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ご注意 DIGITALカムコーダ− MSW-900/900P の場合、 LINE 2 のメニューは 表示されません。 MENU つまみを回して、 t マークをLINE 1に合わ せて、 MENU つまみを押すと、 LIN 2は自動的に設定されます。 信号 推奨設定値 SD525 LINE 1=17 LINE 2=280 SD625 LINE 1=17 LINE 2=330 HD1080i LINE 1=17 LINE 2=580 HDカムコーダーHDW-730/750シ リ ーズをご使用の場合 (続く )...
1-3 UMID メニュー設定 こ こでは、 UMID データを使用するために必要なOPERATIONメ ニューのUMID SET ページでの各種設定について説明します。 メニューの操作方法については、 カムコーダーに付属のオペレーシ ョ ン マニュアルをご覧く ださい。 MENU つまみを押しながら、 MENU ON/OFFスイ ッチをONにす る。 TOPメニューが表示されます。 MENU つまみを回して t(矢印) マークをOPERATIONに移動 し、 MENU つまみを押す。 OPERATIONメニューを初めてご使用になる場合は、 OPERATIONメニューのCONTENTS ページが表示されます。 また、既にメニューを使用している場合は、前回最後に OPERATIONメニューを操作したページが表示されます。 UMID SET ページを表示させる。 CONTENTS ページが表示されている場合は、 MENU つまみを回 して...
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UMID SET ページが表示されます。 本画面では、以下の設定を行います。 項目 設定内容 EX-OWNERESHIP REC ユーザー情報を記録するかしないかを設定する。 COUNTRY CODE 国名コー ドを設定する。 ORGANIZATION CODE 組織コー ドを設定する。 USER CODE ユーザーコー ドを設定する。 TIME ZONE UTC (協定世界時) からの時差を設定する。 INSTANCE NO Instance Number の発生方法を選択する。 各項目の詳細については、 「UMID SETメニューの項目につい て」 をご覧く ださい。 MENU つまみを回して t マークを設定したい項目に合わせて、 MENU つまみを押す。...
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MENU つまみを回して、選択した項目を希望の設定に切り換える か(ON/OFF) 、 または希望の設定値を表示させ MENU つまみを 押す。 ●マークが t マークに戻り、設定値の?マークが●マークに戻り、 設定値が確定します。 続けて他の項目を設定する と きは、手順 4、 5を繰り返す。 メニュー操作を終了する と きは、 MENU ON/OFFスイ ッチをOFF にする。 1-10 UMID 第 章 データを使う...
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「:」 点灯中にMENU つまみを回して、希望のフレーム数を表示 させる。 MENU つまみを右または左に回すと、 1 y 2 y 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 8 t 16 t 32 t 64と切り換わり ます。 ご注意 「:」 が点灯中にフレーム数を設定してく ださい。 「:」 が消える と、 その時点でのフ レーム数に設定されてしまいます。 点灯 フレーム数が切り換わる 1 度選択したフレームは、 カムコーダ−の電源を切った状態でも保持さ れます。...
時差と世界の時差地図 時差 CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS Greenwich UTC-01:00 Azores UTC-02:00 M-ATLANTIC UTC-03:00 ARGENTINE Halifax UTC-04:00 Halifax New York UTC-05:00 New York Chicago UTC-06:00 Chicago Denver UTC-07:00 Denver Los Angeles UTC-08:00 LOSANGELES UTC-09:00 Alaska UTC-10:00 Hawaii UTC-11:00 M-ISLAND UTC-12:00 Kwaialein UTC+13:00...
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CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS UTC+3:00 Moscow UTC+2:00 E-Europe UTC+1:00 C-Europe UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use TP-3 Time precision class 3 TP-2 Time precision class 2 TP-1 Time precision class 1 TP-0 Time precision class 0 UTC-00:30 UTC-01:30 UTC-02:30...
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CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS UTC+5:30 Bombay UTC+4:30 Kabul UTC+3:30 Tehran UTC+2:30 UTC+1:30 UTC+0:30 UTC+12:45 UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use UNDEFINED Reserved:do not use User Defined time offset UNDEFINED Unknown Unknown...
Navin’You 測地系と対応国名( 用) 設定値 測定系 基準楕円体 対応国名 出力 WGS-84 WGS-84 TOKYO Bassel 1841 Japan, Korea ADINDAN Clarke 1880 Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal, Sudan ARC 1950 Clarke 1880 Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe CAPE Clarke 1880 South Africa MERCHICH Clarke 1880 Morocco HONGKONG Clark 1880 Hong Kong...
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出力 設定値 測定系 基準楕円体 対応国名 EUROPIAN International Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, 1950 Channel Islands, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Schetland Island, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland IRELAND Modified Airy Ireland 1965 ORDNANCE Airy England, Isle of Man, SURVEY OF Scotland, Wales GREAT BRITAIN...
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出力 設定値 測定系 基準楕円体 対応国名 GEODETIC International New Zealand DATUM 1949 PROVISIONAL International Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, SOUTH Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, AMERICAN Venezuela 1956 SOUTH South American Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, AMERICAN 1969 Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, 1969 Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela CAMPO International...
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Table of Contents About This Manual ................3 Chapter 1 Using UMID Data Overview ..................1-1 1-1-1 What is a UMID? ............1-1 Preparation ................1-4 1-2-1 Confirming/Setting the Line Number ......1-4 UMID Menu Setup ..............1-8 Chapter 2 Using GPS Data (When Using an HKDW-704) Overview ..................
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Miscellaneous ................2-26 2-7-1 Specifications ..............2-26 2-7-2 Recording Format/Recording Items/Recording Timing ................2-27 2-7-3 GPS Output Format for the REMOTE Connector (8-pin) ................2-28 2-7-4 Troubleshooting ............2-31 Chapter 3 Recording a Tele-File Mark Overview ..................3-1 Assigning the TELEFILE MARK Function to the ASSIGN 1 Switch ..............
About This Manual This manual provides supplemental descriptions of certain functions added when the software of an MSW-900/900P DIGITAL camcorder or that of an HDW-730/750/750P HD camcorder is updated . • DIGITAL camcorder MSW-900/900P SS and AT ROMs Version: 1.6 or later •...
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When an option board HKDW-704 has been installed in your camcorder, read the information given in chapter 2. When an option board HKDW-705 has been also installed in your camcorder (only for the HDW-730/750/750P), read the information given in chapter 4.. Appendix gives information on time difference and the time difference world map, the geodetic survey system and applicable countries, and a glossary.
1-1 Overview To perform operations from interviewing to editing effectively and to detect audio-visual materials easily when reusing them, metadata that provides additional information is recorded along with audio-visual data on a cassette tape. As one of application of metadata, the UMID (Unique Material Identifier) is internationally standardized.
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Globally unique ID is automatically recorded every shooting. The Extended UMID is metadata that provides additional information such as location, time/date, company and so on. Note To record shooting position, it is necessary to install the HKDW-704 GPS Unit. The UMID is applied as follows. Material No.
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Functions of UMID data The UMID data enables the following: • Add a globally unique ID to every shot of audio-visual material The unique ID is used to detect the material source and to link it with the original source material. •...
1-2 Preparation 1-2-1 Confirming/Setting the Line Number It is necessary to set a line number to use the UMID. The UMID cannot be used if the line number is set to 00, the factory setting. The VANC RX PARAMETER page of the MAINTENANCE menu allows you to confirm and set the line number for LINE 1 and LINE 2 as the field where the output line number with be stored.
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Note When your camcorder is a MSW-900/900P, the LINE 2 is not displayed. When you move the t mark to LINE 1 by turining the MENU knob and push the MENU knob, the line number of LINE 2 is automtically set.
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Reserved line number table MSW-900/900P: is V-Blanking area. Line 2 = There is no necessity for selection. Line 1 SD525UC SD525J SD625 SWITCHING SWITCHING SWITCHING Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Recommended Recommended Recommended Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved...
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HDW-730/750/750P: is V-Blanking area. Line 1 Line 2 HD1080i SWITCHING Reserved Recommended Reserved Reserved Chapter 1 Using UMID Data...
1-3 UMID Menu Setup This section explains menu setup required for using UMID data. The UMID SET page of the OPERATION menu allows you to make settings for UMID data. For detailed information on how to perform menu operations, refer to the operation manual supplied with the camcorder.
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The UMID SET page appears. This page allows you to make settings required for additional information related to the UMID. Item Contents EX-OWNERSHIP REC Sets whether or not the user information is recorded. COUNTRY CODE Sets the country code. ORGANIZATION CODE Sets the organization code.
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Turn the MENU knob to change the setting of the selected item or to display the desired value, and then push the MENU knob. The z mark to the left of the selected item changes to a t mark and the ? mark to the left of the setting changes to a z mark. To continue with the remaining settings, repeat steps 4 and 5.
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Additional information related to the UMID EX-OWNERSHIP REC Sets whether or not the user information is recorded. ON: User information, OWNERSHIP (COUNTRY CODE, ORGANIZATION CODE and USER CODE), are recorded on a tape. OFF: User information is not recorded. COUNTRY CODE The country code is displayed.
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When the country code is less than 4 bytes, the active part of the code will occupy the first part of the 4-bytes and the remainder must be filled with the space character (20h). Example: In the case of Japan For Japan, if the country code is JP, it is 2 bytes, if JPN, it is 3 bytes.
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USER CODE Displays the user code. When you this item, the USER CODE window appears. Enter the 4-byte alphanumeric strings for user identification. The user code is registered with each organization locally. It is usually not centrally registered. When the country code is less than 4 bytes, enter the country code from the beginning of the 4 bytes and enter the space character (20h) in the remaining strings.
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TIME ZONE Displays the time difference and area. When you select this item, the TIME ZONE window appears. When the unit is not equipped with an HKDW-704, the UTC is calculated based on the local time, using the time zone. If the time zone is not set, the correct UTC is not recorded.
2-1 Overview 2-1-1 Features The HKDW-704 GPS Unit is an option board that can be installed in a camcorder. Installation of this board allows you to receive data from earth-orbiting satellites, record shooting position on a tape or a “Memory Stick” and display the shooting position and a locus on a monitor using mapping software.
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Notes • Car navigation antennas cannot be used. • By connecting the REMOTE connector (8-pin) of the camcorder and a personal computer in which Navin’You or NMEA-0183 compatible mapping software has been installed using the supplied connecting cable, you can display the shooting points on the map. (However, if a mapping software compatible with NMEA-0183, there may be cases where functions are limited.) Chapter 2 Using GPS Data (When Using an HKDW-704)
2-2 About GPS 2-2-1 What is GPS? The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system that allows you to know exact location of any place, anywhere, all over the world, using high-precision satellites belonging to the United States of America. The GPS consists of 24 earth-orbiting satellites.
2-2-2 Transmitting GPS Initial Data (Almanac Data) When a GPS receiver performs a geodetic survey for the first time, since it does not know which satellite signals are available in a particular area, a GPS receiver searches all of satellites. Thus, it take some time to perform an initial calculation of a location.
2-2-3 Errors Errors by the GPS Receiver This board determines automatically the current location utilizing radio waves from at least 3 satellites. The error that GPS satellites generate is about ±10 m. However, depending on circumstances in a given a survey location, an error of several hundred meters may be generated.
2-3 Recording the Position of a Shooting Location Before you start recording Confirm the following: • Make settings required for recording and playback of GPS data using the GPS SETUP page of the OPERATION menu of your Camcorder. For detailed information on the setting, see “2-6 Menu Setup” on page 2-17. •...
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Set the POWER switch of the camcorder to ON. When you set the POWER switch of the camcorder to on, two or more x light next to G on the viewfinder, this means that the unit is receiving enough radio waves from satellites for positioning. For detailed information on how to confirm the reception status, see “Displaying the GPS INFORMATION window on the viewfinder”...
About the time needed to calculate a location after power on The unit can finish calculating a location within the following times if the power is turned on under good satellite reception condition. • After one hour or more since the power was turned off last: within about 60 seconds.
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Thus, if you are shooting while walking, an error between the movement in the image and the shooting location displayed using mapping software may be generated. This depends on the type of mapping software you are using. GPS INFORMATION window Item Contents LATITUDE...
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b) When the unit has received data from one or more satellites, the correct current time is displayed. This time matches that of the GPS clock. In any other case, the time of the built-in crystal clock is displayed. Note During playback, the calculation time recorded on the tape is displayed instead of the current time.
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Displaying the GPS data reception status on the viewfinder Setting the DISP GPS item to ON on the VF DISP 2 page of the OPERATION menu allows the unit to display the GPS reception status on the regular shooting window of the viewfinder. Reception status of the GPS data Number of x displayed Reception status...
2-4 Playing back the Shooting Location 2-4-1 Playing back the shooting location recorded on a tape Preparation Perform the following to display shooting locations recorded on a tape on a monitor of a personal computer using mapping software. • Connections For detailed information, see the following “Connections”.
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Camcorder to REMOTE connector Personal computer (used to HD SDI OUT to display a map) video output connector GPS cable (suppliedwith an to RS-232C option board connector HKDW-704) to video input connector Monitor (used to display the video image) 2-13 Chapter 2 Using GPS Data (When Using an HKDW-704)
Output format You have to confirm and select the output format for data from the REMOTE connector using the GPS SETUP menu, according to the map to be used. When a Navin’You map is used: NVYOU When a map other than a Navin’You map is used: NMEA Note If you change the setting, turn the power of the camcorder off once, then turn it on again.
This section explains the case where Navin’You software has been installed. GPS/route guide function setting Setting of the GPS antenna Type of GPS card SONY Corp IPS-5000SERIES Communication port COM2 (may differ depending on the personal computer) Route taken/map match Route taken Records (displays) the route take.
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Control panel Serial port COM 2 Communication speed 9600 SONY Parity None Data bit Stop bit Flow control None Note When you display shooting locations on a map based on the GPS data recorded using this board, set the map matching function of the map software to off, in a case where the camcorder may be used on any place other than on a road on a map.
2-6 Menu Setup This section explains the menu setup required for recording or playback of the GPS data received. For detailed information on how to perform menu operations, refer to the operation manual supplied with the camcorder. Note It is necessary to set a line number to output the GPS data to be recorded on a tape.
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Change the settings as required. Item Contents Selects whether or not GPS data is recorded on a tape (ON or OFF) GPS RECORD (MS) Selects whether or not the shooting locations are recorded on a “Memory Stick.” (ON or OFF) GPS TRACE Selects whether or not the trace is recorded on a “Memory Stick.”...
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d) Select the format according to map software to be used. For detailed information on the output format, see “Output from the REMOTE connector” on page 2-20. Turn the MENU knob to move the t mark to the item you want to set, and then push the MENU knob.
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OUTPUT FORMAT item on the GPS SETUP page. This setting does not affect the recording format. Set the output format according to the map to be used for playback. Setting Output SONY Outputs data for Navin’You. NMEA Outputs GPGGA, GPVTG, and GPRMC in the NMEA- 0183 format.
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Data to be output depends on the operation mode of the camcorder. Operation mode OUTPUT FORMAT Output data REC/EE SONY All items of GPS data are converted into the Sony standard serial format. (for Navin’You) NMEA GPS data is converted to the NMEA-0183 format. (for ordinary maps)
2-6-2 Setting the Time Zone Select the time zone of the area where you shoot, referring to “Time Difference and Time Difference World Map” on page A-1. Note Be careful about whether summer time or daylight saving time is currently in use in the location where you are shooting. When you select the TIME ZONE item on the GPS SETUP page, the following TIME ZONE setting window appears.
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2-6-3 Setting the Built-in Clock Using the GPS Clock For a camcorder in which the HKDW-704 has been installed, you can set the clock built into the camcorder using the GPS clock. Display the TIME/DATE page of the DIAGNOSIS menu. Local time Turn the MENU knob to move the t mark to GPS ADJUST, and push the MENU knob.
2-6-4 Setup Related to Display of GPS Data GPS data display To display the current location based on the GPS data in the INFORMATION window on the viewfinder while recording or playing back, you have to make the proper settings on the SET STATUS page of the OPERATION menu.
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GPS data reception status display To display the GPS data reception status on the viewfinder, you have to change settings on the VF DISP 2 page of the OPERATION menu. Set the DISP GPS item to ON. For detailed information on the status display, see “Displaying the GPS data reception status on the viewfinder”...
6 to 20 seconds After memory loss Within 5 minutes; 3 to 6 seconds More than 5 minutes; 6 to 10 seconds Communication method SONY standard serial communication Antenna Power voltage 3.3 V 2-26 Chapter 2 Using GPS Data (When Using an HKDW-704)
Note Depending on the environmental condition and circumstances, the actual time may exceed the values described above. a) Cold start: When you turn the power on for the first time after you purchased the unit or after replacing a depleted battery with a backup battery b) Warm start: After one hour or more since the power was turned off last c) Hot start: Within one hour since the power was turned off last d) Almanac data and ephemeris data are data related to the orbit of GPS satellites.
2-7-3 GPS Output Format for the REMOTE Connector (8-pin) SONY standard communication specification Communication method Asynchronous serial interface Transmission speed 9600 (bps) Data length 8 bits Start bit 1 bit Stop bit 1 bit Parity None Electronic level RS232C Input/output code...
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Output message [Message format] ASCII code consisting of 150 characters including <CR> and <LF> as one block is output every one second. SONY81 0112092130929 N3537404 E13944527 +0018 001 222 (6) (7) 0112092130928 (10) (11) OhoFW UCFEJ gCEFZ BbeFK SDIFK NBRAB cDgFN CDHFG (12) (13) (14)
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(9): DOP HDOP: Horizontal (2 coordinates) PDOP: Position (3 coordinates) A = Minimum, Q = Maximum (10):Calculating mode 2 = using 2 satellites, 3 = using 3 satellites, 4 = 4 or more satellites (11):Geodetic system Refer to the Geodetic system list (12) to (27):Satellite information This data is output only when a camcorder is in REC or EE mode.
2-7-4 Troubleshooting Symptom Causes/remedies The current location is The unit cannot receive radio signals due to not displayed on the objects which block the signals. viewfinder even if the — Move to a place where you can see the GPS function is set to horizon.
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(in units of location, replace the backup battery of the years). camcorder. (Ask your nearest Sony service center to replace it.) The clock of the The GPS clock works on UTC time and the camcorder adjusted local time is set by setting the time difference.
3-1 Overview The Tele-File mark, that is a rating of the images recorded just before they are recorded, can be recorded onto the memory label with the recording start time code, every time the unit enter the rec pause mode. The following three kinds of Tele-File marks are available: •...
3-2 Assigning the TELEFILE MARK Function to the ASSIGN 1 Switch Follow the procedure below to assign the TELEFILE MARK function to the ASSIGN 1 switch. Set the MENU ON/OFF switch to ON. Turn the MENU knob until the FUNCTION 1 page appears, and push the MENU knob.
3-3 Recording a Tele-File Mark (OK/NG/KP) onto the Memory Label Follow the procedure below to record Tele-File marks while shooting. Start recording and set the unit to rec pause mode by pushing the VTR START button or the VTR button on the lens. Push the ASSIGN 1 switch and select the appropriate mark from among OK, NG, KP or ERASE.
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Note The Tele-File marks are recorded only when they are recorded using the ASSIGN 1 switch to which this function is applied. If you perform normal operations for starting recording and entering in rec pause mode, the unit activates the operation explained in “Recording the Recording Start Time Code onto the Memory Label - Tele-File”...
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Message related to mis-operation “INVALID OPERATION” The message appears when you push the ASSIGN 1 switch before you start recording. The operation is invalid. Confirming the remaining capacity on the memory label and clearing recorded data For detailed information, refer to “To confirm the remaining capacity on the memory label”...
4-1 Overview The HKDW-705 SLOW SHUTTER BOARD is an option board that can be installed in an HDW-730/750/750P. By installing this board, the Slow Shutter function, which realizes ultra high sensitivity, is added. The Slow Shutter function is useful not only for shooting in extremely dark conditions, but also for shooting moving objects with a special effect of afterimage.
4-2 Setting the SLS Mode Follow the procedure below to select the shutter speed in the SLS mode. Set VF DISPLAY MODE to 2 or 3 on the VF DISP 1 page of the OPERATION menu. Push the SHUTTER selector from ON to SEL. SHUTTER selector The current shutter setting appears for about 3 seconds in the setting change and adjustment progress message display area of the...
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Before the “:” disappears, push the SHUTTER selector to SEL again and repeat this operation until “: SLS : **FRAME” appears. “**” indicates the number of frames and one of the frame number among 1 to 64 is displayed. Pushing the SHUTTER selector to SEL repeatedly allows you to cycle through the settings of mode and speed preselected on the SHT ENABLE page of the OPERATION menu and shutter speeds in SLS mode when an HKDW-705 option board is installed.
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While “:” at the top of the current shutter is displayed, turn the MENU knob until the desired number of frames appears. If you turn the MENU knob clockwise or counterclockwise, the number of frame changes in the following sequence: 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 5 y 6 y 7 y 8 y 16 y 32 y 64.
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If you switch the GAIN selector position, noise may appear. • The following phenomena are characteristics of CCD. They are not malfunctions. For detailed information, consult your Sony dealer. — If you select a large number of frames, white speckles may appear on the CCD.
Time Difference and Time Difference World Map Time Difference CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS Greenwich UTC-01:00 Azores UTC-02:00 M-ATLANTIC UTC-03:00 ARGENTINE Halifax UTC-04:00 Halifax New York UTC-05:00 New York Chicago UTC-06:00 Chicago Denver UTC-07:00 Denver Los Angeles UTC-08:00 LOSANGELES UTC-09:00 Alaska...
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CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS UTC+3:00 Moscow UTC+2:00 E-Europe UTC+1:00 C-Europe UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use TP-3 Time precision class 3 TP-2 Time precision class 2 TP-1 Time precision class 1 TP-0 Time precision class 0 UTC-00:30 UTC-01:30 UTC-02:30...
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CODE OFFSET Standard time Daylight saving HOURS UTC+5:30 Bombay UTC+4:30 Kabul UTC+3:30 Tehran UTC+2:30 UTC+1:30 UTC+0:30 UTC+12:45 UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use UNDEFINED Reserved: do not use User Defined time offset UNDEFINED Unknown...
Geodetic System and Areas (for Navin’You) Output Set value Geodetic System Standard Orbit Countires WGS-84 WGS-84 TOKYO Bassel 1841 Japan, Korea ADINDAN Clarke 1880 Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal, Sudan ARC 1950 Clarke 1880 Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire,Zambia, Zimbabwe CAPE Clarke 1880 South Africa MERCHICH Clarke 1880...
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Output Set value Geodetic System Standard Orbit Countires EUROPIAN International Austria, Belgium, 1950 Cyprus, Channel Islands, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Schetland Island, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland IRELAND Modified Airy Ireland 1965 ORDNANCE Airy England, Isle of...
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Output Set value Geodetic System Standard Orbit Countires GEODETIC International New Zealand DATUM 1949 PROVISIONAL International Bolivia, Chile, SOUTH Colombia, AMERICAN Ecuador, Guyana, 1956 Peru, Venezuela SOUTH South American Argentina, Bolivia, AMERICAN 1969 Brazil,Chile, 1969 Colombia, Ecuador,Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela CAMPO International...
MENU knob. Display the ROM VERSION page. Example: ROM VERSION page of the HDW-730/750/750P For the MSW-900/900P, confirm that the AT and SS ROM versions are 1.6 or later. for the HDW-730/750/750P, confirm that the AT and SS ROM versions are 1.70 or later.
Glossary Almanac data Information transmitted by each satellite concerning its the orbit. Calculation mode 3D Operating mode: A three-dimensional GPS position fix using 4 or more satellites. This mode gives the most precise position fix. 2D Operating mode: A two-dimensional GPS position fix using three satellites 2-satellite operating mode: Easy calculation method using two satellites.
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Ephemeris data Transmitted by each satellite, contains important information about the status of the satellite, the current date, and the time. Geodetic system Standard used to indicate locations on the earth. Global Geodetic System which is used all over the word is WGS 84. The GPS satellite orbits have been referenced to WGS 84.
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Navin’You format A Sony format used to display locations on a map. This format is used to display locations on a Navin’You map using GPS data. This format is applied only to Japan. NMEA format National Marine Electronics Association International standard for displaying NMEA-0183 map data.