4.3. On the laser cutter
Before you start make sure the compressor and the suction are on!!!
If you don't know how to do this, ask assistance from a lab supervisor.
1. Turn on the machine. (the switch is located on the right side of the machine)
2. Place your material in the upper left corner of the machine.
3. Press one of the arrows in the middle of the dashboard to unlock the
laser head. Manually move the laser head to a location above the material.
4. If you chose 'Relative' as a printing setting during your preparation,
manually move the laser head to your preferred starting point.
5. Press 'Auto focus' on the dashboard.
If auto focus function displays an error, you can focus manually with the
wooden guide. You do this by manually moving the bed up and down
with the arrow buttons above and under the auto focus button.
The distance needs to be about 29,5 mm.
Be careful! Never leave the wooden guide under the laser while moving the bed.
6. Press 'Back', so you see the name of your job on the screen again.