Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Command or Action
Step 1
switch# configure terminal
Step 2
switch(config)# vpc bind-vrf vrf-name vlan
This example shows how to bind a vPC to the default VRF instance using VLAN 2:
switch(config)# vpc bind-vrf default vlan vlan2
Enabling Layer 3 Forwarding to the Gateway MAC Address of the vPC
The vPC peer-gateway feature allows a vPC switch to act as the active gateway for packets that are addressed
to the router MAC address of the vPC peer. You can enable local forwarding without the need to cross the
vPC peer-link. In this scenario, the feature optimizes use of the peer-link and avoids potential traffic loss.
You can enable Layer 3 forwarding for packets destined to the gateway MAC address of the virtual Port
Channel (vPC).
You must configure this feature on both vPC peer switches.
1. switch# configure terminal
2. switch(config)# vpc domain domain-id
3. switch(config-vpc-domain))# peer-gateway range
Command or Action
Step 1
switch# configure terminal
Step 2
switch(config)# vpc domain domain-id
Step 3
switch(config-vpc-domain))# peer-gateway
Enabling Layer 3 Forwarding to the Gateway MAC Address of the vPC
Enters global configuration mode.
Binds a VRF instance to a vPC and specifies the VLAN to bind
to the vPC. The VLAN ID range is from 1 to 3967 and from 4049
to 4093.
Enters configuration mode.
Creates a vPC domain on the switch if it does not already exist,
and enters the vpc-domain configuration mode.
Enables Layer 3 forwarding for packets destined to the gateway
MAC address of the virtual Port Channel (vPC).
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide, Release 5.1(3)N1(1)