Configuring Fabric Binding
1. switch# configuration terminal
2. switch(config)# fabric-binding activate vsan vsan-id force
3. switch(config)# no fabric-binding activate vsan vsan-id force
Command or Action
Step 1
switch# configuration terminal
Step 2
switch(config)# fabric-binding activate vsan
vsan-id force
Step 3
switch(config)# no fabric-binding activate vsan
vsan-id force
Copying Fabric Binding Configurations
When you copy the fabric binding configuration, the config database is saved to the running configuration.
You can use the following commands to copy to the config database:
• Use the fabric-binding database copy vsan command to copy from the active database to the config
• Use the fabric-binding database diff active vsan command to view the differences between the active
• Use the fabric-binding database diff config vsan command to obtain information on the differences
• Use the copy running-config startup-config command to save the running configuration to the startup
Clearing the Fabric Binding Statistics
Use the clear fabric-binding statistics command to clear all existing statistics from the fabric binding database
for a specified VSAN.
switch# clear fabric-binding statistics vsan 1
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide
database. If the configured database is empty, this command is not accepted.
switch# fabric-binding database copy vsan 1
database and the config database. This command can be used when resolving conflicts.
switch# fabric-binding database diff active vsan 1
between the config database and the active database.
switch# fabric-binding database diff config vsan 1
configuration so that the fabric binding config database is available after a reboot.
switch# copy running-config startup-config
Enters configuration mode.
Activates the fabric binding database for the specified VSAN
forcefully, even if the configuration is not acceptable.
Reverts to the previously configured state or to the factory
default (if no state is configured).
Configuring Fabric Binding