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Starting The Switch; Boot Sequence; Image Files On The Switch - Cisco N5010P-N2K-BE Software Configuration Manual

Nx-os software configuration guide
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Image Files on the Switch

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Starting the Switch

A Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch starts its boot process as soon as its power cord is connected to an
A/C source. The switch does not have a power switch.

Boot Sequence

When the switch boots, the golden BIOS validates the checksum of the upgradeable BIOS. If the
checksum is valid, then control is transferred to the upgradeable BIOS image. The upgradeable BIOS
launches the kickstart image, which then launches the system image. If the checksum of the upgradeable
BIOS is not valid, then the golden BIOS launches the kickstart image, which then launches the system
You can force the switch to bypass the upgradeable BIOS and use the golden BIOS instead. If you press
Ctrl-Shift-6 within two seconds of when power is supplied to the switch, the golden BIOS will be used
to launch the kickstart image, even if the checksum of the upgradeable BIOS is valid.
When you press Ctrl-Shift-6, the console settings must be set to their defaults: 9600 baud, 8 data bits,
no parity, and 1 stop bit.
Before the boot sequence starts, the BIOS performs internal tests on the switch. If the tests fail, then the
loader does not gain control. Instead, the BIOS image retains control and prints a message to the console
at 9600 baud every 30 seconds that indicates a failure.
Figure 3-1
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch CLI Software Configuration Guide
Boot Sequence, page 3-2
shows the normal and recovery boot sequence.
Chapter 3
Configuring the Switch


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Nexus 5000 series

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