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Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the advanced and compact F2300 cellular phone, designed to operate with the latest digital mobile communication technology. This user’s guide contains important information on the use and operation of this phone. Please read all the information carefully for optimal performance and to prevent any damage to or misuse of the phone.
For Your Safety Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this manual. Warning • Mobile Phones must be switched off at all times in an aircraft. • Do not hold the phone in your hand while driving. •...
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Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information This mobile phone model F2300 has been designed to comply with applicable safety requirement for exposure to radio waves. This requirement is based on scientific guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure this safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
Guidelines Product care and maintenance Warning: Use only batteries, charger and accessories approved for use with this particular phone model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the phone, and may be dangerous. •...
• Do not use the phone if the antenna is damaged. If a damaged antenna contacts skin, it may cause a slight burn. Please contact an LG Authorized Service Center to replace the damaged antenna. • The label of the phone contains important information for customer support purposes.
Guidelines Electronics devices All mobile phones may get interference, which could affect performance. • Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without requesting permission. Avoid placing the phone over the pacemaker, i.e. in your breast pocket. • Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones. •...
Unlike other battery systems, there is no memory effect that could compromise the battery’s performance. • Use only LG batteries and chargers. LG chargers are designed to maximize the battery life. • Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery pack.
Guidelines Network service • Some services and functions described in this user's guide are dependent on network or subscription. Therefore, all menus may not be available in your phone. Please consult network operator for more information about your subscription.
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F2300 User Guide F2300 features ....14 In-Call Menu ....31 Part of the phone .
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Table of Contents GPRS information ... . . 40 Copy all ..... . 48 Call duration .
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Table of Contents Voice mail centre ....62 Call settings ....70 Info message .
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Table of Contents Security certification ... . . 82 Reset profiles ....82 Browser version ....82 SIM service .
F2300 features Part of the phone 1. Earpiece 2. Main LCD • Top: Signal strength, battery level and various function • Bottom: Soft key indications Menu Names 3. Alpha numeric keys • In standby mode: Input numbers to dial Hold down –...
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F2300 features 1. Navigation key • In standby mode: Briefly: List of Favorites Briefly: List of Auto answer Briefly: List of Messages Briefly: List of Profiles Hold down: Activate/Deactivate Vibrate mode • In menu: scroll up & down 2. Confirm key 3.
F2300 features Display Information Icon area Text and graphic area Soft key indications Menu Names Area Description First line Displays various icons. See page 18. Display messages, instructions and Any Middle lines information that you enter, such As number to be dialled.
F2300 features The screen displays several icons. There are described below. On-Screen Icons Icon/Indicator Description Tells you the strength of the network signal. Call is connected. You can use GPRS service. Shows that you are using a roaming service. The alarm has been set and is on.
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F2300 features Icon/Indicator Description Vibrate only menu in profile. General menu in profile. Loud menu in profile. Silent menu in profile. Headset menu in profile. You can divert a call. Indicates that the phone is accessing the WAP. Indicates that you are using GPRS.
Getting started Installing the SIM card and the handset battery Make sure the power is off before you remove the battery. 1. Remove the battery cover. Press the battery release latch and slide the battery cover toward the bottom of the phone. And remove the battery cover. Note Removing the battery from the phone when the power is on may cause the phone to malfunction.
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Getting started 3. Install the SIM card. Insert the SIM card into the holder. Slide the SIM card into the SIM card holder. Make sure that the SIM card is inserted properly and that the gold contact area on the card is facing downwards.
Getting started Charging the Battery To connect the travel adapter to the phone, you must have installed the battery. 1. Ensure the battery is fully charged before using the phone. 2. With the arrow facing you as shown in the diagram push the plug on the battery adapter into the socket on the bottom of the phone until it clicks into place.
Getting started Warning • Unplug the power cord and charger during lightning storms to avoid electric shock or fire. • Make sure that no sharp-edged items such as animal teeth, nails, come into contact with the battery. There is a risk of this causing a fire.
General Functions Making a Call 1. Make sure your phone is powered on. 2. Enter a phone number including the area code. To edit a number on the display screen, simply press the key to erase one digit at a time. Press and hold the key to erase the entire number.
General Functions Adjusting the Volume During a call, if you want to adjust the earpiece volume, use the side keys of the phone. In idle mode, you can adjust the key volume using the side keys. Answering a Call When you receive a call, the phone rings and the flashing phone icon appears on the screen.
General Functions Entering Text You can enter alphanumeric characters by using the phone’s keypad. For example, storing names in the Address Book, writing a message, creating scheduling events in the calendar all require entering text. The following text input methods are available in the phone. Note Some fields may allow only one text input mode (e.g.
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General Functions Using the T9 Mode The T9 predictive text input mode allows you to enter words easily with a minimum number of key presses. As you press each key, the phone begins to display the characters that it thinks you are typing based on a built-in dictionary.
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General Functions Using the ABC Mode Use the keys to enter your text. 1. Press the key labeled with the required letter: Once for the first letter. Twice for the second letter. And so on. 2. To insert a space, press the key once.
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General Functions Using the 123 (Numbers) Mode The 123 Mode enables you to enter numbers in a text message (a telephone number, for example). Press the keys corresponding to the required digits before manually switching back to the appropriate text entry mode. Using the Symbol Mode The Symbol Mode enables you to enter various symbols or special characters.
Selecting Functions and Options Your phone offers a set of functions that allow you to customize the phone. These functions are arranged in menus and sub-menus, accessed via the two soft keys marked . Each menu and sub-menu allows you to view and alter the settings of a particular function.
In-Call Menu Your phone provides a number of control functions that you can use during a call. To access these functions during a call, press the left soft key [Options]. During a Call The menu displayed on the handset screen during a call is different than the default main menu displayed when in idle screen, and the options are described below.
In-Call Menu Muting the Microphone You can mute the microphone during a call by pressing the [Options] key then selecting [Mute]. The handset can be unmuted by pressing the [Unmute]. When the handset is muted, the caller cannot hear you, but you can still hear them.
In-Call Menu Setting Up a Conference Call To set up a conference call, place one call on hold and while the active call is on, press the left soft key and then select the Join menu of Conference call. Activate the Conference Call on Hold To activate a conference call on hold, press the key.
Menu Tree 1 Profiles 4 Organiser 1 Vibrate only 1 Contacts 2 Silent 2 Scheduler 3 General 3 Memo 4 Loud 5 Headset 2 Call register 5 Messages 1 Missed calls 1 Write text message 2 Received calls 2 Write multimedia message 3 Dialled calls 3 Inbox 4 Delete recent calls...
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Menu Tree 6 Camera 8 Service 1 Take picture 1 Internet 2 Take in modes 2 SIM service 3 Take continuously 4 Album 5 Settings 7 Settings 9 Downloads 1 Alarm clock 1 Karaoke 2 Date & Time 2 Games & more 3 Phone settings 3 Pictures 4 Call settings...
Profiles Menu 1 In Profiles, you can adjust and customise the phone tones for different events, environments, or caller groups. There are six preset profiles: Vibrate only, Silent, General, Loud and Headset. Each profile can be personalised. Press the left soft key [Menu] and select Profiles using up/down navigation keys.
Profiles Auto answer: This function will be activated only when your phone is connected to the headset. • Off: The phone will not answer automatically. • After 5 secs: After 5 seconds, the phone will answer automatically. • After 10 secs: After 10 seconds, the phone will answer automatically.
Call register Menu 2 You can check the record of missed, received, and dialled calls only if the network supports the Calling Line Identification (CLI) within the service area. The number and name (if available) are displayed together with the date and time at which the call was made.
Call register Dialled calls Menu 2.3 This option lets you view the last 20 outgoing calls (called or attempted). You can also: • View the number if available and call it or save it in the Address Book • Enter new name for the number and save both in the Address Book •...
Call register Call costs Menu 2.5.2 Allows you to check the cost of your last call, all calls, remaining and reset the cost. To reset the cost, you need to PIN2 code. Settings Menu 2.5.3 (SIM Dependent) Set tariff: You can set the currency type and the unit price. Contact your service providers to obtain charging unit prices.
Tools Menu 3 Calculator Menu 3.1 This contains the standard functions such as +, –, x, ÷ : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. 1. Input the numbers by pressing numeric keys. 2. Use a navigation key to select a sign for calculation. 3.
Tools Voice recorder Menu 3.4 The voice memo feature you to record up to 10 voice messages and each memo is up to 15 Seconds. Record Menu 3.4.1 You can record voice memo in Voice recorder menu. 1. Once recording is started, the message Recording and the remaining time is displayed.
Tools Meeting Menu 3.6.3 You can adjust the answering phone mode as Meeting. Driving Menu 3.6.4 You can adjust the answering phone mode as Driving. User defined 1, 2 Menu 3.6.5/6 You can personalize answering phone mode, as you want by recording your voice.
Tools Save You can save phone number from the recorded voice messages. Write short message You can send a short text message to the caller who leave voice message. Write multimedia message You can send a multimedia message to the caller who leave voice message.
Organiser Menu 4 Contacts Menu 4.1 Note In standby mode, press right soft key [Names] to access directly. Search Menu 4.1.1 (Calling from phonebook) 1. Select Search by press the left soft key [Select] or [OK]. 2. Enter the name that you want to search or select left soft key [List] to view all the phonebook list.
Organiser Add new Menu 4.1.2 You can add phonebook entry by using this function. Phone memory capacity is 200 entries. SIM card memory capacity depends on the cellular service provider. You can also save 20 characters of name in The Phone memory, and save characters in the SIM card.
Organiser Speed dial Menu 4.1.4 You can assign any of the keys, with a Name list entry. You can call directly by pressing this key. 1. Open the phonebook first by pressing the Right soft key [Names] in standby mode. 2.
Organiser View options Scroll to highlight View options, and then press the left soft [Select]. - Name only: Set the phonebook list with displaying only name. - With pictures: Set the phonebook list with the information of character and picture. - Name &...
Organiser Delete all Menu 4.1.7 You can delete all entries in SIM and Phone. This function requires Security code. 1. Press the right soft key [Names] in standby mode and select Delete all, press [Select]. 2. Then select a memory to erase. 3.
Organiser Scheduler Menu 4.2 When you enter this menu a Calendar will show up. On top of the screen there are sections for date. Whenever you change the date, the calendar will be updated according to the date. And square cursor will be used to locate the certain day. If you see under bar on the calendar, it means that there is a schedule or memo that day.
Organiser View all Menu 4.2.3 Shows the notes that are set for all days. Use to browse through the note lists. If you want to view the note in detail, press left soft key [Select]. Delete past Menu 4.2.4 You can delete the past schedule that has been already notified you.
Messages Menu 5 This menu includes functions related to SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), voice mail, as well as the network’s service messages. Write text message Menu 5.1 You can write and edit text message, checking the number of message pages.
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Messages Options Send: Sends text messages. 1. Enter numbers of recipient. 2. Press key to add more recipients. 3. You can add phone numbers in the address book. 4. Press the left soft key after entering numbers. All messages will be automatically saved in the outbox folder, even after a sending failure.
Messages Write multimedia message Menu 5.2 You can write and edit multimedia messages, checking message size. 1. Enter the Message menu by pressing the left soft key [Select]. 2. If you want to write a new message, select Write multimedia message.
Messages Remove media: You can remove picture, sound or video in the slide. Note This option can be shown only when any media exists. Add T9 dictionary: You can add your own word. This menu can be shown only when edit mode is Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc /T9ABC).
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Messages If the phone shows ‘No space for SIM message’, you have to delete only SIM messages from Inbox. If the phone displays ‘No space for message’, you can make space of each repository as deleting messages, media and applications. SIM message SIM message means the message exceptionally stored in SIM card.
Messages Outbox Menu 5.4 You can see sent and unsent messages here. For sent message, you can see the delivery status. The browsing is same as that for the inbox message. Icon Icon directive MMS Sent MMS Unsent MMS delivery confirmed SMS sent SMS unsent SMS delivery confirmed...
Messages Drafts Menu 5.5 Using this menu, you can preset up to five multimedia messages that you use most frequently. This menu shows the preset multimedia message list. The following options are available. View: You can see the multimedia messages. Edit: Modifies the massage you choose.
Messages Info message Menu 5.7 (Dependent to network and subscription) Info service messages are text messages delivered by the network to GSM. They provide general information such as weather reports, traffic news, taxis, pharmacies, and stock prices. Each type of has the number;...
Messages Templates Menu 5.8 Text templates Menu 5.8.1 You have 6 text templates as below; • Please call me back • I'm late. I will be there at • Where are you now? • I am on the way. • Top urgent. Please contact. •...
Messages Settings Menu 5.9 Text message Menu 5.9.1 Message types: Text, Voice, Fax, Natl. paging, X.400, Email, ERMES Usually, the type of message is set to Text. You can convert your text into alternative formats. Contact your service provider for the availability of this function. Validity period: This network service allows you to set how long your text messages will be stored at the message centre.
Messages Permitted types Personal: Personal message. Advertisements: Commercial message. Information: Necessary information. Voice mail centre Menu 5.9.3 You can receive the voicemail if your network service provider supports this feature. When a new voicemail is arrived, the symbol will be displayed on the screen. Please check with your network service provider for details of their service in order to configure the phone accordingly.
Camera Menu 6 With the camera you can take pictures of people and events while on the move. Take picture Menu 6.1 • To take a picture with Folder opened 1. Select Take picture, and then press . If you want to reach this menu directly, press for a long time.
Camera • To take a picture with Folder closed You can see yourself by sub LCD, when you take your self-portrait. 1. Press [ ] for a long time. 2. Select Take picture highlight with side volume key [ ], then press [ 3.
Camera Album Menu 6.4 You can view and send a picture. In addition, you can set the window as a background. All pictures Menu 6.4.1 You can view all pictures in order. General pictures Menu 6.4.2 You can view all pictures except of frame and phone book ones. Mode pictures Menu 6.4.3 You can view all frame pictures.
Camera Phonebook pictures Menu 6.4.4 You can view all phonebook pictures. Set as wallpaper: You can set a picture as a wallpaper. Slide show: This menu allows you to view as a slide show automatically. Delete: You can delete a picture. Edit title: You can edit the title of picture.
Settings Menu 7 You can set the following menus for your convenience and preferences. 1. Press [Menu] in standby mode. 2. Press for direct access to enter Settings. Alarm clock Menu 7.1 You can set up to 5 alarm clocks to go off at a specified time. 1.
Settings Phone settings Menu 7.3 You can set functions relating to the phone. Display settings Menu 7.3.1 Wallpaper: You can select the background pictures in standby mode. - Main LCD - Sub LCD Default You can select a picture or an animation of wallpaper by pressing My folder You can select a picture or an animation as wallpaper.
Settings Call settings Menu 7.4 You can set the menu relevant to a call by pressing [Select] in the Setting menu. Call divert Menu 7.4.1 The Call divert service allows you to divert incoming voice calls, fax calls, and data calls to another number. For details, contact your service provider.
Settings The submenus Call divert menus have the submenus shown below. - Activate Activate the corresponding service. To voice mail centre Forwards to message centre. This function is not shown at All data calls and All fax calls menus. To other number Inputs the number for diverting.
Settings Send my number Menu 7.4.3 (network and subscription dependent) You can send your phone number to another party. Your phone number will be shown on the receiver’s phone. Your phone number will not be shown. Set by network If you select this, you can send your phone number depending on two line service such as line 1 or line 2.
Settings Auto redial Menu 7.4.6 When this function is activated, the phone will automatically try to redial in the case of failure to connect a call. Your phone will not make any attempts to redial when the original call has not connected. Security settings Menu 7.5 PIN code request...
Settings Call barring Menu 7.5.3 The Call barring service prevents your phone from making or receiving certain category of calls. This function requires the call barring password. You can view the following submenus. All outgoing The barring service for all outgoing calls. International The barring service for all outgoing international calls.
Settings Fixed dial number Menu 7.5.4 (SIM dependent) You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. The numbers are protected by your PIN2 code. Activate You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. Cancel You can cancel fixed dialling function. Number list You can view the number list saved as Fixed dial number.
Settings Network settings Menu 7.6 You can select a network which will be registered either automatically or manually. Usually, the network selection is set to Automatic. Automatic Menu 7.6.1 If you select Automatic mode, the phone will automatically search for and select a network for you. Once you have selected “Automatic”, the phone will be set to “Automatic”...
Service Menu 8 You can access various WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) services such as banking, news, weather reports and flight information. These services are specially designed for mobile phones and they are maintained by WAP service providers. Check the availability of WAP services, pricing and tariffs with your network operator and/or the service provider whose service you wish to use.
Service Internet Menu 8.1 Home Menu 8.1.1 Connects to a homepage. The homepage will be the site which is defined in the activated profile. It will be defined by the service provider if you have not defined it in the activated profile. Bookmarks Menu 8.1.2 This menu allows you to store the URL of favourite web pages for...
Service Profiles Menu 8.1.3 A profile is the network information used to connect to the Internet. Each profile has submenus as follows: Activate: Activates the selected profile. Settings: Use this to edit and change WAP settings for the selected profile. - Homepage: This setting allows you to enter the address (URL) of a site you want to use as homepage.
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Service - GPRS settings: The service settings are only available when GPRS is chosen as a bearer service. IP address: Input the IP address of the WAP gateway you access. APN: Input the APN of the GPRS. User ID: The users identify for your APN server. Password: The password required by your APN server.
Service Rename: You can change the profile name. Delete: Deletes the selected profile from the list. Add new: You can add a new profile. Go to URL Menu 8.1.4 You can connect directly to the site you want. After entering a specific URL, press the OK key.
Service Security certification Menu 8.1.7 A list of the available certification is shown. Authority: You can see the list of authority certificates that have been stored in your phone. Personal: You can see the list of personal certificates that have been stored in your phone.
Downloads Menu 9 Karaoke Menu 9.1 Karaoke is the sing-a-long functionality. You can download the song to the phone by using the WAP. These function come with synchronised lyrics to prompt you singing along. Start to Karaoke menu 1. Select Karaoke, press by the left soft key Note In standby mode, press Downloads hot key , and then select Karaoke to access directly.
Downloads Back to list: Go back to the list. New song Select the New song by pressing the OK key. A new song can be downloaded using the network connection. Help Games & more Menu 9.2 • My games & more: In this menu, you can manage the Java applications installed in your phone.
Downloads Java ‚ is a technology developed by Sun Microsystems. Similar to the way you would download the Java Applet using the standard Netscape or MS Internet Explorer browsers, Java MIDlet can be downloaded using the WAP enabled phone. Depending on the service provider, all Java based programs such as Java games can be downloaded and run on a phone.
Downloads Sounds Menu 9.4 The left soft key [Options] will bring up the following options. Set as ringtone: This sets the Ring Tone with currently selected Sound. Write messages: Melody Sound can be sent via SMS and MMS.
Data cable/CD You can connect your phone to PC to exchange the data between them. Note • Always use genuine LG accessories. • Failure to do this may invalidate your warranty. • Accessories may be different in different regions; please check...