Save the running-configuration to an SCP server.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config scp://{hostip | hostname}/ filepath/filename
When copying to a server, a host name can only be used if a DNS server is
When you load the startup configuration or a configuration file from a network server such as TFTP to the running
configuration, the configuration is added to the running configuration. This does not replace the existing running configuration.
Commands in the configuration file has precedence over commands in the running configuration.
Configure the Overload Bit for a Startup Scenario
For information about setting the router overload bit for a specific period of time after a switch reload is implemented, see the Intermediate
System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) section in the Dell Command Line Reference Guide for your system.
Viewing Files
You can only view file information and content on local file systems.
To view a list of files or the contents of a file, use the following commands.
View a list of files on the internal flash.
EXEC Privilege mode
dir flash:
View the running-configuration.
EXEC Privilege mode
show running-config
View the startup-configuration.
EXEC Privilege mode
show startup-config
Example of the dir Command
The output of the dir command also shows the read/write privileges, size (in bytes), and date of modification for each file.
Directory of flash:
1 drw-
32768 Jan 01 1980 00:00:00 .
2 drwx
512 Jul 23 2007 00:38:44 ..
3 drw-
8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 TRACE_LOG_DIR
4 drw-
8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 CRASH_LOG_DIR
5 drw-
8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 NVTRACE_LOG_DIR
6 drw-
8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 CORE_DUMP_DIR
7 d---
8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 ADMIN_DIR
8 -rw- 33059550 Jul 11 2007 17:49:46 FTOS-EF-
9 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 00:20:24 FTOS-EF-
10 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 19:54:52 boot-image-FILE
11 drw-
8192 Jan 01 1980 00:18:28 diag
12 -rw-
7276 Jul 20 2007 01:52:40 startup-config.bak
13 -rw-
7341 Jul 20 2007 15:34:46 startup-config
14 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 19:52:22 boot-image
15 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 02:23:22 boot-flash
Getting Started