Disclaimer J V C 建伍株式会社在准备本文档时已采取所有必要的预防 While every precaution has been taken in the preparation 措施,恕不对错误或疏漏承担任何责任,也不对因使用本文 of this manual, JVC KENWOOD Corporation assumes no 中所含的信息而导致的损害负责。JVC 建伍株式会社保留出于 responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability 改进的需要而随时对文中的产品信息做出更改的权利。 assumed for damages resulting from the use of the informa- tion contained herein.
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安装前条件 PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 1. 开箱 1. UNPACKING 从运输包装中取出本无线电设备并检查附件。如果有任何 Unpack the radio from its shipping container and check 组件遗失,请立即与 KENWOOD 联系。 for accessory items. If any item is missing, please contact KENWOOD immediately. 2. 安装前检查 2. PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKOUT 2-1. 说明 2-1. Introduction 在运输之前每一台无线电设备均已调整和测试过。但是,...
NX-720 GENERAL / 概述 3. 安装的步骤 3. PLANNING THE INSTALLATION 3-1. 概述 3-1. General 检查车辆并确认如何以及在何处安装无线电天线和附件。 Inspect the vehicle and determine how and where the ra- 安排好电缆的位置,避免挤压或碾碎布线,同时无线电设 dio antenna and accessories will be mounted. 备避免过热。 Plan cable runs for protection against pinching or crush- ing wiring, and radio installation to prevent overheating.
Type 频率范围 射频功率 类型 Choose the type of transceiver 选择车载对讲机的类型 136~174 NX-720 C See page 7. 车载对讲机编程 Transceiver programming / A personal computer, programming interface (KPG-46A/46U), and FPU (programming software) are required for programming. 参见第 7 页。 需使用个人电脑、编程接口 (KPG-46A/46U) 和 FPU ( 编程软件 ) 进行编程。...
NX-720 REALIGNMENT / 模式组合 1. 模式 1. Modes User mode Panel test mode Panel tuning mode PC mode Data programming mode Firmware PC test mode PC tuning mode programming mode Clone mode Firmware version information 模 式 功 能 Mode Function 用户模式...
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NX-720 REALIGNMENT / 模式组合 5. PC 模式 5. PC Mode 5-1. 前言 5-1. Preface 车载对讲机采用个人电脑、编程接口 (K PG-46A /46U) 和 The transceiver is programmed using a personal com- FPU ( 编程软件 ) 进行编程。 puter, a programming interface (KPG-46A/46U) and FPU 编程软件可在 PC 上使用。图 1 说明了 PC 进行编程的设置。...
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NX-720 REALIGNMENT / 模式组合 7. 复制模式 7. Clone Mode 通过模块化麦克风插孔连接车载对讲机,可以将编程数据 Programming data can be transferred from one trans- 从一台传输到另一台。具体操作如下 ( 发射车载对讲机是主 ceiver to another by connecting them via their modular 机,接收车载对讲机是子机 )。 应当启用复制模式。 microphone jacks. The operation is as follows (the transmit transceiver is the source and the receive transceiver is a tar- get).
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NX-720 REALIGNMENT / 模式组合 1. [ ]+ 接通电源。 1. [ ]+Power ON. 2. LCD 上显示“CLONE LOCK” 。 2. “CLONE LOCK” is displayed on the LCD. 3. 如果在显示“CLO NE L OC K”时按 [ ] 和 [ ] 键,数字 3. If the [ ] and [ ] keys is pressed while “CLONE LOCK” is (0 到...
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NX-720 INSTALLATION / 安装 1. 连接电缆 (KCT-60: 选购件) 1. Connection Cable (KCT-60: Option) KCT-60 连接电缆组件用于将车载对讲机连接到喇叭提示电 The KCT-60 connection cable kit is used to connect the 缆、KCT-18 ( 点火感应电缆 )、KES-5 ( 外部扬声器 ),或通 transceiver to a Horn alert cable, KCT-18 (Ignition sense 过...
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NX-720 INSTALLATION / 安装 2. 喇叭提示功能 2. Horn Alert Function 在车载对讲机上安装 K C T -60,可使用喇叭提示功能 ( 最 The Horn alert function (max. 2A drive) is enabled by in- 大 2A 驱动 )。 stalling the KCT-60 in the transceiver. 2-1. 安装步骤...
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NX-720 INSTALLATION / 安装 4. 外部扬声器 ( 选购件) 4. External Speaker (Option) 4-1. KES-5 4-1. KES-5 外部扬声器 KES-5 可安装于 KCT-60。 External speaker KES-5 can be installed for KCT-60. ■ Connection procedure ■ 连接步骤 1. 拆下车载对讲机后部的 ACC. 盖。 1. Remove the ACC. cap on the rear of the transceiver.
NX-720 DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR / 维修拆卸 1. 拆卸步骤 1. Disassembly Procedure 1. 取下车载对讲机的机壳、顶盖和屏蔽板。 1. Remove the cabinet, top packing and shielding plate of the transceiver. / 机壳 Cabinet 2. 要拆卸面板组件,应先将车载对讲机颠倒放置。 2. To remove the panel assembly, fi rst turn the transceiver 然后,将一字螺丝刀插入底座的孔内,使其按箭头所示的...
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NX-720 DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR / 维修拆卸 3. 从面板组件的连接器断开带状电缆。 3. Disconnect the fl at cable from connector of the panel as- sembly. Flat cable 带状电缆 4. 拇指放入如图所示的洞孔中,然后同时拉起扬声器座和拉 4. Hook the finger to hole and while pulling the speaker 开面板的①到③处,就可以从面板上卸下扬声器座。 holder to this side, expand the panel side of a to c , and remove the speaker holder from the front panel.
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NX-720 DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR / 维修拆卸 注意 : Note: 从底座上拆下收发 PCB 之后对收发 PCB 供电时,将直流电 When you supply power to the TX-RX PCB after remov- 源线 ( 推荐 : E30-3448-25) 的正极和接地端子焊接到收 ing the TX-RX PCB from the chassis, solder the positive 发...
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NX-720 DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR / 维修拆卸 2. 安装面板组件时,如下图所示将带状电缆穿过底座的孔, 2. When mounting the panel assembly, pass the fl at cable 然后将带状电缆连接到面板组件的连接器。 through the hole of the chassis as shown below then con- nect the fl at cable to connector of the panel assembly.
1. Overview N X -720 为 V H F 车载对讲机,设计用于 136 至 174M H z 的频 The NX-720 is a VHF Mobile transceiver designed to 率范围。 该设备由接收机、 发射机、 锁相环 (PLL) 频率合成器、 operate in the frequency range of 136 to 174MHz. The unit 基带部件、电源和控制电路组成。...
NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 第二混频器混合第一中频信号及 50.4MH z 的第二本地振荡 The second mixer mixes the first IF signal with the 器输出,生成 450kHz 的第二中频信号。 50.4MHz of the second local oscillator output and produces 第二中频信号通过陶瓷滤波器 (CF1) 以消除临近信道的信 the second IF signal of 450kHz.
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NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 4. 发射机系统 4. Transmitter System IC703(2/2) IC502 PLL IC IC701(1/2) ASIC To TX stage D703,704 IC507 Q703,704 Fig. 4 Transmitter System / 图 4 发射机系统 4-1. 音频频带电路 4-1. Audio Band Circuit 麦克风信号被 I C703 (1/2) 放大并被 D703、D704、Q703 The signal from the microphone is amplifi...
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NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 频率由 P L L 控制时,频率锁定时间将随着设定频率改变时 When the frequency is controlled by the PLL , the fre- 频率差的增大而增加。为对此进行补充,在由 PLL IC 控制之 quency convergence time increases as the frequency dif- 前使用 ASIC (IC507) 以使 VCO 震荡频率接近所需的频率。因 ference increases when the set frequency is changed. To 此,VCO CV 的电压不变,始终稳定在约...
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NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 6. 控制电路 6. Control Circuit 控制电路由 ASIC (IC507) 和外围电路组成。IC507 主要执 The control circuit consists of the ASIC (IC507) and its 行以下功能 : peripheral circuits. IC507 mainly performs the following: 1) 由输入的 PTT 信号切换发射和接收。 1) Switching between transmission and reception via the 2) 从存储电路读取系统、区域、频率和编程数据。...
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NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 6-5. DSP 6-5. DSP DSP 电路由 DSP (I C502) 组成,用以处理基带信号。D S P The DSP circuit consists of a DSP (IC502) and process- 在 18.432MHz 的外部时钟上运行 ( 与 IC507 相同 ),I/O 部分 es the baseband signal. The DSP operates on an external 以...
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NX-720 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明 8. 信令电路 8. Signaling Circuit 8-1. 编码 (QT/DQT/DTMF/2 音 /MSK) 8-1. Encode (QT/DQT/DTMF/2-tone/MSK) DSP 电路生成 QT、DQT、DTMF、2 音和 MSK 的各信令信号, Each signaling data signal of the QT, DQT, DTMF, 2-tone 这些信号被叠加到调制信号上并从 ASI C (I C507) 输出。TX and MSK is generated by the DSP circuit, superposed on a QT、...
NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 2 2 0 CC45 Color* 010 = 1pF 0 = 22pF 1 = Type ... ceramic, electrolytic, etc. 4 = Voltage rating 100 = 10pF 2 = Shape ... round, square, etc. 5 = Value...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 ✽ New Parts. indicates safety critical components. L : Scandinavia K : USA P : Canada Parts without Parts No. are not supplied. Y : PX (Far East, Hawaii) T : England E : Eu rope ✽...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R38 -40 RK73HB1J472J CHIP R 4.7K 1/16W CC73HCH1H040B CHIP C 4.0PF...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation C157 CK73HB1H102K CHIP C 1000PF C293 CK73HB1H471K CHIP C 470PF C306 CK73HB1E103K CHIP C 0.010UF...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation C436 CK73HB1H103K CHIP C 0.010UF C559 CK73FB1A106K CHIP C 10UF C560 CC73HCH1H030B CHIP C 3.0PF...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation C735 CK73GB0J106K CHIP C 10UF L41-4795-39 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR(4.7UH) C738 CK73HB1A104K CHIP C 0.10UF...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation L404 L92-0639-05 CHIP FERRITE RN73HH1J331D CHIP R 1/16W RN73HH1J221D CHIP R 1/16W...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R177,178 RK73HB1J000J CHIP R 1/16W R390 RK73HB1J103J CHIP R 1/16W R394 RK73HB1J181J...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R556 RK73HB1J220J CHIP R 1/16W R703 RK73HB1J563J CHIP R 1/16W R704 RK73HB1J153J...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R827 RK73HB1J823J CHIP R 1/16W IC407 NJM2878F4-33 BI-POLAR IC IC408 XC6205B152P-G MOS-IC...
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NX-720 PARTS LIST / 零件表 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation Q701 FK330301 Q702 KTC4075E(Y,GR) TRANSISTOR Q703 2SA1832(GR)F TRANSISTOR Q704 2SC4738(GR)F TRANSISTOR Q705,706...
NX-720 EXPLODED VIEW / 部件分解图 : N67-3008-48(M3x8) : N87-2608-48(Ø2.6x8) J501 J701 IC102 IC714 TX-RX unit Bx13 R171 Display unit 编号大于 700 的零件未提供分解图。 Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied. / If a part reference number is listed in a box on the exploded view of the PCB, that part does not come with the PCB.
NX-720 TROUBLE SHOOTING Fault Diagnosis of the BGA (Ball Grid Array) IC ■ Overview A fl owchart for determining whether or not the transceiver can be powered on (the LCD does not function even if the power switch is turned on) due to broken BGA parts.
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NX-720 TROUBLE SHOOTING ● Checking the signal output from When a normal value is confirmed. the ASIC by software control When an abnormal value is confirmed. Points to be checked Normal voltage Remove R407. If the ASIC side is 0V, SBC R407 3.3V...
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Trunking System following the new ESN. Data (PC Test mode) 823 (NX-720), and X57-824 (NX-820). • When a new printed circuit board is used, the KENWOOD Model Name: ESN changes, as does the Transceiver Information dis- • [X57-823] NX-720HS play of the KPG-141D(C), but this does not have any ef- •...
Page 52
NX-720 ADJUSTMENT ■ Frequency and Signaling • LED indicator The transceiver has been adjusted for the frequencies Red LED Lights during transmission. shown in the following table. When required, readjust them Green LED Lights when there is carrier. following the adjustment procedure to obtain the frequencies you want in actual operation.
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT ■ Adjustment item supplement Adjustment Item Description The lock voltage of VCO (Receive) is adjusted. Receive Assist This item must be adjusted before all adjustment items for receiver section are adjusted. This item can be adjusted only in PC Test Mode.
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT ■ Adjustment item and Adjustment range NV (NXDN Very Adjusutment Panel Adjust item (Analog Wide) (Analog Narrow) (NXDN Narrow) Narrow) Order item tuning test Number Adjustment range 9 point ADJ Common ✓ Receive Assist Section 2 1~4096 9 point ADJ Common ✓...
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT ] hold LTR Deviation LTR Deviation Narrow Wide ] hold ] press DTMF Deviation DTMF Deviation Wide Narrow DTMF DTMF ] press ] hold Single Tone Deviation Single Tone Deviation Narrow Wide TONE TONE ] press ] hold...
Page 64
NX-720 Test Equipment Required for Alignment Test Equipment Major Specifi cations Frequency Range 100 to 520MHz Modulation Frequency modulation and external modulation 1. Standard Signal Generator Output –127dBm/0.1µV to greater than –20dBm/22.4mV (SSG) When performing the Frequency adjustment, the following accuracy is necessary.
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT Radio check Section Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifi cations/ Item Test- Remarks Panel test mode PC test mode Unit Terminal Unit Parts Method equipment 1. Frequency 1) CH-Sig : 1-1 1) Test Channel f. counter Check an internal +/-0.25ppm...
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifi cations/ Item Test- Termi- Remarks Panel test mode PC test mode Unit Unit Parts Method equipment 5. Sensitivity 1) CH-Sig: 1-1 1) Test Channel Check 12dB SINAD or check SSG output Channel: 1 AF VM Ext.SP...
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NX-720 ADJUSTMENT Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifi cations/ Item Test- Remarks Panel tuning mode PC test mode Unit Terminal Unit Parts Method equipment The Frequency 4. Frequency 1) Adj item: [PC test mode] [PC test mode] adjustment can be [Frequency] Press [Start] but- The value of “IF20”...
NX-720 TERMINAL FUNCTION / 端子功能 显示单元 (X54-3830-10) Display unit (X54-3830-10) 管脚号码 名 称 输入 / 输出 功 能 Pin No. Name Function CN1 ( 至收发单元 CN514) CN1 (to TX-RX unit CN514) 输入 电池电压 DC 电源 Battery voltage DC supply 输入...
NX-720 TERMINAL FUNCTION / 端子功能 收发单元 (X57-8230-11) TX-RX unit (X57-8230-11) 管脚号码 名 称 输入 / 输出 功 能 Pin No. Name Function CN514 ( 至显示单元 CN1) CN514 (to Display unit CN1) 输出 电池电压 DC 电源 Battery voltage DC supply 输出...
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NX-720 TERMINAL FUNCTION 8pin Modular Connector Specifi cation Signal Description/port type Item and Condition Unit Note Name Type Digital CMOS output This parameter depends on Bat- Output Voltage tery voltage. Power Switched B output Output Current Ground Allowable current value...
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NX-720 TERMINAL FUNCTION Signal Description Item and Condition Unit Note Name Type Output Level 0.28 Vp-p DETO FM detector output Coupling Capacitor Allowable Load Analog Output Level 0.24 Vp-p RX Audio output Coupling Capacitor Allowable Load Standard devia- Input Voltage Range 1.98...
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NX-720 TERMINAL FUNCTION Signal Description Item and Condition Unit Note Name Type -0.5 FNC6 I/O Digital Programmable I/O VOH (Io=-1.5mA) VOL (Io=1.5mA) Output Voltage 5.25 50MC Power 5V DC Power supply Output Current Input Voltage Analog Horn alert signal input...
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NX-720 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Component side view (J79-0345-09) POWER HOOK DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Foil side view (J79-0345-09)
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NX-720 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Component side view (J79-0345-09) Ref. No. Address Component side Layer 1 Layer 2 ■ Foil side J79-0345-09 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Foil side view (J79-0345-09) Ref. No. Address Component side Layer 1 Layer 2...
NX-720 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM / 原理图 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) D11-21,24 LCD BACKLIGHT R 3 4 2.07V R 3 6 R 2 9 22 0 27 0 12 0 B30-2337-05 K T C 4 0 7 5E ( Y , G R )
Modulation ..........16K0F3E, 14K0F2D, 8K50F3E, 7K50F2D, 8K30F1E, 8K30F1D, 8K30F7W, 4K00F1E, 4K00F1D, 4K00F7W, 4K00F2D Analog measurements made per EN standards or TIA/EIA 603 and specifi cations shown are typical. JVC KENWOOD Corporation reserves the right to change specifi cations without prior notice or obligation.
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NX-720 NX-720 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Component side view (J79-0345-09) DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Component side view (J79-0345-09) Ref. No. Address POWER HOOK Component side Layer 1 ■ Layer 2 Foil side J79-0345-09 DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Foil side view (J79-0345-09) DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3830-10) Foil side view (J79-0345-09) Ref.
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NX-720 NX-720 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Component side view (J79-0343-09) TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Component side view (J79-0343-09) J501 J701 Ref. No. Address Ref. No. Address EXT.SP Q702 Q703 IC103 Q704 IC102 IC201 Q705...
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NX-720 NX-720 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 PC BOARD / 印刷电路板 TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Foil side view (J79-0343-09) TX-RX UNIT (X57-8230-11) Foil side view (J79-0343-09) Ref. No. Address Ref. No. Address Q502 C632 IC301 Q503 IC304 IC401 Q502 IC405 L114 R171...