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Index - Siemens SCALANCE W770 Series Configuration Manuals

Simatic net industrial wireless lan ieee 802.11n command line interface
Table of Contents



Access Point
dest-addr, 274
force roaming ip-down, 208
interval, 276
lost, 275
no force roaming ip-down, 209
no port, 278
no vap broadcast ssid,
no vap communication with ethernet,
no vap communication with other-vaps,
no vap communication with own-vap,
no vap security encryption,
no vap wds-only,
no wlan data rates-11n selected only,
no wlan force roaming eth-down,
no wlan ipcf protocol-support,
no wlan iPCF-HT protocol-support,
no wlan ipcf-mc roaming-filter,
no wlan security ap-radius-authenticator,
no wlan security ap-radius-authenticator primary,
port, 277
show client-list,
show client-list-vap,
show spanning-tree l2t-edge,
show wlan ap,
show wlan data rates,
show wlan force roaming ip-down, 195
show wlan overlap-ap-list,
show wlan vap,
show wlan wds,
show wlan wds-list,
vap broadcast ssid,
vap communication with ethernet,
vap communication with other-vaps,
vap communication with own-vap,
vap security authentication,
vap security cipher,
vap security default-key,
vap security encryption,
vap security wpa-group-key-update-interval,
vap security wpa-psk-passphrase,
vap ssid,
vap wds id,
vap wds only,
wds connection over,
wds partner id-type,
SCALANCE W770/W730 acc. to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 09/2017, C79000-G8976-C324-08
wds partner mac,
wds partner wds id,
wlan alternative channel,
wlan beacon interval,
wlan channel,
wlan data rate-11abg,
wlan data rate-11n,
wlan data rates-11abg selected only,
wlan data rates-11n selected only,
wlan dtim,
wlan force roaming eth-down,
wlan frequency band,
wlan guard interval,
wlan ht channel,
wlan ipcf cycle-time,
wlan ipcf protocol-support pnio,
wlan ipcf scan-mode,
wlan ipcf signal-quality-threshold,
wlan ipcf-ht cycle-time,
wlan ipcf-ht protocol-support pnio,
wlan ipcf-ht scan-mode,
wlan ipcf-ht signal-quality-threshold,
wlan ipcf-mc cycle-time,
wlan ipcf-mc protocol-support pnio,
wlan ipcf-mc roaming-filter,
wlan mode,
wlan overlap-ap aging,
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator,
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator address,
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator max-
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator port-
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator primary,
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator reauth-
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator reauth-
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator shared-
wlan spectrumanalyzer centerfrequency,
wlan spectrumanalyzer start,
wlan spectrumanalyzer stop,
activate-after-restart, 161
no activate-after-restart, 162
add log, 590
Configuration, 152


Table of Contents

Table of Contents