1MRK 504 165-UEN E
Section 1
This manual
The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The manual
can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance during the
testing phase. The manual provides procedures for the checking of external circuitry and
energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying settings by
secondary injection. The manual describes the process of testing an IED in a substation which
is not in service. The chapters are organized in the chronological order in which the IED should
be commissioned. The relevant procedures may be followed also during the service and
maintenance activities.
Intended audience
This manual addresses the personnel responsible for commissioning, maintenance and taking
the IED in and out of normal service.
The commissioning personnel must have a basic knowledge of handling electronic equipment.
The commissioning and maintenance personnel must be well experienced in using protection
equipment, test equipment, protection functions and the configured functional logics in the
Transformer protection RET670
Commissioning manual
© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved
Section 1
GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v19
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