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Customizing Systemguard For Your Needs - IBM 7013 J Series Operator's Manual

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Customizing SystemGuard For Your Needs

SystemGuard is controlled by several flags. The flags consist of Contract Flags, Operational
Flags, Remote Maintenance Flags, and Test Flags.
Remote Service Flag
This flag is disabled at the factory and must be enabled for remote service
Operational Flags
The Operational Flags are the BUMP Console flag, the AutoService IPL flag, and Set Mode
to Normal When Booting flag, which are enabled at the factory, however, they can be
customized for your needs.
The BUMP Console flag enables the SystemGuard Console attached to Serial Port 1. If
enabled, the console attached to Serial Port 1 is shared with the operating system. It is
recommended that this flag always be enabled if a console is attached to Serial Port 1. This
flag can be set from the Set Flags menu, MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS menu, or the
Service Aids.
The AutoService IPL flag instructs SystemGuard to bypass the MAINTENANCE MENU
when the system is booted in Service Mode. This enables the system to be booted quicker
when installing the operating system and when loading the diagnostics. It is recommended
that this flag always be enabled unless there is a need to use the MAINTENANCE MENU.
This flag can be set from the Set Flags menu, MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS menu, or
the Service Aids.
The Set Mode to Normal When Booting flag instructs SystemGuard to reset the Electronic
Key to Normal when booting. It is recommended that this flag always be enabled. This flag
can be set from the MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS menu or the Service Aids.
Test Flags
The Test Flags are the Boot Multiuser AIX in Service flag, Fast IPL flag, Extended Tests flag,
PowerOn Tests in Loop Mode flag, and PowerOn Tests in Trace Mode flag. They are
disabled at the factory. They are used during testing and do not need to be customized.
Remote Maintenance Flags
The Remote Maintenance Flags are the Remote Authorization flag, Dial-Out Authorization
flag, and Electronic Mode Switch from Service Line flag. They are disabled at the factory,
however, they can be customized for your needs.
The Remote Authorization flag enables the SystemGuard Console to use Serial Port 2 for a
Remote Console and to report problems to a remote site. If enabled, Serial Port 2 is shared
with the operating system. The setting of this flag depends if you are using remote
maintenance or not. This flag can be set from the Set Flags menu, MISCELLANEOUS
PARAMETERS menu, or the Service Aids.
The Dial-Out Authorization flag enables the SystemGuard Console to report problems that
prevent the system from booting to be reported to a remote site via Serial Port 2. The setting
of this flag depends if you are using remote maintenance or not and if you want problems
that prevent the system from booting to be reported to a remote site. This flag can be set
from the Set Flags menu, MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS menu, or the Service Aids. If
this flag is enabled, a Service Center Dial-Out phone number must be set.
The Electronic Mode Switch from Service Line flag enables the Electronic Mode Switch to
be controlled from the Service Console. The setting of this flag depends if you want the
Electronic Mode Switch to be controlled from the Service Line or not. This flag can be set
from the MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS menu or the Service Aids.
Operator Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents