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Lenovo ThinkPad T400 2764 Specifications

Lenovo ThinkPad T400 2764 Specifications

Lenovo thinkpad t400 2764: specifications
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Lenovo THInKPAD T400 AnD T500 noTebooKS
GReat iDeaS tHat BReak BaRRieRS WitH cUttinG-eDGe tecHnoloGy.
UNCOmprOmised perfOrmaNCe
Combines the highest performing
2 Duo processor with Active
Management Technology (iAMT),
for enhanced notebook management
and security.
BesT wireless sOlUTiONs
• All T Series models are Wireless WAN
(WWAN) ready
• A unified WWAN antenna design provides for
superior performance in connectivity, options
and global roaming
• All models feature the best connectivity
options and support WWAN and WiMAX
(available later in 2008)
• U ltra WideBand (UWB) (initially starting in
the U.S. and Japan)
• Faster data transfer rates
• Bluetooth
CUTTiNg-edge TeChNOlOgies
• Switchable graphics (integrated and discrete)
• Solid State Drives for improved performance
and reliability
• GPS capable (WWAN models)
• High performing DDR3 memory
• LED backlight displays
• DisplayPort—for the next generation VESA
interface incorporating HD video (available
on ThinkPad
T500 notebook)
eNVirONmeNTally respONsiBle
• Most energy-efficient ThinkPad notebook
• An EPEAT* Gold qualified notebook (LED
backlight systems)
• Industry's first notebook with a GReenGUaRD
Air Quality certification
• energy-efficient 25watt processors
• New Power Management utility and enhanced
BatteryStretch feature for lower power
consumption and improved battery life
New NamiNg CONVeNTiON: The latest ThinkPad T Series marks the
introduction of a new naming convention. The new ThinkPad T400
notebook (14.1") widescreen display and the ThinkPad T500 notebook
(15.4" widescreen display) will replace the ThinkPad T61 notebook.



Summary of Contents for Lenovo ThinkPad T400 2764

  • Page 1 Vista Lenovo THInKPAD T400 AnD T500 noTebooKS GReat iDeaS tHat BReak BaRRieRS WitH cUttinG-eDGe tecHnoloGy. UNCOmprOmised perfOrmaNCe Combines the highest performing Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo processor with Active Management Technology (iAMT), for enhanced notebook management and security. BesT wireless sOlUTiONs • All T Series models are Wireless WAN (WWAN) ready • A unified WWAN antenna design provides for...
  • Page 2 Vista THe new THInKPAD T SerIeS enGineeReD to ReacH neW HeiGHtS in connectivity, PRoDUctivity, PoWeR manaGement, enviRonmental ReSPonSiBility anD comFoRt. The ThinkPad T Series notebooks are designed to enhance productivity and change the way that you work. To begin with, they feature 14.1" and 15.4" LED backlight widescreen displays that help to lower power consumption and also offer brighter colors.
  • Page 3 Vista THInKPAD T400 / T500 SPeCIFICATIonS tHinkPaD t SeRieS processor (speed, l2 Cache, fsB) Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo processor P8400 (2.26GHz, 3mB l2, 1066mHz FSB, 25watt) Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo processor P8600 (2.4GHz, 3mB l2, 1066mHz FSB, 25watt) Intel Core 2 Duo processor P9500 ®...
  • Page 4 [6] memory: Total accessible memory will be less and will vary depending on the system configuration. Maximum capacity may require purchase of optional component. [7] 11a, 11b, and 11g wireless: This is based on IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g respectively. The IEEE 802.11n specification has not been finalized and is currently in draft release. The Lenovo and ThinkPad 11a/b/g/n Wireless lan mini-Pci express adapters are based on the Draft Release, version 1.0, of the ieee 802.11n specification. an adapter with 11a/b, 11a/b/g, or 11a/b/g/n can communicate on...