Operating Modes of the EB 200
The EB 200 is operated in stand-alone mode. An external plug-in power supply on connector is used to supply the
module with regulated voltage of 6 to 9 V/1.5 A.
Operating the EB 200 without programmed Flash
This mode is used, for example, when the EB 200 evaluation board is operated with a debugger. When the EB 200 is
switched on, the debugger assumes control of the EB 200. The user then assigns parameters to the required registers
and loads the user software with the debug tool.
Operating the EB 200 with programmed Flash
If the EB 200 contains a programmed Flash, the boot software that is launched when the EB 200 powers up
recognizes this with an entered Flash image. The boot software then branches immediately to the user software
contained in the Flash. Debugging is then possible using the serial RS232 interface or the debug Ethernet port.
Operating the EB 200 with LBU Mode
If the EB 200 is operated in LBU mode, the user must take the following precautions:
Provision of a HW reset from the host
Provision of the 5 V voltage supply and sufficient chassis ground between the EB 200 and host
Configuration of the EB 200 for LBU mode on connector X11 (see Section 2.1.2)
Configuration of the selected boot mode on connector X11 (see Section 2.1.2)
If LBU boot is used as the boot mode, a local Flash does not have to be programmed because the power-up can be
controlled by the host.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.
Technical data subject to change
EB 200 Manual
Version 1.1.4