debug logfile
S e n d c o m m e n t s t o n x 5 0 0 0 - d o c f e e d b a c k @ c i s c o . c o m
debug logfile
To direct the output of the debug commands to a specified file, use the debug logfile command. To revert
to the default, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
size bytes
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The Cisco NX-OS software creates the logfile in the log: file system root directory. Use the dir log:
command to display the log files.
This example shows how to specify a debug log file:
switch# debug logfile debug_log
This example shows how to revert to the default debug log file:
switch# no debug logfile debug_log
Related Commands
show debug logfile
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Command Reference
debug logfile filename [size bytes]
no debug logfile filename [size bytes]
Name of the file for debug command output. The filename is alphanumeric,
case sensitive, and has a maximum of 64 characters.
(Optional) Specifies the size of the log file in bytes. The range is from 4096
to 4194304.
This command was introduced.
Displays the contents of a directory.
Displays the debug logfile contents.
Chapter 1
Basic System Commands