1 ..........................................
read these _fety
precautions carefully befo_
using the product,
Precautions in installing
the Product
[] Keep away f_om heat sources like electhcal heaters,
Keep the packing antkmeisture material o_vinyl p_king out of the te_h
of children,
Anti-mobtum matef_ is harmf_ _f_all_ed.
ff _wafl_wed by m_ke,
force _
patent to vomit and v_
_3rest h_aL
vinyl p ackJr_ can oa_
suffoc_aflon. K eep ff outofthe reach of children.
Do not p_ bea_ objects on the p_uct
or sit upon &
- fftP_apred_ _]apses
or is dropp_
you rr_y be iniured Chi]_en must pay p_cuiar attention_
Do not leave the po_r
or stgna| cable unattended on the p_way.
- T_ _s_rby
can faJter,wh_h can cause electron[ s_'_k, fire, product breakdcem or iniury_
Install the p_uct
in a _at and dry place.
D_ or _sture
e_ctrio:d sh_,
fire or product d_:vra_.
if you can s_U s_ke
or other odors or hear a strange sou_
unplug the _er
and contact the
eetvice center.
ff you c_-_unueto usa withouttaAin9 proper measures, e_ctr_caJ sh_
or fire _n occur.
if you dto_
the p_uct
or the caee is b_en,
tam off the product ar_ unplug the power cord.
ff you c_-_dnue to use w_ut
taking pro_r
measures, e]_r_'..am_
or fire can occur. _
th_ service
Do not drop _tailic
objects such as coins, bait pins, chopsticks or wire into the prod_L or inflammable
objects such as paper a_ matches, Chlid_n must pay particular _,ention,
- _edricaf sb_k, fire or iniuPjcan occur _fa roman obj_
is dr_d
product, unplug _
power cord and
the serene center,
[] M_e
sure the Woduct ventilaUon hole is not blocked, install the product in a suP_ab{y wi_ p{ace (more
than l_m
the wall)
ff yOUi_taJ[ the product too ct_
to _
wa_[,_tmay _ deform_ or fire o3n break out due to [nterr_3l heat.
Do not b_ckthe
ventilation I_le of the product by a _le_oth
or curtain,
- TP_ _t_t
can be deforraed or fire c_n break _
due to cverheating im,.4de _
install the p_uct on a flat and sta_e place that has no r_skof dro_ing
the p_uct,
- ff the pred_ is drc_ped_ you may be iniuredor the prod_
may be broken,
Install the p_uct where no F_,MI occurs,
Keep the product away from direct sunlighL
- _
be dama_d.