Chapter 8
Fibre Channel Commands
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fspf cost
To configure FSPF link cost for an FCIP interface, use the fspf cost command. To revert to the default
value, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id
Command Default
1000 seconds for 1 Gigabits per second interfaces.
500 seconds for 2 Gigabits per second interfaces.
Command Modes
Interface configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command is not applicable to virtual Fibre Channel interfaces.
FSPF tracks the state of links on all switches in the fabric, associates a cost with each link in its database,
and then chooses the path with a minimal cost. The cost associated with an interface can be changed
using the fspf cost command to implement the FSPF route selection.
The following example configures the FSPF link cost on an FCIP interface:
switch(config)# interface fc 2/1
switch(config-if)# fspf cost 5000 vsan 1
Related Commands
show fspf interface
show interface fc
fspf cost link-cost vsan vsan-id
no fspf cost link-cost vsan vsan-id
Enters FSPF link cost in seconds. The range is 1 to 65535.
Specifies a VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.
This command was introduced.
Displays information for each selected interface.
Displays an interface configuration for a specified Fibre Channel interface.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Command Reference
fspf cost