, all the ports that are members of that group;...
mcastShow The following fields are displayed: Table 14: Group Fields Groups Fields Multicast Group ID Member Ports Bit map of all ports in the multicast tree for that multicast group. Member ISL Ports Bit map of all E_Ports in the multicast tree for that multicast group.
Fabric OS Commands memshow Displays the amount of free and used memory in switch. Synopsis: V3.1.x memshow Synopsis: V4.1.x memshow [ -b | -k | -m ] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display free and used memory on the system as well as the shared memory and buffers used by the kernel.
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memshow Example To view the memory usage in a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> memshow status bytes blocks avg block max block ------ --------- -------- ---------- ---------- current free 22187312 1167753 22179008 alloc 5311888 4258 1247 cumulative alloc 314330064 5666735 switch:admin> See Also savecore Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands mscapabilityshow Displays the service support capability. Synopsis mscapabilityshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to query a fabric for service support capability. This command provides information on what services are supported fabric wide. The following capabilities are shown: Bit 0: Basic Fabric Configuration Service Supported.
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mscapabilityshow Bit 4: Fabric Zone Service Supported. This bit displays the fabric capability to support the Fabric Zone Service. This service is described in the FC-GS MS specification. Bit 5: Fabric Lock Service Supported. This service is not currently supported in switches, and defaults to 0. This service is described in the FC-GS MS specification.
Page 428
Fabric OS Commands Example To display Management Server capability on a fabric: switch:admin> mscapabilityshow Switch WWN Capability Switch Name ======================== ========== =========== 10:00:00:60:69:90:03:f0 0x0000019f “switch”* 10:00:00:60:69:90:24:f0 0x0000019f “switch123” 10:00:00:60:69:90:31:f0 0x0000008f “switch321” Capability Bit Definitions: Bit 0: Basic Fabric Configuration Service Supported. Bit 1: Platform Service Supported.
msConfigure msConfigure Configure the Management Server. Synopsis msConfigure Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display and configure parameters used to access the Management Server. The Management Server allows a storage area network (SAN) management application to retrieve and administer fabric and interconnect elements such as switches.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch. See “Security Commands” on page 941. Operands None. Example To display the Management Server access control list: switch:admin> msConfigure Done Display the access list Add member based on its Port/Node WWN Delete member based on its Port/Node WWN select : (0..3) [1]...
Page 431
msConfigure See Also msCapabilityShow msPlMgmtActivate msPlMgmtDeactivate msPlatShow msPlClearDB msTdDisable msTdEnable msTdReadConfig Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands msPlatShow Displays the Management Server Platform database. Synopsis msPlatShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information from the Management Server Platform database. The display shows the Platform name and associated attributes of each Platform object in the database.
Page 433
msPlatShow Example To display the Management Server Platform database for a fabric: switch:admin> msPlatShow ----------------------------------------------------------- Platform Name: [9] "first obj" Platform Type: 5 : GATEWAY Number of Associated M.A.: 1 Associated Management Addresses: [35] "http://java.sun.com/products/plugin" Number of Associated Node Names: 1 Associated Node Names: 10:00:00:60:69:20:15:71 -------------------------------------------------------------...
Fabric OS Commands msPlClearDB Clear the Management Server Platform database on all switches in the fabric. Synopsis msPlClearDB Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command enables an Admin user to clear the entire Management Server Platform database on all switches in the fabric. Since this operation is non-recoverable (once issued, the database will be erased), it should not be used unless it is intended to resolve a database conflict between two joining fabrics or to establish an entire new fabric with an empty database.
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msPlClearDB Example To clear the Management Server Platform database on all switches in the fabric: switch:admin> msplcleardb This will erase MS Platform Service Database in the entire fabric. Would you like to continue this operation? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y Request to MS Platform DB Clear operation in progress..
Fabric OS Commands msPlMgmtActivate Activate the Management Server Platform service on all switches in the fabric. Synopsis msPlMgmtActivate Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command enables an Admin user to activate the Management Server Platform service on all switches in the fabric. HP recommends that you run the msCapabilityShow command before issuing this command.
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msPlMgmtActivate Example To activate Platform service on all switches in the fabric (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> msplmgmtactivate Request to activate MS Platform Service in progress..*Completed activating MS Platform Service in the fabric! switch:admin> See Also msPlMgmtDeactivate msPlatShow msCapabilityShow msPlClearDB Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands msPlMgmtDeactivate Deactivate the Management Server Platform service on all switches in the fabric. Synopsis msPlMgmtDeactivate Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to deactivate the Platform service on all switches in the fabric. This command deactivates the Platform service of each switch in the fabric and commits the changes to the non-volatile storage of each switch.
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msPlMgmtDeactivate Example To deactivate the Platform service on all switches in the fabric: switch:admin> msplmgmtdeactivate MS Platform Service is currently enabled. This will erase MS Platform Service configuration information as well as database in the entire fabric. Would you like to continue this operation? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y Request to deactivate MS Platform Service in progress..
Fabric OS Commands msTdDisable Disable the Management Server Topology Discovery service. Synopsis msTdDisable [“ALL”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable the Management Server Topology Discovery service locally or fabric-wide. This command will disable the topology service of the local switch and commit the changes to non-volatile memory of the local switch.
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msTdDisable Example To disable the Management Server Topology Discovery service locally or fabric-wide: switch:admin> mstddisable This may erase all NID entries. Are you sure? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y Request to disable MS Topology Discovery Service in progress..*MS Topology Discovery disabled locally. switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands msTdEnable Enable the Management Server Topology Discovery service. Synopsis msTdEnable [“ALL”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable the Management Server Topology Discovery service locally or fabric-wide. This command enables the Topology Discovery service on the local switch and commits the change to the non-volatile memory of the local switch.
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msTdEnable Example To enable the Management Server Topology Discovery service locally or fabric-wide: switch:admin> mstdenable Request to enable MS Topology Discovery Service in progress..*MS Topology Discovery enabled locally. switch:admin> switch:admin> mstdenable ALL Request to enable MS Topology Discovery Service in progress..*MS Topology Discovery enabled locally.
Fabric OS Commands msTDReadConfig Displays the status of Management Server Topology Discovery service. Synopsis msTdReadConfig Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to check whether or not the Management Server Topology Discovery service is enabled. Operands None.
myid myid Displays the current login session details. Synopsis myid Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the status of the system and the login session details. The Status displays if the system is Redundant or Non-Redundant or Unknown. The login session gives details of the following: Which CP/Switch (or console/serial port) was used to log in The IP address of the current login session for telnet or the name of the...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also version Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
nbrStatsClear nbrStatsClear Reset FSPF interface counters. Synopsis: V3.1.x nbrStatsClear [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x nbrStatsClear [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset the counters of FSPF frames transmitted and received on an interface. Use this command with no operand to reset counters on all interfaces. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch.
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Fabric OS Commands When this command is specified with no operand, the statistics are cleared for all interfaces. Examples To display how to reset the counters on slot 1 port 4: switch:admin> nbrstatsclear 1/4 See Also interfaceShow portShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
nbrStateShow nbrStateShow Displays FSPF neighbor's state. Synopsis: V3.1.x nbrStateShow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x nbrStateShow [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information about neighbors to the local switch, or information about a specific neighbor if a port number is supplied. A neighbor is a switch that is directly attached to the local switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
nodefind nodefind Displays all the device PIDs matching a given WWN. Synopsis nodefind “WWN” Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the 24-bit Fibre Channel addresses of all the devices in the fabric that have either port world wide name or node world wide name matching with the given world wide name.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also nsshow nsallshow nscamshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
nsaliasshow nsaliasshow Displays local name server information with aliases. Synopsis: V3.1.x nsaliasshow Synopsis: V4.1.x nsaliasshow [-r] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command is a duplicate of the command nsshow with the added feature of displaying the defined configuration aliases that the device belongs to. The message There is no entry in the Local Name Server is displayed if there is no information in this switch, but there still may be devices connected to other switches in the Fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands For V3.1.x, none. For V4.1.x, this command has the following operand: Specify this option to replace the TTL attribute output with SCR (state change registration) information in the display. SCR is the state change registration of a device. This value indicates what type of RSCN a device registers to receive.
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nsaliasshow See Also nsshow nsallshow switchshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands nsAllShow Displays global Name Server information. Synopsis nsAllShow [type] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the 24-bit Fibre Channel addresses of all devices in all switches in the fabric. If the operand type is supplied, only devices of specified FC-PH type are displayed.
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nsAllShow Example To display all devices in the Fabric, followed by all type 8 (SCSI-FCP) devices and all type 5 (SCSI-FCIP) devices: switch:admin> nsAllShow 12 Nx_Ports in the Fabric { 011200 0118e2 0118e4 0118e8 0118ef 021200 0214e2 0214e4 0214e8 0214ef switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands nscamshow Displays information about remote devices in the Name Server Cache. Synopsis nscamshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the local Name Server Cache information about the devices discovered in the fabric by the Name Server Cache manager. The message No Entry found! is displayed if the Name Server Cache Manager hasn't discovered new switches and any new devices in the fabric.
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nscamshow Example To displays all Switch and device entries discovered by the Name Server in the fabric: switch:admin> nscamshow nscam show for remote switches: Switch entry for 2 state owner cold v250+ 0xfffc01 Hot device list: No Entry found! Cold device list: Type Pid PortName NodeName...
Fabric OS Commands nsShow Displays local Name Server information. Synopsis: V3.1.x nsShow Synopsis: V4.1.x nsShow [-r] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display local Name Server information, including information about devices connected to this switch, and cached information about devices connected to other switches in the fabric.
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nsShow Time-to-live (in seconds) for cached entries, or NA (not applicable) if the entry is local. State change registration of the device. This is displayed if "-r" (V4.1.x only) option is given. There may be additional lines if the device has registered any of the following information (the switch automatically registers SCSI inquiry data for FCP target devices): FC4s supported...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also nsAllShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
nsstatshow nsstatshow Displays local Name Server statistical information. Synopsis nsstatshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command displays local Name Server statistical information. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Page 464
Fabric OS Commands Example To display local Name Server statistical information: switch:admin> nsstatshow Name Server Statistics { 69 invoked 2 invokedErr 0 noBuf Input 0 discards 0 errors 3 accepted 0 rejected Output 0 request 0 errors 0 unexpected 0 cached 0 timedout 0 truncated Req.
nszonemember nszonemember Displays the information of all the online devices which are zoned with the given device. Synopsis nszonemember “PID” Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the information of all the online devices which are zoned with the given device.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands None. Example To display the information of all the online devices which are zoned with the given device: switch:admin> nszonemember 0x0416e2 3 local zoned members: Type Pid PortName NodeName 041901; 2,3;10:00:00:00:c9:26:0e:ae;20:00:00:00:c9:26:0e:ae; n Fabric Port Name: 20:09:00:60:69:50:06:78 0416e2;...
parityCheck parityCheck Enable or disable DRAM parity checking. Synopsis parityCheck [mode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to enable DRAM parity checking. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of parityCheck.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To enable and disable DRAM parity checking: switch:admin> parityCheck 1 Committing configuration...done. Parity check is now ON. switch:admin> parityCheck 0 Committing configuration...done. Parity check is now OFF. switch:admin> parityCheck 0 Parity not supported on system model: 4 Parity check already OFF.
passwd passwd Change system login name and password. Synopsis: V3.1.x passwd [“username”] Synopsis: V4.1.x passwd [“user”] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to change the password for the user currently logged in, or, for another user. To change the password for a specific user, enter the command with the optional operand.
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Fabric OS Commands If the fabric is in secure mode, the behavior of the command is as follows: If you change your current login level password, you are also prompted to change the passwords of all the user levels below your current level in the user level hierarchy.
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passwd 3. Admin 4. User Input Control Use the following to control input: Enter When entered at a prompt with no preceding input, accepts the default value (if applicable) and moves to the next prompt. Ctrl-D (end of file) When entered at a prompt with no preceding input, it terminates the command without changing password.
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Fabric OS Commands To change the password for the Admin user using V4.1.x: switch:admin> passwd “admin” Changing password for admin Enter new password: Re-type new password: Password changed. Saving password to stable storage. Password saved to stable storage successfully. switch:admin> Errors When failures are detected, the subtest may report one or more of the following error messages:...
pdshow pdshow Displays data from a panic dump file. Synopsis pdshow [panic-dump-file] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display data from a panic dump file. The panic dump file contains information that may be useful to determine the cause of the system panic.
Page 474
Fabric OS Commands Example The following example shows how pdshow can be used to examine a panic dump file by the name panic_dump located under the directory /tmp: switch:admin> pdshow /tmp/panic_dump *** CAUTION *** Host PLATFORM (current) is: 'Unknown' PLATFORM got from pd file is: 'Ulysses' Some restuls shown may be incorrect and/or missing It is best if this command is run on same PLATFORM as that of pdfile **************...
perfAddEEMonitor perfAddEEMonitor Add end-to-end monitor to a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddEEMonitor portnumber, “SourceID”, “DestID” Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddEEMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber, “SourceID”, “DestID” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add an end-to-end performance monitor to a port. The monitor counts the number of words received, number of words transmitted and number of CRC errors detected with frames qualified using either of following two conditions:...
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Fabric OS Commands “DestID.” Then RX_COUNT counts the traffic flow from A to B, CRC_COUNT counts the frames with CRC error from A to B. TX_COUNT counts the traffic from B to A. Similarly, you can install a monitor on port D, specify point B as “SourceID” and point A as “DestID.”...
Page 477
perfAddEEMonitor Specify the 3-byte DID (Destination ID) of the destination DestID device. It should be in “0xDDAAPP” format, where DD is Domain ID, AA is Area ID and PP is AL_PA ID. For example, 0x058e0f, has a Domain ID of “5,” an Area ID of “8e,”...
Fabric OS Commands perfAddIPMonitor Add a filter-based monitor for IP frame count. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddIPMonitor portnumber[, “alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddIPMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, “alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define filter-based monitors to count the number of IP traffic frames.
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perfAddIPMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfAddReadMonitor Add a filter-based monitor for the SCSI Read command. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddReadMonitor portnumber[, “alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddReadMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, “alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define filter-based monitors to count the number of SCSI FCP Read commands in Fibre Channel frames.
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perfAddReadMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfAddRWMonitor Add a monitor for the SCSI Read and Write commands. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddRWMonitor portnumber[, “alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddRWMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, “alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define filter-based monitors to count the number of SCSI FCP Read and Write commands in Fibre Channel frames.
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perfAddRWMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfAddSCSIMonitor Add a monitor for SCSI frame count. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddSCSIMonitor portnumber[, “alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddSCSIMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, “alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define filter-based monitors to count the number of SCSI traffic frames.
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perfAddSCSIMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfAddUserMonitor Add a user-defined filter-based monitor. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddUserMonitor portnumber, “grouplist”[,”alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddUserMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber, “grouplist”[,”alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define a special mechanism to qualify frames for statistics gathering to fit your own special need. Each group of elements with same offset will have their comparison result (OR-ed) together before the combined result of each group get (AND-ed) together for final comparison result.
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perfAddUserMonitor Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 488
Fabric OS Commands Specify up to 6 sets of Offset, Mask, and ValueList grouplist separated by a semicolon (;). The entire grouplist operand must be enclosed in quotation marks. This operand is required. The grouplist operand must be specified in the following format: “offset, Mask, ValueList;...
Page 489
perfAddUserMonitor Example To add a filter based monitor for all Extended Link Service request (R_CTL=0x22 and TYPE=0x01) to blade 2 port 4: switch:admin> perfAddUserMonitor 2/4, “4, 0xff, 0x22; 12, 0xff, 0x01” User monitor #0 added switch:admin> As a special case, to add a filter based monitor for SOFi3 on blade 2 port 4: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands perfAddWriteMonitor Add a filter-based monitor for the SCSI Write command. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfAddWriteMonitor portnumber[, “alias”] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfAddWriteMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, “alias”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to define filter-based monitors to count the number of SCSI FCP Write commands in Fibre Channel frames.
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perfAddWriteMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfCfgClear Clear the previously saved performance monitoring configuration settings from non-volatile memory. Synopsis perfCfgClear Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear the previously saved end-to-end and filter configuration settings of performance monitoring from non-volatile memory. Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license.
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perfCfgClear See Also perfCfgRestore perfCfgSave Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands perfCfgRestore Restore performance monitoring configuration settings from non-volatile memory. Synopsis perfCfgRestore Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to restore the performance monitoring configuration information from non-volatile memory. Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands None.
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perfCfgRestore See Also perfCfgClear perfCfgSave Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands perfCfgSave Save performance monitoring configuration settings to non-volatile memory. Synopsis perfCfgSave Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to save the current end-to-end and filter configuration settings of performance monitoring into non-volatile memory. This enables the performance monitoring configuration to be saved over power off cycles.
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perfCfgSave See Also perfCfgClear perfCfgRestore Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands perfcleareemonitor Clears statistics counters of an end-to-end monitor on a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfcleareemonitor portnumber[, monitorId] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfcleareemonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, monitorId] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear statistics counters for all or a specified End-to-End monitor on a port.
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perfcleareemonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfclearfiltermonitor Clears statistics counters of a filter-based monitor. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfclearfiltermonitor portnumber [, monitorId] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfclearfiltermonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber [, monitorId] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear statistics counters for all or a specified filter-based monitor.
Page 501
perfclearfiltermonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfClrAlpaCrc Clear an AL_PA device’s CRC count by the port and AL_PA. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfClrAlpaCrc portnumber[, ALPA] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfClrAlpaCrc [slotnumber/]portnumber[, ALPA] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear a specific AL_PA device's CRC error counter. If the AL_PA is provided as an operand only the counters for that device are reset;...
Page 503
perfClrAlpaCrc Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfDelEEMonitor Delete an end-to-end monitor on port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfDelEEMonitor portnumber[, monitorId] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfDelEEMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, monitorId] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete an End-to-End monitor on a port. After a successful execution of this command, a message displays confirming that this monitor has successfully been deleted.
Page 505
perfDelEEMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfDelFilterMonitor Delete a filter-based monitor. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfDelFilterMonitor portnumber[, monitorId] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfDelFilterMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, monitorId] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a filter-based monitor. After a successful execution of this command, the telnet shell confirms that this monitor has successfully been deleted.
Page 507
perfDelFilterMonitor Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands perfHelp Displays performance monitoring help information. Synopsis perfHelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the available performance monitoring help commands. Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands None.
Page 509
perfHelp Example To display commands related to performance monitoring: switch:admin> perfHelp perfCfgSave Save Performance configuration perfCfgRestore Restore Performance configuration perfCfgClear Clear Performance settings from flash perfClrAlpaCrc Clear ALPA device's CRC count perfShowAlpaCrc Get ALPA CRC count by port and ALPA perfAddEEMonitor Add end-to-end monitor to a port perfDelEEMonitor...
Fabric OS Commands perfSetPortEEMask Set overall mask for end-to-end (EE) monitors. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfSetPortEEMask portnumber, “TxSIDMsk”,”TxDIDMsk”, ”RxSIDMsk”,”RxDIDMsk” Synopsis: V4.1.x perfSetPortEEMask [slotnumber/]portnumber, “TxSIDMsk”, ”TxDIDMsk”,”RxSIDMsk”,”RxDIDMsk” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the mask for the EE monitors of a port. This command enables a user to selectively choose the kind of Fibre Channel frames in which the number of words are to be counted.
Page 511
perfSetPortEEMask Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. For slotnumber (V4.1.x only) all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through...
Page 512
Fabric OS Commands Example To set the overall mask for end-to-end monitors on blade 2 port 4: switch:admin> perfsetporteemask 2/4, "00:00:00", "ff:ff:ff", "00:00:ff", "ff:00:00" The EE mask on port 6 is set and EE counters are reset. switch:admin> See Also perfAddEEMonitor Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
perfShowAlpaCrc perfShowAlpaCrc Displays the AL_PA CRC count by port or by AL_PA. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfShowAlpaCrc portnumber[, ALPA] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfShowAlpaCrc [slotnumber/]portnumber[, ALPA] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a specific AL_PA device CRC error count by the port or AL_PA.
Page 514
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
perfShowEEMonitor perfShowEEMonitor Displays end-to-end monitor information and frame traffic on a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfShowEEMonitor portnumber[, interval] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfShowEEMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, interval] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display end-to-end monitor information and frame traffic on a port.
Page 516
Fabric OS Commands Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 517
perfShowEEMonitor Example To display end-to-end monitor frame traffic on blade 4 port 5 at an interval of every 6 seconds: switch:admin> perfShowEEMonitor 4/5, 6 perfShowEEMonitor 4 1: Tx/Rx are # of bytes and crc is # of crc errors ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------...
Page 518
Fabric OS Commands See Also perfAddEEMonitor Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
perfShowFilterMonitor perfShowFilterMonitor Displays filter-based monitor information and frame traffic for a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfShowFilterMonitor portnumber[, interval] Synopsis: V4.1.x perfShowFilterMonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber[, interval] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display all the filter-based monitors defined on the specified port and the traffic count values.
Page 520
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 521
perfShowFilterMonitor To display filter monitor information on blade 2 port 5: switch:admin> perfshowfiltermonitor 2/5 There are 7 filter-based monitors defined on port 5. ALIAS OWNER_APP OWNER_IP_ADDR FRAME_COUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------- SCSI_Frame TELNET 0x00000000002c2229 SCSI_WR TELNET 0x000000000000464a SCSI_RW TELNET 0x000000000000fd8c SCSI_RW WEB_TOOLS 0x0000000000007ba3 SCSI_RW WEB_TOOLS 0x0000000000004f0e...
Fabric OS Commands perfShowPortEEMask Displays the current end-to-end mask of a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x perfShowPortEEMask portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x perfShowPortEEMask [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current end-to-end mask of a port. There are only two commands that can modify the value of the EE mask, perfSetPortEEMask and perfCfgRestore.
Page 523
perfShowPortEEMask Note: This command requires an Advanced Performance Monitoring license. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 524
Fabric OS Commands See Also perfAddEEMonitor perfDelEEMonitor perfShowEEMonitor perfSetPortEEMask perfShowPortEEMask Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
pkicreate pkicreate Create pki objects. Synopsis pkicreate Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command in non-secure mode to create pki objects: Switch private key and CSR Private key passphrase Install root certificate This command does not create the switch certificate. The switch certificate should be obtained offline from Certificate Authority.
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Fabric OS Commands If run in secure mode the following error message is displayed: switch:admin> pkicreate Warning !! Switch is in secure mode. Can not create new Pki Objects. Exiting... See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
pkiremove pkiremove Remove existing pki objects. Synopsis pkiremove Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove of pki objects in non secure mode. It removes switch private key, private key passphrase, CSR, root certificate and switch certificate. In secure mode, it displays a message and does not remove pki objects. Operands None.
Page 528
Fabric OS Commands If run in secure mode the following error message is displayed: switch:admin> pkiremove This Switch is in secure mode. Removing Pki objects is not allowed. Exiting... See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
pkishow pkishow Displays existing pki objects. Synopsis pkishow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display existence of pki objects i.e. switch private key, private key passphrase, CSR, root certificate and switch certificate. Operands None. Example To view pki objects: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands portcamshow Displays port based filter CAM utilization. Synopsis: V3.1.x portcamshow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x portcamshow [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current filter CAM utilization of all ports or one port specified at input.
Page 531
portcamshow Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 532
Fabric OS Commands To display the filter CAM utilization for a single port on a switch: switch:admin> portcamshow 3 -------------------------------------------------- Area SID used DID used SID entries DID entries 220100 2b23e8 220800 2b23e2 220c00 2b23e0 2b23e4 -------------------------------------------------- Quad ports (SID Free, DID Free) 0-3 (61, 508) switch:admin>...
portcfgdefault portcfgdefault Restore the port configuration to default values. Synopsis: V3.1.x portcfgdefault portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portcfgdefault [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset any special configuration values on a port to their factory defaults. You can view the current port configuration using the portcfgshow command.
Page 534
Fabric OS Commands Example The following example configures switch port 3 on blade 1 to factory defaults: switch:admin> portcfgdefault 1/3 Committing configuration...done. See Also portcfgeport portcfggport portcfglongdistance portcfgpersistentdisable portcfgpersistentenable portcfglport portcfgspeed portcfgshow portcfgtrunkport Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portCfgEport portCfgEport Enable or disable a port from becoming an E_Port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgEport portnumber, mode Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgEport [slotnumber/]portnumber, mode Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command allows a user to enable or disable a port from becoming an E_Port. The E_Port capability is enabled by default unless this command is used to disable When a port is configured as a non-E_Port through this command, an ISL connected to this port will be segmented.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
portCfgGport portCfgGport Designate a port as a locked G_Port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgGport portnumber, mode Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgGport [slotnumber/]portnumber, mode Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command enables a user to designate a port as a locked G_Port. Once this is done, the switch attempts to initialize that port as an F_Port only, and does not attempt loop initialization (FL_Port) on the port.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
portcfgislmode portcfgislmode Enable or disable ISL R_RDY Mode on a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portcfgislmode portnumber, [1 | 0] Synopsis: V4.1.x portcfgislmode [slotnumber/]portnumber, [1 | 0] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable ISL R_RDY Mode on a port. If enabling ISL R_RDY Mode on a port make sure the PID format is consistent across the entire fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify a port number. Valid values for port number portnumber vary depending on the switch type. This operand is required. Specify 1 to enable ISL R_RDY mode. Specify 0 to [1 | 2] disable ISL R_RDY mode. This operand is required. Example To enable ISL R_RDY mode on switch port 3: switch:admin>...
portCfgLongDistance portCfgLongDistance Configure a port to support long distance links. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgLongDistance portnumber[, "distance"] Synopsis: V4.1.x portcfglongdistance [slotnumber/]portnumber [distance_level][vc_translation_link_init] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description V3.1.x Use this command to specify the allocation of enough full size frame buffers on a particular port to support a long distance link of up to 100 km.
Page 542
Fabric OS Commands “long” for level 2 long distance. In the switchShow output, the format is Lx, where x is the long distance level number, except for level 0, which is not displayed in switchShow. The vc_translation_link_init operand only applies to long distance setup, it does not affect normal link.
Page 543
portCfgLongDistance LD: Dynamic long distance configuration. The buffer credits for the given E-port are automatically configured based on the actual link distance. Up to a total of 63 full size frame buffers will be reserved depending upon the distance measured during E-port initialization. The option “VC Translation Link Init”...
Page 544
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks slotnumber (V4.1.x only) Core switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 545
portCfgLongDistance This operand indicates the distance to the distance_level (V4.1.x only) connected port. This operand is required. The valid values for this operand are: L0: Re-configure the port to be a regular switch port. The number of buffers reserved for the port supports up to 10km links. LE: Level E mode is for E ports for distances beyond 5km and up to 10km especially for 2G link speeds.
Page 546
Fabric OS Commands The following example configures the switch port 4/15 to support a 100km link and be initialized using long distance link initialization protocol. with V4.1.x: switch:admin> portCfgLongDistance 2/3, L2 switch:admin> portcfglongdistance 4/15 L2 1 done. done. switch:admin> portshow 4/15 portCFlags: 0x1 portFlags: 0x20001 PRESENT LED...
portCfgLport portCfgLport Lock a port as an L_PORT. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgLport portnumber, lockmode[, privatemode] Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgLport [slotnumber/]portnumber, lockmode[, privatemode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to designate a port as an L_PORT. The switch will then only attempt to initialize that port as an FL_PORT.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
portcfgpersistentdisable portcfgpersistentdisable Disable a port persistently. Synopsis portcfgpersistentdisable portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to persistently disable a port. Persistently disabled ports remain disabled across power cycles, switch reboots, and switch enables. By default a port is enabled persistently.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify a port number. Valid values for port number vary portnumber depending on the switch type. This operand is required. When no operand is specified, the command reports the current port persistent disable status for all ports in the switch.
portcfgpersistentenable portcfgpersistentenable Enable a port persistently. Synopsis portcfgpersistentenable portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to persistently enable a port. Persistently enabled ports remain enabled across power cycles, switch reboots, and switch enables. By default a port is enabled persistently.
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Fabric OS Commands When no operand is specified, the command reports the current port persistent enabled status for all ports in the switch. The value of YES is displayed for ports that are persistently enabled. Example To configure port 3 as persistently enabled: switch:admin>...
portCfgShow portCfgShow Displays port configuration settings. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgShow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgShow [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current configuration of all ports. If no operand is specified, all the port configuration settings are displayed for that switch, or for the StorageWorks Core logical switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Locked L_Port is displayed as ON when port is locked to L_Port only or blank (--) when L_Port lock mode is disabled (and it behaves as a U_Port). This value is set by the portCfgLport command. Locked G_Port is displayed as ON when port is locked to G_Port only or blank (--) when G_Port lock mode is disabled (and it behaves as a U_Port).
Page 555
portCfgShow Example To display the configuration settings of ports on a switch in V3.1.x: switch:admin> portcfgshow Ports -------------------+--+--+--+--+----+--+--+-- Speed 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G Trunk Port ..ON ON ON ON ON ON Long Distance ..
Fabric OS Commands portCfgSpeed Configure the port speed level. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgSpeed portnumber, speed_level Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgSpeed [slotnumber/]portnumber, speed_level Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to configure the speed of a port to a particular level. After this command is issued, the port is disabled and enabled so that the port comes up with the new speed setting.
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portCfgSpeed Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands portCfgTrunkport Configure a port to be enabled or disabled for trunking. Synopsis: V3.1.x portCfgTrunkport portnumber, mode Synopsis: V4.1.x portCfgTrunkport [slotnumber/]portnumber, mode Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disanble a port for trunking. Note: This command requires a Trunking license.
Page 559
portCfgTrunkport Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands portdebug Set debug level and verbose level of port modules. Synopsis portdebug dbg_lvl, vbs_lvl Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the debug level and verbose level of port modules. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the debug level to be set for port modules.
portDisable portDisable Disable a switch port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portDisable portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portDisable [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable a switch port. If the port is connected to another switch, the fabric may reconfigure. If the port is connected to one or more devices, the devices can no longer communicate with the fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
portEnable portEnable Enable a switch port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portEnable portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portEnable [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable a switch port. If the port is connected to another switch, the fabric may reconfigure. If the port is connected to one or more devices, the devices can communicate with the fabric.
Page 564
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
portErrShow portErrShow Displays port error summary. Synopsis portErrShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display an error summary for all ports. The display contains one output line per port and shows error counters in ones, thousands (K), or millions (M).
Page 566
Fabric OS Commands frjt Frames rejected with F_RJT. fbsy Frames busied with F_BSY. Operands None. Example Notice in the example below that port 6 has a high number of errors and should be examined: switch:admin> portErrShow frames enc crc too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy in err shrt long eof out...
portflagsshow portflagsshow Displays the port status bitmaps for all ports in a switch Synopsis portflagsshow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the following status for a port: SNMP Displays whether the port is online or offline. Physical Displays the port physical status.
Page 568
Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port status for all ports in the switch: switch:admin> portflagsshow Port SNMP Physical Flags ------------------------------- 0: Offline No_Module PRESENT U_PORT LED 1: Offline No_Module PRESENT U_PORT LED 2: Offline No_Light PRESENT U_PORT LED 3: Offline No_Light PRESENT U_PORT LED...
portLEDTest portLEDTest Exercise the user port LEDs. Synopsis portLEDTest [-npass count][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to exercise the user port LEDs in the current switch ON/OFF by setting the ATTN LEDs to green for the ON condition and black for the OFF condition.
Page 570
Fabric OS Commands Example To test port LEDs: switch:admin> portledtest -ports 1/1-1/5 passed. switch:admin> See Also itemlist ledtest switchdisable switchenable Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portLogClear portLogClear Clear the port log. Synopsis portLogClear Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to clear the port log. You may want to clear the port log before triggering an activity so that the log displays only the activity related to that activity. See portLogShow for a description of the port log.
Page 572
Fabric OS Commands Example To clear the port log: switch:admin> portLogClear switch:admin> portLogShow port log is empty switch:admin> Errors The following errors disable the port log: FCIU, IUBAD FCIU, IUCOUNT FCPH, EXCHBAD FCPH, EXCHFREE NBFSM, DUPEPORTSCN UCAST, RELICPDB See Also portLogDump portLogShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portLogDump portLogDump Displays the port log without page breaks. Synopsis portLogDump [count[, saved[, portid]]] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port log, listing all entries in the log without page breaks. This command displays the same information as portLogShow, but portLogShow prompts the user to enter “returns”...
Page 574
Fabric OS Commands HP StorageWorks Fabric Defined by the event. Refer to the Operating System Procedures Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide more information. Args Displays more information about the event. For ioctl events, these are the I/O control arguments For Tx and Rx, these are the first two header words and word four of the FC-PH frame along with the first word of the payload and internal decoding field.
Page 575
portLogDump See Also portLogClear portLogShow uptime Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands portLogDumpPort Displays the port log of specified port, without page breaks. Synopsis: V3.1.x portLogDumpPort port Synopsis: V4.1.x portLogDumpPort portid Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port log of specified port. The command displays all entries in the log without any page breaks.
Page 577
portLogDumpPort Event Displays the task event that generated log entry. Port # Displays the Port number that logged the event. HP StorageWorks Fabric Defined by the event. Refer to the Operating System Procedures Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide more information. Args Displays more information about the event.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also portLogClear portLogShow uptime Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portloginshow portloginshow Displays port logins. Synopsis: V3.1.x portloginshow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portloginshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display port login information. Some information varies with the switch model and port type. The lines of the display show: Type Type of login: fe - FLOGI, Fabric Login to Fabric F_Port.
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Fabric OS Commands There is further information about the login after the above columns. This can include the DID (Destination Identifier) that the port is logged on to. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber (V4.1.x only) switch.
portlogpdisc portlogpdisc Set or clear the debug_pdisc_flag. Synopsis portlogpdisc lvl Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set or clear the debug_pdisc_flag. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify either 0 to clear the flag or 1 to set the pdisc_flag.
Fabric OS Commands portLogShow Displays the port log. Synopsis portLogShow [count, saved, portid] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port log. This command displays 22 entries at a time. The portLogShow command displays the same information as portLogDump, but it allows you to enter a “return”...
Page 583
portLogShow HP StorageWorks Fabric Defined by the event. Refer to the Operating System Procedures Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide more information. Args Displays more information about the event. For ioctl events, these are the I/O control arguments For Tx and Rx, these are the first two header words and word four of the FC-PH frame along with the first word of the payload and internal decoding field.
Page 584
Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port log: switch:admin> portlogshow 10 Oct 16 task event port args ---------------------------------------------- WED OCT 16 12:35:24 2002 12:35:24.199 tReceive debug efd00020,00000102,00000000,00000000 12:35:24.199 tReceive debug dede0001,00000f37,00000000,00000000 12:35:24.199 tReceive pstate 12:35:24.199 tReceive debug 00acedd6,00000000,00000006,00009601 12:35:24.199 tReceive debug 00acedd5,00000000,00000000,00009601...
portlogshowport portlogshowport Displays the port log of specified port, with page breaks. Synopsis: V3.1.x portlogshowport [portid [, count [, saved]]] Synopsis: V4.1.x portlogshowport [portid] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port log, showing 22 entries at a time. It is identical to portlogdump, except that portlogdump does not prompts the user to type return between each page of output.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify a non-zero value that specifies which port will be portid displayed. Example The following example shows a section of the port log with an E_Port coming online. The ELP and EFP exchanges are shown; a name service request was processed.
portLoopbackTest portLoopbackTest Functional test of port N->N path. Synopsis: V3.1.x portLoopbackTest [passCount] Synopsis: V4.1.x portLoopbackTest [--slot number][-nframes count] [-lb_mode mode][-spd_mode mode][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify the functional operation of the switch by sending frames from the port N transmitter, and looping the frames back into the same port N receiver.
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Fabric OS Commands 6. Check if the transmit, receive or class 3 receiver counters are stuck at some value. 7. Check if the number of frames transmitted is not equal to the number of frames received. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for all ports present until: —...
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portLoopbackTest Specify the loopback mode for the test. By default, this -lb_mode mode (V4.1.x only) test uses internal loopback. Valid values are as follows: Port Loopback (loopback plugs) External (SERDES) loopback Internal (parallel) loopback Specify the speed mode for the test. For 1 Gbit/sec only -spd_mode mode (V4.1.x only) products it is ignored.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To run the portLoopbackTest 100 times (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> portLoopbackTest 100 Running Port Loopback Test ..passed. To run the portLoopbackTest (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> portloopbacktest -ports 1/38-1/45 -nframes 1 -lb_mode 1 Running Port Loopback Test ..passed.
Page 591
portLoopbackTest See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest filtertest portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest spinsilk sramretentiontest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands portname Assign or display a port name. Synopsis: V3.1.x portname port_number, “port_name” Synopsis: V4.1.x portname [slotnumber/]portnumber, “portname” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to assign or display a port name. Both operands are optional for this command.
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portname Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. For slotnumber (V4.1.x only) all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Fabric OS Commands portPerfShow Displays port throughput performance in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. Synopsis portPerfShow [interval] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display throughput information for all ports on the switch (8 or 16 columns depending on the switch model). One output line is displayed per interval (or second if no interval is specified) until Enter, Ctrl-C, or Ctrl-D is entered.
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portPerfShow Example To display port throughput for a 16 port switch: switch:admin> portperfshow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To display port throughput for a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> portPerfShow ============================================================== slot 1: slot 2: See Also portStatsShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands portRegTest Bit write/read test of the ASIC SRAMs and registers. Synopsis: V3.1.x portRegTest Synopsis: V4.1.x portRegTest [--slot number][-ports itemlist] [-skiptests mask][-verbose mode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify that SRAM and register data bits in each ASIC can be independently written and read.
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portRegTest 6. 0x0020 7. 0x0040 8. 0x0080 9. 0x0100 10. 0x0200 11. 0x0400 12. 0x0800 13. 0x1000 14. 0x2000 15. 0x4000 16. 0x8000 The 6-bit register is tested with the following pattern for V4.1.x: 0x0001 0x0002 0x0004 0x0008 0x0010 0x0020 0x0040 0x0080 0x0100...
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Fabric OS Commands A bit mask that defines which of the register test subtests to -skiptests mask skip. By default, all subtests will be performed. Valid mask values include one or more of the following: Value Description Skip retry register test. Skip statistics register test.
Page 599
portRegTest See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest filtertest itemlist portloopbacktest spinsilk sramretentiontest statstest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands portRouteShow Displays routing tables for a port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portRouteShow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portRouteShow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port address ID and the contents of the following port routing tables: External unicast Shows unicast frame routing to another switch element in the...
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portRouteShow Internal unicast Lists all ports in the local switch that a unicast frame can reach routing table from portnumber. Format is destination_port: output_ports_bitmap Because the destination_port is in the local switch, usually contains one bit with a output_ports_bitmap bit position number representing the destination_port number.
Page 602
Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port routing tables for blade 4 port 15: switch:admin> portRouteShow 4/15 port address ID: 0x02bf00 external unicast routing table: 1: 0x4 (vc=3) 2: 0x10000 (vc=0) internal unicast routing table: 60: 0x8000 (vc=2) 63: 0x1000 (vc=5) multicast routing table: 0-255: (all mcast aliases) 0x40 broadcast routing table:...
portShow portShow Displays port status. Synopsis: V3.1.x portShow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portShow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display status information for a port. Information varies with the switch model and port type. The display shows: Table 15: PortShow Display Fields Field Description...
Page 604
Fabric OS Commands Table 15: PortShow Display Fields (Continued) Field Description portPhys Port physical state: No_Card - No interface card present No_Module - No module (SFP or other) present No_Light - Module not receiving light No_Sync - Receiving light but out of sync In_Sync - Receiving light and in sync Laser_Flt - Module is signaling a laser fault Port_Flt - Port marked faulty...
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portShow Table 15: PortShow Display Fields (Continued) Field Description Parity_err Real Tx data parity error. 2ndary_parity_err Secondary Tx data parity error. These are not real Tx data parity errors but rather forced by the ASIC due to certain central memory errors so that the transmitter will abort the frame.
Page 606
Fabric OS Commands Example To display the status for a specified E_Port: switch:admin> portshow 15 portName: switch:admin> portShow 2/15 portFlags: 0x300082d7 portLbMod: 0x10 PRESENT ACTIVE E_PORT G_PORT U_PORT SEG portCFlags: 0x0 MENTED CBL_LB LOGIN portFlags: 0x20001 PRESENT DISABLED LED portType: portType: portState: 1 portState: 2...
portstatsclear portstatsclear Clear the hardware statistics of a specified switch port. Synopsis: V3.1.x portstatsclear portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portstatsclear [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command clears the hardware statistics for a specified switch port. At the same time, this command also clears the hardware statistics for the associated ports in the target port quad.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To clear the hardware statistics for slot 8 port 5: switch:admin> portstatsclear 8/5 switch:admin> See Also portstatshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portStatsShow portStatsShow Displays port hardware statistics. Synopsis: V3.1.x portStatsShow portnumber Synopsis: V4.1.x portStatsShow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display port hardware statistics counters. 4-byte words transmitted. stat_wtx 4-byte words received. stat_wrx Frames transmitted. stat_ftx Frames received.
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Fabric OS Commands Frames with CRC errors. er_crc Frames shorter than minimum. er_trunc Frames longer than maximum. er_toolong Frames with bad end-of-frame. er_bad_eof Encoding error outside frames. er_enc_out Class 3 frames discarded. er_disc_c3 Number of OPNyx sent. fl_open Number of OPNyx received. fl_opened Number of OPNfr sent.
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portStatsShow Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. slotnumber (V4.1.x only) For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
Page 612
Fabric OS Commands Example To display the basic set of statistics for blade 2 port 3: switch:admin> portstatsshow 2/5 stat_wtx 24081 4-byte words transmitted stat_wrx 24081 4-byte words received stat_ftx Frames transmitted stat_frx Frames received stat_c2_frx Class 2 frames received stat_c3_frx Class 3 frames received stat_lc_rx...
portswap portswap Swap area numbers of two switch ports. Synopsis portswap [slotnumber/]port1 [slotnumber/]port2 Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to swap area numbers for a pair of switch ports. Both switch ports must be disabled prior to executing this command. The portswap command cannot be used unless the feature is first enabled with the portswapenable command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following command swaps area numbers between port 2 on slot1 with port5 on slot2: switch:admin> portswap 1/2 2/5 See Also switchshow portshow portenable portdisable portswapshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
portswapdisable portswapdisable Disable the portswap feature. Synopsis portswapdisable Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable the portswap feature. The portswap command cannot be used once this feature is disabled. Operands None. Example The following command disables the portswap feature: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands portswapenable Enable the portswap feature. Synopsis portswapenable Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable the portswap feature. The portswap command cannot be used unless the feature is first enabled with this command. Operands None. Example The following command enables the portswap feature: switch:admin>...
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portswapenable See Also portenable portdisable portshow portswapenable portswapshow switchshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands portswapshow Displays information for any ports where area ID numbers have been swapped. Synopsis portswapshow Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to displays port and area information for those ports whose area number is different from the default area number. The default area number of a port is same as its switch port number.
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portswapshow See Also errshow portenable portdisable portshow portswap portswapdisable portswapenable switchshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands porttest Functional test of a switch in a live fabric. Synopsis: V3.1.x porttest [ports, iteration, delay, timeout, pattern, patsize, seed] Synopsis: V4.1.x porttest [-ports itemlist][-iteration count] [-userdelay time][-timeout time][-pattern pattern] [-patsize size][-seed seed][-listtype porttype] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to isolate problems to a single replaceable element and isolate...
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porttest Only one frame is transmitted and received at any one time. The port LEDs flicker green while the test is running. The following port types are supported: E_ports F_ports. (Must support ELS ECHO) L_ports N->N Loopback ports This command will not run on any other port type. The command performs the following actions: 1.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify the number of times (or number of frames per iteration (V3.1.x only) port) to execute this test. Default value is -1 that is set the test to run until stopped. Valid values are: 0 Run the test on timeout mode. -1 Run the test until stopped.
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porttest Specify the size of the pattern. Default size of the -patsize size pattern is 1024 bytes. Valid rang of values are 4 bytes (V4.1.x only) through 2112 bytes. Specify the seed pattern to be used with pattern. -seed seed Default seed value is 0xaa.
Fabric OS Commands porttestshow Retrieve information from the current execution of the porttest command. Synopsis: V3.1.x porttestshow [ports] Synopsis: V4.1.x porttestshow [-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to retrieve a snapshot of information from porttest command.
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porttestshow — ALL_LB_PORTS — SINGLE_PORT pattern used in testing. seed used in testing. User Delay value. Total iteration value. Current test iteration. Total Fails on this test. Consecutive Fails on this test. porttest Start Time. porttest Stop Time. Timeout value. Error code if any.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To view information on the current execution of the porttest command: switch:admin> porttestshow 6 Port 6 : PASS PortType: LOOPBACK PORT PortState: TESTING PortState: TX PortTypeToTest: ALL_PORTS Pattern: 0x1 Seed: 0xaa UserDelay: 10 TotalIteration: 100 CurrentIteration: 22 TotalFail: 0 ConsecutiveFail: 0 StartTime: Jul...
powerofflistset powerofflistset Sets slot power off list order. Synopsis powerofflistset Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the physical power off slot order. The system available power is compared to the system demand power to determine if there is enough power to operate.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To modify the power off list order: switch:admin> powerofflistset Slot Current POL ------------------- 1st slot to be power off: (1..10) [10] 7 2nd slot to be power off: (1..10) [9] 8 3rd slot to be power off: (1..10) [9] 4th slot to be power off: (1..10) [10] 5th slot to be power off: (1..4) [4] 1 6th slot to be power off: (2..4) [3] 2...
powerofflistshow powerofflistshow Displays slot power off list order. Synopsis powerofflistshow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to displays the order in which the physical slots will be powered off. The system available power is compared to the system demand power to determine if there is enough power to operate.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also chassisshow powerofflistset psshow slotpoweroff slotpoweron slotshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
psShow psShow Displays power supply status. Synopsis psShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current status of the switch power supplies. The format of the display varies according to the switch model and number of power supplies present.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To view the status of the power supply for the current switch: switch:admin> psShow Power Supply #1 is OK DELTA DPS-1001AB-1E 23000000601 S1 IXD0111000088 Power Supply #2 is faulty DELTA DPS-1001AB-1E 23000000601 S1 IXD0111000162 Power Supply #3 is OK DELTA DPS-1001AB-1E 23000000601 S1 IXD0111000120 Power Supply #4 is absent...
ptdatashow ptdatashow Displays port data structures. Synopsis ptdatashow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display port data structures. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port data structure for slot 1 port 1: switch:admin> ptdatashow 1/1 Port Data Structure for slot: 1, port: 1 Bloom Data Pointers: bloomp = 0xc6eb7200 (fbloomp = 0x00000000) ------------------- blm_regs 0xc9b17000 blm_proc_dir 0xc50d9f20 fab_ptr 0xc04f0000 fab_Iop...
ptphantomshow ptphantomshow Displays the quick-loop CAM tables. Synopsis ptphantomshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users.. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the quick-loop CAM (Content Addressable Memory) tables. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
ptpropshow ptpropshow Displays port properties. Synopsis ptpropshow [slotnumber/]portnumber | [slot] -all Availability All users.. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the ASIC port properties contents for the specified port. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core slotnumber switch. For all other switches this operand is not required. The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number, so that each port is represented by both slot number (1 through 4, or 7 through 10), and port number (0 through 15).
ptregshow ptregshow Displays ASIC port registers. Synopsis ptpropshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users.. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the contents of port registers. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port registers for slot 1 port 1: switch:admin> ptregshow 1/1 Port Registers for slot: 1, port: 1 0xc9b17000: chip_id 0104 0xc9b17002: port_config 0a38 0xc9b17004: did_vc_map 0800 0xc9b17008: int_mask 064f 0xc9b1700a: int_status 1020 0xc9b1700c: err_status 0003 0xc9b1700e: vc_config 00c0...
ptrouteshow ptrouteshow Displays port routing properties. Synopsis ptrouteshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users.. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the ASIC routing table contents. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the port routing properties for slot 1 port 3: switch:admin> ptrouteshow 1/3 Port Routing table for slot: 1, port: 3 port address ID: 0x130000 external unicast routing table: internal unicast routing table: multicast routing table: broadcast routing table: See Also ptrouteshow...
ptstatsshow ptstatsshow Displays port statistics properties. Synopsis ptstatsshow [slotnumber/]portnumber Availability All users.. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the port statistic properties for the specified port. Note: This command is not intended for normal user operation and is available to provide supplemental information during system debug.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To view port statistics properties on slot 1 port 3: switch:admin> ptstatsshow 1/3 Port Statistics for slot: 1, port: 3 Connection type: BE Configured Speed: 2 Interrupts: Link_failure: Unknown: Loss_of_sync: Lli: Loss_of_sig: Proc_rqrd: Protocol_err: Timed_out: Invalid_word: Rx_flushed: Invalid_crc: Tx_unavail:...
qlDisable qlDisable Disable QuickLoop mode. Synopsis qlDisable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to disable QuickLoop mode on a switch. All QuickLoop ports are re-initialized to fabric mode, allowing public devices to perform fabric login. If QuickLoop is being run on dual switches, this command disables the local switch and causes the partner switch to re-initialize to a single-switch QuickLoop, containing only the devices connected to the partner switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Example The following entry disables QuickLoop mode: switch:admin> qldisable Setting switch to Fabric mode, Committing configuration...done. Re-enable FL_Ports switch:admin> See Also qlEnable qlPortDisable qlShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
qlEnable qlEnable Enable QuickLoop mode. Synopsis qlEnable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to enable QuickLoop mode on a switch. All devices connected to QuickLoop ports are re-initialized to form a single loop. If a partner switch is configured, qlEnable causes re-initialization of the partner if it is in QuickLoop mode.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: If the qlPortDisable command has been entered for a specific port, the qlEnable command cannot re-enable that port, because it has been removed from QuickLoop management. The port must be specifically re-enabled using the qlPortEnable command. If Advanced Zoning is in use the qlDisable, qlEnable, and qlPartner commands are not in effect.
qloopAdd qloopAdd Add a member to a QuickLoop. Synopsis qloopAdd “qloopname”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add one or more members to an existing QuickLoop. When a configuration is enabled, all QuickLoops defined in the configuration must resolve to one or two switch World Wide Names.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Specify the name of QuickLoop, in quotation marks. qloopname Specify a list of QuickLoop members, in quotation member marks, separated by semicolons. Include one or more of the following: World Wide Names Zone alias names Example To add an alias for a second World Wide Name to “qlp1”:...
qloopCreate qloopCreate Create a QuickLoop. Synopsis qloopCreate “qloopname”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to create a QuickLoop. A QuickLoop name must begin with a letter and be followed by any number of letters, digits, and underscore characters. Names are case sensitive, for example, “Qloop_1”...
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Specify the name of QuickLoop to be created, in qloopname quotation marks. The qloopname cannot be used for another zone object. Specify a list of members to be added to QuickLoop, member in quotation marks, separated by semicolons.
qloopDelete qloopDelete Delete a QuickLoop. Synopsis: V3.1.x qloopDelete “qloopName” Synopsis: V4.1.x qloopDelete “name” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a QuickLoop. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to be preserved across switch reboots, it must be saved to non-volatile memory using the cfgSave command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To delete QuickLoop “qloop2”: switch:admin> qloopDelete “qloop2” See Also qloopAdd qloopCreate qloopRemove qloopShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
qloopRemove qloopRemove Remove a member from a QuickLoop. Synopsis qloopRemove “qloopName”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove one or more members from a QuickLoop. The member list is identified through an exact string match; therefore, when removing multiple members, order is important.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Specify the name of QuickLoop, in quotation marks. qloopName Specify the list of QuickLoop members to be removed, member in quotation marks, separated by semicolons. Include one or more of the following: World Wide Names Zone alias names Example...
qloopShow qloopShow Displays QuickLoop information. Synopsis qloopShow [pattern][, mode] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display QuickLoop configuration information. If no parameters are specified, all zone configuration information (defined and enabled) is displayed. See cfgShow for a description of this display. If a parameter is specified, it is used as a pattern to match QuickLoop names;...
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are optional: Specify a POSIX style expression used to match QuickLoop pattern names. Patterns may contain the following special characters: Question mark “?” that matches any single character Asterisk “*” that matches any string of characters Ranges “[0-9a-f]”...
qlPartner qlPartner Set a QuickLoop partner or display information about a partner. Synopsis qlpartner [0|wwn] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to set the QuickLoop to single/dual switch mode or to display the QuickLoop scope setting. If no argument is specified, this command displays the current QuickLoop mode, which can be single or dual switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operand: Specify 0 to set the QuickLoop to run on a single switch. 0|wwn Specify a WWN to set the QuickLoop to run on dual switches. This operand is optional. If no operand is specified the current value is displayed. Example To set another switch as a QuickLoop partner switch: switch:admin>...
qlPortDisable qlPortDisable Disable a QuickLoop port. Synopsis qlPortDisable port Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to change the specified port from QuickLoop mode to fabric mode. This excludes any devices connected to the port from the QuickLoop, and causes the switch to re-initialize the QuickLoop.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To change port 4 from QuickLoop mode to fabric mode: switch:admin> qlPortDisable 4 See Also qlDisable qlPortEnable qlShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
qlPortEnable qlPortEnable Enable a QuickLoop port. Synopsis qlPortEnable port Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to change the specified port from fabric mode to QuickLoop mode. This includes any devices connected to this port in the QuickLoop, and causes the switch to re-initialize the QuickLoop.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To change port 4 from fabric mode to QuickLoop mode: switch:admin> qlPortEnable 4 See Also qlEnable qlPortDisable qlShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
qlPortShowAll qlPortShowAll Displays QuickLoop port information. Synopsis qlPortShowAll Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display the QuickLoop port information. The following information is displayed: QuickLoop Mode: QuickLoop mode enabled Enabled QuickLoop mode disabled Disabled Looplet state: Completed loop initialization Online NL_Port lipped...
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Fabric OS Commands Note: This command requires an Advanced Zoning license. Operands None. Example The following entry displays QuickLoop port information: switch:admin> qlPortShowAll PortNum QuickLoop Mode Port State Disabled ---- E PORT Disabled ---- E PORT Disabled ---- E PORT Disabled ---- E PORT...
qlShow qlShow Displays QuickLoop information. Synopsis qlShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display the following QuickLoop information: Self: World Wide Name and domain ID of this switch. Peer: World Wide Name and domain ID of partner switch. Peer is displayed only if the switch has a partner configured.
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Fabric OS Commands Local looplet state Indicates state of local looplet. Member: Current QuickLoop member ports. Online: Current online ports in the QuickLoop. Looplet: The state of each looplet. The possible states are: Online: Loop initialization completed Lipped: NL_Port initiated LIPs Lipping: FL_Port initiated LIPs Initializing:...
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qlShow Example The following entry displays QuickLoop information: switch:admin> qlShow Self: 10:00:00:60:69:20:26:2a domain 1 State: Online Scope: single AL_PA bitmap: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Local AL_PAs (not available) Local looplet states Member: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Online: - - - - - - - - Looplet 0:...
Fabric OS Commands qlStatsShow Displays QuickLoop statistics. Synopsis qlStatsShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display the following QuickLoop switch statistics: Time of last QuickLoop initialization. Last QL init time: Number of QuickLoop initialization attempts. QL init attempted: Number of times QuickLoop is initialized.
Page 671
qlStatsShow Operands None. Example The following entry displays QuickLoop switch statistics: switch:admin> qlStatsShow Quick loop statistics for switch 2 Last QL init time : Jan 1 00:00:00.000 QL init attempted QL init succeeded Single switch QL Dual switch QL QL enabled QL disabled Port started last init : 0 on switch 2...
Fabric OS Commands quietMode Toggle the shell quiet mode on and off. Synopsis quietMode [mode] Availability All users (display). Admin (set/clear). Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to change the output displayed on the switch console (serial port or telnet session). By default, quiet mode is off and all switch tasks can send output to the console, including output caused by asynchronous events, such as the fabric reconfiguring, or devices logging in.
Page 673
quietMode Example To display the current mode, then reset to ON: switch:admin> quietMode Quiet Mode is OFF switch:admin> quietMode 1 Committing configuration...done. Quiet Mode is now ON switch:admin> See Also ramTest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands ramTest Bit write and read test of SDRAMs in the switch. Synopsis ramTest [patternSize] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to verify the address and data bus of the SDRAMs that serve as CPU memory in the switch. The test consists of two subtests: 1.
Page 675
ramTest The method used is to write pattern D to location N, write the complementary pattern D to location N+1, and then read and compare location N to location N+1. Bump the location to test: N=N+1. Repeat the double write and read until all locations are tested with the following patterns: —...
Page 676
Fabric OS Commands Errors Listed below are possible error messages if failures are detected: DIAG-MEMORY DIAG-MEMSZ DIAG-MEMNULL See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest crossporttest cmitest filtertest portloopbacktest portregtest spinsilk sramretentiontest statstest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
reboot reboot Reboot the switch. Synopsis reboot Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reboot the switch. The reboot takes effect immediately as the switch resets, then executes the normal power-on booting sequence. While the switch is rebooting, the telnet session is closed and all Fibre Channel ports are inactive.
Page 678
Fabric OS Commands Example This example is for the StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> reboot Warning: This command is being run on a control processor (CP) based system and will cause the active CP to reboot. This will cause disruption to devices attached to both switch 0 and switch 1.
routeHelp routeHelp Displays routing help commands. Synopsis routeHelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display routing help commands. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Page 680
Fabric OS Commands Example To view a list of routing related commands: switch:admin> routeHelp bcastShow Print broadcast tree information dlsReset Turn off Dynamic Load Sharing dlsSet Turn on Dynamic Load Sharing dlsShow Print state of Dynamic Load Sharing fspfShow Print FSPF global information interfaceShow Print FSPF interface information iodReset...
savecore savecore Save or remove core files created by daemons. Synopsis savecore [-h host_name][-u user_name][-p password] [-d remote_directory] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to FTP or delete core files that were created by daemons during signal processing such as SIGSEGV, SIGILL etc. The flags are useful only during FTP process and will be used as default value while taking these parameters interactively, except for -p password, which will not be prompted for if given in the command line.
Page 682
Fabric OS Commands Example To remove core files from the current switch: switch:admin> savecore following 1 directories contains core files: [ ]0: /mnt/core_files/secd Welcome to core files management utility. Menu 1(or R): Remove all core files 2(or F): FTP all core files 3(or r): Remove marked files 4(or f): FTP marked files 5(or m): Mark Files for action...
secfabricshow secfabricshow Displays security related fabric information. Synopsis secfabricshow Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command displays the security related information about the fabric. The information displayed is as follows: Role Displays whether the switch is the Primary FCS, Backup FCS, or Non FCS.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display security related fabric information on the Primary FCS switch: primaryfcs:admin> secfabricshow Role DId Status Enet IP Addr Name ================================================================ non-FCS 10:00:00:60:69:10:03:23 1 Ready "nonfcs" Backup 10:00:00:60:69:00:12:53 2 Ready "backup" Primary 10:00:00:60:69:22:32:83 3 Ready "primaryfcs"...
secfcsfailover secfcsfailover Enables a Backup FCS switch to take over as Primary FCS switch. Synopsis secfcsfailover Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable a Backup FCS switch to take over as the Primary FCS switch. This command can only be issued on a Backup FCS switch.
Page 686
Fabric OS Commands Example To enable a Backup FCS switch to take over as the Primary FCS switch: switch:admin> secfcsfailover This switch is about to become the Primary FCS switch. All transactions of the current Primary FCS switch will be aborted. ARE YOU SURE (yes, y, no, n): [no] y WARNING!!!
sechelp sechelp Displays information about security telnet commands. Synopsis sechelp Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a list of security telnet commands. See “Security Commands” on page 941. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Page 688
Fabric OS Commands Example To display a list of security telnet commands: switch:admin> sechelp secFabricShow Display security related fabric information secFCSFailover Force primary role to this FCS switch secModeEnable Enable security mode secModeDisable Disable security mode secModeShow Show current mode of security secNonFCSPasswd Set non FCS password secPolicyAbort...
secmodedisable secmodedisable Disable security mode. Synopsis secmodedisable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable security mode on all switches in the fabric. This command deletes both the defined and active security database. Note: This command must be issued from the Primary FCS switch. See “Security Commands”...
Page 690
Fabric OS Commands Example To disable security mode: primaryfcs:admin> secmodedisable Warning!!! About to disable security. ARE YOU SURE (yes, y, no, n): [no] y Committing configuration...done. Removing Active FMPS... done Removing Defined FMPS... done Disconnecting current session. See Also secfabricshow secmodeenable secmodeshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secmodeenable secmodeenable Enable security mode. Synopsis secmodeenable [“fcsmember;fcsmember”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable security mode on all switches in the fabric. This command fails if any switch in the fabric is not capable of enforcing the security policies defined in the security database.
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Fabric OS Commands The administrator is prompted to enter passwords for the following accounts: Factory Root Admin User If the fabric is not in secure mode and one or more specified FCS switches are present in the fabric, the command must be issued on the first active FCS in the list.
Page 693
secmodeenable Example To enable a security policy that includes three FCS switches specified by Domain, WWN address, and switch name: fcsprimary:admin> secmodeenable This is an interactive session to create a FCS list. Current FCS list is empty Enter WWN, Domain, or switch name(Leave blank when done): 2 Switch WWN is 10:00:00:60:69:11:fc:53 Current FCS list: 10:00:00:60:69:11:fc:53...
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Fabric OS Commands See Also secfabricshow secmodedisable secmodeshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secmodeshow secmodeshow Displays if security mode is enabled or disabled. Synopsis secmodeshow Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current security mode of the fabric. The fabric can be in secure mode or non secure mode. If the fabric is in secure mode, the following information is displayed: Version stamp - Displays the current version and build date and time of the security database.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display the current security mode of a fabric: primaryfcs:admin> secmodeshow Secure Mode: ENABLED. Version Stamp: 9182, Wed Mar 13 16:37:01 2001. Primary swName. ==================================================== 10:00:00:60:69:00:00:5a SW47. 12:00:00:60:60:03:23:5b SW12. primaryfcs:admin> See Also secfabricshow secmodedisable secmodeenable Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secnonfcspasswd secnonfcspasswd Set the Admin password for non-FCS switches. Synopsis secnonfcspasswd Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to change the Admin password on all non-FCS switches in the fabric. This command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch in secure mode.
Page 698
Fabric OS Commands Example To set the Admin password for all non-FCS switches in the fabric: primaryfcs:admin> secnonfcspasswd Non FCS switch password: Re-enter new password: Committing configuration...done. primaryfcs:admin> See Also passwd secmodeenable secmodedisable secmodeshow sectemppasswdset Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicyabort secpolicyabort Aborts all changes to the defined database that have not been saved. Synopsis secpolicyabort Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to abort all changes to the defined security database that have not been saved to flash memory. Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicyactivate secpolicyactivate Apply defined policy set to all switches in the fabric. Synopsis secpolicyactivate Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to activate the current defined security policy to all switches in the fabric. After activation the defined policy set becomes the active policy set. Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicyadd secpolicyadd Add members to an existing policy. Synopsis secpolicyadd “name”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add members to an existing access policy. The new members must not already be members within the policy or the command fails. Each policy corresponds to a management method.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of an existing policy you want to add name members to. Valid values for this operand are: DCC_POLICY_nnn FCS_POLICY TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY RSNMP_POLICY WSNMP_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY OPTIONS_POLICY The specified policy name must be capitalized.
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secpolicyadd WWN Member Policy Types The following policy types require members be specified by WWN address: FCS_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY These policy types require members be specified as WWN strings, Domain ID, or switch names. If Domain ID or switch names are used, the switches associated must be present in the fabric or the command fails.
Page 706
Fabric OS Commands Example Adding a member to the MS_POLICY using the device WWN: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicyadd “MS_POLICY”, “12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40” Member(s) have been added to MS_POLICY. primaryfcs:admin> Adding an SNMP manager to WSNMP_POLICY: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicyadd “WSNMP_POLICY”, “” Member(s) have been added to WSNMP_POLICY. primaryfcs:admin>...
secpolicycreate secpolicycreate Create a new policy. Synopsis secpolicycreate name[, “member;member”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to create a new policy. All policies can be created only once, except for the DCC_POLICY_nnn. Each DCC_POLICY_nnn must each have a unique name.
Page 708
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of a policy you want to create. Valid values name for this operand are: DCC_POLICY_nnn TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY RSNMP_POLICY WSNMP_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY OPTIONS_POLICY The specified policy name must be capitalized. The DCC_POLICY_nnn name has the common prefix DCC_POLICY_ followed by a string of user defined characters.
Page 709
secpolicycreate WWN Member Policy Types The following policy types require members be specified by WWN address: MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY These policy types require member IDs be specified as WWN strings, Domains, or switch names. If Domain or switch names are used, the switches associated must be present in the fabric or the command fails.
Page 710
Fabric OS Commands SCC_POLICY Members This policy type requires member IDs be specified as WWN strings, Domains, or switch names. If Domain or switch names are used, the switches associated must be present in the fabric or the command fails. To add all switches in the current fabric as members of the SCC_POLICY enter an asterisk “*”...
Page 711
secpolicycreate See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands secpolicydelete Delete an existing policy. Synopsis secpolicydelete “name” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete an existing defined policy. The FCS_POLICY can not be deleted through this command, since this policy must exist to maintain security mode.
Page 713
secpolicydelete Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the name of a security policy to delete. The policy name name must be enclosed in quotation marks. Valid security policy names are: DCC_POLICY_nnn TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY RSNMP_POLICY WSNMP_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY OPTIONS_POLICY...
Page 714
Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicydump secpolicydump Show all members of existing policies. Synopsis secpolicydump [listtype[, name]] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the members of an existing policy in the Active and Defined (saved) databases with no page breaks. Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify which database to display. The name for active listtype database is “Active”; the name for saved, defined database is “Defined.” If not specified, all databases are displayed. This operand is optional. An asterisk (*) can be used to specify both Active and Defined.
Page 717
secpolicydump Example To view all security policy information from all databases (active, updating, defined) without page breaks: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicydump ____________________________________________________ DEFINED POLICY SET FCS_POLICY Primary WWN DId swName __________________________________________________ 10:00:00:60:69:30:15:5c 1 primaryfcs HTTP_POLICY IpAddr __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ACTIVE POLICY SET FCS_POLICY Primary WWN DId swName...
Page 718
Fabric OS Commands To view all security policy information for the TELNET_POLICY without page breaks: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicydump “*”, “TELNET_POLICY” ____________________________________________________ DEFINED POLICY SET TELNET_POLICY IpAddr __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ACTIVE POLICY SET TELNET_POLICY IpAddr __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ primaryfcs:admin> See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd...
secpolicyfcsmove secpolicyfcsmove Move a member in the FCS policy. Synopsis secpolicyfcsmove [From, To] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to move an FCS member from one position to another position in the FCS list. Only one FCS can be moved at a time. The first FCS switch in the list that is also present in the fabric is the Primary FCS.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To move Backup FCS switch at position 2 to position 3 in the FCS list: switch5:admin> secpolicyfcsmove Primary WWN DId swName. ================================================= 10:00:00:60:69:10:02:18 1 switch5. 10:00:00:60:69:00:00:5a 2 switch60. 10:00:00:60:69:00:00:13 3 switch73. Please enter position you'd like to move from : (1..3) [1] 2 Please enter position you'd like to move to : (1..3) [1] 3...
secpolicyremove secpolicyremove Remove members from an existing policy. Synopsis secpolicyremove “name”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove members from an existing security policy. If a policy is empty after removing all members, all accesses to the policy are disallowed (the DCC_POLICY and OPTIONS_POLICY are an exception).
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of an existing policy you want to remove name members from. Valid values for this operand are: DCC_POLICY_nnn FCS_POLICY TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY RSNMP_POLICY WSNMP_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY OPTIONS_POLICY The specified policy name must be capitalized.
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secpolicyremove WWN Member Policy Types The following policy types require members be specified by WWN address: FCS_POLICY MS_POLICY SERIAL_POLICY FRONTPANEL_POLICY SCC_POLICY These policy types require member IDs be specified as WWN strings, Domains, or switch names. If Domain or switch names are used, the switches associated must be present in the fabric or the command fails.
Page 724
Fabric OS Commands Example Remove a member that has a WWN of 12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40 from MS policy: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicyremove “MS_POLICY”, “12:24:45:10:0a:67:00:40” Member(s) have been removed from MS_POLICY. . primaryfcs:admin> See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicysave secpolicysave Save a defined security policy to flash memory on all switches in the fabric. Synopsis secpolicysave Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to save a defined security policy to flash memory of all switches in the fabric. Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secpolicyshow secpolicyshow Show an existing security policy. Synopsis secpolicyshow [listtype[, name]] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the members of an existing policy in the Active, or Defined security policy database. Users can specify which database to display. If not specified, all database are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify which database to display. The name for active listtype database is “Active”; the name for saved, defined database is “Defined.” This operand must be enclosed in quotation marks. If not specified, all databases are displayed.
Page 729
secpolicyshow Example Show all security policies from all databases: primaryfcs:admin> secpolicyshow “active” ____________________________________________________ ACTIVE POLICY SET FCS_POLICY Primary WWN DId swName __________________________________________________ 10:00:00:60:69:30:15:5c 1 primaryfcs HTTP_POLICY IpAddr __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ primaryfcs:admin> primaryfcs:admin> secPolicyShow “defined” ____________________________________________________ DEFINED POLICY SET FCS_POLICY Primary WWN DId swName __________________________________________________ 10:00:00:60:69:30:15:5c...
Page 730
Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secstatsreset secstatsreset Reset security statistic for a policy or all policies to zero. Synopsis secstatsreset [name][,list] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset statistic data for a particular policy or all policies to zero. This command can be issued to any switch. If issued on the Primary FCS switch, this command can reset security statistics for any or all switches in the fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of a security statistic you would like to reset. If name executed on the Primary FCS, specify an asterisk (*) to represent all security policies. Valid values for this operand are: TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY...
Page 733
secstatsreset Example Reset all statistics on the local switch: primaryfcs:admin> secstatsreset About to reset all security counters. Are you sure (yes, y, no, n):[no] y Security statistics reset to zero. primaryfcs:admin> Reset DCC_POLICY statistics on domains 1 and 69: primaryfcs:admin> secstatsreset “DCC_POLICY”, “1;69” Reset DCC_POLICY statistic.
Fabric OS Commands secstatsshow Displays security statistic for a policy or for all policies. Synopsis secstatsshow [name][, list] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display security statistics for one or all security policies. This command can be issued to any switch. If issued on the Primary FCS switch, this command can retrieve and display the security statistics for any or all switches in the fabric.
Page 735
secstatsshow Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of a security statistic you would like to view. If name executed on the Primary FCS, specify an asterisk (*) to represent all security policies. Valid values for this operand are: TELNET_POLICY HTTP_POLICY API_POLICY...
Page 736
Fabric OS Commands Example Show MS_POLICY statistics on the local switch: primaryfcs:admin> secstatsshow “MS_POLICY” Name Value ==================== MS 20 primaryfcs:admin> Displays statistic information for the “TELNET_POLICY” for all switches in the fabric: primaryfcs:admin> secstatsshow “TELNET_POLICY”, “*” Fabric Statistics: Domain 1: Name Value =========================================...
sectemppasswdreset sectemppasswdreset Reset a password on a remote switch. Synopsis sectemppasswdreset [domain[, login_name]] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command allows the user to remove temporary passwords that had been set up using sectemppasswdset command. The password is restored to the default password set up on non-FCS switches.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the Domain of the switch from which the temporary domain passwords are to be removed. This operand is optional. Specify the name of the login account from which the login_name temporary password are removed.
sectemppasswdset sectemppasswdset Set a temporary password on a remote switch. Synopsis sectemppasswdset domain, login_name Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set a unique temporary password for a given account on a specific switch in the fabric. Use the sectemppasswdreset command to remove the temporary password or reboot the switch.
Page 740
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the Domain of a switch where you want to change the domain password. This operand is required. Specify the login name where you want to change the login_name password. This operand is required. Example To set the password on a remote switch with a Domain of 2: primaryfcs:admin>...
sectransabort sectransabort Abort current security transaction. Synopsis sectransabort Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to abort the current transaction. This command is used to recover from management application problems. This command will abort all current changes that have not been committed or activated. Note: This command can be issued from any switch in the fabric.
Page 742
Fabric OS Commands See Also secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
secversionreset secversionreset Reset the version stamp to zero. Synopsis secversionreset Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to reset the version stamp of all switches in a fabric to zero, so that it can be joined to the another secure fabric. When merging two or more secure fabrics, the following steps should be taken: 1.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: When security is enabled, this command can only be issued from the Primary FCS switch. See “Security Commands” on page 941. Operands None. Example To reset the version stamp to zero: primaryfcs:admin> secversionreset About to reset version stamp to 0. Are you sure (yes, y, no, n):[no] y Committing configuration...
sensorShow sensorShow Displays sensor readings. Synopsis sensorShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current temperature, fan and power supply status, and readings from sensors located on the switch. The actual location of the sensors varies depending on the switch type.
Page 746
Fabric OS Commands Example Below is an example of the output of this command (V3.1.x example): switch30:admin> sensorshow sensor 1: type 1 (Temp #1) is OK, value is 32 sensor 2: type 1 (Temp #2) is OK, value is 31 sensor 3: type 1 (Temp #3) is OK, value is 30 sensor...
setdbg setdbg Set debug level of the specified module. Synopsis setdbg module_name level Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the debug level of a specified module. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of the module where you want to view the module_name debug and verbosity levels.
Fabric OS Commands setesdmode Enable or disable ESD mode. Synopsis setesdmode [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable ESD mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of setesdmode.
Page 749
setesdmode Example To set ESD mode: switch:admin> setesdmode Esd Mode is 0 (Disabled). switch:admin> setesdmode 1 Config update Succeeded Esd Mode is now 1 (Enabled). switch:admin> See Also spinsilk Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands setgbicmode Enable or disable GBIC mode. Synopsis: V3.1.x setgbicmode [mode] Synopsis: V4.1.x setgbicmode [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable the GBIC mode. If the mode operand is 1, GBIC mode is enabled;...
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setgbicmode Operands This command has the following operands: Specify 1 to enable GBIC mode or 0 to disable GBIC mode. For mode V4.1.x, if no mode is specified the current value is displayed. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and remains unchanged until the next execution of the setgbicmode command.
Fabric OS Commands setsfpmode Enable or disable SFP mode. Synopsis setsfpmode [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable the SFP mode. If the mode operand is 1, SFP mode is enabled; if the mode operand is 0, SFP mode is disabled. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and the SFP remains in that mode until the next execution of setsfpmode.
Page 753
setsfpmode Example To enable or disable SFP mode: switch:admin> setSFPMode 1 SFP mode is now 1 (Enabled). switch:admin> setSFPMode 0 SFP mode is now 0 (disabled). switch:admin> setSFPMode -show SFP mode is now 0 (disabled). See Also crossPortTest spinSilk Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands setSplbMode Enable or disable two port loopback. Synopsis: V3.1.x setSplbMode [mode] Synopsis: V4.1.x setSplbMode [mode | -show] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable SPLB mode. The mode is saved in non-volatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution of setSplbMode.
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setSplbMode The connections between pairs of M->M ports will be chosen to exercise the connections between as many chips (or bloom quadrants) as possible subject to the setting of allow_intra_chip and the availability of pairs of M->M ports. Any ports that are cross-cabled will be routed to each other in the normal manner regardless of the setting of SPLB mode: P1 TX >>>...
Fabric OS Commands setverbose Set verbose level of the module to specified level. Synopsis setverbose module_name, level Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the verbose level of the specified module. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the name of the module for which verbose level is module_name to be set.
sfpShow sfpShow Displays serial ID SFP information. Synopsis: V3.1.x sfpShow [portnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x sfpShow [slotnumber/][portnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information about Serial Identification SFPs (also known as module definition “4” SFPs). These SFPs provide extended information that describes the SFPs capabilities, interfaces, manufacturer, and other information.
Page 758
Fabric OS Commands For Finisar “smart” SFPs, five additional fields are displayed: Module temperature Voltage Received optical power Transmitted optical power (longwave only) Laser diode drive current Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the slot number for a StorageWorks Core switch. For slotnumber (V4.1.x only) all other switches this operand is not required.
Page 759
sfpShow This example shows detailed SFP information for a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> sfpshow 1/3 Identifier: Connector: Transceiver: 050c402000000000 100,200_MB/s M5,M6 sw Inter_dist Encoding: 8B10B Baud Rate: (units 100 megabaud) Length 9u: (units 100 meters) Length 50u: (units 10 meters) Length 625u: 13 (units 10 meters) Length Cu:...
Fabric OS Commands slotOff Disable a blade slot. Synopsis slotOff slot Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable a non-faulty blade unit while leaving the blade unit powered on. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the physical slot number of the blade to be disabled. slot This operand is required.
slotOn slotOn Enable a blade slot. Synopsis slotOn slot Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to re-enable a blade unit that was previously disabled. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the physical slot number of the blade to be enabled. This slot operand is required.
Fabric OS Commands slotpoweroff Power off a blade unit. Synopsis slotPowerOff slot Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to turn off the power to a blade unit. The slot must have a valid blade unit present and the blade unit must be of a type that can be powered off. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the physical slot number of the blade to be powered...
slotpoweron slotpoweron Power on a blade unit. Synopsis slotPowerOn slot Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to turn on the power to a blade unit. The slot must have a valid blade unit present and the blade unit must be currently powered off. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the physical slot number of the blade to be powered on.
Fabric OS Commands slotShow Displays slot status. Synopsis slotShow Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to inventory and display the current status of each slot in the system. The format of the display includes a header and four fields for each slot. This command is only supported on the StorageWorks Core switch.
Page 765
slotShow ENABLED The blade is on and enabled. DISABLED The blade is powered on but disabled. FAULTY The blade is faulty because an error was detected. UNKNOWN The blade is inserted but its state cannot be determined. Operands None. Example To display a blade inventory and status: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands snmpMibCapSet View and modify options for configuring SNMP MIB trap capability. Synopsis snmpMibCapSet Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command enables a user to turn on or off certain MIBS and TRAPS. This command also enables a user to turn on or off group information and SSN in SW trap messages.
Page 767
snmpMibCapSet Example To view or modify the options for configuring SNMP MIB traps (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> snmpmibcapset The SNMP Mib/Trap Capability has been set to support FE-MIB SW-MIB FA-MIB SW-TRAP FA-TRAP FA-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes] SW-TRAP (yes, y, no, n): [yes] FA-TRAP (yes, y, no, n): [yes] no change See Also...
Fabric OS Commands spinFab Test for Cascaded switch ISL links. Synopsis: V3.1.x spinFab [nMillionFrames [, ePortBeg[, ePortEnd[, failmode]]]] Synopsis: V4.1.x spinfab [-nmegs count][-ports list][-setfail mode] [-domain value] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Used to verify the intended functional operation of the ISL links between switches at the maximum speed of 2 Gbps by setting up the routing hardware such that test frames received by each E_Port are retransmitted on the same E_Port.
Page 769
spinFab The frames are continuously transmitted and received to all ports in parallel. The port LEDs flicker green rapidly while the test is running. While the frames are circulating, the RX frame count and port CRC and encoder error statistics are monitored and errors will be generated if a port stops or a low level error occurs.
Page 770
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Number of million frames to send. The test will progress nMillionFrames (V3.1.x only) until the specified number of frames has been transmitted on each port. The default value for nmill is 10, so the number of frames sent will be at least 10 million.
Page 771
spinFab This parameter may be used to cause spinfab to mark -setfail mode (V4.1.x only) failing ports as bad. Specify a value 1 to mark failing ports as BAD, specify a value of 0 to not mark failed ports as bad. To minimize the impact on live fabrics this test normally logs errors but does not set the port status to FAILED.
Page 772
Fabric OS Commands Example In the following examples ports 0-3 are active ISL links. Port 4 is an F-Port so the test skips it (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> setdbg “DIAG”, 0 switch:admin> spinfab 3,0,4 spinFab running... spinFab: Completed 3 megs, status: passed.
Page 773
spinFab To test cascading ISL links (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> > spinfab -ports 1/0 - 1/2 spinfab running... spinfab: Completed 11 megs, status: passed. port 0 test status: 0x00000000 -- passed. port 1 test status: 0x00000000 -- passed. port 2 test status: 0x00000000 -- passed.
Page 774
Fabric OS Commands PORT_DIED PORT_ENABLE PORT_M2M PORT_STOPPED PORT_WRONG RXQ_RAM_PERR STATS STATS_C3FRX STATS_FRX STATS_FTX TIMEOUT XMIT See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest itemlist portloopbacktest setDbg spinsilk sramretentiontest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
spinSilk spinSilk Functional test of port connection at maximum switch speed. Synopsis: V3.1.x spinSilk [nmillionframes[, sfpmode[, lbmode[, spdmode]]]] Synopsis: V4.1.x spinSilk [-nmegs count][-gbic_mode mode][-lb_mode mode] [-spd_mode mode][-verbose mode][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command verifies the functional operation of the switch by setting up the routing hardware such that frames received by port M are retransmitted through port N.
Page 776
Fabric OS Commands Optimum test coverage occurs with lbmode 1, M->M loopback plugs and splbMode disabled. In this case every port will exchange frames with every other port and all of the ASIC to ASIC connections are tested. The frames are continuously transmitted and received in all ports in parallel. The port LEDs flicker green rapidly while the test is running.
Page 777
spinSilk An example of the data used are as follows: CSPAT: 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e, ... BYTE_LFSR: 0x69, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, ... RANDOM: 0x25, 0x7f, 0x6e, 0x9a, ... RDRAM_PAT: 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, ... At each pass, the frame is created from a different data type. There are seven data types: CSPAT: 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e,...
Page 778
Fabric OS Commands where: >>> is a cable or internal loopback -> is a routing table entry The connections between pairs of M->M ports are chosen to exercise the connections between as many ASICs as possible subject to the availability of pairs of M->M ports.
Page 779
spinSilk GBIC/SFP Mode (sfpmode): V4.1.x If the spinSilk command is executed with GBIC mode activated, only ports containing GBICs are tested. To activate GBIC mode, execute the following command prior to executing the spinSilk command: switch:admin> setsfpmode 1 The state of the SFP mode is saved in non-volatile memory and remains active over a reboot until it is disabled as follows: switch:admin>...
Page 780
Fabric OS Commands Specify the number of million frames to send. The test will -nmegs count (V4.1.x only) progress until the specified number of frames has been transmitted on each port. The default value for nmill is 10, so the number of frames sent will be at least 10 million. Specify the GBIC mode for the test.
Page 781
spinSilk For lb_Mode == 2,3 the following speed modes are available to test fifo underrun. 3,5: set all even ports' speed for 2 Gbit/sec, set all odd ports' speed for 1 Gbit/sec. 4,6: set all even ports' speed for 1 Gbit/sec, set all odd ports' speed for 2 Gbit/sec.
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Page 783
spinSilk TIMEOUT XMIT See Also backport camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest itemlist portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest sramretentiontest statstest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands sramRetentionTest Data retention test of the miscellaneous SRAMs in ASIC. Synopsis: V3.1.x sramRetentionTest [passCount] Synopsis: V4.1.x sramRetentionTest [--slot number][-passcnt count] [-ports itemlist][-skip bitmask][-delay value] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify that data written into the miscellaneous SRAMs in the ASIC are retained after a 10 second wait.
Page 785
sramRetentionTest For details about the patterns used in diagnostic tests, see the datatypeshow command. Operands This command has the following operand: Specify the number of times to execute the test. The default passCount (V3.1.x only) value is 1. This operand is optional. Specify the slot number that the diagnostic will operate --slot number (V4.1.x only)
Page 786
Fabric OS Commands For V4.1.x: BUS_TIMEOUT REGERR REGERR_UNRST See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest filterTest portloopbacktest portRegTest ramtest spinsilk Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Displays and sets the soft serial number. Synopsis ssn [“soft-serial-number”] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to display or set the soft serial number. When ssn is entered without any operand, this command displays the current soft serial number. When ssn is entered with the operand specified, it sets the soft serial number to a user specified value, which can be a numeric value from 1 to 122 bytes.
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Fabric OS Commands The following example sets the soft serial number: switch:admin> ssn “BRCD_101” Committing configuration...done. switch:admin> ssn BRCD_101 See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
statsTest statsTest Run a statistics counter diagnostic test. Synopsis V3.1.x statsTest [passcount] Synopsis V4.1.x statsTest [-passcnt count][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to verify the ASIC statistics counter logic. It can run on every base port of quadrant, and send the frame through internal loopback with no CRC data to induce the CRC error.
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Fabric OS Commands Note: There is a LINK table that stores 16 pairs of SID-DID address. Each of the SID-DID pairs is named a LINK. This table is used for gathering statistics that match the LINK. Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the number of times to perform this test.
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statsTest DIAG-STSWRDCNT DIAG-STSALPACNT See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest filtertest portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest spinsilk sramretentiontest turboramtest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands stopporttest Terminate the running porttest. Synopsis: V3.1.x stopporttest [ports] Synopsis: V4.1.x stopporttest [-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to stop the currently running porttest command. See porttest command for more information. If porttest is running on a non-singlemode, use stopporttest to stop the test.
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stopporttest Example To stop the porttest on an active switch: switch:admin> stopporttest switch:admin> See Also crossporttest fporttest loopporttest portloopbacktest porttest porttestshow spinfab Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands supportShow Print switch information for debugging purposes. Synopsis: V3.1.x supportShow [firstPort, lastPort, nLog] Synopsis: V4.1.x supportShow slotnumber[/port1-port2] [lines] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to print the switch information for debugging purposes. Note: The output of this command can be very long.
Page 796
Fabric OS Commands 36. /sbin/sin (V4.1.x only) Displays hardware listing of CP components. 37. /bin/df (V4.1.x only) Displays file systems available. 38. /sbin/ifconfig (V4.1.x only) Displays all IP addresses. Eth0 is the IP address of the active CP. 39./sbin/route (V4.1.x only) 40.
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supportShow 55. diagshow (V4.1.x only) Displays diagnostic information for the slot specified, if no slot is specified then all slots on logical switch are displayed. 56. portshow (V4.1.x only) Displays port information for all ports specified. The default value is to display information for all ports.
Page 798
Fabric OS Commands Specify the first port of a range of ports to display information. port1 (V4.1.x only) Enter the port area number. The default (if no operand specified) is to print state of port 0. If only startPort is specified, only information for startPort is printed.
Page 799
supportShow To display switch information for debugging: switch:admin> supportshow 4/0, 15 version: Kernel: 2.4.2 Fabric OS: 4.0.0 Made on: Thu Oct 25 00:58:55 2001 Flash: Thu Oct 25 00:58:55 2001 BootProm: Unknown uptime: 11:46pm 4:39, 3 users, load average: 1.85, 1.45, 1.15 tempshow: Index Slot...
Fabric OS Commands switchBeacon Set switch beaconing mode on or off. Synopsis switchBeacon [mode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the switch beaconing mode on (if the operand is 1) or off (if the operand is 0). When beaconing mode is turned on, the port LEDs flash amber in a running pattern from port 0 to port 15, and then back again.
Page 801
switchBeacon Example To turn beaconing mode ON: switch:admin> switchBeacon 1 To turn beaconing mode OFF: switch:admin> switchBeacon 0 See Also switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchcfgpersistentdisable Disable switch persistently. Synopsis switchcfgpersistentdisable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to persistently disable the switch. The persistently disabled switch remains disabled across power cycles and switch reboots. It will not participate in fabric reconfiguration and will remain isolated from the rest of the topology.
Page 803
switchcfgpersistentdisable Example To disable a switch persistently: switch:admin> switchcfgpersistentdisable Committing configuration...done. Command in progress ..done See Also configure configshow portcfgpersistentdisable portcfgpersistentenable portcfgshow portshow switchcfgpersistentenable switchshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchcfgpersistentenable Enable a switch persistently. Synopsis switchcfgpersistentenable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to persistently enable the switch. The persistently enabled switch remains enabled across power cycles and switch reboots. By default a switch is enabled persistently.
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switchcfgpersistentenable Example The following example configures the switch as persistently enabled: switch:admin> switchcfgpersistentenable Committing configuration...done. Command in progress ..done See Also configure configshow portcfgpersistentdisable portcfgpersistentenable portcfgshow portshow switchcfgpersistentdisable switchshow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchCfgSpeed Configure all ports of the switch to a particular speed level. Synopsis switchCfgSpeed speed_level Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to configure the speed of all the ports on a switch to a particular level.
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switchCfgSpeed Example To set the speed level for all ports on a switch: switch:admin> switchCfgSpeed 2 done. switch:admin> See Also portCfgSpeed switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchCfgTrunk Enable or disable trunking on all the ports of a switch. Synopsis switchCfgTrunk mode Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable or disable trunking on all the ports of a switch. Note: This command requires the Trunking license.
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switchCfgTrunk See Also portCfgShow portCfgTrunkPort portShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchDisable Disable the switch. Synopsis switchDisable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to disable the switch. All Fibre Channel ports are taken offline; if the switch was part of a fabric, the remaining switches reconfigure. The switch must be disabled before making configuration changes (using configure or configDefault) or before running many of the diagnostic tests.
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switchDisable See Also switchEnable switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchEnable Enable the switch. Synopsis switchEnable Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to enable the switch. All Fibre Channel ports that passed POST are enabled. They can come online if connected to a device, or remain offline if disconnected.
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switchEnable Example To enable a switch: switch:admin> switchEnable fabric: Principal switch fabric: Domain 1 See Also switchDisable switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchName Displays or sets the switch name. Synopsis switchName [“newName”] Availability All users (display). Admin (set). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command without an operand to display the current switch name. All switches have a symbolic name that is primarily used for switch management. This name is also shown in the telnet prompt, under each switch icon on the Web Tools Fabric View, and in the output of many telnet commands, such as fabricshow.
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switchName Example To change a switch name to sw10: switch:admin> switchName “sw10” Committing configuration... Done. sw10:admin> See Also fabricShow switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchReboot Halt and bring down the operational switch. Synopsis switchReboot Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This command reboots the operational switch without disrupting the other switch in the StorageWorks Core switch chassis. The administrator uses this command when the problem with the switch cannot be determined.
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switchReboot Example To bring down an operational switch: switch:admin> switchreboot Selecting i2c bus...Done. Stopping all switch daemons...Done. Releasing i2c bus...Done. Powering off slot 7...Done. Checking all slots are powered off..Done. Cleaning up kernel modules...Done. Initializing kernel modules...Done. setup FCIP IP: ifconfig fc1 ip=, netmask= Starting all switch daemons...Done.
Fabric OS Commands switchShow Displays switch and port status. Synopsis switchShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display switch and port status information. Information may vary by switch model. Below is the information provided. The first section provides switch summary information;...
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switchShow Zoning Displays the switch zoning mode: On or Off. (V3.1.x only) The switch summary is followed by one line per port: Area Each slot and port combination in the StorageWorks Core (V4.1.x only) switch is assigned an area number. For example, the area number of slot 3/port 15 is 63 (in switch 0), the area number for slot 10/port 15 is also 63 (in switch 1).
Page 820
Fabric OS Commands Port State Port state information: (V3.1.x only) No_Card - No interface card present State No_Module - No module (SFP or other) present (V4.1.x only) No_Light - Module not receiving light No_Sync - Module receiving light but out of sync In_Sync - Module receiving light and in sync Laser_Flt - Module signaling a laser fault Port_Flt - Port marked faulty...
Page 821
switchShow more comments The comment field may have additional comments depending on the comment field entry. Disabled: A disabled port may have additional comments that explain the reason for disabling it. — (Persistent) — (Security violation) L-Port: An L-port may indicate the number for public, private and phantom devices in the loop.
Page 822
Fabric OS Commands The following example shows a StorageWorks 2 Gb SAN switch: switch:admin> switchshow switchName: switch switchType: 10.1 switchState: Online switchRole: Subordinate switchDomain: switchId: fffc04 switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:00:54:e9 switchBeacon: blade7 Beacon: blade9 Beacon: Area Slot Port Gbic Speed State ===================================== No_Module No_Module No_Module...
Page 823
switchShow See Also switchDisable switchEnable switchName Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchShutdown Halt the operational switch. Synopsis switchShutdown Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This command halts the switch operation without disrupting the other switch in the StorageWorks Core switch chassis. This command disables a logical switch in a StorageWorks Core switch without disturbing the software state of the system in general.
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switchShutdown Example To bring down the current logical switch without disrupting the other switch in the chassis: switch:admin> switchshutdown Stopping all switch daemons...Done. Powering off slot 1...Done. Powering off slot 4...Done. Checking all slots are powered off...Done. Cleaning up kernel modules...Done. See Also switchReboot switchStart...
Fabric OS Commands switchStart Initialize the switch to operational. Synopsis switchStart Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This command initializes a logical switch without disrupting the other switch in the StorageWorks Core switch chassis. This command enables a logical switch in a StorageWorks Core switch without disturbing the software state of the system in general.
Page 827
switchStart Example To initialize the logical switch to operational: switch:admin> switchstart Initializing kernel modules...Done. Starting all switch daemons...Done. Powering on slot 1...Done.q> to stop Powering on slot 4...Done.q> to stop Checking diagnostics...Done. setup FCIP IP: ifconfig fc0 ip=, netmask= See Also switchReboot switchShutdown Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands switchStatusPolicySet Set the policy parameters that determine the overall switch status. Synopsis switchStatusPolicySet Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to set the policy parameters for calculating the overall status of the switch enclosure. The policy parameter values determine how many failed or faulty units of each contributor are allowed before triggering a status change in the switch from HEALTHY to MARGINAL or DOWN.
Page 829
switchStatusPolicySet Table 16: Contributor Value and Status (Continued) Default Value Contributor Default Value for DOWN for MARGINAL Temperatures Fans PortStatus ISLStatus Any single contributor can force the overall status of the switch to MARGINAL or DOWN. For example, assuming that the switch contributor values are set to the default values, if there is one faulty port in a switch, then this contributor would set the overall switch status to MARGINAL.
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Fabric OS Commands Example Notice that in the following example, the only parameter modified is the number of MissingSFPS allowed before a MARGINAL status is triggered: switch:admin> switchStatusPolicySet To change the overall switch status policy parameters The current overall switch status policy parameters: Down Marginal ----------------------------------...
switchStatusPolicyShow switchStatusPolicyShow Displays the policy parameters that determine the overall switch status. Synopsis switchStatusPolicyShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to view the current policy parameters set for the switch. These policy parameters determine the number of failed or non-operational units allowed for each contributor before triggering a status change in the switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Table 17: Contributor Value and Status (Continued) Default Value for Default Value Contributor DOWN for MARGINAL Fans PortStatus ISLStatus The policy parameters determine the number of failed or non-operational units for each contributor that trigger a status change in the switch. For example, if the FaultyPorts DOWN parameter is set to 3, and 3 ports fail in the switch, then the status of the switch changes to DOWN.
switchStatusShow switchStatusShow Displays the overall status of the switch. Synopsis switchStatusShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the overall status of the switch. The overall status is calculated based on the most severe status of all contributors: Internal Switch Status Faulty Ports Missing SFPs...
Page 834
Fabric OS Commands Example There are two examples below. The first shows a switch with a status of MARGINAL, the second shows the same switch after all the errors have been fixed. switch:admin> switchStatusShow The overall switch status is Marginal/Warning Contributing factors: 1 missing power supply triggered the Marginal/Warning status 1 bad fans, 2 good fans triggered the Marginal/Warning status...
switchuptime switchuptime Displays the amount of time the switch has been operating. Synopsis switchuptime Availability All users. Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current time and the amount of time the switch has been operational. Operands None. Example To view the uptime for the switch: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands syslogdIpAdd Add the IP address of a syslog daemon. Synopsis: V3.1.x syslogdIpAdd “IPaddr” Synopsis: V4.1.x syslogdIpAdd “ip_address” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add the IP address of a syslog daemon, that is, the IP address of the server which is running the syslogd process.
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syslogdIpAdd Example To add the address to the list of machines to which system messages are sent (V3.1.x example): switch:admin> syslogdIpAdd “” See Also errShow syslogdIpRemove syslogdIpShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands syslogdIpRemove Remove the IP address of a syslog daemon. Synopsis: V3.1.x syslogdIpRemove “IPaddress” Synopsis: V4.1.x syslogdIpRemove “ip_address” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove the IP address of a syslog daemon, that is, the IP address of the server which is running the syslogd process.
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syslogdIpRemove See Also errShow syslogdIpAdd syslogdIpShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands syslogdIpShow Displays all syslog daemon IP addresses. Synopsis syslogdIpShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display all syslog daemon IP addresses in the configuration database. Operands None. Example To display all syslog daemon IP addresses: switch:admin>...
systemtest systemtest Run a series of diagnostic tests on a switch blade. Synopsis systemtest [[--slot] slotno][-log logfile] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description This command will run a suite of diagnostic tests on the specified switch blade. It is not required to install loop-back plugs on every port as in the case of bladediag and bladediagshort.
Page 842
Fabric OS Commands Example To run a suite of diagnostics on blade 7: switch:admin> systemtest -slot 7 Testing slot: 7, user ports: 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12 PortRegTest Running Port Register Test ..passed.
systemverification systemverification Run a suit of diagnostic tests on all switches in a fabric. Synopsis systemverification [-parameters | -short] Availability Admin Release V4.1.x Description Use this command to run a comprehensive system wide test of all switches in a fabric. It will initiate a burnin run on all switches within the current system. The run can be terminated by issuing a control “c”...
Page 844
Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Invokes the diagsetcycle command before starting -parameters the burnin run. This will allow users to modify the burnin parameters prior to the run. These diagsetcycle parameters are copied to all switches in the system and override the original settings in the database.
Page 845
systemverification Example To initiate a system verification test on all switches in the fabric: switch:admin> systemverification -short systemverification: Setting parameters for short run. systemverification: burnin parameters. CURRENT - KEYWORD : DEFAULT - number_of_runs - vib - thermal : 10 SYSTEMVERIFICATION - label : BURNIN - min_lb_mode - tbr_passes...
Fabric OS Commands tempShow Displays temperature readings. Synopsis tempShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the current temperature readings of all temperature sensors in a switch. Each temperature sensor has an index. The indices start from 1.
Page 847
tempShow This example shows a StorageWorks Core switch (V4.1.x example): switch:admin> tempshow Index Slot State Centigrade Fahrenheit ========================================================= Absent Absent switch:admin> Note: For the StorageWorks Core switch, this command only returns the temperature sensor values for the logical switch you are logged into, not for the entire chassis. This example shows a StorageWorks 2 Gb SAN switch: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands timeout Set or show the IDLE timeout value for a login session. Synopsis timeout [timeval] Availability All users (for viewing only). Admin (show/set). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command with no operands to display the current telnet timeout value. Use this command with an operand to sets the idle timeout value to the specified minutes.
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timeout See Also None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands topologyShow Displays the unicast fabric topology. Synopsis topologyShow [domainnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the fabric topology, as it appears to the local switch. This includes: A list of all domains that are part of the fabric, and to each of those domains, all possible paths from the local switch.
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topologyShow Hops The maximum number of hops to reach destination domain. Out Port Port that incoming frame will be forwarded to, in order to reach the destination domain. In Ports Input ports that use the corresponding Out Port to reach the destination domain.
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Fabric OS Commands The following is a V4.1.x example: switch:admin> topologyShow 2 domains in the fabric; Local Domain ID: 1 Domain: Metric: Name: cylon218 Path Count: Hops: Out Port: In Ports: None Total Bandwidth: 2 Gbps Bandwidth Demand: Flags: Hops: Out Port: In Ports: None...
trackChangesHelp trackChangesHelp Displays information on track-changes feature commands. Synopsis trackchangeshelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display information about the track-changes commands. Operands None. Example To display information on the track-changes feature commands: switch:admin> trackchangeshelp trackChangesSet Configure alert for login/logout/config update trackChangesShow...
Fabric OS Commands trackChangesSet Enable configuring of track-changes feature. Synopsis: V3.1.x trackChangesSet [mode], [snmptrapmode] Synopsis: V4.1.x trackChangesSet [mode][,snmptrapmode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command enables or disables the track-changes feature. An SNMP-TRAP mode can also be enabled. Trackable changes are: Successful login Unsuccessful login Logout...
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trackChangesSet Operands This command has the following operands: Specify 1 to enable the track-changes feature or specify 0 to mode disable the feature. The default (if no operand is specified) is to disable the track-changes feature. This operand is optional. Specify 1 to enable errors to be sent to the SNMP-TRAP in snmptrapmode addition to the errlog or specify 0 to disable the SNMP-TRAP...
Fabric OS Commands trackChangesShow Displays status of track-changes feature. Synopsis trackChangesShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display status of the track-changes feature. It shows if the feature is turned on or off and if SNMP traps are generated. The output from the track-changes feature is dumped to the error log for the switch.
trunkDebug trunkDebug Debug a trunk link failure. Synopsis trunkDebug port1, port2 Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to debug a trunk link failure. This command reports one of the following messages based on the trunking properties of the two specified ports: Switch does not support trunking Trunking license required port x is not E_Port...
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: For V3.1.x, specify the first port number of a trunk connection port1 where you want to debug a trunking link error. For V4.1.x, use the area number to specify port1. Use the switchshow command to view the area numbers for a port.
trunkShow trunkShow Displays trunking information. Synopsis trunkShow Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display trunking information. The fields displayed are as follows: Trunking Group Number Displays each trunking group on a switch. All the ports that are part of this trunking group are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display trunking information for a switch: switch:admin> trunkShow 1: 1 -> 10:00:00:60:69:04:10:83 deskew 16 MASTER 0 -> 10:00:00:60:69:04:10:83 deskew 55 2: 4 -> 10:00:00:60:69:04:01:94 deskew 45 MASTER 5 -> 10:00:00:60:69:04:01:94 deskew 34 7 -> 10:00:00:60:69:04:01:94 deskew 22 6 ->...
tsclockserver tsclockserver Displays or sets the NTP Server address. Synopsis tsclockserver [ipaddr] Availability All users (display). Admin (set). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to synchronize the local time of the Principal or Primary FCS switch to an external NTP server. The Time Server daemon synchronizes fabric time by sending updates of the Principal or Primary FCS local switch time periodically to every switch in the fabric.
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Fabric OS Commands The NTP server used MUST support a full NTP client. Fabric OS V3.1.x and v2.6.1 have an SNTP client and hence will accept an SNTP or NTP server, but V4.1.x has an NTP client. So for the proper functioning of a mixed fabric with external time synchronization it is necessary that an NTP server that supports a full NTP client be used.
tshelp tshelp Displays the time service commands. Synopsis tshelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display a list of time service commands. Operands None. Example To display a list of time service commands: switch:admin> tshelp tsTimeZone Set time zone tsClockServer...
Fabric OS Commands tstimezone Displays or sets the system time zone. Synopsis tstimezone [hourOffset [, minuteOffset]] Availability All users (display). Admin (set). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display or set the system time zone. All switches maintain the current time zone setup in non-volatile memory. Changing the Time Zone on a switch updates the local time zone setup and is reflected in local time calculations.
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tstimezone Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the number of hours relative to GMT. This operand hourOffset must be specified as an integer. Valid values are -12 through 12. This operand is optional. Specify the number of minutes relative to the hourOffset. minuteOffset This operand must be specified as an integer.
Fabric OS Commands turboRamTest Turbo SRAM logic test for 2-Gbps ASICs. Synopsis: V3.1.x turboramtest [passcount] Synopsis: V4.1.x turboramtest [--slot number][-passcnt count][-ports itemlist] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description This command verifies the on-chip SRAM located in the 2-Gb ASIC using the Turbo-Ram BIST circuitry.
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Fabric OS Commands Specify the slot number in a StorageWorks Core switch. --slot number (V4.1.x only) The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / ) and the port number. The StorageWorks Core switch has a total of 10 slots counted from 1 to 10.
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turboRamTest See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest portregtest ramtest sramretentiontest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands txdpathtest Functional test of TXA and TXD connections. Synopsis txdpathtest [passcount, speedmode] Availability Admin Release V3.1.x Description Use this command to verify the TXA, TXD, and CMI data paths between the ASICs. This is done by configuring all of the ports for internal loopback and sending a frame from each quadrant to all other port on the switch.
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txdpathtest 6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all ports present until: a. The number of frames (or passcount) requested is reached, b. All ports are marked bad. At each pass, a different data type is used to create the frame from a palette of 7; meaning if a pass of 7 is requested, 7 different frames are used in the test.
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Fabric OS Commands Errors When it detects failures, the test may report one or more of the following error messages: DIAG-INIT DIAG-PORTDIED DIAG-XMIT DIAG-TIMEOUT DIAG-ERRSTAT DIAG-STATS DIAG-DATA See Also camtest centralmemorytest cmemretentiontest cmitest crossporttest portloopbacktest portregtest ramtest spinsilk sramretentiontest Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
uptime uptime Displays length of time the system has been operational. Synopsis uptime Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the length of time the system has been in operation (also known as “up time”), the total cumulative amount of “up time” since the system was first powered-on, the date and time of the last reboot, and the reason for the last reboot.
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Fabric OS Commands Last reboot was caused by a user (from any management Reboot interface). Power supply caused a nonmaskable interrupt. Powerfail NMI* Watchdog timer caused a nonmaskable interrupt. Watchdog NMI* Push buttons 2 and 4 were depressed for two seconds, causing PushButton a nonmaskable interrupt.
uRouteConfig uRouteConfig Configure a static route. Synopsis uRouteConfig InArea Domain OutArea Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to configure static routes. A static route is a route that is assigned to a specific path, and will not change when a topology change occurs, unless the path used by the route becomes unavailable.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands This command has the following operands: Specify the port to be statically routed. This operand is required. InArea Specify the destination domain. This operand is required. Domain Specify the output port where traffic is forwarded. This operand OutArea is required.
uRouteRemove uRouteRemove Remove a static route. Synopsis uRouteRemove InArea Domain Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove a previously configured static route. After this command is issued, the route to Domain for InArea may or may not change.
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Fabric OS Commands See Also configShow uRouteConfig uRouteShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
uRouteShow uRouteShow Displays unicast routing information. Synopsis: V3.1.x uRouteShow [portnumber][, domainnumber] Synopsis: V4.1.x uRouteShow [slotnumber/][portnumber][, domainnumber] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display the unicast routing information for a port, as it is known by the FSPF path selection and routing task. The routing information describes how a frame that is received from a port on the local switch is to be routed to reach a destination switch.
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Fabric OS Commands Metric: Cost of reaching the destination domain. Hops: Maximum number of hops required to reach the destination domain. Flags: Indicates if route is dynamic (D) or static (S). A dynamic route is discovered automatically by the FSPF path selection protocol.
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uRouteShow Examples The first example displays the routing information of all the active ports, The second command displays the routing information of port 11 on slot 1, and the third command displays the routing information of port 11 to domain 4 only: switch:admin>...
Fabric OS Commands version Displays firmware version information. Synopsis version Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display firmware version information and build dates. The following fields are displayed: Kernel: Displays the version of switch kernel operating system. Fabric OS: Displays the version of switch Fabric OS.
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version Example The following example shows the firmware version information on a StorageWorks Core switch: switch:admin> version Kernel: 2.4.2 Fabric OS: V4.1.x Made on: Fri Feb 1 23:02:08 2002 Flash: Fri Feb 1 18:03:35 2002 BootProm: 3.1.13b switch:admin> See Also firmwareDownload reboot Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands View a switch WWN. Synopsis Availability For V3.1.x: All users. For V4.1.x: Factory or Root only (set). All users (display). Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to modify or display the WWN of a switch. All switches have a numeric address that is the unique Fibre Channel address used for communicating with the switch.
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Operands None. Example To display the switch WWN: switch:admin> wwn 10:00:00:60:69:00:54:e9 switch:admin> See Also switchShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands zoneAdd Add a member to the zone. Synopsis zoneAdd “zoneName”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to add one or more members to an existing zone. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to be preserved across switch reboots, it must be saved to non-volatile memory using the cfgsave command.
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zoneAdd Operands The following operands are required: Specify the name of an existing zone, in quotation marks. This zoneName operand is required. Specify a member or list of members to be added, in quotation member marks, separated by semicolons. Valid values can be one or more of the following: For V3.1.x, a switch domain and physical port number pair.
Fabric OS Commands zoneCreate Create a zone. Synopsis zoneCreate “zoneName”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to create a new zone. Note: This command requires an Advanced Zoning license. A zone name is a C-style name beginning with a letter and followed by any number of letters, digits, and underscore characters.
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zoneCreate Node and Port Names presented by a device in a login frame (FLOGI or PLOGI). When a zone member is specified by Node Name, then all ports on that device are in the zone. When a zone member is specified by Port Name, then only that single device port is in the zone.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Name for a zone to be created, in quotation marks. This zoneName name cannot be used for any other zone object. List of members to be included in zone, in quotation marks, member separated by semicolons.
zoneDelete zoneDelete Delete a zone. Synopsis zoneDelete “zoneName” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to delete a zone. This command changes the Defined Configuration. For the change to be preserved across switch reboots, it must be saved to non-volatile memory using the cfgsave command.
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Fabric OS Commands Example To delete the zone “Blue_zone”: switch:admin> zoneDelete “Blue_zone” See Also zoneAdd zoneCreate zoneRemove zoneShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
zoneHelp zoneHelp Displays help information on zone commands. Synopsis zoneHelp Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display help information on zone commands. Operands None. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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Fabric OS Commands Example To display zone command help information: switch:admin> zonehelp aliAdd Add a member to a zone alias aliCreate Create a zone alias aliDelete Delete a zone alias aliRemove Remove a member from a zone alias aliShow Print zone alias information cfgAdd Add a member to a configuration cfgCreate...
zoneRemove zoneRemove Remove a member from a zone. Synopsis zoneRemove “zoneName”, “member;member” Availability Admin Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to remove one or more members from an existing zone. The member list is located by an exact string match; therefore, it is important to maintain the order when removing multiple members.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are required: Name of the zone, in quotation marks. zoneName List of members to be removed from zone, in quotation marks, member separated by semicolons. Can be one or more of the following: For V3.1.x, a switch domain and physical port number pair.
zoneShow zoneShow Displays zone information. Synopsis zoneShow [“pattern”][, mode] Availability All users. Release V3.1.x and V4.1.x Description Use this command to display zone configuration information. If no parameters are specified, all zone configuration information (both defined and enabled) is displayed. See cfgShow for a description of this display. If a parameter is specified, it is used as a pattern to match zone configuration names, and those that match in the defined configuration are displayed.
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Fabric OS Commands Operands The following operands are optional: A POSIX style regular expression used to match zone pattern configuration names. The pattern must be enclosed in quotation marks. Patterns may contain: Question mark “?” that matches any single character Asterisk “*”...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products This chapter summarizes the commands that are only available with a license key. Advanced Zoning Commands, page 900 QuickLoop Fabric Assist Mode Commands, page 902 Extended Fabric Command, page 903 Fabric Watch Commands, page 904 Trunking Commands, page 905 Advanced Performance Monitoring...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Advanced Zoning Commands The following commands are available with the purchase of an Advanced Zoning license key. For detailed information about zoning refer to the HP StorageWorks Zoning Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide. Table 18: Zoning Commands Command Description Zone Alias...
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Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Table 18: Zoning Commands (Continued) Command Description Zone Management Clear all zone configurations. cfgClear Disable a zone configuration. cfgDisable Enable a zone configuration. cfgEnable Save zone configurations in flash memory. cfgSave Aborts the current zoning transaction. cfgTransAbort Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products QuickLoop Fabric Assist Mode Commands The following commands are for QuickLoop Fabric Assist Mode. For detailed information about Extended Fabrics refer to the HP StorageWorks QuickLoop Fabric Assist Version 3.1.x User Guide. Table 19: QuickLoop Fabric Assist Mode Commands Command Description Add members to an existing QuickLoop Fabric...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Extended Fabric Command The following command is available with the purchase of an Extended Fabrics license key. For detailed information about Extended Fabrics refer to the HP StorageWorks QuickLoop Fabric Assist Version 3.1.x User Guide. Table 20: Extended Fabric Command Command Description...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Fabric Watch Commands The following commands are available with the purchase of a Fabric Watch license key. For detailed information about Fabric Watch refer to the HP StorageWorks Fabric Watch Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide. Table 21: Fabric Watch Commands Command Description...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Trunking Commands The following commands are available with the purchase of a Trunking license key. For detailed information about trunking refer to the HP StorageWorks ISL Trunking Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide. Table 22: Trunking Commands Command Description Configure a port for trunking.
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Advanced Performance Monitoring Commands The following commands are available with the purchase of an Advanced Performance Monitoring license key. For more detailed information about Performance Monitoring refer to the HP StorageWorks Advanced Performance Monitoring Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide. Table 23: Performance Monitoring Commands Command Description...
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Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Table 23: Performance Monitoring Commands (Continued) Command Description Display user-defined end-to-end monitors on a perfShowEEMonitor port. Display filter-based monitors for a port. perfShowFilterMonitor Display the current end-to-end mask of a port. perfShowPortEEMask Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Secure Fabric OS Commands The following commands are available with the purchase of a Security license key. For more detailed information about trunking refer to the HP StorageWorks Secure Fabrics OS Version 1.0 User Guide. Table 24: Secure Fabric OS Commands Command Description...
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Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Table 24: Secure Fabric OS Commands (Continued) Command Description Set a temporary password on a remote switch. sectemppasswdset Abort current security transaction. sectransabort Reset the version stamp to zero. secversionreset Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
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Fabric OS Commands for Licensed Products Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric OS Version Comparison Command Differences Between Versions This table provides a list of which commands are available in V3.1.x and in V4.1.x. It also provides notes on differences that may exist for a particular command between versions. Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 1 of 15) Supported Supported Command...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 2 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment Specific to the StorageWorks bladeDiagShort Core switch New command for V4.1.x bladeDisable New command for V4.1.x bladeEnable Specific to the StorageWorks bladePropShow Core switch...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 3 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment cmiTest configDefault configDownload configShow configUpload configure crossPortTest dataTypeShow date New command dbgshow diagClearError diagCommandShow diagDisablePost diagEnablePost diagesdPorts diagfailLimit diagHelp diagloopid...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 4 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment dlsReset dlsSet dlsShow dnsconfig errclear errDump New command for V4.1.x errnvlogsizeset New command for V4.1.x errnvlogsizeshow New command for V4.1.x errsavelvlset New command for V4.1.x errsavelvlshow...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 5 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment Specify members using area fazoneCreate number in V4.1.x fazoneDelete Specify members using area fazoneRemove number in V4.1.x fazoneShow New command for V3.1.x fcpprobeshow...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 6 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment fwShow gbicshow Specific to the StorageWorks haDisable Core switch New command for V4.1.x hadump Specific to the StorageWorks haEnable Core switch Specific to the StorageWorks...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 7 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment New command for V4.1.x itemlist New command for V4.1.x killtelnet New command for V4.1.x ledtest licenseAdd licenseHelp licenseIdShow licenseRemove licenseShow...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 8 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment New command nsaliasshow nsAllShow New command nscamshow nsShow nsstatshow nszonemember parityCheck passwd New command for V4.1.x pdshow perfAddEEMonitor perfAddIPMonitor perfAddReadMonitor...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 9 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment perfShowFilterMonitor perfShowPortEEMask New command for V4.1.x pkicreate New command for V4.1.x pkiremove New command for V4.1.x pkishow New command portcamshow New command...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 10 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment portLogShow New command portlogshowport portLoopbackTest New command portname portPerfShow portRegTest portRouteShow portShow New command portstatsclear portStatsShow New command for V4.1.x portswap New command for V4.1.x portswapdisable...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 11 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment qloopCreate qloopDelete qloopRemove qloopShow qlPartner qlPortDisable qlPortEnable qlPortShowAll qlShow qlStatsShow quietMode ramTest Reboots entire chassis in reboot StorageWorks Core switch routeHelp New command for V4.1.x...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 12 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment New command secpolicyfcsmove New command secpolicyremove New command secpolicysave New command secpolicyshow New command secstatsreset New command secstatsshow New command sectemppasswdreset...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 13 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment spinSilk sramRetentionTest New command for V3.1.x statsTest stopporttest supportShow switchBeacon New command switchcfgpersistentdisable New command switchcfgpersistentenable switchCfgSpeed switchCfgTrunk switchDisable switchEnable...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 14 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment New command for V4.1.x ssytemverification tempShow New command timeout topologyShow New command trackchangeshelp trackChangesSet trackChangesShow trunkDebug trunkShow New command tsclockserver New command...
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Fabric OS Version Comparison Table 25: Fabric OS Command Version Support (Sheet 15 of 15) Supported Supported Command in V3.1.x in V4.1.x Comment zoneHelp Specify members using area zoneRemove number in V4.1.x zoneShow Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Fabric and Switch Management This chapter explains the different methods used to manage an HP StorageWorks SAN switch. In order to manage a switch, you must have access to one of the available management methods. Overview, page 928 User Access Level, page 929 Fabric OS Command Line Interface, page 930...
Fabric and Switch Management Overview The HP switch can be managed using several local and remote access methods. In order to manage a switch, you must have access to one of the following management methods: Fabric OS command line interface WebTools Fabric Manager Fabric Watch...
Fabric and Switch Management User Access Level There are four levels of user access for the HP switch: Root Factory Admin User In Fabric OS V4.1.x, each user access level can have the following number of simultaneous sessions: Table 26: StorageWorks Core switch User Access Maximum Sessions Maximum Number User Name of Simultaneous Sessions...
Fabric and Switch Management Fabric OS Command Line Interface The Fabric OS command line interface (CLI) accessed through telnet or serial console provides the user with the full range of management capability on an HP switch. The Fabric OS CLI enables an administrator to monitor and manage entire fabrics, individual switches, and ports from a standard workstation.
Fabric and Switch Management Web Tools Web Tools provides a graphical interface that allows the administrator to monitor and manage entire fabrics and individual switches and ports from a standard workstation. It is an optionally licensed product that runs on Fabric OS. All switches in the fabric are displayed in the main window of Web Tools, including switches that do not have a Web Tools license.
Fabric and Switch Management Fabric Manager Fabric Manager provides a graphical interface that allows the administrator to monitor and manage an entire fabric from a standard workstation. Fabric Manager can be used to manage fabrics containing integrated Fabrics, in addition to individual HP switches.
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Fabric and Switch Management Provides the ability to execute multi-fabric administration of Secure Fabric OS SANs through a single encrypted console. Provides the ability to implement scalable SAN management tasks through functionality and tools that intelligently span 8 fabrics and 200 switches. Provides the ability to monitor Inter Switch Links (ISLs) Provides the ability to manage switch licenses Provides the ability to perform Fabric Stamping...
Fabric and Switch Management Fabric Watch Fabric Watch software monitors the performance and status of Fibre Channel networks and HP switches, and can alert SAN managers when problems arise. The real-time alerts from Fabric Watch software help SAN managers solve problems before they become costly failures.
Fabric and Switch Management Fabric OS Access Layer (API) The Fabric OS Access Layer is an application programming interface (API) that enables any application to access critical information about an HP SAN. With Fabric Access, an application can query or control individual switches or the entire fabric.
Fabric and Switch Management Management Server The Management Server is a Fibre Channel native in-band management interface. This interface allows a SAN management application to retrieve and administer the fabric and interconnect elements such as switches, servers, and storage devices. This interface runs directly over Fibre Channel through the HBA. An ACL of WWN addresses determines which systems have access to the Management Server database.
Control Processor Commands This chapter lists the commands that may be available, depending upon the Fabric OS version (V3.1.x or V4.1.x), when logged into the Active CP and Standby CP in a StorageWorks Core switch. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Control Processor Commands Active CP Commands When you are logged into the Active CP, the full suite of commands are supported (subject to which license keys are installed). HP recommends that you log into a specific logical switch, when performing management functions, rather than the Active CP.
Control Processor Commands Standby CP Commands The commands in Table 27 are supported when logged into the Standby CP. Table 27: StorageWorks Core switch Standby CP Commands Command Notes Print/set the system date and time. date Clear error log. errclear Print error log with no page breaks.
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Control Processor Commands Table 27: StorageWorks Core switch Standby CP Commands (Continued) Command Notes Display current login ID details. myrid Reboot this processor. When executed from reboot the Standby CP, only the Standby CP is rebooted. FTP or Remove core files generated by savecore daemons.
Security Commands This chapter summarizes the commands that are only available on the Primary FCS when the security feature is installed and enabled. Fabric OS Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Reference Guide...
Security Commands Commands Exclusive to the Primary FCS The following commands are available only on the Primary FCS when security is installed and enabled. Table 28: Commands Exclusive to the Primary FCS Command Notes Can be run on all switches, but it needs to be run on agtcfgset the Primary FCS to modify community strings Must be run from the Primary FCS switch.
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Security Commands Table 28: Commands Exclusive to the Primary FCS (Continued) Command Notes Must be run from the Primary FCS switch. msconfigure Must be run from the Primary FCS switch. msplmgmtdeactivate Must be run from the Primary FCS switch. msplmgmtactivate Must be run from the Primary FCS switch.
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Security Commands Table 28: Commands Exclusive to the Primary FCS (Continued) Command Notes Must be run from the Primary FCS switch. Can also secversionreset be run on a single non-FCS switch which is segmented from a fabric. Must be run from the Primary FCS switch. tsclockserver This command can be run on all switches to view the WWN.
glossary Glossary This glossary defines terms used in this guide or related to this product and is not a comprehensive glossary of computer terms. Glossary 16-port card The Fibre Channel port card provided with the StorageWorks Core switch. Contains 16 Fibre Channel ports and the corresponding LEDs indicating port status and speed.
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Glossary Alias An alternate name for an element or group of elements in the fabric. Aliases can be used to simplify the entry of port numbers and WWNs when creating zones. Alias Address Identifier An address identifier recognized by a port in addition to its standard identifier. An alias address identifier may be shared by multiple ports.
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Glossary Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A transport used for transmitting data over LANs or WANs that transmit fixed-length units of data. Provides any-to-any connectivity, and allows nodes to transmit simultaneously. Auto-negotiate Speed Process that allows two devices at either end of a link segment to negotiate common features, speed (e.g., 1 or 2 Gbps) and functions.
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Glossary Beginning Running Disparity The disparity at the transmitter or receiver when the special character associated with an ordered set is encoded or decoded. See also disparity. Bit Error Rate. The rate at which bits are expected to be received in error. Expressed as the ratio of error bits to total bits transmitted.
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Glossary Boot Monitor Code used to initialize the CP (control processor) environment after powering on. Identifies the amount of memory available and how to access it, and retrieves information about system buses. Broadcast The transmission of data from a single source to all devices in the fabric, regardless of zoning. See also multicast, unicast.
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Glossary Class F Connectionless service for control traffic between switches, with notification of delivery or non-delivery of data between the E_Ports. Class of Service A specified set of delivery characteristics and attributes for frame delivery. Command line interface. Interface that depends entirely on the use of commands, such as through telnet or SNMP, and does not involve a Graphic User Interface (GUI).
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Glossary Configuration How a system is set up. May refer to hardware or software. Hardware: The number, type, and arrangement of components that make up a system or network. Software: The set of parameters that guide switch operation. May include general system parameters, IP address information, Domain ID, and other information.
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Glossary CT_HDR Common Transport Header. A header that conforms to the Fibre Channel Common Transport (FC_CT) protocol. CT_IU Common Transport Information Unit. An information unit that conforms to the Fibre Channel Common Transport (FC_CT) protocol. Current Fill Word The fill word currently selected by the LPSM. See also fill word, LPSM.
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Glossary Device Connection Controls Enables organizations to bind an individual device port to a set of one or more switch ports. Device ports are specified by a WWN and typically represent HBAs (servers). See also access control lists. Device A disk, a RAID, or an HBA. Disparity The relationship of ones and zeros in an encoded character.
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Glossary E_Port Expansion Port. A type of switch port that can be connected to an E_Port on another switch to create an ISL. See also ISL. EE_Credit End-to-end Credit. The number of receive buffers allocated by a recipient port to an originating port.
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Glossary Exchange The highest level Fibre Channel mechanism used for communication between N_Ports. Composed of one or more related sequences, and can work in either one or both directions. Extended Fabric An HP product that runs on Fabric OS and allows creation of a Fibre Channel fabric interconnected over distances of up to 100 kilometers.
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Glossary Fabric Configuration Server One or more designated HP switches that store and manage the configuration and security parameters for all other switches in the fabric. These switches are designated by WWN, and the list of designated switches is known fabric-wide. Fabric Manager An HP product that works in conjunction with Web Tools to provide a graphical user interface for managing switch groups (such as the SAN Switch Integrated/32) as a single unit, instead of as...
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Glossary FC-FLA The Fibre Channel Fabric Loop Attach standard defined by ANSI. FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association. An international organization of Fibre Channel industry professionals. Among other things, provides oversight of ANSI and industry developed standards. Fibre Channel Protocol. Mapping of protocols onto the Fibre Channel standard protocols. For example, SCSI FCP maps SCSI-3 onto Fibre Channel.
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Glossary Firmware Download Loading firmware down from a server into a switch. Firmware The basic operating system provided with the hardware. FL_Port Fabric Loop Port. A port that is able to transmit under fabric protocol and also has arbitrated loop capabilities.
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Glossary FS_REQ Fibre Channel Services Request. A request for a Fibre Channel services function, or notification of a fabric condition or event. FS_RJT Fibre Channel Services Reject. An indication that a request for Fibre Channel services could not be processed. Fibre Channel Service.
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Glossary GBIC Gigabit interface converter. A removable serial transceiver module that allows gigabaud physical-level transport for Fibre Channel and gigabit Ethernet. Typically refers only to the SC-form factor transceivers. See also SFP. Gbps Gigabits per second (1,062,500,000 bits/second). GBps Gigabytes per second (1,062,500,000 bytes/second). Half-duplex A mode of communication that allows a port to either transmit or receive frames at any time, but not simultaneously (with the exception of link control frames, which can be transmitted at any...
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Glossary Host A computer that accesses storage devices over the fabric. May also be referred to as a server. See also workstation. Hot Pluggable A FRU capability that indicates it may be extracted or installed while customer data is otherwise flowing in the chassis.
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Glossary Isolated E_Port An E_Port that is online but not operational due to overlapping Domain IDs or nonidentical parameters (such as E_D_TOVs). See also E_Port. Interswitch Link. a Fibre Channel link from the E_Port of one switch to the E_Port of another. See also E_Port, cascade, ISL Trunking.
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Glossary L_Port Loop Port. A node port (NL_Port) or fabric port (FL_Port) that has arbitrated loop capabilities. An L_Port can be in one of two modes: Fabric mode: Connected to a port that is not loop capable, and using fabric protocol. Loop mode: In an arbitrated loop and using loop protocol.
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Glossary Loop Failure Loss of signal within a loop for any period of time, or loss of synchronization for longer than the time-out value. See also error. Loop Initialization The logical procedure used by an L_Port to discover its environment. Can be used to assign AL_PA addresses, detect loop failure, or reset a node.
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Glossary Modem Serial Port The upper serial port on the CP Card of the StorageWorks Core switch. Can be used to connect the CP Card to a modem with a standard 9-pin modem cable. Consists of a DB-9 connector wired as a RS-232 device, and can be connected by serial cable to a DCE device.
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Glossary NL_Port Node Loop Port. A node port that has arbitrated loop capabilities. Used to connect an equipment port to the fabric in a loop configuration through an FL_Port. See also N_Port, Nx_Port. Node Name The unique identifier for a node, communicated during login and port discovery. Node A Fibre Channel device that contains an N_Port or NL_Port.
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Glossary Ordered Set A transmission word that uses 8B/10B mapping and begins with the K28.5 character. Ordered sets occur outside of frames, and include the following items: Frame delimiters: Mark frame boundaries and describe frame contents. Primitive signals: Indicate events. Primitive sequences: Indicate or initiate port states.
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Glossary Point-to-point A Fibre Channel topology that employs direct links between each pair of communicating entities. See also topology. Port Cage The metal casing extending out of the optical port on the switch, and in which the SFP can be inserted.
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Glossary Public Device A device that supports arbitrated loop protocol, can interpret 8-bit addresses, and can log into the fabric. Public Loop An arbitrated loop that includes a participating FL_Port, and may contain both public and private NL_Ports. Public NL_Port An NL_Port that logs into the fabric, can function within either a public or a private loop, and can communicate with either private or public NL_Ports.
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Glossary RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks. A collection of disk drives that appear as a single volume to the server and are fault tolerant through mirroring or parity checking. See also JBOD. Remote Fabric A fabric that spans across WANs by using protocol translation (a process also known as tunneling) such as Fibre Channel over ATM or Fibre Channel over IP.
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Glossary RSCN Registered State Change Notification. A switch function that allows notification of fabric changes to be sent from the switch to specified nodes. RX_ID Responder Exchange Identifier. A 2-byte field in the frame header used by the responder of the Exchange to identify frames as being part of a particular exchange.
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Glossary Small form factor pluggable. A transceiver used on 2 Gbps switches that replaces the GBIC. Refers to the LC-form factor transceiver. See also GBIC. SID/DID Source identifier/Destination identifier. S_ID is a 3-byte field in the frame header that is used to indicate the address identifier of the N_Port from which the frame was sent.
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1.0625-Gbps link speeds. May also refer to the type of GBIC or SFP. See also LWL. Tachyon A chip developed by Hewlett-Packard, and used in various devices. This chip has FC-0 through FC-2 on one chip. Target A storage device on a Fibre Channel network.
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Glossary Transceiver Device that converts one form of signaling to another for transmission and reception; in fiber optics, it refers to optical and electrical. Transfer State The state in which a port can establish circuits with multiple ports without reentering the arbitration cycle for each circuit.
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Glossary Upper-level Protocol. The protocol that runs on top of Fibre Channel. Typical upper-level protocols are SCSI, IP, HIPPI, and IPI. Unicast The transmission of data from a single source to a single destination. See also broadcast, multicast. user account A login intended for use by the customer to monitor, but not control, switch operation.
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Glossary Zone A set of devices and hosts attached to the same fabric and configured as being in the same zone. Devices and hosts within the same zone have access permission to others in the zone, but are not visible to any outside the zone. See also Zoning.