Starting and stopping operating hours counters
There are two ways of starting or stopping counting with the operating hours counter
AI Energy Meter HF:
● Counting with gate
The module starts counting when you set the DQ bit for the counter gate in the output
data using an edge change from 0 -> 1. If you reset the DQ bit for the counter gate using
an edge change from 1 -> 0, the counter stops.
● Counting without gate
The module starts counting immediately as soon as the module is switched on. Counting
cannot be stopped.
Both options are described in the following sections.
Counting with gate
The current value is higher than the configured "Low limit for measuring current in relation to
nominal value current [0.1%]".
If you wish to start counting using the gate, proceed as follows:
1. Activate the parameter "Enable operating hours counter gate" in the parameter
assignment of the module.
2. Set the DQ bit for the counter gate (Bit 4) in control byte 1 in the output data.
The module starts counting as soon as there is an edge change from 0 -> 1 at the DQ bit for
the counter gate.
If you wish to stop the counting again, then reset Bit 4 in control byte 1 in the output data.
Counting stops at an edge change from 1 -> 0.
The "Enable operating hours counter gate" parameter and the DQ bit for the "counter date"
behave like the parallel connection of contacts.
Figure 8-3
Analog input module AI Energy Meter 480VAC/CT HF (6ES7134-6PA00-0CU0)
Manual, 07/2018, A5E42674880-AA
Gate enabled
8.3 Starting and stopping operating hours counters
Operating hours counter