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Displaying Ficon Information In The Running Configuration; Displaying Ficon Information In The Startup Configuration - Cisco MDS 9000 Series Configuration Manual

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Displaying FICON Information in the Running Configuration

value) is incremented when a FICON-related configuration is changed. Host programs can increment this
value at the start of the channel program and then perform operations on multiple ports. The director history
buffer keeps a log of which port address configuration was changed for each key-counter value.
The director history buffer provides a mechanism to determine the change in the port state from the previous
time when a value was contained in the key counter.
Displaying FICON Information in the Running Configuration
Displays the Running Configuration Information, on page 296
running configuration.
Displays the Running Configuration Information
switch# show running-config
Building Configuration ...
vsan database
vsan 11 name "FICON11" loadbalancing src-dst-id
vsan 75 name "FICON75" loadbalancing src-dst-id
fcdomain domain 11 static vsan 11
fcdomain domain 119 static vsan 75
fcdroplatency network 100 vsan 11
fcdroplatency network 500 vsan 75
feature fabric-binding
fabric-binding database vsan 11
swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:01:20:c0 domain 10
fabric-binding database vsan 75
swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:00:d6:40 domain 117
fabric-binding activate vsan 11
fabric-binding activate vsan 75
ficon vsan 75
interface port-channel 1
ficon portnumber 0x80
switchport mode E
snmp-server user mblair network-admin auth md5 0x688fa3a2e51ba5538211606e59ac292
7 priv 0x688fa3a2e51ba5538211606e59ac2927 localizedkey
snmp-server user wwilson network-admin auth md5 0x688fa3a2e51ba5538211606e59ac29
27 priv 0x688fa3a2e51ba5538211606e59ac2927 localizedkey
snmp-server host traps version 2c public udp-port 1163
snmp-server host traps version 2c public udp-port 2162
vsan database
vsan 75 interface fc1/1
interface mgmt0
ip address
switchport speed 100
switchport duplex full
no system health
ficon vsan 75
file IPL

Displaying FICON Information in the Startup Configuration

Displays the Startup Configuration, on page 297
Cisco MDS 9000 Series Fabric Configuration Guide, Release 8.x
displays the FICON-related information in the
displays the FICON-related information in the startup
Configuring FICON


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