5-90 Installing and Using Utilities
Preparing for the Active Upgrade Process
Preparing for the Active Upgrade process involves the following tasks:
Learning about the types of upgrades that the Active Upgrade process supports.
Learning about the prerequisites for your NEC Express5800/ft series system.
Learning how the Active Upgrade Console can control your critical applications.
Performing pre-upgrade tasks on your ftServer system, such as:
− Configuring the Remote KVM console.
− Configuring the Remote Desktop Connection.
− Installing the Active Upgrade Console.
− Configuring Windows Firewall for the Active Upgrade process.
− Gathering information about your system.
− Copying any software installation packages to the system before the upgrade starts.
Starting the Active Upgrade Console.
Understanding the Active Upgrade Console.
Software Upgrade Support
Active Upgrade technology supports the installation or upgrade of application software
that meets the following criteria:
The application's executable files, configuration files, and temporary files (for
example, cache files) reside on internal system disks that are mirrored with RDR.
The application's persistent data files reside on separate data disks, either internal
or external. (Data volumes that reside on the same physical disk as a system
volume are not supported.)
The application's installation or upgrade utility does not involve changes to
files or databases on the data disks while the system is in split mode. (For
example, the utility cannot create new databases or convert existing data
records to be compatible with the new version of the application).
The Upgrade Side has no access to the data disks while the system is split.