12.1 Diagnostics
The parameters have the following meaning:
The client selected for the transfer is disabled.
Further notes
You display the status of the events and the clients with the show events config command.
You enable the function with the client config command.
event config
With this command, you configure which of the various message types of the device will be
stored or forwarded.
The following events or message types are available:
● Message if there is cold or warm restart
● Message when there is a status change on a physical interface
● Message if there is an incorrect login
● Message when there is a status change in the power supply
● Message when there is a status change in the error monitoring
● Message when there is a change in the spanning tree
● Message if radio channels overlap
● Message when changes are made to the connection status of WDS
● Message if a radar signal is received or if there is a status change in the DFS scan.
● Message if the channel bandwidth changes
● Message for successful or failed authentication attempts
● Message if there is a change in the error status (error LED)
● Message when using iPCF.
These messages can be processed by the clients in different ways:
● Entry in the logbook of the device
● Sending the message to the log server of the system
Disables the client that sends the messages to the Syslog server
Disables the client that sends the SNMP traps
Disables the client that sends the e-mails
Disables all clients at once
SCALANCE W770/W730 acc. to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 09/2017, C79000-G8976-C324-08