show wlan signal-recorder <wlan 0/X>
The parameter has the following meaning:
wlan 0/X
For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface
identifiers and addresses (Page 29)".
The status of the signal recorder and the recording are displayed.
● If the recording has started, the configured interval and the current number of recorded
measured values are displayed.
● If the recording has stopped, the configured interval and the number of recorded measured
values are displayed.
wlan signal-recorder start (client)
With this command, you configure and start recording with the signal recorder. The recorded
measured values are saved every 10 minutes and logged in files. On completion of the
recording, the files can be downloaded as a zip file using http or tftp.
The automatic saving contains only the last fully elapsed 10 minutes. The remaining minutes
are discarded.
If the signal recorder is ended manually or if the procedure was ended automatically, the file
contains all the values since the start of the recording.
If a recording is interrupted before 10 minutes have elapsed (e.g. due to a restart or power
down), no signal recorder file is saved.
This command is only available in the client mode.
● The WLAN interface is enabled.
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode.
The command prompt is as follows:
cli> or cli#
SCALANCE W770/W730 acc. to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 09/2017, C79000-G8976-C324-08
WLAN interface
Functions specific to SCALANCE
Range of values / note
Enter a valid interface.
5.3 Signal recorder