11. Stand-alone Test
11.3 Stand-alone Test
1) Test Procedure
Test procedure of XCALMON is the same as below procedure.
- Configuration of test environment
- Running ITP using preloader and production loaders
- Verification of stand-alone test by Quick Command mode
A. Configuration of test environment
Configure to test the mobile phone like 12.1. If configuration will be accomplished, XCALMON program
will be started.
B. Running ITP Using Preloader and Production Loaders
If XCALMON will be executed, you should run ITP using "L" ITP starting icon at first.
Click the "L" icon, then you will see the ITP start window like 12-2 D.
When you will turn on the mobile phone, the loaders will be downloaded automatically like below figure
and then it will execute the ITP at once.
4 loaders are needed and exists in the folder "loader". And all you have to do is select the profile
"KF750_KT520_20080412.prfl" If the ITP will operate normally, you should see the characters "TP,
OK" in ITP command window like 12-2 A.
LGE Internal Use Only
Loader downloading
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