If Something Goes Wrong
Abnormal system shutdown
If you perform an abnormal system shutdown and your system does not restart when you
press the Power On/Off button:
Unplug the server's power cable(s), wait approximately 30 seconds, then reconnect
the power cable(s).
Press the power button again.
Before calling for service
If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please confirm and record the following
information prior to contacting Toshiba Technical Support:
Product name and model number of the server (located on the rear of the server)
Serial number of the server
List of hardware and software components installed in the server
Brief statement of the problem
How frequently the problem occurs
Environment in which the problem occurred
Method of simulating the problem
Toshiba Technical Support
If you need assistance:
Download the latest drivers, view detailed installation instructions, and access the latest
server information
Toshiba Global Support Centre
Calling within the United States (800) 457-7777
Calling from outside the United States (949) 859-4273
Abnormal system shutdown