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Fujitsu FI-6750S User Manual
Fujitsu FI-6750S User Manual

Fujitsu FI-6750S User Manual

Lifebook 600 series
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Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Fujitsu FI-6750S

  • Page 1 COPYRIGHT Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on has made every ef fort to en su re the acc u racy and com p l eteness of this doc u m en t . However, as on going devel opm ent ef forts are con ti nu a lly i m proving the capabi l i ties of our produ ct s , we cannot g u a ra n tee the acc u racy of the con tents of this doc u m en t .
  • Page 2 C A U T I O N Changes or modification not expressly appro v e d by Fujitsu PC Corporation could void this user’s authority to operate the equipment. FCC NOTICES Notice to Users of Radios and Television These limits are de s i gn ed to provi de re a s on a ble pro tec- ti on against harmful interferen ce in a re s i den tial instal- l a ti on .
  • Page 3 This equ i pm ent may not be used on coin servi ce tel eph ones provi ded by your tel eph one com p a ny. Con n ecti on to party lines is su bj ect to state tari f fs . Con t act your state’s public uti l i ty com m i s s i on ,p u bl i c s ervi ce com m i s s i on or corpora ti on com m i s s i on for m ore inform a ti on .
  • Page 4 The Load Nu m ber assign ed to each tel eph one term i n a l devi ce den o tes the percen t a ge of the total load to be con n ected to a tel eph one loop or circuit wh i ch is used by the devi ce to prevent overl oad i n g.
  • Page 5 A V E R T I S S E M E N T Pour assurer la sécurité, les utilisateurs doivent vérifier que la prise de terre du serv i c e d’électricité, les lignes téléphoniques et les conduites d’eau métalliques sont connectées ensemble.
  • Page 6 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s...
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Restarting The System... . . 29 Fujitsu Welcome Center ... . 29 Batteries ....29 Integrated Touchpad Pointing Device .
  • Page 8 Setting Up Your Save-to-Disk File Allocation....99 SECTION FOUR USER INSTALLABLE FEATURES LAN Enhancement Unit ... 103 External Installation of a Floppy Disk Drive .
  • Page 9 P r e f a c e L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u ™...
  • Page 10: Preface

    P r e f a c e PREFACE The LifeBook 600 Series from Fujitsu PC Corporation is a powerful ultra portable notebook computer. It is powered by an Intel Pentium microprocessor with MMX technol- ogy, has a built-in color display, an internal modem and comes with a LAN Enhancement Unit with built-in floppy disk drive, CD-ROM...
  • Page 11 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u Figure P-1 LifeBook 600 Series with Both Fujitsu and Third Party Options...
  • Page 12 S et tin g U p Yo u r Li f eB oo k 6 0 0 Ser ie s Unpacking ....2 Overview of LifeBook 600 Series Features .
  • Page 13: Section One

    SETTING UP YOUR LIFEBOOK 600 SERIES FROM FUJITSU This section describes how to set up your LifeBook 600 Series from Fujitsu. We strongly recommend that you read it before using your notebook – even if you are already familiar with notebook computers.
  • Page 14 Figure 1-4 LAN Enhancement Unit Once you have checked and confirmed that your notebook system is complete, connect the AC adapter and follow the instructions starting on page xx to accept the conditions for using the LifeBook 600 Series. When you have com- pleted the setup process please register your notebook.
  • Page 15 S e c t i o n O n e Serial port. Parallel port. External Monitor port. DC Power jack. Full audio and video features: 16-bit SoundBlaster-compatible sound chip. 3D-Stereo for multiple speaker effects. 3D-Graphics for NeoMagic fast graphic rendering. Zoomed Video support for full motion video acceleration.
  • Page 16: Component Identification

    Status Indicator Panel Speaker Keyboard Touchpad Pointing Device Enhancement Unit Alignment Hole Display Panel Latch Enhancement Unit Alignment Hole S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Display Brightness Control...
  • Page 17: Left Side Panel Components

    S e c t i o n O n e Suspend/Resume Button (Undock Request Button) The Suspend/Resume button allows you to sus- pend notebook activity without turning off the notebook power, and to return it to an active state. This feature saves power, and is particu- larly useful when the notebook is running only on battery power.
  • Page 18: Right Side Panel Components

    Volume Stereo Line Control In Jack Headphone Microphone Theft Prevention Lock Slot Jack Jack Figure 1-8 LifeBook 600 Series Right Side Panel RIGHT SIDE PANEL COMPONENTS Theft Prevention Lock Slot This is a slot that allows you to attach a physical lock down device.
  • Page 19: Rear Panel Components

    S e c t i o n O n e Infrared Dual USB Parallel External External Port Port Port Monitor Port Floppy Disk Drive Port DC Power Jack External PS/2 Port Connector Cover Battery Port Cover Locking Slot Figure 1-9 LifeBook 600 Series Rear Panel REAR PANEL COMPONENTS Infrared Port The fast IrDA (4Mbps) compatible port allows...
  • Page 20: Bottom Components

    External Battery Locking Indentations Docking External Port Battery Port Unit Docking Label Memory Lock Slot Upgrade Docking Compartment Lock Slot Internal Internal Battery Hard Drive Compartment Compartment Figure 1-10 LifeBook 600 Series Bottom BOTTOM COMPONENTS External Battery Locking Indentations These indentations mate with the latches on the external battery to provide secure mating between the battery and your notebook.
  • Page 21: Lan Enhancement Unit

    S e c t i o n O n e Docking Latch Left Speaker Enhancement Unit Alignment Pins CD-ROM Drive Floppy Disk Drive Docking Indicator External Battery Compartment Docking Connector Latch Release Lever Docking Latch Right Speaker Figure 1-11 LAN Enhancement Unit Front View LAN ENHANCEMENT UNIT LAN ENHANCEMENT UNIT FRONT AND TOP COMPONENTS...
  • Page 22 Latch Release Levers The Latch Release levers,(one on each side of the LAN Enhancement Unit), operate the Docking latches. (Figure 1-11.) CD-ROM Drive This drive provides CD-ROM input to your notebook. (Figure 1-11.) C A U T I O N Do not operate the CD-ROM drive unless your LAN Enhancement Unit is sitting on a flat, level surface.
  • Page 23: Lan Enhancement Unit Rear Components

    S e c t i o n O n e Dual USB Port Anti-theft Lock Slot Anti-theft Lock Tab Keyboard PS/2 Port Mouse PS/2 Port MIDI/Joystick Port Serial Port Stereo Line Out Jack Parallel Port Composite Video Jack Enhancement Unit Alignment Pins Left Speaker DC Power Jack...
  • Page 24: Lan Enhancement Unit Bottom Components

    Keyboard PS/2 Port The port allows you to connect an external PS/2 keyboard or numeric keypad. (Figure 1-12.) Mouse PS/2 Port The port allows you to connect an external PS/2 mouse. (Figure 1-12.) MIDI/Joystick Port (MPU-401) This port allows you to connect a music synthe- sizer, game joystick, or other MIDI device to your notebook via a custom adapter cable which is included with your notebook.
  • Page 25 S e c t i o n O n e Figure 1-14 Connecting the AC Adapter to your Notebook Connecting the Power Adapters The AC adapter or an optional auto/airline adapter provides power for operating your notebook, with or without the LAN Enhancement Unit, and charging the batteries.
  • Page 26: Data Security

    Figure 1-15 Connecting the AC Adapter to your LAN Enhancement Unit To Connect the AC Adapter to your LAN Enhancement Unit 1.Plug the DC output cable of the AC adapter into the DC power jack on the rear panel of your LAN Enhancement Unit.
  • Page 27: Starting Your Notebook For The First Time

    When you turn on your notebook for the first time it will display a Fujitsu logo on the screen. If you do nothing the system will read the hard drive for the operating system software, flash the notebook configuration information on the...
  • Page 28 Conditions of Use The first time you start your notebook you must confirm your acceptance of the copyright limitations for your pre-installed software. After you complete the Condition of Use process these screens will not appear again. There are six (6) screens to read carefully and respond to. You cannot use your notebook until this Condition of Use process is completed.
  • Page 29: User Registration

    Welcome Center icon which can be filled out on your notebook and sent in a variety of ways, including printing and mailing, faxing or e-mailing. 3. Telephone registration by calling the Fujitsu PC servi ce and su pport line at 1-800-8FUJITS U (1-800-838-5487).
  • Page 30: Learning About Your Operating System And Application Software

    LEARNING ABOUT YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM AND APPLICATION SOFTWARE Tutorials All operating systems and most application software have tutorials built-in. We highly rec- ommend that you step through your tutorial before you use an application even if you are familiar with the same application on a different machine,an earlier version of the application, or with a similar p roduct.
  • Page 31 Restarting the System ... . 29 Fujitsu Welcome Center ... 29 Batteries ....29 Integrated Touchpad Pointing Device.
  • Page 32: Section Two

    S e c t i o n T w o SECTION TWO USING YOUR LIFEBOOK 600 SERIES FROM FUJITSU This section describes the indicators, buttons, connections and operating modes of your LifeBook 600 Series and their use. Figure 2-1 Opening the Display Panel...
  • Page 33: Status Indicator Panel

    U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Figure 2-3 Status Indicator Panel L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u STATUS INDICATOR PANEL The Status Indicator panel is located in the recess just above the keyboard.
  • Page 34 S e c t i o n T w o C A U T I O N Your notebook must be turned off with the power switch to prevent all current draw. AC Adapter Indicator The AC Adapter indicator tells you whether the system is operating on an AC or auto/airline adapter, or is running on batteries alone.
  • Page 35 U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s CD-ROM Access Indicator 76% – 100% The CD-ROM access indicator tells you the CD-ROM drive is being accessed. The CD-ROM drive Access indicator will flash when the soft- ware tries to access an audio CD or a CD-ROM 51% –...
  • Page 36 S e c t i o n T w o 10. Click on the Settings tab. 11. Click on the automatic insertion n o t i fi cation box to toggle it off. 12. Click on O K. 13. Click on OK in the system properties dialogue box.
  • Page 37: Power On

    Figure 2-5 Power Switch POWER ON Facing the keyboard and display panel, move the power switch towards the rear of your note- book. This is the On position. (Figure 2-5.) When you are done working you can leave your notebook in Suspend mode, (see page 47), or you can turn it off.
  • Page 38: Power Off

    S e c t i o n T w o After satisfactory completion of the Power On Self Test (POST) your notebook will load your operating system. (See Boot Options on pages 67- 68 to see which kind of disk will be the s ource.) C A U T I O N Never turn off your notebook during Power On Self Test (POST) or it will...
  • Page 39: Restarting The System

    L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u FUJITSU WELCOME CENTER The Fujitsu Welcome Center is an icon on your Windows 95 desktop. Clicking on it gives...
  • Page 40 S e c t i o n T w o When used at temperatures that exceed a low of 5°C or a high of 35°C. High temperatures not only reduce charging efficiency, but can also cause battery deterioration. (The Charging icon on the Status Indicator panel will flash when you try to charge a battery that is outside its o perating temperature range.)
  • Page 41 Recharging the Batteries If you want to check the condition of either the internal Lithium ion battery or the external Lithium ion battery, check the Battery Level indicators located on the Status Indicator panel. These indicators change as the battery levels change.
  • Page 42 S e c t i o n T w o C A U T I O N You may not be able to hear the audio alarms if the volume control is set too low or is turned off by either hardware or software but you will still be able to see the Battery Level indicator(s) flash.
  • Page 43: Integrated Touchpad Pointing Device

    INTEGRATED TOUCHPAD POINTING DEVICE The to u ch p ad poi n ting devi ce is com po s ed of a small rectangular to u ch sen s i tive poi n ter con trol and two but tons loc a ted in front of t h e keyboa rd .
  • Page 44: Using The Keyboard

    S e c t i o n T w o C A U T I O N If the interval between clicks is too long, the double-click will not be executed. P O I N T The interval between clicks for double clicking, and other parameters of pointing and selecting, can be adjusted with the selections in the dialog box of the mouse...
  • Page 45 Function Keys Extended Start Key Numeric Keypad Function Key U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Start Key Application Key Cursor Keys Figure 2-9 Keyboard L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u Numeric KeyPad...
  • Page 46: Volume Control

    S e c t i o n T w o Cursor Keys The cursor keys are the four arrow keys on the keyboard which allow you to move the cursor , down , left and right as your application allows. (Figure 2-9.) P O I N T The integrated touchpad pointing device and/or an external mouse are also used...
  • Page 47: Floppy Disk Drive

    other application software volume setting will not produce sound.One easy operating method is to use the hardware and ESS AudioRack vol- ume controls to set an upper limit on sound level and then make fine adjustments with other application software. C A U T I O N The ESS AudioRack volume setting sets the maximum volume level of the...
  • Page 48 S e c t i o n T w o P O I N T When there is no floppy disk in the drive, the eject button is flush with the front of your LAN Enhancement Unit. Ejecting a Floppy Disk To eject a disk, check that the Floppy Disk Drive Access indicator is Off, (see page 26) and press the Eject button.
  • Page 49: Cd-Rom Drive

    Keep the floppy disk drive and disks out of d i rect su n l i ght and aw ay from heating equ i pm en t . Avoid storing the floppy disk drive in locations subject to shock and vibration. Avoid using the floppy disk drive and disks in damp and dusty locations.
  • Page 50 S e c t i o n T w o C A U T I O N Do not operate your CD-ROM drive unless your notebook and LAN Enhancement Unit combination is sitting on a flat surface. Using a disk when the drive is not level may damage the drive or prevent proper operation.
  • Page 51: Hard Drive

    If a disk is dirty, use only a CD-ROM cleaner or wipe it with a clean,soft,lint free cloth starting from the inner edge and wiping to the outer edge. HARD DRIVE The internal hard drive capacity is dependent on which model you are using. See Appendix A (pages 152-156) for model information.
  • Page 52 S e c t i o n T w o Figure 2-14 Suspend/Resume (Undock Request) Button Using the Suspend/Resume (Undock Request) Button When your notebook is active,the Suspend/Resume button, (Figure 1-6 on page 5), can be used to manually put your notebook into Suspend mode, or into the Save-to-Disk mode.
  • Page 53 P O I N T If your notebook is active when you enter the Suspend mode or Save-to-Disk mode, changes to open files are not lost. The files are left open and memory is kept active during Suspend mode or the memory is transferred to the internal hard drive during Save-to-Disk mode.
  • Page 54 S e c t i o n T w o The power management toolbar has ten power profile choices and six activation choices. When you switch to AC powered operation the PowerPanel toolbar will automatically change to indicate AC power operation and will show the AC Power profile as active.
  • Page 55 POWERPANEL ONLINE HELP To access help with your power management settings, move your cursor to the PowerPanel toolbar and right click. (See Clicking on page 33.) From the menu that appears select PowerPanel Help Topics. POWERPANEL CUSTOMIZATION To modify your PowerPanel toolbar or create a custom toolbar, move your cursor to the PowerPanel toolbar and right click.
  • Page 56 S e c t i o n T w o AC POWER PROFILE The AC power profile has all timeouts disabled and no other power management features enabled. This profile is activated automatically by plugging in a power adapter. WORD PROCESSING PROFILE The Word Processing profile is a factory installed combination of timeouts and other power savings parameters chosen as the settings...
  • Page 57 VIDEO STANDBY ACTIVATION Clicking on the Video Standby button or select- ing Video Standby on the PowerPanel menu turns off the power to the display. You can return your notebook to normal operation by performing any activity such as pressing a key or touching the ErgoTrac joystick.
  • Page 58 S e c t i o n T w o to a file on the internal hard drive,and then automatically shuts off power to your notebook. This is the same pseudo-off state as the Windows 95 power off. When you resume operation by pressing the Suspend/Resume button, you return to the point in the operation where you left off, before going into Save-to-Disk mode.
  • Page 59 Idle Mode Idle mode is one of the power management parameters. When Idle mode is enabled the CPU is put into low-speed operation when there is no activity (keystroke, pointer action, sound generation, video display change, modem transmission or reception, etc.) on your notebook for 16 seconds.
  • Page 60: Internal Modem

    S e c t i o n T w o P O I N T You must restart your notebook for Windows 95 Control panel setting changes to take affect. INTERNAL MODEM Your internal modem is a fax/data/voice modem controlled by Windows 95,LapLink, MegaPhone or other software.
  • Page 61: Pre-Installed Software

    The following conditions may interfere with infrared communications: When the infrared communication ports are not directly facing each other, or some obstacle is between them. When the infrared communication ports are too far apart. When a television or radio remote control unit, or a wireless headphone is being used nearby.
  • Page 62 S e c t i o n T w o the dot on the button is black and the control panel is not in the rack. You activate a slider or knob on a control panel by dragging it. The functions available are DAT (Digital Audio Tape player),3D (3D-Stereo sound control),MIDI, Mixer and CD (Audio CD player).
  • Page 63 Con f iguri ng You r Lif eBo o k 6 00 Series Boot Sequence ....54 Identifying the Drives ... . . 54 BIOS Setup Utility .
  • Page 64: Section Three

    BOOT SEQUENCE Each time you power up or restart your LifeBook 600 Series,it goes through a quiet boot sequence that displays a Fujitsu logo until your operating system is loaded. During quiet boot, your notebook is performing a standard boot sequence including a Power On Self Test (POST).
  • Page 65: Bios Setup Utility

    You can enter the setup utility whenever you turn on or reset the system. To do this: 1. Allow the system to start booting. 2. As soon as the Fujitsu Logo appears on the screen, press the F2 key. 3. The Main Menu of the setup utility appears with the current settings of the parameters displayed.
  • Page 66 S e c t i o n T h r e e Entering the Setup Utility After a Configuration Change or System Failure If there has been a change in the system config- uration that does not agree with the parame ter settings stored in your BIOS memory, or there is a failure in the system,the system beeps and/or displays an error message after the...
  • Page 67: Navigating Through The Setup Utility

    NAVIGATING THROUGH THE SETUP UTILITY The BIOS setup utility consists of six menus; MAIN,ADVANCED, SECURITY, POWER SAVINGS, BOOT and EXIT. The remainder of Section Three explains each menu in turn including all submenus and setup items. The following procedures allow you to navigate the setup utility menus: 1.
  • Page 68: Main Menu - Setting Standard System Parameters

    S e c t i o n T h r e e Figure 3-1 Main Menu MAIN MENU - SETTING STANDARD SYSTEM PARAMETERS The Main Menu allows you to set or view the current System Parameters. Follow the preced- ing instructions for Navigating Through The Setup Utility to make any changes.
  • Page 69 Table 3-1 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Main Menu Menu Field Options System Time — System Date — Diskette A 1.44Mb, 3 "; Not Installed IDE Adapter 0 Master Selects the IDE Adapter 0 Master submenu C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Default Description —...
  • Page 70 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-1 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Main Menu Menu Field Options IDE Adapter 1 Master Selects the IDE Adapter 1 Master submenu. Boot Options Selects the Boot Options submenu System Memory —...
  • Page 71 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s IDE Adapter - Submenu The IDE Adapter 0 Master or IDE Adapter 1 Master submenus are identical for hard drives.
  • Page 72 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the IDE Adapter Submenu Menu Field Options Autotype Fixed Disk: [Press Enter] Type: Auto; None; CD; User Cylinders: (Available A number between. change only when Type = 0 and 65,535 User.
  • Page 73 Table 3-2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the IDE Adapter Submenu Menu Field Options Head: (Available to A number between change only when 1 and 16. Type = User. Displayed for Type = Auto when a hard drive has been detected and Type = any number.) Sectors/Track:...
  • Page 74 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the IDE Adapter Submenu Menu Field Options Write Precomp: None;A number (Available to change between 0 and 65,534 only when Type = User.
  • Page 75 Table 3-2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the IDE Adapter Submenu Menu Field Options LBA Mode Control: Enabled; Disabled. (Available to change only when Type = User, None,Rsvr, or a number. Displayed for Type = CD or Auto with a hard drive detected.) Transfer Mode: (Available Standard, Fast to change only when Type...
  • Page 76 S e c t i o n T h r e e C A U T I O N A bootable CD-ROM may have either a floppy disk format or a hard drive format. When the bootable CD-ROM is used the drive allocations change automatically without changing the BIOS setup.
  • Page 77 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Boot Options Submenu The Boot Options submenu provides the ability to set the process which your notebook follows...
  • Page 78 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-3 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Boot Options Submenu Menu Field Options Summary screen: Enabled; Disabled Boot-time Enabled; Disabled Diagnostic Screen Exiting from the Main Menu When you have finished setting the parame ters on this menu, you can either exit from the setup utility, or move to another menu.
  • Page 79: Advanced Menu - Setting Device Feature Controls

    ADVANCED MENU - SETTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLS The Advanced Menu allows you to: Set the I/O addresses for the serial and parallel ports. Set the communication mode for the parallel port. Set an audio function I/O address,interrupt level and DMA channel. Select between the display panel and an external CRT display.
  • Page 80 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-4 Field Names, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Menu Menu Field Options Integrated Peripherals — Keyboard/Mouse — Features Audio Features — Video Features — Default Description —...
  • Page 81 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s C A U T I O N I/O addresses, DMA channels and Interrupt levels can be entered in various...
  • Page 82 S e c t i o n T h r e e Figure 3-5 Integrated Peripherals Submenu Integrated Peripherals Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Integrated Peripherals submenu provides the ability to set the I/O addresses and interrupt levels for ports of your notebook. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to make any changes.
  • Page 83 P O I N T All I/O addresses in Table 3-5 are in hexadecimal. Table 3-5 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Integrated Peripherals Submenu Menu Field Options COM Port: 3F8, IRQ 4; 2F8,IRQ 3; 3E8,IRQ 4; 2E8,IRQ 3; 3F8, IRQ 11; 2F8,IRQ 10; 3E8,IRQ 11;...
  • Page 84 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-5 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Integrated Peripherals Submenu Menu Field Options LPT Mode: Bi-Directional; ECP, DMA CHANNEL 1; ECP, DMA CHANNEL 3; Output Only Diskette Controller: Enabled;...
  • Page 85 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu The Keyboard/Mouse Features submenu is for setting the parameters of the integrated and...
  • Page 86 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-6 Fields, Options and Defaults of the Keyboard/Mouse Submenu Menu Field Options Numlock: Off;On; Auto Keyboard/Mouse Enabled; Disabled Hot Plug: Internal Pointing Device: Auto Disabled; Always Enabled Default Description [Auto]...
  • Page 87 Audio Features Submenu The Audio Features Submenu is for setting the features of the built-in audio functions. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to make any changes. (See page 57.) Table 3-7 shows the names of the menu fields for the Audio Features submenu,all of the options for each field, the default settings and a description of the field's function and any...
  • Page 88 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-7 Fields, Options and Defaults of the Audio Features Submenu Menu Field Options Audio Base Address: 220; 240;260; 280; Disabled Audio FM Base Address: 388;38C; 390; 394 MPU-401 Base Address: 300;...
  • Page 89 L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Video Features Submenu The Video Features Submenu is for setting the display parameters.
  • Page 90 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-8 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Video Features Submenu Menu Field Options Display: Flat-Panel;CRT; Simultaneous Compensation: Enabled; Disabled Exiting from the Advanced Menu When you have finished setting the parame ters on the Advanced Menu, you can either exit from setup utility or move to another menu.
  • Page 91: Security Menu - Setting The Security Features

    L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s SECURITY MENU - SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURES The Security menu allows you to set up the data...
  • Page 92 S e c t i o n T h r e e P O I N T If you set a password, write it down and keep it in a safe place. If you forget the password you will have to contact your support representative to regain access to your secured functions and data.
  • Page 93 Table 3-9 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Security Menu Menu Field Options Supervisor Password is — User Password is: — Set Supervisor Password: [Press Enter] Diskette access: All; Supervisor Only C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Default Description Disabled...
  • Page 94 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-9 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Security Menu Menu Field Options Set User Password: [Press Enter] Password on boot: Enabled; Disabled Power Management : Enabled; Disabled Sec u ri ty Fixed disk boot sector: Normal;...
  • Page 95 P O I N T Boot sector protection must be set to [ N o r m a l ] to install or upgrade an operating system. Exiting from the Security Menu When you have finished setting the parame ters on the Security Menu, you can either exit from setup utility or move to another menu.
  • Page 96: Power Savings Menu - Setting Power Management Feature Controls

    S e c t i o n T h r e e Figure 3-10 Power Savings Menu POWER SAVINGS MENU – SETTING POWER MANAGEMENT FEATURE CONTROLS The Power Savings menu allows you to set and change the power management parameters. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to make any changes.
  • Page 97 Table 3-10 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Power Savings Menu. Menu Field Options Power Savings: Customize; Maximum Performance; Maximum Battery Life; Off Hard Disk Timeout: 30 seconds to 20 minutes; Off Video Timeout: 30 seconds to 20 minutes; Off Idle Mode: On;...
  • Page 98 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-10 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Power Savings Menu. Menu Field Options Standby Timeout: 1 minute to 16 minutes; Off Auto Suspend Timeout: 5 to 60 minutes; Off Suspend Mode: Suspend;...
  • Page 99 P O I N T When resuming from a Save-to-Disk suspension there will be a delay while the contents of system memory and operating parameters are loaded from the hard drive. C A U T I O N In Save-to-Disk mode there is no indication on the Status Indicator to let you know you are suspended rather than shut off from the power switch.
  • Page 100 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-10 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Power Savings Menu. Menu Field Options Auto Save to Disk: Off; After 1 Hour Resume On : On; Off Modem Ring Resume On Time: On;Off Resume Time:...
  • Page 101 Factory Installed Values for Power Saving Profiles Profile Hard Disk Timeout Customize Maximum Performance Maximum 30 Seconds Battery Life To get even better 2 Minutes battery life keep the display and volume settings as low as possible and use the custom setting to set the parameters as shown.
  • Page 102 S e c t i o n T h r e e Advanced Features Submenu The Advanced Features submenu is for setting some non-time related power saving parame- ters. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to make any changes. (See page 57.) Table 3-11 shows the names of the menu fields for the Video Features submenu,all of the...
  • Page 103 Table 3-11 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Features Submenu of the Power Savings Menu SUS/RES Switch: SUS/RES Mode; Undock Mode; Disabled Lid Closure Suspend: Enabled; Disabled AMU CPU Idle Mode: Low Power; Standard LCD Backlight Mode: Low Power; Standard Serial Mouse Activity: Enabled;...
  • Page 104: Boot Menu - Selecting The Operating System Source

    S e c t i o n T h r e e BOOT MENU – SELECTING THE OPERATING SYSTEM SOURCE The Boot Menu is used to select the order in which the BIOS searches sources for the operating system. Table 3-12 shows the names of the menu fields for the Boot menu,all of the options for each field,the default settings and a description of the field's function and any special information...
  • Page 105 Table 3-12 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Boot Menu. 1. Diskette Drive – 2. Hard Drive – 3.CD-ROM Drive – Exiting from Boot Menu When you have finished setting the search sequence order with the Boot menu, you can either exit from the setup utility or move to another menu.
  • Page 106: Exit Menu - Leaving The Setup Utility

    S e c t i o n T h r e e EXIT MENU – LEAVING THE SETUP UTILITY The Exit Menu is used to leave the setup utility. Follow the instructions for Navigating Through the Setup Utility to make any changes. (See page 57.) Table 3-13 shows the names of the menu fields for the Exit menu,all of the options for each...
  • Page 107 Table 3-13 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Exit Menu. Menu Field Options Save Ch a n ges and Ex i t – Discard Changes and Exit – Get Default Values – C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s Default Description –...
  • Page 108 S e c t i o n T h r e e Table 3-13 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Exit Menu. Menu Field Options Load Previous Values – Save Changes – Default Description – Selecting Load Previous Values will load the values in BIOS memory for all menu fields.
  • Page 109: Setting Up Your Save-To-Disk File Allocation

    1.Go to the Start menu and select MS-DOS prompt. 2. At the DOS prompt type CD C:\Fujitsu . (Make sure you put a space between CD and C:and no space between C:and \.) 3. Type PHDISK /CREATE /FILE . (Make sure you put a space before each of the /s.)
  • Page 110 1.Go to the Start menu and select ShutDown. 2. Select Restart the computer in MS- DOS mode? 3. At the DOS prompt type CD C:\Fujitsu . (Make sure you put a space between CD and C:and no space between C:and \.) 4. Type PHDISK.
  • Page 111 S e c t i o n F o u r U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s LAN Enhancement Unit ... 103 External Installation of a Floppy Disk Drive .
  • Page 112: Section Four

    S e c t i o n F o u r SECTION FOUR USER INSTALLABLE FEATURES Your LifeBook 600 Series has a number of user installable features. This section describes how to install and remove equipment for each of the expansion features.
  • Page 113: Lan Enhancement Unit

    P O I N T You can not switch to the TV display by If TV output is utilized with O p t i m a l pressing the Fn + F10 keys, however you Settings checked, the display will can return to the notebook display panel automatically drop down to the 640 x 400 using those keys.
  • Page 114 S e c t i o n F o u r Theft PS/2 Keyboard Prevention Port PS/2 Mouse Slot Port MIDI/Joystick Port Stereo Line Out Jack Dual USB Port Composite Video Jack Theft Prevention Serial Port DC Power Jack Parallel External Port Monitor Port...
  • Page 115 U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e Connecting Devices to the LAN Enhancement Unit or Base Enhancement Unit Connect devices to your LAN Enhancement Unit or Base Enhancement Unit in exactly the same way you would your notebook.Figures 4-1,4-2 and 4-3 show the location of LAN Enhancement Unit ports and jacks.Figure 4-16...
  • Page 116 1024 x 768 pixels. f. Select the advanced feature. g. Select the monitor tab. h. Change the monitor setting to Laptop Display Panel (1024 x 768). i. Click on the OK button to activate the new display settings. Your display...
  • Page 117: External Installation Of A Floppy Disk Drive

    detect whether you are docked, or not, when you resume operation. Undocking should only be done with power off or in PC Eject mode. The optional external floppy disk drive must be installed or removed with the power off. To Connect An Optional External Floppy Disk Drive: 1.
  • Page 118 S e c t i o n F o u r C A U T I O N Under federal, state or local law it may be illegal to dispose of batteries by putting them in the trash. Please take care of our environment and dispose of batteries properly.
  • Page 119: Pc Cards

    PC CARDS Caring for PC Cards PC Cards are durable; however, you must treat PC Cards perform a wide variety of functions, them with care. The documentation supplied and are ideal for mobile computers. with your PC Card will provide specific infor- Some available PC Cards: mation;...
  • Page 120 S e c t i o n F o u r Installing PC Cards in Your Notebook To install a PC Card: PC cards are installed in the PC Card slot in 1. See your PC Card manual for instructions on the left side panel of your notebook.
  • Page 121: Theft Prevention Locks

    7.Flip the eject button(s) toward the rear of Removing PC Cards If you wish to remove or replace the PC Card, use the following procedure: 8. Press the eject button in until it is flush with 1.Shutdown operation of the card. 9.
  • Page 122: Midi/Joystick Devices

    S e c t i o n F o u r 2. Turn off power to your notebook, close the 3. Align the connector of the MIDI device 4. In s ert the con n ector firm ly into the port on 5.
  • Page 123: Keyboard

    KEYBOARD STEREO LINE IN DEVICES Make sure the connector on your device is the Make sure that your stereo line in audio device, correct PS/2 type. Align the arrow on the con- a cassette recorder, for example,is equipped nector to point to the bottom of your notebook with an 1/8”(3.5 mm) stereo mini-plug.
  • Page 124: Fast Ethernet Lines

    S e c t i o n F o u r 3. Push the cable firmly into the slot in the bot - 4. Turn the LAN Enhancement Unit over and SERIAL PORT DEVICES To connect an RS-232C device to the serial port, be sure that the connector is the right size and aligned, then push in until it is ful ly seated in the port on the rear of your notebook or...
  • Page 125: Memory Upgrade Module

    C A U T I O N Pressing F10 while holding down the Fn Never remove screws except the ones key allows you to change your selection specifically shown in the directions for of where to send your display video. installing and removing the memory Each time you press the combination upgrade module.
  • Page 126 S e c t i o n F o u r 6. Remove the memory upgrade module from To Install a Memory Upgrade Module 1. Turn off power to your notebook using the power switch, (see Power Off on page 28), 7.
  • Page 127 16MB 24MB 32MB 48 MB as soon as the Fujitsu logo appears on the 64 MB screen. (See page 55.) 96 MB L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u...
  • Page 128: Internal Battery

    S e c t i o n F o u r If the total memory displayed is not what you believe it should be, check that your memory upgrade module is properly installed. If properly installed and the capacity is not correctly recognized,see the Troubleshooting Section starting on page 123.
  • Page 129 7. Turn your notebook over, attach a power C A U T I O N If you are storing the internal battery screw the screws back into your note- book so that they don’t get lost. To Install the Internal Lithium ion Battery 1.
  • Page 130: Base Enhancement Unit

    S e c t i o n F o u r Theft PS/2 Keyboard MIDI/Joystick Using Your Notebook While It Is Prevention Port Port Installed In the Base Enhancement Unit Slot There are a few differences you will notice Stereo Line Dual USB PS/2 Mouse Out Jack...
  • Page 131 S e c t i o n F i v e T o u b l e s h o o t i n g Identifying the Problem ... 122 Specific Problems .
  • Page 132: Section Five

    S e c t i o n F i v e SECTION FIVE TROUBLESHOOTING The LifeBook 600 Series from Fujitsu is sturdy and subject to few problems in the field. However, you may encounter simple setup or operating problems that you can solve on the spot, or problems with peripheral devices,that you can solve by replacing the device.
  • Page 133: Specific Problems

    If your are an expe- rienced computer user you may find it useful, however, it is intended primarily to help your Fujitsu support representative better serve you. When you call for help your support represen- tative may ask you to setup your notebook for modem operation.
  • Page 134 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom Audio Problems There is no sound coming from the built-in speakers. CD-ROM Drive Problems Notebook fails to recognize CD-ROM. Possible Cause 1. The volume knob is turned too low. 2.
  • Page 135 Symptom The CD-ROM Access indicator on the Status Indicator panel blinks at regular intervals when no CD is in the tray or the CD-ROM drive is not installed. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 5.
  • Page 136 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom Docking Problems Notebook does not turn on when installed in a LAN Enhancement Unit or Base Enhancement Unit. Floppy Disk Drive Problems You cannot access your floppy disk. Possible Cause 1.
  • Page 137 Symptom Hard Drive Problems You can not access your hard drive. Keyboard or Mouse Problems The built-in keyboard does not seem to work. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 1.
  • Page 138 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom You have installed an external keyboard or mouse,and it does not seem to work. You have connected an external keyboard or a mouse and it seems to be locking up the system. Memory Problems Your power on screen or Main menu of the BIOS setup utility information does not show...
  • Page 139 Symptom Modem Problems Messages about modem operation. Parallel, Serial,and USB Device Problems You have installed a parallel-port device,a serial- port device or a USB device. Your notebook does not recognize the device, or the device does not seem to work properly. C A U T I O N Due to ongoing changes in USB technology and standards, not all USB devices and/or...
  • Page 140 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom PC Card Problems A card inserted in the PC Card slot does not work or is locking up the system. Power Failures You turn on your notebook and nothing seems to happen.
  • Page 141 Symptom T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 2. The internal battery is completely discharged, there is no external battery installed and the Power adapter (AC or auto/airline) has no power from the AC outlet,airplane seat jack, or the car’s cigarette lighter.
  • Page 142 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom Possible Cause 4. Power switch is already in the On position. 5. The internal battery is faulty, there is no external battery installed and there is no Power adapter (AC or auto/airline) installed. 6.
  • Page 143 Symptom Your notebook turns off all by itself. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 1. The power management parameters are set for auto timeouts which are too short for your operating needs.
  • Page 144 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom Your notebook won’t work on battery alone. The batteries seem to discharge too quickly. Possible Cause 1. The installed batteries are dead. 2. The batteries are improperly installed. 3.
  • Page 145 Symptom Shutdown and Startup Problems The Suspend/Resume button does not work. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 3. The brightness is turned all the way up. 4. The batteries are very old. 5.
  • Page 146 2. The BIOS CMOS hold-up battery has failed. Possible Solution 1. Set the operating source by pressing the Esc key while the Fujitsu logo is on screen or use the F2 key and enter the setup utility and adjust the source settings from the Boot menu on page 95.
  • Page 147 Symptom Video Problems The built-in display is blank when you turn on your notebook. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 1. Something is pushing on the Closed C over switch.
  • Page 148 S e c t i o n F i v e Symptom The display goes blank by itself after you have been using it. The Built-in Display does not close. The Built-in Display has bright or dark spots. The application display uses only a portion of your screen and is surrounded by a dark band.
  • Page 149 Symptom You have connected an external monitor and it does not come on. Miscellaneous Problems An error message is displayed on the screen during the operation of an application. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Possible Cause 1.
  • Page 150: Power On Self Test Messages

    S e c t i o n F i v e POWER ON SELF TEST MESSAGES The following is an alphabetic list of error-and- status messages which Phoenix BIOS and/or your operating system can generate and an explanation of each message.Error messages are marked with an *.
  • Page 151 *Incorrect Drive B type - run SETUP – Type of floppy drive B: not correctly identified in Setup. This means that the floppy disk drive type identified in your Setup Utility does not agree with the t ype detected by the Power On Self Test (POST).
  • Page 152 S e c t i o n F i v e #*Previous boot incomplete – Default configu- ration used – Previous Power On Self Test (POST) did not complete successfully. Power On Self Test (POST) loads default values and offers to run Setup. If the failure was caused by incorrect values and they are not corrected,the next boot will likely fail also.
  • Page 153: Emergency Cd-Rom Drive Tray Release

    L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Figure 5-1 Emergency CD-ROM Tray Release EMERGENCY CD-ROM DRIVE TRAY RELEASE...
  • Page 154: Internal Hard Drive Replacement

    S e c t i o n F i v e INTERNAL HARD DRIVE REPLACEMENT There is a compartment in the bottom of your notebook (see Figure 1-10 on page 9) which contains the internal hard drive. The internal hard drive only needs to be replaced if there is a serious drive failure.
  • Page 155: Modem Setup And Commands

    MODEM SETUP AND COMMANDS The operating system and application software that is factory installed detects the modem characteristics and provides the necessary com- mand strings to operate the modem. The inter- nal modem operation is controlled by generic AT commands from the operating system and application software.
  • Page 156 S e c t i o n S i x C a r e a n d M a i n t e n a n c e Caring for Your Notebook..148 Increasing Battery Life .
  • Page 157: Section Six

    S i x SECTION SIX CARE AND MAINTENANCE If you use your LifeBook 600 Series from Fujitsu carefully, you will increase its life and reliability. This section provides some tips for looking after the notebook and the battery. CARING FOR YOUR NOTEBOOK * The LifeBook 600 Series is a durable but sensitive electronic device.
  • Page 158: Increasing Battery Life

    INCREASING BATTERY LIFE To increase battery life: 1. Power your notebook through the AC or opti onal auto / a i rline ad a pter wh en ever po s s i bl e . 2. If your notebook is running on battery power all day, connect it to the AC adapter overnight to recharge the battery.
  • Page 159 A p p e n d i c e s S p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d G l o s s a r y APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS Warranty ....152 LifeBook 675Tx Specifications .
  • Page 160: Appendix A Specifications

    256 Bytes CMOS-RAM with back-up battery. Video RAM 2MB DRAM. Mass Storage Floppy Disk Drive One fixed 3.5” floppy disk drive which accom- modates a 1.44MB or a 720KB floppy disk. (Built-in the LAN Enhancement Unit.) One optional external floppy disk drive, Fujitsu Model FPCFDD02.
  • Page 161 Hard Drive One factory installed 3.2GB, 2.5”(12.7 mm) fixed hard drive unit. CD-ROM Drive One fixed 20-speed maximum,2.5”(12.7 mm) drive built-in the LAN Enhancement Unit. Audio SoundBlaster-compatible 16-bit stereo PCM/FM sound chip. Spatializer 3D-Stereo multiple speaker effect support. MIDI interface built-in the LAN Enhancement Unit.
  • Page 162 A p p e n d i c e s Input/Output Connections Notebook One Type III/two Type I/II PC Card slots: PCMCIA Standard 2.1 with CardBus sup- port; Zoomed Video support via Slot 1. One 6-pin mini DIN PS/2 compatible connec- tor, for external mouse, external keyboard, or external numeric keypad.
  • Page 163 . S t a n d a rd ch a r ge (normal use with limited CD and hard disk access) in about fifteen (15) hours, using the external Lithium ion battery, Fujitsu Model FPCBP10 in addition to the internal battery. AC Adapter Autosensing 100-240V AC,43.2W, supplying...
  • Page 164: Approvals

    DOC (Industry Canada) Certification See statement at the front of the User’s Guide. POPULAR ACCESSORIES Other accessories are available, contact your authorized Fujitsu reseller. Additional External Lithium ion battery, Fujitsu Model FPCBP10. Base Enhancement Unit, Fujitsu Model FPCDS09. The Base Enhancement Unit provides: Floppy disk drive.
  • Page 165: Appendix B Glossary

    APPENDIX B GLOSSARY AC Adapter A device which converts the AC voltage from a wall outlet to the DC voltage ne eded to power your computer. Active-Matrix Display A type of technology for making flat-panel dis- plays which has a transistor or similar device for every pixel on the screen.
  • Page 166 A p p e n d i c e s CMOS RAM Complementary metal oxide semiconductor random access memory. This is a technology for manufacturing random access memory which requires very low levels of power to operate. COM Port Abbreviation for communication port. This is your serial interface connection to other equipment.
  • Page 167 DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data - A stan- dard for sharing digital voice and data over a single analofg telephone line. Extended Capability Port.A set of standards for high speed data communication and intercon- nection between electronic devices. Electro-Static Discharge. The sudden discharge of electricity from a static charge which has built-up slowly.
  • Page 168 A p p e n d i c e s Interrupt Request. An acronym for the hard- ware signal to the CPU that an external event has occurred which needs to be processed. Kilobyte. Kilobyte 1,024 bytes (2 raised to the tenth power). K56flex Modem The modem protocol co-authored by Lucent and Rockwell that enables high speed internet...
  • Page 169 MMX Technology MMX technology is an Intel processor enhance- ment that improves multimedia and communi- cation applications. The Pentium processor with MMX technology boasts three primary architectural design enhancements: 57 powerful new instructions specifically designed to manipulate and process video, audio and graphical data efficiently;...
  • Page 170 A p p e n d i c e s PCMCIA PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. The Personal Computer Memory Card International Association is an organiza- tion that sets standards for add-in cards for personal computers.
  • Page 171 SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface (pronounced scuzzy). An American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for connecting multiple (up to 7) high speed parallel devices to a computer. SDRAM Sy n ch ronous Dynamic Ra n dom Access Mem ory. SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory.
  • Page 172 A p p e n d i c e s Thin Film Transistor – A technology for flat display panels which uses a thin film matrix of transistors to control each pixel of the display screen individually. Underwriters Laboratories – An independent organization that tests and certifies the electri- cal safety of devices.
  • Page 173: Index

    I n d e x...
  • Page 174 I n d e x 3D-Graphics ....4 3D-Stereo ....4,52 AC Adapter .
  • Page 175 CD Automatic Insertion Function ..25,40, 103,149 CD Player ....51–52 CD-ROM . . 0,2–3,5,10–11,18,21,23, 25,28, 30–31,39–41, 52,54–55, 60,66,95, 103, 106,119–121, 123–125,127, 134,143, 145,149 CD-ROM Access .
  • Page 176 I n d e x Diskette Drive ....95,140 Display ..3–6,16–18,21–22,26–28,36, 41,43–45,47,49,51,55–56,68–70,79–80, 87–88,91,93, 97,100,102–103, 105–107, 112,115,117,128,135,137–138,141,145 Display Compression ... . 138 Display Panel .
  • Page 177 Floppy Disk Drive Access Indicator . . . 26,38 Floppy Disk Format ..37,55,66 Fn ..34,36,55,103,115,137,139 Full Duplex ....74 Function Keys .
  • Page 178 I n d e x KB ..... . . 60 Keyboard ..3–6,8,12–13,21,23,26–28, 33–36,42,49, 52,70,75–76, 82,101–102, 104, 106,112–113, 120,123, 127–128,133, 138,141 Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu .
  • Page 179 MPU-401....13,78 Multi-Sector ....64 NTSC ....12, 102,106 Numeric keypad .
  • Page 180 I n d e x Pre-installed Software ..4,17–19,21,41, 51,121,144–145 Presentation Profile ....45 Product Code ....17 Program .
  • Page 181 Speakerphone ..4,37,46,50,52 SRAM ....102,109,140 Standby Mode..46,49,91,137–138 Standby Timeout ....88 Start Menu.
  • Page 182 I n d e x Unit Label ....9,123 Universal Serial Bus ... . 8,102 USB .

This manual is also suitable for:

Lifebook 675tx

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