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Harman AMX VISION2 V8.4 Instruction Manual page 62

Video management and distribution
Table of Contents


44. Open the V2 Manager UI and login as administrator.
45. Select Manage System > Manage Licensing.
46. Drag an Archive license onto the server you want to host the NAS Archive. This must be on the same server on which you have
performed the above configuration.
47. Double-click the New Archive license to configure the Archive (FIG. 75).
Configure Archive
FIG. 75
48. Do not change the Archive Path but set the Content Archive text box to the UNC Path of the NAS Archive, for example:
The Available Storage on this Drive graphic will change and display the New Storage space on the NAS.
49. Change the following Streaming URLs to point to the NAS drive Virtual Directory. Edit existing URLs excluding the Flash URL.
For example, from:
MPEG-2 = http://<servername>/v2/Archives/ArchiveX
MPEG-2 = http://<servername>/v2/Archives/ArchiveNAS
Configure Archive Screen Modified
FIG. 76
50. Click Apply to save the changes.
51. The server is now configured to use the NAS share for the Archive service.
52. Restart the server.
NOTE: Once an Archive is conf igured and media is started to upload to the archive, do not change the settings (except the service
name) as access to the data will be lost.
Instruction Manual
Archive Service


Table of Contents

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