Further notes
You display the setting with the show wlan ipcf-ht command.
You configure the scanning mode with the Befehl wlan ipcf-ht scan-mode command.
This section describes the commands relevant for working with the iPCF-MC function
(industrial Point Coordination Function - Management Channel).
The commands are only available if the SCALANCE W700 device supports iPFC-MC or the
function can be enabled.
● iPCF-MC is enabled with the aid of the following KEY-PLUGs:
– W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00)
– W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00)
The "show" commands
This section describes commands with which you display various settings.
show wlan ipcf-mc
The command is only available if the SCALANCE W700 device supports iPFC-MC or the
function can be enabled.
● iPCF-MC is enabled with the aid of the following KEY-PLUGs:
– W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00)
– W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00)
This command shows the settings of iPCF-MC.
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode.
The command prompt is as follows:
cli> or cli#
SCALANCE W770/W730 acc. to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 09/2017, C79000-G8976-C324-08
Functions specific to SCALANCE
5.6 iPCF-MC