RX (Ingress)
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
NOTE: You cannot mirror a fast port onto a slower port. For example, if you try to mirror the traffic from
a 100 Mbps port onto a 10 Mbps port, this can cause throughput problems. The port you are
copying frames from should always support an equal or lower speed than the port to which you
are sending the copies. Please note a target port and a source port cannot be the same port.
Ping Test
Ping is a small program that sends ICMP Echo packets to the IP address you specify. The destination node then
responds to or "echoes" the packets sent from the Switch. This is very useful to verify connectivity between the
Switch and other nodes on the network.
To view this window, click Monitoring > Ping Test as shown below:
The user may click the Infinite times radio button, in the Repeat Pinging for field, which will tell the ping program to
keep sending ICMP Echo packets to the specified IP address until the program is stopped. The user may opt to
choose a specific number of times to ping the Target IP Address by clicking its radio button and entering a number
between 1 and 255.
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Target IP Address
Repeat Pinging for
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch
Click the radio buttons to select whether the port should include incoming traffic.
Click the radio buttons to select whether the port should include both incoming and
outgoing traffic.
Click the radio buttons to select whether the port should not include any traffic.
Figure 11-17 Ping Test window
Enter an IP address to be pinged.
Enter the number of times desired to attempt to Ping either the IPv4 address or the
IPv6 address configured in this window. Users may enter a number of times between
1 and 255.
For IPv6 only, enter a value between 1 and 6000. The default is 100.
Select a timeout period between 1 and 99 seconds for this Ping message to reach its