show spanning-tree mst
S e n d c o m m e n t s t o n x 5 0 0 0 - d o c f e e d b a c k @ c i s c o . c o m
show spanning-tree mst
To display information on MST status and configuration, use the show spanning-tree mst command.
Syntax Description
interface slot/port |
port-channel number
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the switch is not running in STP MST mode when you enter this command, it returns the following
ERROR: Switch is not in mst mode
This example shows how to display STP information about MST instance information for the VLAN
ports that are currently active:
switch# show spanning-tree mst
This example shows how to display STP information about a specific MST instance:
switch)# show spanning-tree mst 0
This example shows how to display detailed STP information about the MST protocol:
switch)# show spanning-tree mst detail
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Command Reference
show spanning-tree mst [instance-id [detail | interface {interface slot/port | port-channel
number} [detail]]
show spanning-tree mst [configuration [digest]]
show spanning-tree mst [detail | interface {interface slot/port | port-channel number}} [detail]]
(Optional) The MST instance range that you want to display. For example, 0
to 3, 5, 7 to 9.
(Optional) Displays detailed MST information.
(Optional) Specifies the interface. Use either the type of interface and its slot
and port number, or the EtherChannel number.
(Optional) Displays current MST regional information including the
VLAN-to-instance mapping of all VLANs.
(Optional) Displays information about the MD5 digest.
This command was introduced.
Chapter 3
Ethernet Show Commands