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Anti-Tip Bracket 3,.5 Appliance Registratitm 16-23 (:arc and {:lcaning (:lock Electronic (:ontrols 6, 7 I+Aturcs Flooring”Under Range I.cveling 1.ift-Up {:(mktop Minute “rimer Model anti Serial Numbers Air Adjustment 12, 13 Baking, Baking (;uide llroilcr Pan and Rack 15, 19 Broiling, Broiling Guide...
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Y im Get Your Win& @Have t heinstaller showyou range thelocationofthe v alveandhow cut-off toshut offif necessary. ~~ve y our range properly grounded bya qualified inst4er, inaccordance withtheInstallation I nstructions. ;: Anyadjustment and-service should beperfikm$d o nlybyqualified gasrangeinstaUers or service technicians.
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INatwr%l lx?) type whichit beused. Your range canbeconverted f oruseon eithertypeofgas. @ Afterprolonged useofa !r$ange~ highfloorkm~mtwres mayresultandmanyfloor Coverings willnotWithbnd thisMndofuse.Never i nstall t he range overvinyl t ileorlino~eurm thatcannot w ithstand s uchtypeof’ use.Never i nstall i tdirectly over interior k itchen carpeting.
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This will both savecleaningand prevent hazardous accumulationsof food, sinceheavyspatteringor spillovers left on range can ignite. Use pans with handles that can be easily grasped andremain cool. @ Useonlyglass cookware that f oruseongas is recommended burners.
Book. service If YouNeed Wne Roblemsdvtw Read thisbook. page Flooriw under Range MM’range, M&2 s o f.l~hr maE2y item,is i3Gllseh@id heavyand win soft m m !Mik! MO CWel-irlgs such as cushionedvinyl m“ carpeting. Whenmovingtherange on (histypeofflooring,usecm.
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Index Feature ..—. -— —- } Modeland Serial Numbers (in burner box under cooktop) 2 SurfaceBurnerControls 3 SurfaceBurners,Gratesand Chrome Drip Pans 4 ElectronicControls AutomaticOvenTimer (turnsyourovenon and off for youautomatically) clock Minute/SecondTimer (letsyoutime any kitchenfunction,evenwhen the ovenis in use) 5 OVENCANCELbutton (push it to cancelany ovenoperation) 6 ElectronicDisplayPanel 7 Oven “On”...
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~ nition Automatic Xmr surfaceburnersare lighted byelectricignition,eliminatingthe needfor standingpilotlightswith constantlyburningflames. In case of a poweroutage,youcan lightthe surfaceburnerson your rangewitha match.Holda Iighted matchto theburner,then turnthe knobto the LITEposition.Use extremecautionwhen lighting burnersthis way. Surfaceburnersin usewhenan electricalpowerfailureoccurswill continueto operatenormally. surface BurnerContrd$ Knobsthatturn the surfaceburners on andoff are markedas to which burnerstheycontrol.
Enamelware: U ndersome conditions,the enamelof some cookware maymelt.Follow cookware manufacturer’s recommendations fbrcookingmethods. Glass:There are twotypesof glass cookware-those forovenusconly and thosefor top-of-range cooking (saucepans,coffeeand teapots). Glassconductsheatvery slowly. HeatproofGlassCeramic:Can be usedfor eithersurfaceor oven ooking.It conductsheatvery slowlyand coolsvery slowly. Checkcookwaremanufacturer’s directionsto be sure it c.;) be used on gas ranges.
Yt)ur ovenis ventedthroughducts a[ the rear of the range(see page6). Do not blocktheseducts when cookingin the oven—itis important thatthe flow hotair fromtie oven and fresh air to the ovenburner be uninterrupted.Avoidtouchingthe...
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o ven Autonlatie T her _‘ Theoventimer willautomatically startand stopyourovencookingor ‘elf-cleaning operationfor you. Forautomaticovencooking: 1. PushCOOKTIME button. 2. TurnSET knobto set lengthof bakingtime. 3. PushBAKEbutton. 4. TurnSET knobto set desired temperature. Whencooktime is reached,the End-of-Cycle Tonewill soundand theovenwill turn off. Duringautomaticcooking: @ Youcan push the STOPTIME buttonto findout whenthe End-of=...
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B*W * SetYiiNRr Kange 1. Positionthe shelfor shelvesin the oven.If cookingon twoshelves at the same time, place shelves about4 inchesapart and stagger foodon them. 2. Closeovendoor. 3. Push the BAKEbuttonand mm the SET knobuntil desired temperatureis displayed.If preheatingis desired, do notput foodin the ovenuntila one-second beep soundsto tellyouthe ovenhas stabilizedat the selectedbaking...
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Baking Guide 1. Preheatingis veryimportant usingtemperatures Mow ‘ when Z&E and whenbakhwfoods suchas iscuits,cookies, cal& and other astries.Afterpushingthe BAKE buttonand turningthe SET knobto thedesiredternpemture,be sureto fortheone-secondbeepbefore wuit puttingfoodintothem-w-t. Cookware Bread Biscui[s (Win. thick) ShinyCookieSheet Coftiic l,uke ShinyMctidPm with satin-linishbo[mm Cornhrcudor muf}ins CasIIronor GlassPin GingcrbrcwJ ShinyMetalPm with...
Roasting Misting cookingbydry heat. Tendermeator poultrycunbe roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,which shouldbe Iowand steady,keep When spa~tcringto a minimum. roasting,it is not necessaryto sear. bas{c. c over,or add waterto your meat. Roastingis easy.just follow thesesteps: Step L Positionovenshelfat secondfrombottmnposition(B) for smallsize roast(3 to 5 lbs.) and at bottomposition(A) for larger roasts.
Broiling is cooking h:~’]t from the fbod.Your ...___ . a~ovc —==== range designedfor waist-high broiling.A speciallydesigned roilerpan and allows ~dc~ fatto drain awayfromthe dripping foodsand be keptawayfromthe highheatof the gas flame. l’%~oven doorshouldbe closed duringbroiling. Howto Broil...
A goodappliancewaxwill help protectthis finish. Bwner GE%3tes Porcelainenameledburnergrates shouldbe washedregularlyand, of course, after spiliovers. W ashthem in hot, soapywaterand rinsewith clean water.Dry the grateswitha cloth—don’t p utthembackon the rimgewet.
The holes in the burners must be times kept clean al for proper ignition and an even, unhampered flame. Cleanthe burners routinely and especially after bad spillovers which could clog these holes. Burners lift out for cleaning. Note: A screwholdseach of the burnersin placeto keepthem from wobblingaroundduring shipment.
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bottomcan be removed oven to makecleaningeasier after heavy spillovers andto enableyouto reach theovenburner. —..———-----——— ------- ---- ‘h remove: L Slidethetabat thecenter front ofthe ovenbottomto the left, Liftthe ovenbottomup andout. Toreplace: 1. Slipthe ovenbottomintothe ovenso the tabs in the rear of the ovenbottomfit intothe slotsin the ovenback.
L ightBulb The lightbulb is locatedin the upperrightcorner of theoven. Beforereplacingthe bulb, disconnectelectricpowerto the rangeat the mainfuse or circuit breakerpanelor unplugthe range fromthe electricoutlet.Let the bulbcoolcompletelybefore removingit. Do not toucha hot bulbwitha dampcloth. If you do. the bulb willbreak. Toremove: ~ Removethe 3 screwsin the lamp cover.
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Self-Cleaning Opemting Programmed CIeaning‘l%m2: 3%hmu’-s hpare the oven Before setting the Controk The rangemustbe completelycool in order to set the self-cleancycle. step 1: Removethe broiler pan, broiler rack, all cookwareand any aluminumfoilfrom the oven. (Ovenshelvesmaybe left in oven. Note:Shelveswill discolorafier the self-cleancycle.) step 2: Removethe ovenbottompanel(see...
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oven f or t he c leaning The rangemustbe completelycool in orderto set the self-cleancycle. L Pushthe CLEANbutton. 2. TurnSET knobin the clockwise direction about 1/2turn. Thedisplay willshow“3:30~’ The words“CLEAN TIME” will be displayedon the left. Within20 seconds,the words“CLEAN LOCK”will be displayedon the right.
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QuestiQEN andAmwem myovenclockis an I still self-clean Wdiingy myoven? No. YourAutomaticOven Timeruses the rangeclockto help stm-t a nd stop yourself-cleaning cycle. Q. Can 1use commercialoven cleanerson any part of my self-cleaningoven? .4. No cleanemor coatingsshould be used aroundanypart of this oven.If you do use them and do not wipethe ovenabsolutelyclean, the residuecan scar the ovensurface...
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Sprinkledetergenton rackandpan. Fillpanwithwarmwaterand spreadclothor papertoweloverreck. Letpanand rackstandfora fewminutes. Wwih; s courif necessary.Rinseanddry.OPTION:Cleanpanandrack in dishwasher. D O NOTCLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN. Pulloff knobs.Wwhgentlybutdo notsoak. Dryand returncontrolsto range. S%shall glasswithclothdampenedin soapywater.Rinseandpolishwitha dry cloth. If knobsare removed. d o notallowwaterto rundowninsidesurfaceof glasswhilecleaning. Wash.rinse.and thenpolishwitha dry cloth. DO NOTUSEsteelwool, abrmives.ammonia.acids.or commercialovencleanerswhichmaydamage...
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Minor Adjwtmenk Stn-fwx? Bmmer Shutters Adjwtment An air adjustmentshutterforeach surfaceburner regulatestheflowof air to the tlame. Whenthe rightamountof air flowsinto the burner,the flame willbe steady,relativelyquietand haveapproximately 3/4”sharpblue cones.This is usuallythe casewith factorypresetshuttersettings. Withtoo muchair,the flamewill be unsteady,possiblywon’tburn all the wayaround,and will be noisy, soundinglikea blowtorch.
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‘1’0 a d,just t cmper:lturw 2. Selectiitcmfwraturc bc(wccn 5(N°F. a nd5500F. w ith[hcSIN knob. 3. Quickly (within two seconds. BAKEfunction cncrgizcsj bcfixc(k pushandholdtheBAKEbutton about 5 seconds. The displtiywill show number ofdcgrecs difference bc{wccnthe original fktory temperature setting current temperature setting. oventemper-aturc h as If the never...
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aGasSqq’iy @Ekmm T“ SURFACEBURNER turn KNOBS WILL NOT ~fJ~~ *Make OVEN DOES COOK PROPERLY bythemounting clips,arenottouchingovensides,andare notcoatedwithanything. ~~lcl @Aluminum foilbeingusedimproperlyinoven. *Ovenventblockedon topofrange. ~~ncorrect e aokwarebeingused,Checkeach @Oven bottomnotsecurelyseatedinposition. @ ElectronicControlsset incorrectly. R eviewpages10and 11. @ Checkcommonbaking,roastingand broilingproblemson pages12-15. CX.iXX a Make sure MINuTE/sEcoND @Check forpoweroutage.
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..—. service If YOU J!$kedi “.- NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all {hedetails-incluciing your phone nunlbcr-t~~: Manager. Consunler Relations GE Appliances Appliance Park 40225 Louisville. Kentucky FINALLY.if your problenl is still not resolved, write: Major Appliance...
To know what your legal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General. If further he!p is needed concerning this warranty, write: Manager—Consumer Affairs, GE Appliances, Louisville, KY 40225 ~Wg. NO. 1(34CH352P224 i Pub.