Chapter 2
Ethernet Commands
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interface port-channel
To create an EtherChannel interface and enter interface configuration mode, use the interface
port-channel command. To remove an EtherChannel interface, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
A port can belong to only one channel group.
When you use the interface port-channel command, follow these guidelines:
This example shows how to create an EtherChannel group interface with channel-group number 50:
switch(config)# interface port-channel 50
Related Commands
show interface
interface port-channel channel-number
no interface port-channel channel-number
Channel number that is assigned to this EtherChannel logical interface. The
range of valid values is from 1 to 4096.
This command was introduced.
If you are using CDP, you must configure it only on the physical interface and not on the
EtherChannel interface.
If you do not assign a static MAC address on the EtherChannel interface, a MAC address is
automatically assigned. If you assign a static MAC address and then later remove it, the MAC
address is automatically assigned.
The MAC address of the EtherChannel is the address of the first operational port added to the
channel group. If this first-added port is removed from the channel, the MAC address comes from
the next operational port added, if there is one.
Displays information on traffic on the specified EtherChannel interface.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Command Reference
interface port-channel